Lost on the Bayou

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Lost on the Bayou Page 17

by Rose Pressey

  I spotted Chloe as she was running away. What was she doing there? That was when it hit me that she’d seen me hugging my cousin’s wife. Stacy’s mother was ill and in the hospital. Since my cousin was out of town, she’d come to tell me she would be visiting her mother. Now Chloe must have thought that I was with another woman, just like she’d thought before. It was history repeating itself. I could see why she would think that though. I’d never get her to talk with me again now, not after last night. She probably thought I’d deceived her on purpose.

  Stacy ran up behind me. “Is everything okay?”

  I ran my hand through my hair and released a deep breath. “Everything will be fine.”

  I didn’t want to worry Stacy with my problems right now. She had a lot to deal with. She would blame herself and I didn’t want that. This was all my fault. If I hadn’t been stupid years ago then this wouldn’t be a problem now. It was difficult to right mistakes that had been made. But I had to try, even if it would be my last chance.

  “Who was that?” Stacy asked.

  I glanced over at her since she was now standing beside me. I didn’t say anything.

  “Someone you’re dating?” she asked. I nodded. “Well, I think she is upset with you.”

  I ran my hand through my hair. “Yes, I think she is slightly upset. I upset her a long time ago.”

  “Why haven’t you mentioned her before?”

  “It was a long time ago. She just recently came back to town.” I was still trying to process what had happened in my mind. “We kind of were together last night,” I said.

  Stacy glared at me. Her eyes widened. “You kind of were together last night? What is wrong with you?” She smacked my arm. “Go after her.” She motioned with her hands.

  “If I know her, and I think I do, I doubt she wants me to go after her.”

  “Well, if you don’t go after her you will regret it.”

  “I went after her years ago and she didn’t respond to that well, I hardly think anything has changed now.”

  “You won’t know unless you try,” Stacy said.

  I stared for a moment, and then nodded. “Okay.”

  She smiled. “Now that’s more like it.”

  “Maybe I should try to call her first,” I said.

  She shrugged. “It couldn’t hurt, but you should still go talk to her in person.”

  “Oh, I definitely will, but maybe if she’ll talk to me on the phone first it will help.” I touched my pants pocket and found my phone.

  That was when I realized I didn’t have my wallet. I must have left it in Chloe’s room. She would probably toss it in the trash. I dialed her number and let it ring, but just as I suspected, she didn’t answer.

  “No answer,” I said to Stacy.

  She motioned. “Go to her. I need to leave anyway.”

  She hugged me and then went over to her car. I jumped in my truck and that was when I noticed my wallet on the seat. Chloe must have dropped it in there on her way out. At least she hadn’t tossed it in the water. That was why she’d come to see me. I wanted to explain this mess more than anything, but my fear was that I wouldn’t even get the chance. I pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street. I drove as fast as I could without risking my brother pulling me over and giving me a ticket.

  After driving too fast though town, I pulled up to the hotel. As I was turning in, Chloe was pulling out. Our eyes met and she frowned. That was not the look that I had hoped for, but at least she hadn’t flipped her middle finger. I pulled around in the lot and pointed the truck in the right direction to follow her. It was probably a useless maneuver though because it wasn’t like she would stop for me. Hell, knowing Chloe she’d call the cops on me. She’d tell them that I was following her.

  I pulled out onto the street and drove behind her. There was another car in front of me, but so far I was able to keep up. It looked as if she was headed out of town. She was probably driving back to Baton Rouge to the airport. My stomach sank when I realized that she was going back to Arizona. She’d never return to Belle Grove. I guessed she’d given up on finding her uncle. I couldn’t blame her for wanting to leave and I probably shouldn’t follow her all the way to the airport, but I would.

  The more I drove, the more I realized that the car in front of me wasn’t acting right. It was following way too close to Chloe’s car. When I looked closer, I realized it was the inspector’s car. He was following Chloe too, but I knew his motives weren’t good like mine. The faster she drove the more he pursued her. I wanted to call her and tell her to stop, that I would take care of him, but I didn’t want her to wreck by answering her phone. When I got my hands on this bastard I’d knock him out.

  Chloe sped up, but then her car swerved. The car behind her had nudged hers. The next thing I knew, she was going off the road and into a ditch. The inspector’s car didn’t stop. Everything seemed in slow motion. The crunch of the metal as she slammed into the ditch. The screaming tires as she skidded off the road. She spun out, slamming into the ditch, and then the glass on her windshield shattered. For a moment, it felt as if my heart stopped beating.

  Chloe hadn’t gotten out of the car and I prayed that she would be okay. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to her. I thought the inspector had noticed that I was behind him at that point. He could run now, but I would catch up with him later.

  I wheeled my truck onto the road’s shoulder and shoved it into park. I jumped out of the truck and ran toward the car.

  “Chloe,” I yelled out, but she didn’t answer.

  She still hadn’t gotten out of the car. Panic had definitely set in now and I was fearing the worst. When I reached the car, I yanked the door open. Chloe had her hands on her head. The airbag had been deployed and the front of the car was smashed. She turned to look at me with a frightened look on her face. I reached in and pulled her out of the car.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m okay,” she said as she attempted to steady her feet. She looked back at the car. “I smashed it up bad, huh?”

