Beast of Venery

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Beast of Venery Page 11

by Lawless, Isabell

  My God was this man gorgeous. Long legs, great thighs, and although he was hiding it right now, a splendid firm ass. She'd witnessed that booty for years. In jeans, in dress pants, but preferably bare. Him walking out of the shower and in to the bedroom to get dressed, nude. Oh, those delicious cheeks were deadly. Deadly good to look at. Deadly good to lick and bite.

  Her hands traveled along his taut belly and up to his chest, the simple touch leaving them both breathless. She let him caress her thighs all the way up to eventually grab her full breasts in his hands, as she put herself into position over his erection. Transferring some of her wetness onto the stern length of his cock.

  “No offense,” He seemed to panic, not wanting it to be over before it even started. “But we haven't done this in a while and I'll be damned if I come on my stomach or right here on the bed next to us, like some over the top horny teenage boy having sex for the first time.”

  She pressed his hard length down to his stomach with the help of her wet pussy, and rubbed her folds and her clit up and down the length of his cock, while she feasted on his mouth.

  “Babe,” She whispered into his mouth. “Please try to restrain yourself and don't push up inside me. No matter how much your hips want to jerk and buck up. Let me take my time easing down on you. Okay?”

  Her words mumbled into his mouth, tongues mixed with wet kisses. A single nod was his only response, but as soon as she reached her hand back to grab his cock between their bodies her hand fumbled slightly and his cock started twitching under her touch.

  “Fuck! For God sake, Danielle, remember what I just said about being a horny teenager, one more touch like that and I'm done. I'm gonna fucking explode.”

  The image of Andy as a turned-on, steamy teenager made her smile. What it would have been like to have known him then.

  “So what will the end result be if I do this?” Smoothly, she moved her warm body down his, licking and sucking every part of his skin her lips could find on his upper body. Lavishing one of his nipples with warm saliva, before tugging it gently between her teeth.

  “Baby, please...” Panic had gone into desperation.

  “Please what?” She smiled under her unsparing touch, moving her energetic tongue down to circle his belly button, licking the wonderful trail of hair leading down to his masterpiece. Just like a piece of art, there it was. The most magnificent sculpture of all times, saluting her in the face.

  Suddenly he grabbed her head with both hands to stop her. “As much as I want to feel your mouth around my cock, I can't do it. I'm almost exploding just imagining what you can do to me.”

  “Are you sure? I'll treat you well, you know.” Resisting his hold to take him deep inside her mouth, tasting every inch of his cock, she placed small wet kisses all around his standing length. Devouring the warmth of his skin, and the taste that was only his.

  “Hell do I know! I just don't want it to be over in your mouth. Save it for another time. You know how much I love it. Too much. One of my favorite things in the world.”

  That sentence ended his chances of coming anywhere else but inside her pussy, as her wet opening warmed the top of his cock and slowly grabbed the whole length of him until she sat firmly on his pelvis. Not moving. Just feeling.

  “Oh, God! Fuck! Only minutes now babe.”

  In reality it only took her four strokes up and down his cock, and a few seconds, before he grabbed a solid hold on each side of her hips and pushed her pussy hard all the way down his shaft. He clenched his eyes shut, pushed his head back on the comforter and yelled out profanity after profanity until his lungs were completely deflated. When he finally returned back to earth he felt Danielle's head resting on his chest, hair spread out, bobbing up and down in tune with his fast panting.

  “As I told you, I wouldn't last long. You're too good to be true.”

  Chapter 10

  Spring and late Summer turned into a warm Fall in the south, and with the construction business picking up before the winter season Andy and his brother were away out of town most days, dealing with projects at various work location around the state. Anywhere from Myrtle Beach to Columbia, and everywhere in between.

  It had been several months since the trial against Brian, and although the legal process might have taken longer than preferred, she was happy to finally have him behind bars not able to hurt her anymore.

