Beast of Venery

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Beast of Venery Page 10

by Lawless, Isabell

  Trapped in the corner, sitting on top of the open toilet lid, she felt him touch her most sensitive part between her legs. She screamed and trashed around on the seat, but nothing was budging the solid grip he had on her wrists and the open spread of her legs. The toilet suddenly flushed and he took the chance to get right up in her face, nudging his bony nose to hers.

  “I'm sorry you're sore between your legs, sweetie. It just means we have to practice fucking more often.”

  “Brian, are you fucking crazy?! You're crazy, you're fucking crazy...”

  Her head swung backwards and bumped into the back of the toilet tank as soon as his hand landed hard on her face. Stunned, she stared back up at him, into his eyes, breathing with her mouth open.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, bitch, I just helped you out? Stop calling me crazy! Keep doing that, and I'll keep this hand coming until you shut up, do you understand?”

  With his face only inches away, his outrageous yelling tantrum left drops of wet saliva all over her face. Not bothering wiping it away, he made a swiping move with his hand aiming at her throat, holding her still and silent.

  His head was bent low, just hovering over her face, blazing eyes staring angrily into hers. For a moment he held her roughly in place with a tight grip around her throat, not giving any intentions of what his next move would be. Tightening more each second that went by. He was opening his mouth to speak. In that very same moment his face suddenly slammed hard forward into hers, almost knocking her off the seat, leaving a throbbing pain across the ridge of her nose. Immediately he slumped over her, sliding slowly down her side, face planting on the cool tile floor close to the bathroom wall.

  “Babe, are you okay?”

  Andy's wooden baseball bat landed hard on the floor with a clank. He kicked Brian's limp body aside to get it out of his way, grabbed hold of Danielle, and pulled both her and her pants up and into his arms.

  “The cops are on their way, but I think we should get out of the bathroom and lock it from the outside to make sure he stays where he is and can't escape anywhere, or hurt us anymore than he already has. Come on babe.”

  No problem grabbing hold with his strong arms around her waist, he moved them both quickly out in the hallway before turning around to slam the door shut.

  “He might not be out for long. I'm gonna grab some silver tape and wrap him up tightly so he can't move until the cops get here. Please go wait and hide in the kitchen while I get the tape from the garage, and under no circumstances walk back into the bathroom, okay?”

  Nodding erratically seemed to be the only palpable response. She quickly scurried into the darkest corner of the kitchen and sat down behind the chairs and the table. Feeling the walls as a security behind her back she waited.

  Sirens could be heard from down the street and right outside the house. The front door opened quickly revealing several police officers stepping into their living room. Andy met them in the open door way leading down hall, pointing to the bathroom a few feet away, trying to explain what had happened during the last hour. Then his eyes turned to the dark kitchen and found her in the corner.

  Excusing himself from the officers, who eyed his move into the dark nook of kitchen, he kneeled down and grabbed her in his arms. Just sitting there in the dark, saying nothing, doing nothing. Only hugging, sitting there, knee to knee on the floor.

  Eventually the light switch over the stove top turned on, and they were out of the shadows. Standing up, Andy put his arm around Danielle's lower back and together they walked out of the house and into a police car waiting outside to take them both to the police station for investigation. Once again.

  Chapter 9

  Weeks had blown passed, covering everything from police interviews, lawyers, medical appointments, and a lot of healing. She was feeling better now, but hadn't really had time to think of anything but appointments and law enforcement regulations for the past months.

  A few days ago, while she was sitting on the couch trying to read a magazine, Andy had come up behind her and placed his large, warm hands smoothly on her shoulders. He let his thumbs rub every tense muscle he could find through her shirt. He eventually leaned down to her ear and whispered how much he missed her. It took her breath away, but she wasn't quite ready yet. Physically, she had healed well, but emotionally, she was tired and restless at the same time. Just feeling him rub her shoulders with his warm hands was enough at the time.

