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A Little Bit of Trouble

Page 17

by A. E. Murphy

  I stand up and head into the kitchen. Conversation over, now I just feel irritated.

  “I’m sorry,” Loryn says softly and wraps her arms around my waist. “I won’t bring it up again. But maybe… maybe you should talk to someone about it.”

  “Leave it,” I grind out and step away from her. “I’m going to bed.”

  “I shouldn’t have asked, I had no right.”

  “No, you didn’t.” I walk to my room, and shake the blanket to remove the cat. He hops off with an angry hiss. Whatever.

  Crystal, Crystal, Crystal. I touch her face on the picture on the nightstand. I miss you so damn much. Please don’t hate me for this.

  Annie… no, I can’t and won’t think about her. I need to sleep.

  “Come on babe,” she grins and swings the car door open. I smile and buckle my little girl into her booster seat. “I’m driving.”

  “Give me the damn keys,” I hold out my hand. As usual she ignores me and heads straight for the driver’s side. I get to watch her ass as she goes, I’ll never get tired of that ass. With attitude, I climb into the passenger side. “I still can’t believe you’re making me do this.”

  “It’ll be romantic,” she flips her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll give you a blowjob on the way back if you promise not to whine.” How can I resist that?

  “Daddy, daddy?”

  I twist in my seat and look at my gorgeous daughter. “What’s up squirt?”

  “Can we get a puppy?”



  “Because I said so,” I reach over the console and take my wife’s hand. “Mommy doesn’t like doggies.”

  “And daddy doesn’t like kitties,” she gives me a flirtatious wink as we stop at a stop sign. “But he loves pu…” I cover her mouth and scowl playfully at her. Damn I love her dirty mouth. It’s a huge turn on.

  I watch her smile when I release her face, she’s so beautiful. How did I get so lucky?

  “What?” she giggles and pushes my face away with her hand. “Get a grip will you?”

  “I love you,” I whisper and bite her shoulder playfully.

  Something clings to me, something warm and soft. I sigh and snuggle closer and like a moth to the flame my hands find boobs. Perfect. Sleep claims me again.

  Okay, things are tense over breakfast, Loryn is barely making eye contact with me as we eat. She’s apparently taking Amelia to school, so she’s taking the car. Amelia is excited as usual, kid gets excited about everything. Crazy girl.

  “You remember where to take her?” I say softly and wrap my arms around Loryn from behind as she fastens her belt around her hips. My lips find the delicate skin behind her ear. Loryn?”


  “Are you okay?”

  She turns in my arms, “Are you?”

  I nod with a shrug, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Last night…?” her tone is questioning.

  I rub her arms and smile softly, “It was stupid. Let’s just forget it.”

  “Sure,” she doesn’t seem relaxed. “I need to go, or I’m going to be late. Feed Velcro.”

  Umm… “Why?”

  “I’m busy,” she snatches her bag from the desk with attitude and opens the door. So, yep, she’s definitely pissed at me.

  I twiddle my thumbs, feeling like shit. I overreacted last night, I seem to be doing that a lot lately. She has every right to ask about Crystal. God, I’m such a dick. What the hell is wrong with me?

  I need to feed the fucking cat. “Just you and me now,” I say to the mewling fluff ball as I grab his food bowls and place them on the side. What do I feed it? Ah-ha! Found the cat bits and the meat. Shit, that stinks.

  Yowl. Meow. Mew. Yowl.

  “I’m fucking doing it,” I snap at the cat in disbelief and push him away with my foot. “Stop using my fucking leg as a scratch post.”

  “I’m back,” Loryn announces as she walks through the door. She stops in her tracks when she enters the kitchen. “What are you doing?”

  “Attempting to make you a…” I read the recipe booklet. “Kiwi, apple, banana and carrot smoothie.”

  “You’re naked.”

  I look down at the apron covering my front and turn my head to look at my naked back and legs, “Huh… so I am.”

  “Why are you naked and making me smoothies?”