  She would never forget it. The court. The feeling of being in the spot light, questioned in detail about what had happened in their house. Scrutinizing eyes from the people in the jury tried to see right through her. She knew they questioned the reality behind it all. That was one of the lower days in her life, and she had many, which she let the stone faced jury know. Not that it seemed to make a difference in their facial expressions. They all seemed hard as stone, nothing affecting any of them.

  Brian had looked his proper self, sporting dark slacks, and a white long-sleeved button down shirt. 'White? Why the hell had he worn white?' She thought. Trying to appear not-guilty, white and pure as a virgin. Hopefully the jury wouldn't buy into that shit. Just watching his calm body language in the court room made her own muscles jerk with anger and anxiety. 'Didn't he know what he had done to her? How he made her feel?'

  The police seated Andy as far away from Brian as possible in the court room. On the outskirts of the back row. With the knowledge that, if he tried to jump Brian to beat his smirk of his face, they'd have enough time to stop him before he even reached the defenders bench.

  Andy's hair was tied back in a short ponytail in the back of neck, a dark navy suit was clinging to his tense muscle movements showing through the fabric. Watching him from the stand, where she was sitting and the tension within him was unmistakable. Not only was is noticeable to her, but to the judge as well, who lifted a warning finger at him, letting him know that if he couldn't stop twitching and cursing through the hearing he would have to be escorted outside.

  As a response he left the court for a brief minute to get himself together outside in the crowded corridor, before returning to his seat inside the court room once again.

  The event left Brian with a half drawn smile up his left cheek, pleased with the affect he had on Andy. The judge had given him the same warning finger, asking him to be quiet and not stir up any more nonsense.

  Although the bail amount was set lower than they anticipated, luckily no one stepped up to post it, and Brian himself didn't have enough equity to be released. When the club from the judge's hand reached the surface of the desk in the court room, she had jumped high. 'Was it really over?' She thought anxiously. The sound of the impact against the wooden desk had awakened her from the atrocious nightmare she had been trapped in during the court process. She was free to leave. Brian was not. Thankfully.

  Andy was already standing up and tried to meet her half way across the floor of the court room, but the proximity to Brian, being handcuffed at the defenders desk, made the court attending officers apprehensive and decided to hold him back behind the opening of the audience stand.

  As soon as she came close enough, her legs seemed to give out, and she slumped into his grasping arms. He had followed her down as they both sunk to the floor, letting her rest against the wall until the color of her face returned, and the beating of her heart was in a normal rhythm once more.

  One of the officers was nice enough to attend to the occurring situation at the side of the room and walked away to fetch her a glass of water, but in the tumult of the court room, and the moving and scuffling of people from both the audience, and the jury stand, Brian managed to turn around in his handcuffs and yell.

  “You did a good job, babe. Looking hot as usual.”

  Andy's eyes immediately grew to the size of large flaming golf balls, if there was ever such a thing, and in the blink of an eye he turned to jump over the barrier onto the court room floor. The move took the officers by complete surprise giving him enough time to cut down the distance between himself and Brian into nothing but inches, j
ust to place a perfectly placed knock-out punch in Brian's face before several cops interfered, pulling hard, bringing him down to the floor. Brian was rapidly escorted out of the court room, and the audience was just as quickly shuffled out in the corridor. Andy wasn't released back into a standing position until the court room was empty, and the officers knew Brian was taken away into custody, not in reach for another ambush attack.

  The judge issued him a stern warning once more, and if he attempted any more shenanigans inside his court room, in the whole court building, trying to get Brian, he would be held overnight for contempt of court. Hell, two nights if he kept going.

  The statement finally calmed him down, and as the officers released him from the hold on the floor he excused himself, as the true gentleman he was, and promised not to lose it again. At least not in this court room.

  The last part of the statement made the dark brows on the judge turn into one solid unibrow.

