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A Little Bit of Trouble

Page 20

by A. E. Murphy

  We arrive at the school and get stuck looking for a parking space. After ten minutes we finally manage to find one and quickly rush to the large field around the back of the huge building where all of the school years and classes are lined up and ready. We find our girls and shuffle our way to the front. I quickly pull out my phone so I can record it.

  “Lucas!” Sylvia calls and waves us over. “Hello Helen.” They’ve met before, when Sylvia has picked up Amelia for me. “How are you both?”

  We make small talk and eventually the races begin. First our group of kids do a small relay. We end up laughing through most of it as most of the five year olds don’t know what to do and end up running without the baton. Amelia, Tegan and Bailey all do pretty well until Amelia falls over half way through a sack race, she comes first in the obstacle race. The kid can run and jump like a chimp.

  At the end, whilst they’re giving out certificates and medals, Helen asks, “Would you like to come over for dinner? My husband should be home soon. He’ll be eager to hear about this and see it.” She motions to my phone.

  “Sounds awesome,” I smile and sweep up a squealing Amelia with a medal dangling around her neck. “Baby, I am so damn proud of you.”

  “I fell over in the sack race,” she giggles and accepts my kisses. “Hello grandma.”

  I hand her over to Sylvia and kneel down the Tegan and Baily, Tegan has a medal for the sack race Baily is upset because she doesn’t have one. “Want to go get some ice cream?”

  She instantly perks up. Helen mouths a thank you.

  We head to the closest ice cream store and pick up a couple of cartons before heading over to Helen’s and heading straight to the outdoor pool. The girls eat their ice cream before dressing in cute swimming costumes and jumping into the shallow end of the water with rings around their waists.

  “This is awesome,” I laugh as the girls’ splash and play. “Thanks for this.”

  “No worries,” Helen beams and hands me a beer. “So, what have you got planned for the week?”

  “It’s Loryn’s birthday next week, on Thursday. Any ideas on what I could do?”

  Helen taps her chin in thought, “Take her out for the day and night. What does she like to do?”

  Fuck, I genuinely have no idea. “I can’t exactly say our relationship has involved a lot of talking.” I grimace a little and Helen laughs, catching the hidden meaning to my words. “We argue a lot. Is that normal for this early on?”

  “From the little of what you told me about her before, it sounds like you’re passionate about her so I’d say yes. My husband and I argued all the time when we first met, we still do. About stupid things.” This brings me a small amount of relief. She leans over and pats me on the hand, “I know it can’t be easy. Considering what has happened with your wife, but give it a chance.”

  Slowly I nod in agreement. I will give it a chance.

  Loryn: What are you doing?

  Lucas: Sat watching the girls play in a swimming pool with Helen. Just waiting for her husband Wesley to come home so he can watch the videos of his girls kicking ass at sports.

  She doesn’t respond. Even when Wes arrives half an hour later, still no response.

  “You said her birthday is on Thursday?” Helen asks as she leads Amelia and me to the door, ready to leave. I nod. She continues, “Bring Amelia round on Thursday morning, I’ll have her for you and Wesley can drop her home the next day.”

  “Are you sure?” That would give me chance to do something with Loryn.

  She smiles kindly, “Of course. No problem at all. You also asked what you could get her. Think of something she needs rather than something she wants.”

  And as if all of the missing pieces click into place I leave feeling elated and with a plan in mind.

  Lucas: What is Loryn calling the store?

  Marie: L&M’s Hair, Beauty and Photo Studio.

  Lucas: Awesome. Thanks babe.

  Marie: What’s going on?

  Lucas: You’ll find out later. Don’t tell Loryn okay?

  Marie: Ooh, is Lucas doing something special for Loryn’s twenty eighth?

  Lucas: Lucas is! And it’s her twenty seventh isn’t it?

  Marie: Fuck if I know… Let me know if you need anything!

  Lucas: I shall! :-D

  “Daddy, where are we going?” Amelia asks.

