A Little Bit of Trouble

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A Little Bit of Trouble Page 14

by A. E. Murphy

  Her tongue seeks entrance against my lips, I open and push my own against hers. The way she’s leading me shows she likes to be in control. I don’t think so. I grab the back of her head and lower us to the sofa. She hums and starts laughing when I kiss her neck. This is so wrong, but I’m right, I know I’m right.

  “Tickles,” she giggles as I move down her collar bone. She pulls my shirt over my head, I let her and watch her eyes scan over my chest and abs. A lazy smile forms on her face, “Nice.” And her lips are back on mine. “Bedroom. More rolling space.” I can’t believe I’m doing this.

  I must be crazy, why am I doing this? What is wrong with me?

  Right. I lift her up, her legs around my hips and take her to my room before throwing her on my bed. It’s like I’m experiencing an out of body experience. Nothing about this is right. I’m not giving in though, I don’t feel guilty. I don’t, I won’t, and I can’t. I’m a single man enjoying sex with an attractive female.

  Then those fucking brown eyes swim through my mind… Loryn. Shit. No, I can’t do this, my dick finally listens and instantly loses its power. Christ. What am I doing?

  I start to pull away when… “Jesus Lucas!” Marie says and starts giggling. “You’re almost better at kissing than Jacob!”

  Oh my god. I laugh, and collapse on top of Marie. She releases her hold on my neck and starts laughing with me. “I can’t believe you’ve kissed Jacob!”

  “Shut up, it was a moment of weakness,” she sighs and rubs her eyes. “I’ll be honest… I haven’t slept with anyone since him.”

  “You’ve fucked him?” I practically squeak. How did we not see this happening? They’ve always seemed so indifferent of each other.

  “I’m really digging myself a deeper grave here huh?”

  I narrow my eyes and lean on my elbows, remembering what she said a moment ago about not screwing anyone since Jacob. “You said you were with that married guy.”

  She shakes her head, “We never fucked, just attempted to fool around. He’s ruined me for all other men. I’m pathetic.” I’m assuming she means Jacob has.

  My mouth drops open, “You’re kidding?”

  “Nope. That’s why I really need you to do this.” I immediately jump off her and step away from the bed. Not a chance, even if I wanted to I doubt I could. My conscience is really laying it on thick right now. God knows why! I hope Loryn hasn’t ruined me for all other… nah, that’s impossible. “Please… I don’t like him. Not like that. I know I don’t. It was just mind blowing sex.” A dreamy look comes over her face. Wow, how much denial is in that statement?

  “When did this happen?”

  “When Maya was pregnant. Not long after he went to that sonogram with us.” She smiles a little and sits next to me. “I’d been after him for so long. He finally did it to appease me I think. Well…” she wags her eyebrows. “He definitely had the hots for me but he hates my lifestyle. So we agreed on one night. We’ve been close friends since…”

  Shit. How did we not know this?

  “So, we can forget the whole sex between friends thing now?” I say and go to button up my trousers. She laughs and nods, “Yeah. Fine. Still friends?”

  “Yeah.” I nod. “Definitely.”

  And because Marie loves to get the last word in, “Go after her Lucas. Go say sorry.”

  Loryn: Stop calling, stop sending flowers… Why are you doing this?

  Christ, I’ve officially turned into James, except I’m not in love. Why did I fuck this up? After another long and expensive week I’ve made no progress with Loryn. Everything in my fucking mind right now is about the same fucking woman. I like her, I definitely like her… but can I salvage this? I’ve sent flowers every day this week without fail, I’ve sent candy. Hell, I almost sent one of those guys that sing on your doorstep but James talked me out of it. I’ve sent her text after text, I’ve called her countless times. Doesn’t she understand the fact I’m sorry?

  Lucas: I’m sorry!

  Loryn: OK!

  Lucas: Does that mean I have a chance to make it up to you?

  Loryn: Make what up to me? Lucas… its old news. Get over it. I have.