  “I understand your rage, boy, but don't do anything stupid you'll regret later. Go home and take care of your wife. She needs you more than the court wants you here. Leave my court room now.” With that message the judge left the room through a side door, leaving Andy to brush of his suit and under watching eyes from the officers return to the wall where Danielle was standing on wobbly legs.

  “I'm sorry I lost it.” He said, and hugged her tightly.

  She didn't want to let go, yet she couldn't stand being within these walls anymore. Hand in shivering hand, they walked out the double doors of the room and out in the buzzing corridor.

  Walking through the long passageways of the court building, where all the walls were painted in light beige, the color of blah and nothingness provided a glimpse of what her life could have been like, or the person she could have ended up like, if she had never left Brian. It was a startling experience making her cling tighter to Andy's arm, squeezing her hand in his.

  “We'll be at the car soon, honey. Soon.” He felt her tension, it radiated out of her skin, through her clothes, and into him. Her feelings were as loose as faulty electrical wiring, shooting out pulsating energy in every single direction. She was like a minefield. One wrong step and something would explode. She, or he, or someone else.

  The corridors seemed endless, bench after bench lined up against the wall away from the doors to the different numbered court rooms. Each bench rendered evidence of all the pain in the world that she tried to be blind to, and block out. Women fighting domestic violence cases were comforted and encouraged by their lawyer, another family member, or friend. It was a sad sight, and although she knew her recent interaction with Brian and the level of abuse she withstood, she knew she didn't have to face him again. Not like these women.

  She could walk out of this court, with her husband's steady and comforting hand in hers, only to go home to a warm, safe environment where love was plastered on the walls. A safe haven where grunts of displeasure would be as far as a disagreement or argumentation would ever go. She knew she didn't have to fear her husband like these women did.

  She didn't even dare to imagine the horror some of them would face once the safety of the law, and the protective walls of the court laid behind them and they had to go back home to the same threatening situation that had brought them here in the first place. Seeing it first hand, she thought it was no wonder homicides rates of women in domestic violence cases were increasing.

  Then a horrible thought shot through her body, making every bone shake. Andy brought her closer and let his arm wrap tightly around her back and shoulder. She felt fused to him, and she liked it.

  'Maybe,' She thought, 'It had actually been a good thing having Brian not only beat her into a pulp, but rape her as well?' Not to mention breaking into their home, the stalking over the years, and stabbing Andy. All those things combined had set for a substantial bail amount that he couldn't pay himself out of.

  'Maybe if had solely beaten her, the bail would have been so low he would be out by tomorrow and could do it all over again'? A terrifying statement, but yet so true. At least the combined events put Brian in the firm hands of the state for quite some time.

  Their car was parked a few blocks over from the court, in one of the county owned parking lots built in dull, gray cement. As soon as the doors closed to the car, the echoing outside noise diminished into nothing but silence between them.

  She felt as deflated as an empty balloon. There was nothing inside her. No energy, no happiness nor sadness, nothing but the air going in and out of her lungs. Raising her chest in an even pattern against her blouse. In her peripheral view she took note of the seriousness casting shadows over Andy's face. What a day this had been. Tiring. Both mentally and physically, with everything that had happened: having to recite Brian's sexual abuse, his beating, the intrusion into their home, the stabbing of her husband, the wounds in her hand, and to top it off, Andy had taken that leap onto the court room floor and knocked Brian with a hard punch straight to the jaw.

  Her hand warmed up. Even with her eyes closed she loved the feeling of Andy's large hand covering hers. Holding it. Nothing more. Their hands resting in unison on the side of her seat. His thumb rolled slowly across her knuckles, creating slow, soothing waves of heat transferring up through her arms and into her chest. A slight shiver went up her spine, like an inborn reflex to his touch.

  “Come here.”

  Her tiredness was so heavy it made it difficult to move her eyelids open to see where he pulled her. Not that there was any other spot in the car where she could possibly fit than in his lap. With her bottom on his thighs, and his strong arms wrapped around her, she let her legs rest lifelessly across the car's center console and onto the passenger seat.