  “Can you keep a secret?”


  “Good, then I’ll show you.”


  Happy Birthday to Loryn

  Bang, bang, bang. The door finally opens, one of the builders greets me and shuts the door behind me. Wow, they’ve finally started putting the walls up. I carefully start making me way through the place to where the kitchen used to be but is now being transformed into a changing area that will also lead to the studio so people don’t have to walk through the salon in their outfits of choice and head up the stairs to Loryn’s flat. Which is also locked. She answers after the third knock.

  “What are you doing here?” shit, she’s been crying.

  I hold out the flowers I brought and the wrapped gift. She doesn’t take them. I thought she’d love red roses? What girl doesn’t?

  “What are you doing here Lucas?” she sniffs but doesn’t move to let me in.

  “Happy birthday,” I state with a smile hoping that will cheer her up. It doesn’t. “Babe, you gonna let me in?”

  She steps to the side and opens the door a little more. I put the flowers and the small box on the counter and slowly face her. “What’s wrong?”

  “I haven’t seen you all fucking week Lucas! Why are you here now?”

  “But I have texted you every day,” smiling mischievously I step towards her, she takes a step back. “Dammit Loryn. I’m here aren’t I? I’ve been busy.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Come on, I have a surprise for you,” okay, now I’m acting like a pussy. “Open your gift!”

  She shakes her head, “You can’t just disappear and walk back into my life!”

  Okay, so maybe I’ve been a little bit of a dick, but we needed the space. I think.

  This is what I was trying to avoid. I have texted her every day, but I’ve refused to see her. So maybe my texts haven’t been very reassuring. I’ve got a lot on my mind, give me a break.

  “Come on,” I stick out my lower lip. “For one day. Just one day, let’s have a good time. I’ve got it all sorted.”

  She smiles weakly, sighs and grabs the small wrapped box from the counter. I watch her slowly unwrap it, tug off the lid and frown in confusion, “You got me a key?”

  “Yep,” I grin and lift her over my shoulder. “Let’s go.”

  She squeals and laughs. “Where are we going?”

  With her hanging limply over my shoulder and her hands gripping my ass, I pad downstairs, past the laughing builders and outside, where I deposit her on the ground facing me. Before she can say anything I swiftly kiss her and spin her around. She instantly gasps.

  “Oh my god, Lucas!” she walks towards the small white van with purple and black script on the side. Chosen by Marie as their studio logo.

  It reads,


  And underneath has what their store is and their contact details. “This is too much! I can’t believe you did this!” She runs her hand over the white hood and smiles up at me with a little shake of her head. “You’re crazy. This… must have cost you a fortune!”

  I throw the keys at her and watch as she unlocks it and climbs in. I slide into the middle, my thigh presses against hers.

  “I figured you’d need something to deliver your prints and such in and to move props around for the studio. I was going to get you a car but Marie convinced me this would be better,” I explain as she starts the engine. Her face falls, “What if Daniel…” I quickly cut her off by raising my hand, “I figured you’d say that so I’ve hired a garage on the next block. You can keep your van in there overnight.”

“You’ve really thought of everything,” her voice is barely above a breath. “Lucas… this is… perfect. Truly. But it’s so much.”

  Waving her off I motion for her to start the engine, she does and squeals with glee. We drive up and down the road a few times, she’s not insured at present so she can’t take it anywhere else.

  We swap places after a few minutes, I drive it into the garage and lock it up before handing her the keys. As soon as she pockets them she jumps on me, legs around my waist, arms around my neck and starts kissing me. Eagerly and frantically as if I’m everything to her, or as if she hasn’t seen me in a year. Wow.

  “Get a room!” Someone shouts as they walk by. We laugh and decide to do just that.

  Unfortunately, we only use her room so she can change, we don’t have time on my schedule to be having sex yet.

  “Where are we going?” She asks as we hop into a waiting car.

  “You’ll see,” I smile and pull her onto my lap. “So, has your mom or dad called?”

