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Abraxis Complex 4: Forging Aegis

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by Ben Winston

  Forging Aegis

  Abraxis Complex - Part IV

  By Ben Winston

  Copyright © 2016 Ben Winston

  Published by Blue Space Publications, LLC.


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed by a newspaper, magazine, or journal.

  All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  Abraxis Complex

  Origin of Prometheus – Book I

  Sword of Damocles – Book II

  Abraxis Code – Book III

  Forging Aegis – Book IV


  To my wife, Lori, without whom I would have surely never finished this book

  To my brother Michael, without whom this work would never have been published

  And to my mother, may she rest in peace, who taught me it’s alright to dream.


  Forging Aegis

  Imperial Palace Drell V Drell System Cerbilax Sector

  Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Command and Control Dome Level 5 Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Command Center Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Terran Ranger Team Alpha Harclen Hyperspace vector

  Harclen Democratic Consortium Outer system Harclen System

  Office of the Governor Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Medical Center Castinim City Harclen System Harclen Democratic Consortium

  Stardust Medical Center Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Experimental Lab Complex Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Stardust Medical Center Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Struve Rim Training Base Medical Center Struve Crater, Selene Earth's Moon, Sol System

  Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Struve Rim Training Base Medical Center Struve Crater, Selene Earth's Moon, Sol System

  Medical and Cybernetic Center Monlith Prime Monlith System Drellian Imperial Directorate

  Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Struve Rim Training Base Medical Center Struve Crater, Selene Earth's Moon, Sol System

  Grimaldi Ridge Base Ocean of Storms Selene, Earth's Moon

  Forging Aegis

  Imperial Palace

  Drell V

  Drell System

  Cerbilax Sector

  "We have finished analyzing the data taken from the primitive Earth computers, Master," Abraxis Prime said.

  "I assume you found something worth telling me about?"

  "We have; it would seem the inhabitants are a most curious species. They have a great many things that make them unique in the extreme. They are very much like the Drellian race used to be," Prime replied.

  "In what way? I do not like that you are comparing our people to some inferior, mongrel race."

  "It was not intended as a comparison my master, simply as a suggestion. This race would be very easy for you to manipulate and use to restore your race and expand your great Empire," Prime replied.


  "In their current state, they are fragmented into multiple warring tribes. They are trapped on their planet by their greed and quest for power. They are paranoid and distrustful. The governments of the planet do not support the Rangers as the Rangers refuse to allow them any of the advanced technology as they believe it would be used to make war on the rest of the planet. That assumption is very accurate. However, if one of these governments were to be assisted with technology, and did manage to take control of the planet, they would be very grateful to their benefactor, so grateful they would be very easy to control and use as you see fit.

  "They breed quickly, possess a curiosity and imagination that could make them very powerful, very quickly. We believe that has already begun but under the control of the human Rangers and guided by one of my rogue terminals. If they are allowed to ascend to supremacy in that sector, they could eventually pose a viable threat to your Empire," Prime finished.

  "There are humans in our Empire. They are lazy and at best mediocre servants. What makes these humans any different?"

  "There is something different about them. They possess an ingenuity that coupled with their imagination makes them potentially very powerful. It was my thought to destroy them utterly because of the threat they could become. However, because of their potential to the Empire, I brought this to you, My Master."

  "You are attributing the recent failure in that sector to these humans then?"

  "Yes Master, in the past, that sector has been barely worthy of our attention. When we discovered the location of The Code on the planet Earth, we sent a team to destroy it. It was shortly after that we discovered the existence of the human Ranger team. It was decided to destroy that node and annex the sector as four teams in one sector was to many to allow.

  "That mission failed utterly and all teams sent there were destroyed. That was very far from the projected outcome for the mission, we can only assume it is because of the addition of the human team. That was when we began analyzing the data we took from that planet. We are now certain the mission failed because of the addition of these humans. It is the only parameter that had changed. If you do not wish to take control of them, we will begin preparations to sterilize the sector," Prime replied.

  "We want more information on these humans and what they are doing. Send a team there with orders to observe and gather intelligence. Even if we are to decide to erase these vermin from the universe, we will need to know what they are up to."

  "It will be as you order, Master. We will dispatch one of our best teams immediately," Prime replied.

  "Be sure they are capable of making contact with the humans without the Rangers interfering. If we decide to use them we will need to be able to make contact."

  "Yes my Master," Prime replied in supplication.

  "What of your invasion preparations? How are they coming along?"

  "Slowly, my Master. It will take some time to gather the required force to ensure our victory in that sector. With the loss of the three teams that were searching for my rogue node, it has left us weak in that area of the galaxy. However, once that force is assembled, we will use them to destroy that sector and subjugate the remaining sectors in that quadrant," Prime explained.