  “Because, I can’t actually cook properly, so I figured we could make these, let them cool in the fridge, then I’m going to fuck you good and proper before taking you shopping,” I give her a panty dropping grin.

  “Why are we going shopping?”

  “You need new clothes.”

  “I do not need new clothes.”

  “Okay then, I want to buy you new clothes. Preferably more skirts like the one you’re wearing,” I put the lid on the blender and face her. “Easy access.”

  “I don’t want you to buy me clothes,” she frowns and folds her arms across her chest. “I can buy my own things.”

  I roll my eyes, “I’m buying you clothes. But if you really want to earn it.” I place my hands on her shoulders and smile mischievously, “I wouldn’t mind seeing you on your knees.”

  “You want to buy me clothes in return for a blowjob?” she scoffs in insult. Ah shit.

  I roll my eyes, “Hell woman, you are so fucking sensitive. Whether you give me a damn blowjob or not I’m still going to buy you clothes because I want to!”

  “I… I’m sorry.”

  “As you should be, now make it up to me,” I go to lift the apron she slaps my hands away and huffs. “Okay, okay, I get the message. No blowjob for Lucas.”

  “And I don’t want you to buy me any clothes,” she says with a determined nod. “But thank you for the… what are you doing?” I watch the fabric of her shirt tear down the middle as I grip and rip it with ease. Her gorgeous bra covered breasts now in view. I grab her skirt as she tries to scramble away, I rip that too. “LUCAS! This is my favorite skirt!”

  “Oh, would you look at that,” I scratch the back of my head and shrug, “I guess I’ll have to buy you a new one.” I can’t help it, I smirk and it’s smug. Score!

  “You… you… gah!” She grips her shirt together at the front with a fist and scrambles to pick up the fabric of her skirt. As she’s bending over to scoop it up I grab the dish towel and flick it on her bare ass cheek. Making her squeal and run, so I chase after her and do it again. “Lucas stop!” she laughs, I pin her on the sofa and start digging my fingers into her ribs. She laughs so hard nothing but air comes out. I laugh with her.


  Did she just? I clear my throat to stop myself from laughing it doesn’t work. She just farted. “Stop laughing,” she snaps and buries her face in her hands, her cheeks and neck bright red from embarrassment. “That’s your fault. I hate being tickled.”

  “Oh my god, that absolutely stinks. Christ, you fart like a man,” I’m still laughing and laying on top of her. She pushes me off, I fall onto the floor on my back whilst waving my hand in the air to waft the stench away. “You dirty girl.”

  “I’m never talking to you again.” She stomps away which only makes me laugh harder. I can still hear her grumbling to herself as she gets dressed. When she comes out she heads to the smoothie maker and switches it on. I love the shorts she’s chosen, they hug her ass like a glove. I’m about to follow her when I see the cat skipping along behind her. It looks at me, stops in the kitchen doorway and starts grooming itself. This cat… knows what it’s doing. I narrow my eyes at it and sit back on the sofa with a huff.

  I hear the front door close and then a curse. What’s going on? The banging begins. “LUCAS!” I hear Loryn shout. HA! She’s locked herself out. “LUCAS!” She continues banging.

  I open the door, no one there. Shit. “Loryn?” I step out into the hall, still butt naked apart from the apron. “Loryn?” No sign of her.

  “Hey good looking,” Loryn’s voice comes from behind me. She waves her fingers
and slams the door. She did not just lock me out… naked. I lift my hand and bang on the door.

  “Let me in Loryn. I’m warning you.”

  “I think not… are you going to stop bossing me around?”

  “Probably not.”

  “Enjoy your stay in the hall.”

  Crazy bitch. “I’m going to get you back for this.”

  I made smoothies and everything.