  She shrugs and looks away. I’ll take that as a no. Christ. That sucks.

  “Is that why you were crying?”

  She scowls, “I wasn’t crying.”

  I roll my eyes, “Okay then. If you say so.”

  Her shoulders sag, she stretches her legs and rests her arms around my neck, “I was crying because…” grunt, “I thought you’d forgotten.”

  I affect her that much? My hand instantly cups her cheek, my eyes meet hers so beautiful and full of sadness, “Babe. How many times do I have to tell you I’m not going to let you down?”

  “Umm… actually you haven’t said that yet,” she snorts.

  I scour my mind, she’s right, I haven’t said that, “When I say you’re mine Loryn. I mean I will look after you. Get that through your head. If you need anything. Just let me know.” Deep breath in now let it out. “I care about you.” And I mean it.

  She smiles at me sweetly for a few moments, her eyes glassy. The moment breaks when we hit a pot hole and the driver apologizes.

  She shakes her head a little and continues with a little laugh, “Lucas, when you say I’m yours. You mean I’m your property. There’s a difference.”

  “It’s the same thing, I look after my property. If you’re my property I’ll look after you,” I give her a roguish smile. “We’ll talk about all of this another day. We’re here.” The car slows to a stop. Fast journey. If I’d known it was this close I would have walked.

  “Paintballing?” she squeals and a huge smile breaks out over her face as she looks at the large warehouse style building, her face practically pressed up against the glass. “Oh my god. This is awesome.”

  “Yeah, I figured you were up for this,” I feel instant relief. “Come on.” I climb out of the car, run around to her side and open the door. She takes my hand and smiles weakly.

  As soon as we step inside my team of super friends jump out, already suited up and ready to go. “SURPRISE!” Maya, James, Marie, Summer and Chris all shout. Loryn starts crying. Ah crap.

  I roll my eyes as all the girls start hugging, all except from Marie who stand about a foot away and pats Loryn’s back like a dog. Marie isn’t big on touchy feely crap apparently. The guys stand with me, we watch as Loryn calms herself and starts getting excited. Maya and Summer help her into her coveralls as I pull mine on.

  “Okay, we need teams,” Maya announces and Chris and James instantly pull me backwards to them.

  I shake my head and pull away, my eyes on Loryn, “Loryn’s a shooter. She has good fucking aim. Sorry boys but, I’m with the lady.”

  “How’d you know I could shoot?” she narrows her eyes suspiciously.

  “Your pee shooting skills are awesome and your throwing arm hits the target every time, I’m not taking my chances against you.” Kissing her nose tenderly I turn to the others. “Birthday girl can decide on teams.”

  She purses her lips and scans her eyes over us all. “Girls versus boys.”

  “What?” I practically shriek. “But… but… I just made a fucking declaration. And you’re rejecting me?”

  She shrugs, “Take it like a man big boy. Now walk away.”

  I grumble all the way over to Chris and James who treat me like I’m a traitor for a few minutes before coming up with a plan on who to get first. We decide on tag teaming Summer before going for Marie and then handling Maya, leaving Loryn for last. Maya apparently took a few shooting courses as a child, according to James. Three versus four is so unfair but that’s what you get when you only have… hold that thought.

  “Sorry I’m late,” comes a familiar male voice as the changing room door opens. And in strolls Jacob stone, millionaire, movie star, playboy with a set loyalty to our group that I could never explain. He goes straight over to Loryn who is gaping, wide eyed and open mouthed, I watch him hand her a gift bag with a smile and a wink. Leaning forward he kisses her cheek and says quietly, “Happy birthday.”


  We all watch as Loryn falls to the ground, fortunately Summer and Maya have caught her and slowly lower her to the ground. “Dude, you just killed my girlfriend,” I say in disbelief. The others burst out laughing, Jacob scratches the back of his head, “I’m sorry. That happens sometimes.”

  “Is she okay?” Summer asks around her laughter as I crouch down.