  "Very well. Leave me, I would contemplate these developments."

  The small tracked drone turned away from the old throne and trundled out of the room. The dust from its passage settled quickly back to the floor of the airless chamber. On the raised throne the burnt and decayed body of the long dead Emperor remained on the throne, silent witness to the departure of its insane servant.

  Grimaldi Ridge Base

  Ocean of Storms

  Selene, Earth's Moon

  "Grimaldi Base, team Alpha requesting clearance and landing instructions over?" Greg called as they coasted along the lunar surface.

  "Welcome back, Rangers. Landing clearance is denied; base defenses are currently active. We have some unwanted visitors from the planet. The Governor is trying to talk them into backing down," the traffic controller replied.

  "Lovely. Can you tell me who it is?" Greg asked.

  "China and the Russian Federation
have both sent armed missions up here," flight control replied. "I honestly can't tell who they are going to attack first though, they seem ready to fight each other almost more than attacking us."

  "Idiots, they have no idea what starting that fight would mean. Do they even have the life support or fuel they'd need to make it back to the planet?" Greg asked.

  "This is Jarad. No Greg, they don't. This was a one way mission for both teams. We're still working on how to handle that part," Jarad replied. "The Chinese shuttle is carrying a nuke. They have threatened to launch it if we do not surrender to them. The Russian ship is armed with a crude laser weapon as well as missiles. The laser is pretty weak and none of the weapons they are carrying can get through the shields."

  "Understood, put me on with them please," Greg asked.

  The next voice Greg heard was Carl's. "They're all yours, Commander. Good luck."

  "Attention military shuttles, this is Commander Greg Albright, military leader of Grimaldi Base. If you fire on this base, or any of the craft attempting legitimate landings here, you will be destroyed immediately. The nations you represent have no claim to any part of this base. If you wish to argue that further then I suggest your Ambassadors take it up with the United Nations. However, the simple fact of the matter is we are here and have claimed this base and the area surrounding it as ours. We are here, you are not.

  "I understand you do not have the fuel to return to the planet even if you wanted to. That is a situation we can assist you with, but hear this right now, you will not attack this base nor will we be surrendering to you. If you want a ride home, we can do that. If you want to die up here, well, we can do that too. We're tired of playing with you idiots. Jettison your weapons and we will make sure you are taken back to Earth. Otherwise, you can sit out here until you run out of air or fuel and crash; the choice is yours."

  "This is the property of the…" the Chinese shuttle began, but Greg interrupted him.

  "Did I give you the impression this was a negotiation? It's not. Attack and we will defend ourselves, surrender and we will make sure you get home, those are your choices. I'm tired of dealing with you idiots and frankly, we don't have the time anymore." He turned to his monitors and his two tired looking teammates. "Girls, let's get into position to defend the base. If the Chinese toss that nuke, I'd like to be in place to shoot it down."

  They both nodded as Greg moved his sled according to the data Bella gave him. The orbiting shuttles became clearer on his targeting systems, but still did not register as threats.

  "Do you think they're serious Greg?" Jolene asked.

  "Sending nuclear weapons up here sounds pretty serious to me. I just don't understand how they think they can do anything to us," Greg replied.

  A warning chime told Greg the Chinese had armed the Nuke. "Damn, the Chinese just armed that nuke. Ladies, attack formation."

  "Do you know what you're doing here, Greg?" Carl asked over the still open comm. "If we blow up that shuttle it could have serious repercussions back on Earth."

  "Do you want me to let them drop that nuke on you, Carl?" Greg asked.

  "Maybe you should, Greg. Every one of the Super-Powers down there believes in the invincibility of their nuclear arsenals," Jarad explained. "If we show them that nukes have no effect on us, perhaps they will finally begin to understand. Besides, you would be far more justified in destroying them after they attacked us."

  "What's your opinion, Carl?" Greg asked.

  "Well, we already evacuated all surface personnel as well as all non-essential personnel from the domes. If we're sure that the shield and our armor will protect us, I'm willing to agree with Jarad. It would be a very overwhelming show of defensive power. One that even the Chinese couldn't ignore. Plus, by letting them attack first, it gives us the moral high-ground, politically speaking, with the rest of the planet," Carl replied. "That being said, I am in no hurry to let myself be nuked."

  "Okay, if this happens, what effect will it have on the shuttles?" Greg asked.

  "It'll kill them. The pulse will fry all their electronics. The ships will be dead in space," Jarad replied.

  "Wait, I thought shuttles were hardened?" Bella asked.