  He had accepted her refusal, and she was thankful for the favor, letting her get accustomed to his touch and sexual attraction. After what Brian had done to her, sexual intimacy wasn't high on her list of things to put focus on, but perhaps it was time to make her reacquainted with the thought of her husband wanting to touch and taste her body. She knew he would stop at any point if she said she wasn't ready. Maybe in a few days, letting this feeling of attraction grow inside her, she would be ready. Maybe it was time to get reacquainted.

  * * *

  Turning down the nightstand lights on a low dim, listening to the low music escaping from the speakers, she slowly sauntered over to the bedside where Andy was sitting in his faded blue jeans and black ac/dc t-shirt. Completely still like a statue, he watched her with a soft smile over his face.

  It was a long time since they had been intimate like this. But the last few days of light touches had finally stirred up something warm inside her.

  As she reached him at the bedside, she inhaled deeply, nudged her legs against his bent knees and observed his flat hands starting to rub slowly up and down against his jeans covered thighs. He wasn't even touching her yet. Obviously holding himself back. He didn't want to rush her in this, and he wanted to let her lead them with her speed in the direction she wanted.

  She stared down into his eyes and slowly brought her hands up to the thin belt holding the black, short robe in place. Without breaking eye contact, she let her fingers loosen the fabric allowing it to slide smoothly open to each side of her body, leaving her naked from head to toe for his eyes only. And those eyes looked hungry.

  He broke the sultry stare and let his eyes trace slowly down her body: from her face, over the smooth skin of her breasts, to linger a long time at the apex of her thighs. Eyes the color of dark midnight blue glanced back up at her. He had a hard time keeping the strong self control he'd practiced for months when he'd left her body to heal. No more. He couldn't resist her any longer.

  One of his hands left his thighs and moved up slowly in front of her body, just to touch down lightly, like a feather, moving from her collarbone, to spread open covering her ample breast. Trembling he closed his eyes, and let a heady breath go out his nose.

  Her nipple instantly puckered into a hard pebble under his breezy touch, and as he let his index finger run softly on the sensitive skin underneath it, she could no longer hold in the air that had been stuck in her lungs for what felt like an eternity.

  “Is this okay?” He asked. His voice dark and husky. Asking for permission to move his hand all over her beautiful body.

  Her short answer came out of her mouth with the wind of her breath, letting a soft 'yes' linger in the air of the room, as morning fog clings to grass and morning dew.

  Exhaling deeply he straightened his back and let his large hand guide her nipple into his mouth. Soft licks of his tongue circled her sensitive nipple making her body shiver of arousal in the dim light.

  “Are you cold? Want to move under the sheets?”

  Unable to answer him, she simply kept her eyes shut, shook her head, and arched her back towards his face pushing the perked nipple forward. It touched his lips once more and she didn't want to change a single thing at the moment.

  “Please.” She whispered with her eyes closed. “Do that again.”

  His eyes fell shut, absorbing the sexual tension between them. His right hand slipped around her lower back, pulling her against him where he was sitting. His left hand stayed underneath her plump breast pushing it firmly into his mouth.

p; “Still okay?” Came out of his mouth on a single breath not giving up his tender tongue treatment of her skin.

  “If you don't want to do this and want to wait I'm fine with that. There's still no rush.” He kept asking, while letting the tip of his tongue move around her entire breast, tugging at her hard nipple once again, asking for permission to keep going further.

  “I'll let you know if I'm not okay. I... I just need to feel cared for right now, like I'm cherished. Gently, like you're doing now.” She managed to respond bending her head forward, searching his eyes in the low glow of the bedroom light.

  Running his right hand all the way up her back to her shoulder and down again, he squeezed her butt firmly, not letting his eyes leave hers. Eventually he leaned back, used his grip on her butt to turn her against the edge of the bed and brought her down with him to lie close to his heating body on the comforter underneath them.