  Leaning down by Loryn’s limp form I slap her cheek gently, blow on her face shake her a little. She doesn’t wake. The others are still laughing whilst greeting the star.

  “You’ve still got it,” Maya giggles and pinches Jacob’s cheeks. “I’ve missed you.” They hug for a little longer than necessary before he moves onto Summer who stand to greet him.

  “Looking good, loving the hair,” she ruffles his thick locks and kisses his cheek.

  James comes over and flicks Loryn’s ear, “Should we call an ambulance?”

  Jacob shrugs, “she’ll be fine. Happens a lot and no one has needed an ambulance yet.”

  I have to watch this, Marie and Jacob, he stops in front of her. Oh my god, she wasn’t lying. There’s definitely something going on there, he pulls her into his chest, everybody seems to stop still when her arms go around him. He kisses the top of her head, it’s almost loving, then releases her and walks over to James who is back beside Chris.

  Loryn is unfortunately still incapacitated at present.


  “What the fuck?” Loryn squeals and splutters on the water. She looks at me, before glaring at Maya who has a now empty glass in her hand. “What happened?”

  “I happened,” Jacob chuckles and waves his hand in her direction.

  Her eyes go wide, “Oh my god.” She looks at me, “Jacob Stone is here.”

  “Get used to it, he never leaves us alone,” Maya jokes and links her arm through his. He smiles down at her, a lot like one would smile at a sister. How James can think they’re anything more than platonic is beyond me.

  Although his jaw is ticking a little, he’s irritated at the fact Maya isn’t paying him any attention. Surely he doesn’t believe Jacob to be a threat?

  Nobody brings up Loryn’s faint attack, knowing she’s embarrassed and probably because it’s her birthday, I’m certain they’ll tear the crap out of her for it tomorrow.

  “Are you okay? You didn’t hit your head or anything did you?” I murmur into her ear as the owner runs us through gun safety and usage.

  “No, I’m fine,” we click the safety on as soon as our guns are passed to us. “I still can’t believe Jacob Stone is here.”

  “He’s just another normal person Loryn.”

  “I know, but it’s… he’s Jacob Stone.” She declares quietly as if that explains everything. “I have a poster of him rolled up in my closet!”

  She what?

  “I took it down when Marie told me you guys knew him, I never expected to actually meet him,” a wistful look comes over her face. “Do you think he’ll sign it for me?”

  My fists clench, “You attracted to him

  “Umm… no.” I’ll take that as a yes. “Come on Lucas. I’m just a little star struck. Dammit, it’s Jacob Stone.”

  My eyes narrow, “You’ve said.”

  “Sorry. If it’s any consolation I’m way more attracted to you.”

  Fuck. “You’re attracted to him!”

  She slaps my arm and hisses, “Keep your damn voice down.”

  I don’t respond because we are being separated into our teams. Pulling my mask down I make sure my paint gun is loaded and head into the room where small huts and buildings made out of ply wood and brick stand all over the large area, the ground is covered in tires and empty metal barrels. There are even a few destroyed cars and such. There are so many places to hide.

  “Capture the flag is first apparently,” Jacob says and rubs his chin. We formulate a plan, knowing Maya will probably be the mastermind behind the females and we all know how crazy and devious she is. “It’s one shot kill to the chest, head or neck. If we get hit on a limb we can’t use that limb throughout the round.” He knows I wasn’t paying attention, which means he probably heard the conversation between myself and Loryn. As if confirming my thoughts he adds, “Dude. Don’t do a James. She’s not my type and I wouldn’t screw around with my buddy’s girl.”

  “I know you wouldn’t,” I laugh and I mean it. Jacob isn’t like that, he’s not a Paul but that doesn’t mean I like the fact my woman is attracted to another male.

  Even if he was in love with Marie and at some point through their fucked up shit, which nobody knows about, I decided to get it on with her, he wouldn’t do what Paul did to James and start pleading with her to leave me. I make a mental note to ask him about Marie and the situation surrounding them, sounds like an interesting story.


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