  After Light, Comes Darkness

  “You’re not seriously still sulking are you?” Loryn asks as we walk through the park. Hotdog’s in hand and homemade smoothies in the other. “I said I was sorry. You were out there for like five minutes.” Actually I was out there for half an hour when the man from the apartment across from me walked out and winked…

  I shake my head, “No. I’m just relaxing.” Finishing off my dog in one bite I throw my arm around her shoulder. “We have to go do girly hair shit soon.”

  “I know. Thanks for the new clothes,” she pulls a leaf from a low hanging tree and twists it between her fingers. “I love them.”

  We spent two hours shopping, she was a pain in the ass in the beginning, so I loaded up my arms with items that shouldn’t even be legal they were just that hideous. She soon started changing them for items that fit her perfectly. After half an hour she finally just started throwing stuff at me with a huge grin on her face. See? I knew it was a good idea. Everyone loves being spoilt every now and then.

  I find a nice spot under a tree and rest against the bark. I then pull Loryn to sit between my legs and lean her back against my chest. Her finger tips tickle my thighs. My lips can’t resist touching the soft skin behind her ear. I love the way she shudders every time I do it.

  “I love watching people,” she says suddenly.

  “Let’s pretend that’s not weird…” I laugh and rub her shoulders.

  “Look,” she points to a group of kids kicking a football and then points to a man walking whilst texting. “Every single one of them has their own story. It’s fascinating, wondering what they’re thinking, what their fears are, and their worries. Where they’re going, where they’ve been.” She then points to an old woman walking alongside a younger woman. “I’d love to know her story. I bet she has a lot to say.”

  “Back in my day,” I joke in a high pitched voice. “You didn’t get allowance or bikes. You got dirty sticks and you beat your cousins with them for fun.”

  “You’re so weird.”

  “Coming from the person who likes watching people. There’s the starting episode for Stalkers Are Us.”

  “I dislike you,” she jokes and sighs deeply. Suddenly she jolts forward. “Oh my god. Is that Dana?”

  I follow her line of sight and sure enough, about to buy a hotdog from the same stand we just purchased ours from, is Dana. We both jump up and stroll casually towards her. Loryn grabs her elbow before she can attempt to run.

  “Lucas, Loryn… what a surprise,” Dana says and lets us lead her away from the stand. She takes a bite of her hotdog. “They always forgets the damn onions.”

  “You’re looking healthier,” I comment because it’s true, she’s not as haggard and has put a bit of weight on. She still looks ill but it’s not as bad. “Now. Tell us you’re going to deal with this Daniel shit.”

  “Are you crazy? I don’t have that kind of money,” Dana scoffs and tugs her arm free. She takes another bite of her food and wipes her mouth on the napkin. “He’ll get over it.”

  I grab her arm, enough to hurt but not enough to bruise, “You do realize that they trashed Loryn’s store, threatened her life, and it cost a hell of a lot more than ten grand to sort out.”

  For a moment I think she actually looks guilty until she says, “Shit. I need to get out of town.”

  “Don’t you care at all?” I snarl.

  Dana just rolls her eyes, “They aren’t going to do anything else to you. Daniel’s all talk.”

  “So why are you so damn scared?” Loryn barks and shoves her cousin. “That was our gramps’ store! Don’t you care about that?”

  Dana looks around as if searching for someone, probably paranoid, “Of course I do. There’s nothing I can do. If I hand myself into Daniel now he’ll kill me. Or worse. I don’t have that kind of money. I can’t even get that kind of money. In reality I only owe him five but his interest rates suck.”

  “So you’re going to leave your cousin to be tortured?” Loryn laughs incredulously. “What about your dad? Can’t you get it from him?”

  “My dad stopped helping me months ago,” she shrugs and looks at Loryn. “I’m sorry. I can’t help. I have to go. You two could be being followed.” Talk about a bad case of paranoia.

  Loryn grabs her bicep before she can get away, I watch her nails dig into the skin, “What am I supposed to do?”

  “That’s not my damn problem.”

  “Christ Dana, you’re still as big of a bitch as you were in High School.”

  “Shut up Lucas. Why are you even with her anyway?”