  “Yes, it’s done.”

  “That was the inspector,” she said. “He bumped my car.”

  “I saw him. Come on, get in my truck. We’re going after him.”

  She stared at me for a moment, then nodded. “Okay, I guess I have no other options at the moment.”

  I took her hand. “No, you don’t. Thank goodness you’re okay.”

  I didn’t want her to wreck, but this would give me a chance to explain what had happened. Now if she would only give me that chance. I opened the car door and she hopped in.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked again.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and released a deep breath. “I’m fine.”

  I ran around to the other side and jumped behind the wheel. I cranked the engine and pulled back out onto the road. We probably wouldn’t be able to catch up to him, but I would find him. I would hunt him down wherever he went. I wouldn’t let him get away with this—not a chance.

  I punched the gas and headed in the direction that I thought he’d gone. If I didn’t see him I’d turn back and go to town. I’d go to his house if I had to.

  “Do you have any idea why he was following you?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know for sure. My guess is it has something to do with my uncle’s disappearance. By the way, I have something to tell you,” she said.

  I glanced over at her as I drove. “Oh yeah, what’s that? Should I be worried? Is something else wrong?”

  “My uncle called just a few minutes ago.”

  I almost ran off the road. “Are you sure it was him?”

  She nodded with a smile. “Oh yeah, I’m positive.”

  “Where in the hell is he?”

  “He called to warn me. He’d heard about Gina and knew that I’d come to look for him. He took off because someone was threatening to kill him and his family.”

  “And he just now told you this? Who w
as threatening him?”

  “My phone cut off and I didn’t get a chance to find out.”

  I pulled my phone out. “Well, call him back with my phone.”

  I shoved the phone in her direction. Before she had a chance to take the phone I looked back to the road and noticed the inspector’s car up ahead.

  “We caught him,” I said.

  Just then the inspector’s car swerved and he ran off the road. He crashed into the ditch almost exactly as Chloe had done miles back. But this time no one had forced him off the road—well, maybe karma had forced him off. I pushed the gas so that I could catch up before he had a chance to get out of the car.

  I reached his car and pulled up behind him. I shoved the truck into park and hopped out. Chloe ran up behind me. The car door opened and he was trying to get out. I didn’t bother to ask him if he was okay, because I honestly didn’t care. He was getting what he deserved. He looked over at me and Chloe and his eyes widened. He probably knew that he had really pissed me off now. If he wasn’t injured from the wreck then I was ready to do it on my own. He didn’t speak as he moved away from the car.

  When he reached the front of the car he ran. I didn’t know where he thought he was going because I would catch him. I took off after him. He jumped across the ditch and into the line of trees. That would make it harder to find him, but I wouldn’t give up. I jumped across the ditch and into the line of trees. The sun was blocked by the leaves and made it a little harder to see. I looked around, trying to see which direction he’d gone. That was when I saw him to my right running around the trees up ahead.

  I was faster than him. I took off in a sprint after him. He glanced back and saw me. When he turned around, he tumbled to his knees. Before he had a chance to get on his feet again, I had reached him. He looked up as I stepped closer to him. He lifted his arms up as if that would block me from seeing him.

  “Get up,” I yelled.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said.

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” I grabbed his shirt and yanked him to his feet.

  He turned to face me and then pulled his arm back and swung it in my direction. I was able to duck just in time before his fist met my face. I straightened again and then swung a punch in his direction. Luckily, it made contact with his face and he went down to the ground. He grabbed his face and groaned.

  “Having a bad day?” I asked. “Well, it’s about to get worse.”

  “What did you do with Taylor Beaumont?” I demanded.

  A frown snapped between his brows. “I told him to get out of town. He was meddling into things that wasn’t his business.”

  “Like you blackmailing people? Were you taking money in exchange for building permits? Gina and Taylor were on to you, weren’t they? That’s why you had to get rid of them?”

  “I don’t have to answer any of your questions.” His jaw tightened as he glared at me.

  “I think you’ll feel differently when you’re behind bars.”

  He looked at me and held his arm out. “Fine. I’ll tell you everything.”

  I stared at him. “I’m listening. What do you want to tell me?”

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chloe is glad Grant came after her.

  After Grant ran after Porter Brennan, I pulled out my phone. That was when I remembered that it wasn’t working. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I glanced over and saw Grant’s phone on the seat next to me. I picked it up and pushed 911. I gave the woman our location and she promised that police were on their way. I wondered if Grant’s brother would show up. What was I going to do in the meantime? I had to see if Grant needed my help. Had he found the inspector?

  I had no other choice but to run toward the line of trees where Grant had just disappeared. What I would do if I found the men, I wasn’t sure. Adrenaline surged through me, pushing me to find Grant and Porter. Anger poured through me, boiling my blood. Porter had tried to kill me when he ran me off the road.