  Shit… am I whipped? I’m sat at home, Amelia is watching some Disney film on TV and I’m sat burying myself in James old college books to get a head start before meeting with this business teacher dude in a couple of months. She won’t forgive me… I’m not worth forgiving. I was a dick, I was jealous, I was fucking mean and now I’ve lost any hope I had of getting her back.

  Fortunately for me and unfortunately for her… I love a challenge.

  “Daddy,” Amelia asks as we climb out of the car and head towards her class entrance. “When’s it my birthday?”

  “Your birthday isn’t until next year now princess.”

  She huffs a little, “Okay.”


  With a gorgeous little frown and pout she huffs again. “I just really wanted to get a Barbie car.”

  “You have a Barbie car,” I chuckle and flick her on the nose. “You have two.”

  “Nooooo!” she whines as if I’m stupid and huffs again. “I want the big one, the one I can sit in and drive.”

  “We’ll see what Santa brings at Christmas.” I say and kiss her forehead. “Have a good day. Go on.”

  Giving her a gentle nudge in the right direction I watch her disappear into her school with a little skip in her step.

  When I get home, ready to shower and change before heading to Loryn’s I’m shocked to find Loryn on my doorstep. She smiles as I walk down the hall from the elevator towards her.

  “Hi.” Smooth Lucas. “What are you doing here?”

  “Oh… umm…” she seems to gather herself as I open the door. “Sorry. Should I…?” She points to the elevator with her thumb. I grab her elbow and tug her inside. “Ok then.”

  I scan her from head to toe, she looks… like she always looks. Fucking perfect. “Everything ok?”

  “Umm… yeah. I came to call a truce.” She shifts nervously, I pull her through to the kitchen, take a swig of OJ from the carton in the refrigerator and put it back before turning to her again. “I just figured…”

  “I like your hair,” she’s had it cut, layered and it’s a little darker than before. “Looks good.”

  “Thank you. Now… as I was…”

  I take her hand in mine and look at her neatly polished, long nails with a white tip. “I like your nails.”

  “Thank you…”

  “You’re wearing makeup,” I observe and take a step closer. “You look perfect without it you know.”

  I can’t resist, just seeing her here, so close, I bury my face in her neck and inhale deeply. She shudders. My hands grip her hips.

  CRACK! Ouch, my face stings.

  I look up at a shocked Loryn, her hand hovering between us. Flexing my jaw I narrow my eyes and touch the cheek her hand just connected with.

  “You’re such a pig,” her brown eyes narrow to slits. She shoves at me chest. “What is your problem? Do you treat all women like this or just me?”

  “Just you,” I respond automatically and brace myself for another slap. I even close my eyes. It never comes. Peeking an eye open what I see shocks me more than the slap did, tears spilling down her cheeks. “Loryn… I…”

  “Just… fuck off!” she bites out, it’s the first time I’ve heard her swear. That’s so hot. She pushes past me. I grab her around the waist. “Stop it Lucas. I came to make friends not this. God. You’re such a… a…”

  “Pig?” I finish for her.

  “Let go of me,” not a chance. Shit, little Lucas, please stay down… too late. “Lucas! God!”

  “I’m sorry okay, I’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry! I didn’t mean what I said to Maya. You were never just a fuck Loryn,” I whisper in her ear not quite believing what I’m saying but knowing I’m feeling it. If that makes sense. Fuck, this is messed up. “Loryn. Stop moving.”

  She halts her wriggling and sags i
n my arms, “Why did you say it then? Why did you stop talking to me?”

  “I… I don’t know.”

  “Is it… is it because of her?”

  “Of who?”

  “Your ex-wife,” here we go. Sigh. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  “It’s complicated Loryn. Just leave it… please.”

  “Well, I can’t handle complicated Lucas and… I can’t handle this with you. This ridiculous thing that’s going on between us.” She sighs. No… no, don’t say that. “I trusted you. I get it, I mean I know Crystal, I remember her. Always beautiful. Always pretty. Always damn perfect. You were smitten with her. I could never compete with that.”

  She pulls out of my arms as soon as my grip loosens, “Loryn. Stop it.”