  “That’s none of your business Dana.”

  “Oh my god,” Dana laughs loudly, its high pitched and awful. Exactly how I remember it. “Fucking hell. Crystal would flip her lid!” Shut up, shut up, shut up. “Scary Carey? I remember you once said that her face would look better on a chipmunk’s body and how she was always staring at you.” She laughs again. “And now you two are dating? Christ Lucas… you must be desperate!”

  I clench my fists. “I swear, I never said that.”

  “Oh you liar!” Dana laughs. “This is good though Loryn. At least now when Daniel comes back Lucas can just ask his new sister for the money.”

  “I’m not having my family pay your debts,” I snarl and tug Loryn back to me. “I never said that Loryn.” Why’s she being so silent?

  “You will eventually,” Dana finishes her food and throws the napkin on the floor. We watch the breeze carry it away. “Nice talking to you both. Lucas, you should be ashamed… Crystal would never be happy about this.”

  “Rot in hell Dana.”

  “Already there Lucas.” She lifts her arms to the side and lets them slap back to her thighs. “You know as well as I do that she would hate this.” She winks at Loryn. “He’ll never love you. He’s never loved anyone but her.”

  “Is your life that shit that you have to put me down to feel better about yourself?” Loryn scoffs. “What did we ever do to you?”

  Dana’s smirk falls, she doesn’t say anything, she just walks away. I take Loryn’s hand in mine and pull her away. “Babe, I swear I never said that.”

  “Lucas, I don’t care. It was High School. And I did always used to stare at you whenever I saw you.”

  We smile at each other for a little while as we walk. Throwing my arm around her shoulders I press my lips to her forehead and sigh. “I’m sorry babe. She’s a waste of space.”

  “I’m sorry she brought up Crystal.”

  “Me too… she was wrong. Crystal wouldn’t think that.”

  Loryn mumbles solemnly, “I hope not.”

  We head to Loryn’s to collect her girl shit for hair. I wait in the car, she says she needs to talk to her mom so I play Angry Birds and kill a few pigs whilst I wait. She’s gone about forty minutes and comes out looking a little flustered and pissed off.

  “God, that, that woman drives me fucking insane!” she growls. I wait for her to continue. “Do you know what she did?” I shake my head in response. “I’ll tell you what she fucking did.” Whoa, timid little Loryn can swear. “I knew she’d do this!” Do what? “God! Let’s go.”

  “But you haven’t told me yet,” I put the car in drive and pull away from the curb. “What has she done?”

  “Nothing, it doesn’t matter,” she snarls. Whoa there kitty. I nod, accepting her answer for now when she suddenly blurts. “She’s been drinking! Again!”


  “She’s a recovering alcoholic.”

  “Maybe she’s lonely,
” I suggest. Not really knowing what else to say.

  Loryn rolls her eyes, “Don’t defend her. She knows better.”

  “Okay, okay, calm down. I’m just saying.”

  “Well don’t.” she grumbles.

  I quirk a brow, “Are you due your monthly cycle?”

  “I’m not hormonal!”

  “Okay, okay.”

  “Stop laughing at me!”

  “Okay, okay.”

  She huffs and crosses her arms, “She just stresses me out.”

  “Really? I couldn’t tell.”

  She gives me the finger.

  I laugh again, man she’s fucking cute when she’s angry, like a hissing kitten.

  “Oh my god, those pancakes smell amazing,” Loryn is practically drooling, I’m guessing her bad mood is gone. She heads straight to the kitchen as if she’s been here a hundred times before. As usual I get left behind with the bags. I follow my brother into the room.

  “Where’s Marie?” James asks and looks behind me. Oh shit.

  Lucas: On my way!

  Marie: You bastard! You forgot about me didn’t you!

  Lucas: No! I swear… Loryn’s fault!

  Marie: I’m coming now… asshole… I’ll remember this.

  Lucas: I’ll buy you a bottle of whiskey.

  Marie: The good kind?

  Lucas: The best.


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