  “You're cold.” His hands rubbed her back and her arms as she sank deeper into the fabric covering his firm chest. Relief sifted through her tired body. She leaned back, Andy's arms still around her.

  “I've got your back babe. I've got you”.

  The cool tip of her nose nuzzled in the crook of his neck. Breathing him in made her calm and serene.

  “It's strange.” She whispered into the warmth of his skin. “I should be happy, but I'm not. I feel nothing. I'm even too tired to cry.”

  He stroked her back once more, until his arms simply held her close. Circling her like a cocoon. Perhaps if they stayed like this for a few weeks, she would turn into a beautiful butterfly, and eventually be released into new adventures and with new perspectives on life. Unfortunately, that was not the reality she was living in, but that's how amazing he made her feel.

  He didn't say anything, but let her get her wits back and move her head away from the warm space at his neck.

  “Aaaaalright.” She breathed, and pulled her fingers through her hair, entangling a few strands of blonde hair before pulling them back behind her ears. “I'm going to move back onto my seat so you have a chance to drive us home. Far, far away from this place. I never want to come back here again. Ever.”

  He held his grip around her with his arms, seeking eye contact. She looked so tired staring back at him. Those vibrant eyes he had grown so accustomed to were not there anymore. At least not today.

  “I just need to go home, take warm shower, and sleep. And when I wake up tomorrow, I'll start my life back up again. Right? Isn't that what people do when they're feeling down and lost, pull themselves up and go on?”

  Her stare was asking him for answers. He smiled, and let the tip on his fingers grace her cheek.

  “Whose ass are we kicking tomorrow, baby?”

  The smallest hint of a smile fell across her face before he turned their car out of the parking structure and headed home.

  * * *

  For the first time in years she allowed herself to release some of the tension and anxiety of always looking over her shoulder, waiting for the time he could and would show up.

  Although the new feeling was alien, it was something she could learn to deal with and eventually learn to appreciate. Rewiring years of anx
iety would require a learning curve, but both she and Andy were happy to work on that.

  A few nights ago, after a delicious dinner of barbequed steak and sweet potato fries, they had slumped down on the couch in the living room, cuddled together sharing a bottle of wine. Rewinding and relaxing. Their legs stretched out, letting their bare feet rest on the surface of the wooden coffee table. Her toes played leisurely with his feet making him smile, hiding a hint of a tickle.

  One of his strong arms went around her back, grabbed her shoulder on the opposite side, and pulled her in to his chest. This is where he wanted her to be. Right next to him. As an appendix to his body, an attachment he wouldn't want to get rid of.

  Minute after minute of body heat and giggling while sitting that close was making it hard for her not to touch him. She started rubbing her hands all over his broad chest, over his nipples that peaked under the thin fabric of his black t-shirt, and down his finely shaped stomach.

  She knew what he liked. Years of physical contact with the same person would do that to a couple. It was one of the best things in the world being in a long-term relationship.

  As soon as her stroking hand touched the skin and the happy happy trail of hair below his belly button, hinting for a continuing downward movement, he sucked in a shallow breath, and his chest rose quickly from the subtle contact.

  With both their half-empty glasses in hand he placed them safely on the living room table where their feet were just relaxing, turned around to Danielle to grab both her hands.

  “Come.” His request had been as simple as that, and with her in tote he led them out of the living room and down the hallway to their bedroom.

  The room was dark, with the corner lamp in the living room being the only light seeping through the house, producing a soft glow down the hallway and onto the carpet in their room.

  They hadn't made love since that one night in their bedroom, a few weeks after she came home from the hospital. According to both her doctor and therapist her body needed more healing, and he was nothing but supportive of the decision. Whatever she needed was more important than his desire to make love to her again. Even though it stung to hear, his mind knew it was the right thing to do. But whatever lived in his pants didn't agree.


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