  “You still have her picture on your nightstand don’t you,” she states and spins to face me. “What am I to you?” The air that I fucking breathe. “Just sex or… do you want more?”

  More, more, so much more, I press my forehead against hers, “I want you Loryn. Honestly, I want you.”

  “If Crystal came back, right now and told you she made a mistake and wants you back what would you do? Would you choose to further this with me? Or go back to her?” she wipes away her tears angrily. And she has no idea the severity of the question she just asked. I can never answer that. She laughs in disbelief and starts to walk away. “I take back my call for a truce.”

  “Loryn,” I groan as she walks away. “Dammit. Loryn, wait.” She doesn’t so I dart after her and stand in the center of the hallway. “Loryn. Please. She’s not coming back.”

  “But if she does, then I’m the one left with the broken heart.” She shakes her head. “I really like you Lucas… My life is finally good again thanks to you.”

  “She’s not coming back,” I say quietly, it hurts to say it out loud.

  “You’ve pretty much admitted you still want her, how do I know you’re not going to sleep with her? When you pick up the girls?” she snaps.

  I take a deep shuddering breath, “Because she’s dead.” I lean against the wall and rub my face with my hands.


  “I said, because she’s fucking dead Loryn.” I hear her gasp. “And so is my daughter.”

  “But Amelia…”

  “Not Amelia! Annie, Annie, my eldest girl… they’re both dead and they’re not coming back and you are the first woman I have been with,” I inhale a sharp breath and let it out slowly. “Since her. And it scares the shit out of me.”

  “Lucas, I’m… I’m so sorry,” she rushes over to me and rests her head on my chest. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  “Can we not… talk about this now?”

  “Of course.” She nods and stands on her tiptoes. Warm lips touch my jaw. “Why didn’t you tell me?”


  “Because what?”

  “Hell,” I pull away from her and stomp into the room. “Because I couldn’t. I don’t fucking know why… You completely make me question every single thing I’ve told myself since she died. I don’t want to move on… but you… you make me need to.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “I don’t know,” I shrug and lay back on the sofa. “I don’t know babe. You don’t deserve to be dragged into the mess that is my life. But I want you to be. You make everything feel… good and worthwhile.”

  I feel her sit beside me, her fingers stroke through my hair, “I want to be dragged in.” her voice is barely above a whisper and her breath tickles my ear. “Drag me with you Lucas.” That’s all of the clarification I need.



  She climbs on top of me and smiles softly. My eyes meet hers. I move in to kiss her, she welcomes it instantly with slightly parted lips. Our tongues dance together, slowly, softly, taking their time savoring the taste of each other. She cradles my face in her hands, pulling me closer, her tongue reaching deeper. My flesh ignites, just like it does every time she touches me, even the briefest of touches sets me on fire.

  I feel her pull away, I miss her warmth instantly, she slides my tee up so I raise my top half and let her pull it away. “Let me,” she murmurs softly. “Let me make you feel good.”

  Just for curiosities sake I nod and then groan when she starts kissing and licking a trail down my chest before clamping down on one of my nipples as her nails graze the other. Her hips softly and slowly circle against me, pressing my dick just enough to make me almost beg for more.

  My breath quickens as she moves lower, her hands working on the buttons of my jeans. Raising my hips, I watch her kiss down my thighs, taking my jeans with her. Fuck. They land in a heap on the floor after a little kicking on my part and giggling on hers. Then she starts teasing the dark trail that leads down to my aching cock.

  I buck and groan when the tip of her tongue moves over my skin, around the base of my length and down and over my sack before coming back up the other side. Her hand gripping me with perfect tightness the entire time.

  She licks a trail up the underside of my length and then she stops. What? No!

  “Don’t stop,” my hands go to her head, wanting to push her back down, she pulls away and gives me a shy smile. “What’s wrong?”

  “I’ve umm… only done this once before. Well… I was face… fucked…” Man I love it when she swears. “And I’ve never done it since. I couldn’t breathe.” She seems to shudder at the memory. Who the fuck would do that to somebody? That’s just wrong on so many levels.