  Not moving his hands away from her cheek, he kept a smooth rhythm rubbing and squeezing the skin. Occasionally, he let the tip of his fingers nudge the already glossy lips between her legs.

  She gasped into his open mouth between kisses, letting him know he was working her body and senses in just the right way, playing her like a fine-tuned instrument soon ready for performance. She kissed him, hungry for his taste. She closed her eyes, memorizing every detail of his mouth and the way his hands stroked her. It had been too long since they had touched like this.

  She traced her fingers along his bearded cheek, every strand of rough stubble sending tingles through her fingertips straight down to her crotch. 'What was it with men and facial hair?' She thought. Using, not only his hands, but that wicked, luscious five-o'clock-shadow he knew she was crazy about; he took his sweet time, luxuriating over the soft skin of her body. Stroking her, nudging her, and kissing her until she was nothing more than a moaning puddle of wet heat next to him.

  Her hands grabbed onto his strong upper arms and pulled him hard against herself where they were laying, face to face. Her nipples continuously rubbed the material of his shirt. Only breathes, slight moans, and the movement of rustling fabric could be heard in the room.

  “Baby." He whispered hoarsely. "I'm going to put a finger between your lips and then inside you. Please tell me to stop any time you want. Okay?”

  With her tongue still circling his, her simple response was a desperate erratic nod, telling him she wanted nothing more than having a part of him inside of her.

  Never leaving her hungry mouth, he sucked her plump, lower lip deep in between his teeth, letting his tongue play against the delicate skin. Lifting one of her legs, spreading her knees open, he let her roll onto her back. She felt her slick folds open up as a light breeze of air made everything between her legs tingle in anticipation and excitement.

  “Hey, what are you thinking about?”

  His face leaned over hers. Lips lightly brushed hers while he moved his hand slowly from her knee, up and over her inner thigh.

  “Oh, nothing... nothing really.” She hesitated.

  “Your tongue stopped moving against mine as soon as I spread your legs. Tell me what you're thinking. I'm not going to touch you unless you want me to. Want to just make-out instead?”

  How did she get so lucky ending up with this man? Honor and courtesy above anything else. Someone who wouldn't touch her even on the brink of his own eruption.

  “Please tell me.” He urged her. Leaning up on his left elbow he let his head rest in the palm of his hand, stroking his fingers in gentle circles on the skin of her stomach.

  “I'm just... well, just when you moved my legs I was reminded of Brian doing the same thing that night in the dining room, I guess.”

  Instantly a blush crept up her skin and she tried to press her heated face into Andy's chest so he wouldn't see her embarrassment growing in pink hues all over.

  “Hey, don't hide from me.” He smiled.

  Pushing her chest gently from his, he stared into her face. She was trying her damnedest to avoid his look by any means and didn't turn back to face him until he caught her chin between his fingers, refusing to let her feel like this.

  “Don't be embarrassed. I would never laugh at you, and you know that, babe. You also know that I'm nothing like Brian, but I can understand that memory being triggered by certain things we do, especially in bed. Like a childhood memory being triggered by a special scent of a flower, or the taste of a favorite food, or a phrase someone used around you when you were little. Perhaps we need to practice the same things, certain sexual movements over and over again, to let your brain create a new memory associated to us having that type of sex. Like something that you know you might like to do with me but couldn't replicate Brian in any way possible, and do that thing over and over again so you never have to hesitate or think of Brian's touch instead of mine. What do you think about that?”

  That was the sweetest and romantic idea she had ever heard in her life, more romantic than any bouquet of flowers, or sweetness of chocolate boxes on Valentine's Day.

  “Well, to start with... that was amazingly romantic. You're so smart, which is the biggest difference between you and Brian. Secondly, the gentle way you're touching me now is as far from his touch as I could ever possibly imagine. I suppose, if I knew you would always start super gentle with your hands when you touch me... you know, between my legs,” Embarrassed again she pulled her hands over her face to cover up the redness growing in speed over her skin. “Then I would never have to think twice about if I'd like what you're doing or not.”