  When I reached the tree line, I paused and contemplated which way I should go. I hadn’t watched to see which way Grant had gone. Had he run straight, to the right, or to the left? Noise echoed from my right, so that was the way I tried first.

  I prayed again that I wouldn’t get lost in the area. I moved along the uneven ground and that was when I spotted Grant. The inspector was on the ground and Grant was standing over him. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I knew that Grant wasn’t going to let the inspector get away.

  As I neared the men, Grant called out, “Chloe, is that you?”

  “Yes, it’s me,” I said.

  Grant didn’t turn around to look at me. “Can you call the police? My phone is in the truck on the seat.”

  “I’ve already called them.” I’d barely finished my sentence when I heard sirens near us. “I’m going to tell them where you are.”

  “I think the inspector is willing to get up and meet the police. Isn’t that right?” Grant asked him.

  Porter nodded as he pushed to his feet. I didn’t trust him though and I wanted the police to come and get him right away. When I reached the spot where I’d entered the tree line, the police saw me.

  I pointed out Grant and the inspector. “The men are over there. The inspector ran me off the road and then he had an accident,” I offered.

  After the police spoke with Grant, they took the inspector away in handcuffs. I still wasn’t sure what was going on with him.

  Grant walked over and smiled. “Are you still okay?”

  I nodded. “I’m much better now. I’m glad that wasn’t any crazier than it had to be.”

  He stepped closer and wrapped his arms around me. I didn’t push him away, although I still couldn’t be with him. He couldn’t just ignore what had happened. I knew what I’d seen. I broke free and pushed him away. He stepped back and stared at me. I saw the sadness in his eyes.

  “You just can’t hug me and expect that everything is okay now. It just won’t work for us.” I waved my hands.

  “I know what you thought you saw today, but it’s not what is going on,” he said.

  I stared at him. How could I trust him? How could I know that he was telling the truth?

  “The woman you saw me with is my cousin’s wife. She’s married to my cousin Robert. Her mother is very sick and he’s out of town. She came by to tell me and I offered her my support.” Sincerity was evident out on his face.

  Okay, now I felt stupid. But that didn’t correct the past.

  I looked down at my feet and then finally met his gaze. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know, but what do you expect me to think after what happened?”

  “What you think happened years ago never happened. You never gave me a chance to explain.” Grant reached out and grasped my hand in his.

  I stared at him. “What? You’re trying to tell me after all these years that what I saw wasn’t what really happened?”

  “I wasn’t with Debra. It was you I’ve always loved.”

  My stomach turned and I fought back tears in my eyes. I’d always loved Grant and this was almost more than I could handle.

  Ty walked over and interrupted our conversation, which was fine with me because I needed time to think about what Grant had just told me. Why hadn’t he told me before? Oh yeah, because I’d never given him that chance.

  “We know what happened with Gina.” Ty crossed his muscular arms across his chest casually as if he hadn’t just arrested a psycho.

  My eyes widened. “What do you mean?”

  “The inspector was in love with Gina. He had Anna Louise kill her. He said he would kill Anna Louise’s daughter if she didn’t kill Gina.”

  “Is that why my uncle left?” I said.

  He looked at me, confused. “What do you mean?”

  “My uncle called me,” I said.

  “We haven’t spoken with your uncle.” Ty exchanged a look with Grant.

  “He called me, but I didn’t get a chance to figure out where he is.”

/>   Ty stared for a moment and then said, “If you hear from him again can you tell him to call us?”

  I nodded. “I’ll tell him. Did you ever find out why Porter wanted me out of town so badly?”

  Ty met my gaze. “I suppose he wanted to avoid having to kill you.”

  A lump formed in my throat just thinking about how close I’d come to death.

  Grant touched my arm. “Let’s go back to my truck. We should get out of here.”

  “I need to tell the police about my accident and get my belongings out of the car.”

  “You’d packed your suitcase?” Disappointment filled his voice, sending a wave of regret through me.

  I nodded. “Yes, I was headed to the airport and back to Arizona.”

  Grant looked away without responding. I figured I’d wait for him in the truck. If I’d hurt his feelings, I was sorry, but I never intended for that to happen.

  When we were back in the truck, I said, “I should try to call my uncle. Do you mind if I use your phone now?”

  He handed me the phone. “Not at all.”

  I pushed in my uncle’s number and held my breath waiting for him to answer. I prayed that he would answer this time. After a few rings, he picked up.

  “My phone died,” I said. “Where are you?”

  He hesitated. “I’m on my way back. I have to get you out of there. I didn’t know you would go there. You need to get away.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked.

  “I never thought he would kill Gina.” Emotion filled his voice.

  “The inspector? How did you know that he had Gina killed?” I asked.

  “Because he told me that he would do it. I found out what he was doing and he said he would kill Gina if I didn’t leave. He told me not to have any contact with anyone from Belle Grove. Not my family or Gina. I just had to leave and not look back. I was trying to figure out what I was doing. He was taking bribes too. I found out about that. He was going to kill me, but now that Gina is gone, I have to face him.” Anger thickened his words.

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about him now. The police just arrested him.”


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