  “You wanna stop?” I’m about to become a crying man. Don’t stop! My dick is inches from your lips, I can feel your breath on the tip. Just the thought is enough to make me come.

  She shakes her head, “No. Just don’t force my head down.”

  I nod and place my hands under my head, “You set the pace babe, I won’t touch you.”

  “Okay, but I might suck… I mean…”

  I laugh a little, “I know what you mean. Ok, you can go now.”

  Without another second of hesitation she takes me in, dear god. I’ve gone to hea… fuck that hurt. Okay, that’s, that’s better! Wait, not the… ah! Fuck. “Babe, babe,” I say and she releases me with a popping noise. “No teeth, cover your teeth.”

  She groans and leans back on her shins between my legs, “I’m sorry.” I laugh when she buries her face in her hands. “I feel like an idiot.”

  “Loryn, it took me over two years just to get…” Crystal, “a female to come using my tongue. You’re doing fine, suck, no teeth, up and down as far as you can go comfortably ok?” Please keep going!

  She nods and starts again. Sigh, that’s fucking good. And then she moans, around my dick. My hands find her head, I tangle my fingers in her silky locks and guide her gently, pushing a little bit more each time. “Babe?” she stops again. “No it’s perfect… take your top off, let me see your tits.” Her mouth drops open in shock, and maybe a little offence. “Please.”

  She does as she’s told, maybe because I asked nicely. I watch her perfect tits spill out a moment later, she leans down again and takes me in her mouth. Her breasts rub against my legs with each bob of the head. Yes.

  Her head comes up, I feel her tongue sweep over the head with perfect pressure, making me growl out in pleasure. That familiar burning returns, I’m going to explode soon if I don’t slow her down. I’m not ready to explode. It’s too soon, self-control, self-control, self-control.

  It’s the way she’s doing it, the tempo, the rhythm, there’s no up and down constantly, no fast paced thrusting like you see on pornos. It’s slow, sensual, and perfect, like she’s savoring a god damn Popsicle rather than my dick. Like she is actually enjoying it and wanting me to as well. The little whimpering noises she makes hit every nerve in my length, the way she skillfully breathes through her nose as she comes up to the head. Each breath cools the moist patches from her mouth on my throbbing cock only for her to instantly heat it up again with her tongue and lips.

  She tak
es my shaft in her hand and works that slowly, in time with her mouth. Oh fuck. This is too fucking much. I spasm a little, the burning now a fucking wildfire raging to get out. My feet are tingling, my balls tightening to an unbearable state. I pat her on the head. “Baby, I’m gonna blow.”

  “You want me to stop?” she asks after lifting her head, her hand still works my dick. “Shall I stop?”

  “Not if you don’t want to, but… okay then.” She’s back on, licking, teasing sucking, moving. “Babe. Shit… oh fuck.” I reach down and cup a breast in my hand. “Keep going.” Any thoughts on sparing her this part are now gone, I need to come in her mouth like I need to take my next breath. “Keep… going. Ah!” I tense, so close, so close. My hips buck a little, I try to control it but my body needs it. She doesn’t seem to mind. Like a god damn volcano I erupt, and fuck me it’s a lot. This woman makes me orgasm like I’ll never orgasm again. It’s never ending yet she manages to swallow every bit I give her without any issue. Then it’s over and I feel so damn relaxed.

  “How was that?” she asks and climbs on top of me. My breathing still hasn’t stabilized.

  “Ask me again when I’m not in space,” and I crash.

  “Come on babe,” she grins and swings the car door open. I smile and buckle my little girl into her booster seat. “I’m driving.”

  “Give me the damn keys,” I hold out my hand. As usual she ignores me and heads straight for the driver’s side. I get to watch her ass as she goes, I’ll never get tired of that ass. With attitude, I climb into the passenger side. “I still can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

  “It’ll be romantic,” she flips her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll give you a blowjob on the way back if you promise not to whine.” How can I resist that?


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