  "Against the normal stuff that happens in space, but not against a nuke. EMP is still a viable weapon as far as Earth tech is concerned," Jarad replied. "Neither of those shuttles appear to have had any extra hardening against EMP damage."

  "Agent Danielson is correct. Based on current Earth technology, the mass of the shuttles is far too low to have had that type of protection installed," Abraxis replied.

  "So, could we just pulse them ourselves and remove the problem?" Greg asked. "That would only kill their ships and we could still get them back to Earth."

  "We're not equipped with anything that can do that," Jolene replied. "I am putting in a note for Mandi to see if she can add something like that to us in the future."

  Greg nodded to her. "So for now, we have to let them drop that Nuke and take care of them from there. However, we will not destroy them. Carl, do you think you can call the UN and ask where they want these criminals dropped? I will not return them to their own countries after they do this."

  "I'll see what I can do, Commander," Carl replied.

  "Chinese shuttle, this is Commander Albright. If you launch the nuclear weapon you just armed, it will destroy your ship but still not harm the base. You will have given your lives for no gain. Consider the effects of your actions," Greg called.

  "The People of China will not allow the American Government to control their sovereign territory, even if it is on another planet. Nor will we allow any other government to gain control of that territory. We will destroy it first. This is your last chance to surrender, American," the Chinese commander replied.

  "You folks just don't get it do you? We are not Americans! If you want to count heads down there, former American citizens are in the minority now. There are even former countrymen of your own down there. We will not surrender nor will you destroy us. Like we've been trying to tell you people, none of your weapons will hurt us. So go ahead and fire the weapon, Commander. Kill yourself and your troops, we won't stop you, we don't need to," Greg replied.

  "You will surrender yourselves and your equipment to the People of China now or it will be destroyed!" the almost fanatical sounding commander said.

  "I doubt the majority of the people of China even know we exist, Commander. So you can drop that nationalist bullshit! Your government, just like the rest of the self-serving idiots down there, are the ones that want our technology. You could care less about this spot on the moon! If this moon were even a tenth as important to your nation as you say it is, there would already be a massive population up here and a huge base of your own! You people don't give two grains of rice about this moon so just drop that bullshit. Just like every government on that planet, you want what we have plain and simple! Your actions only prove how very right we were in keeping it from you. Now quit throwing your temper tantrum and go home!" Greg said. I've been gone for a week on a mission. I'm tired, hungry and I want nothing more than to relax with my family. But when I get here I find two spoiled children fighting over a loaded gun that neither of them can even get to!" Greg sighed and tried to get his temper under control. "Commander, just stop this lunacy and let us help you back to the planet. There is nothing for any of the governments here."

  "Greg, they'll be in firing range of the base in five minutes," Bella said.

  Greg nodded to her. "Show time, Carl. They'll either back down, or fire that missile. Honestly, I think the asshole they put in charge up here is insane, so I would bet on him firing that missile."

  Carl nodded. "I agree. Which makes me wonder if this wasn't the Chinese plan all along. They had to know there is no way we would surrender this colony."

  "Everyone, the Chinese Ambassador to the UN just announced that their commander up here is no longer under their control. Pretty convenient if you ask me," Jarad said over the comm.
  "Did they give us permission to defend ourselves from him?" Greg asked.

  "Uh, no, they didn't say anything like that," Jarad replied.

  "Then it's a lie. The political officer would have killed him already if it were true," Greg said. "But, I'm sure the UN will accept the explanation, since that's how it always works with them. Since the nuclear weapon will not be detonated on Earth, no one really cares."

  "The Russian shuttle is attempting to land. If they can make it down, and shut down all their systems, they might be able to save some of their ship," Bella said. "They are going to surrender so we can take them back."

  "Okay, let’s move into position around them and get the tractor beams ready, we can help them if they need it," Greg ordered.

  "What about the Chinese ship?" Jolene asked as she moved into position to assist the Russian ship.

  "What about them? If this is the path they've chosen, then so be it," Greg said. "If the Russian troops are surrendering, then they need our protection right now. Once they get down, set down around them; we'll link shields to protect them from the pulse."

  The Chinese ship did launch the missile, but it was for nothing. The guidance system failed and the missile simply headed off into space at full power. Greg couldn't help but laugh as he lifted off the surface and took off after the fast moving missile. Bella and Jolene used their tractors to lift the Russian shuttle off the lunar surface and move it closer to the base.

  In anger, the Chinese shuttle set a vector that would put them on the surface just outside the domes of the base. Abraxis calculated it would burn up their remaining fuel reserves in an attempt to land. When he returned from destroying the missile, Greg locked onto them with his tractor and pulled them back into orbit. They exhausted their fuel fighting the tractor.


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