  Pulling her hands down from her face, he smiled and kissed her gently. Reassuring her that he would do just that, and wished that time would heal some of her mental scars.

  “Do you want me to try that out, like right now?” Soft lips kissed their way from her mouth to her ear. He nibbled her earlobe into his mouth to suckle on.

  Quietly, she suddenly reached down and touched his hand, still making slow brush strokes on her stomach, and moved it slowly down together with hers, down until she felt his fingers slide softly between her moist swollen lips. His hand fit perfectly between her legs.

  With an unrestrained voice, he groaned deeply into her ear. Her hand guided his, the way she would have touched herself if he hadn't been there. Slow strokes of his fingers up and down between her inflamed lips, starting at her clit and ending at her anus. Up and down, up and down.

  Over and over again, his fingers subsided to her rigorous hand. Her fingers clenched over his, and as unexpectedly as she had started she pushed her middle finger right over his, and slipped them both inside her moist center as one.

  The filling intrusion made her back arch away from the soft comforter beneath her. With eyes closed, she let her mouth fall open, moaning incoherently into the open air.

  Vaguely seeing her face in the dim room to truly evaluate if her expressions of pleasure were real, what he heard and felt from her made it obvious she enjoyed what they were doing; the way their fingers moved together inside her, the way her mouth stayed open, and the small moans she was producing. By the way she swayed her hips up to meet their two hands, he knew she was just as turned on from this as he was.

  “Please don't stop.” She whispered. “It feels amazing. God, I can't believe we're both inside me and I meant to go gentle and slow. But God it feels so good. So good.” The last word was drawn out until it was cut off by a shallow gasp.

  His mind and body were on fire. He couldn't do anything except groaning out staccato sounds of “yes” and “fuck” every time she used words to describe what their fingers were doing deep between her legs. She made their pending love making look like a center fold article of a porn magazine, displayed for him only. Center fold, pussy spread – his Danielle.

  An imaginary picture where she painted a very vivid image of where his fingers were, how they made her feel, and what she wanted him to do next.

  “I said I wasn't going to rush you." He nuzzled his nose into her hair. "But by the way you are working this
right now I'm going to explode in my pants soon. I'm... I'm absolutely fine with that, but if you want to do something else we should probably do that... very soon.” He gasped in her ear while rubbing his jeans clad cock into her side. Oh, he was definitely happy to be next to her.

  Abruptly, she pulled both their hands out and up from between her legs and moved them to her mouth, sucking both their fingers inside, twisting and twining them with her tongue. With huge eyes, he watched her lively tongue play with their hands, knowing where they had just been, and that she could most certainly taste her own arousal. He knew firsthand how wet she was down there.

  “No more, baby.” He said pleadingly, trying to pull his hand out of her firm grip, but she simply pulled his hand right back and sucked his long index finger hard into her mouth until it reached the end of her throat.

  “Please, no more.” He pleaded once again. “I'm gonna come if you do any more of that.”

  The urgency in his voice made her giggle. Holding such strong power over a big man, with as little as a finger suck. She sank down her teeth into the skin of his finger before she pulled it out and kissed the pad gently. Circling it with her tongue, and kissed it once more.

  “Holy fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You're Aphrodite and the devil mixed together. If you keep on doing this I'm going to make the inside of my jeans very, very wet. Honestly, I even think I made them slightly moist already.”

  Turning her face towards him in the dark, displaying a spectacular, show your entire teeth smile, she let him have his hand back and whispered.

  “Take off your shirt and pants and lay down on your back right now, right here next to me.” One lazy, moist finger pointed at the bedding between them.

  As if being shot out of a cannon, he undressed with the speed of light. Pooling his attire on the bedroom floor around his feet, and was back onto the bed and splayed down on his back like she had instructed within seconds.

  “That must be a world record of some kind.” She giggled as she slowly began the seductive straddling of his naked body.


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