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Ranger (Elemental Paladins Book 4)

Page 12

by Montana Ash

  The room laughed once again and Ivy felt herself relax, reminding herself that this wasn’t a typical Order. This was also a family.

  “Children … focus,” Darius reprimanded, raising his eyebrows at Lark.

  Lark nodded, turning to Caspian, “Did you happen to be talking about Max last night?”

  Caspian frowned a little but nodded his head, “Yes. We were talking about how grateful we were for the new home, the new garden … the new friends,” he added, smiling sweetly.

  Lark nodded, “And did you happen to make any comment about being loyal to Max?”

  The three visitors looked at each other, Caspian confirming, “We did.”

  “That’s why then,” Lark stated, as if it was obvious. “Although the new brand is clearly all about Max, given it’s made up of Max’s symbols for all seven domains, it’s not the same as her Heraldry. Her coat of arms is a manifestation of her power and therefore all about her – the giver. In contrast, I believe the brand is a manifestation of loyalty and is thus, all about the recipient.”

  “So, I did it to myself?” Leo asked.

  “Yes and no. Max’s power must have brought it to fruition – unbeknownst to her,” he quickly added before Max could interject. “But, I think if you’re loyal and you’re worthy …” he trailed off.

  Ryker started pacing, “Loyalty brand makes sense. We already figured that anyway. But, you’re telling me Max doesn’t have to personally give this brand to people? She doesn’t even have to be around?”

  Lark shrugged, “It’s just a thought. But … the proof’s right here.”

  Ryker swore, “Fuck! So, people only have to think they are loyal and they could start popping ink?”

  “No, I don’t think it’s as simple as that,” Lark said quickly. “I think they have to mean it.”

  “Oh well then, as long as they mean it …” Ryker groused and Ivy could tell he wasn’t comforted in the least.

  “You think I’m right?” Lark asked.

  Ryker waved a negligent hand at him, “Of course you are. You’re always right with stuff like this.”

  Ivy watched as Lark quickly ducked his head as if he were embarrassed by his Captain’s words. She knew how much such absolute faith from your superior meant. It was just more evidence of how much all these people believed in the young paladin. Ivy felt her previous low opinion rising more and more with every little titbit she learned. A good thing? Or a dangerous thing? She wondered.

  “So, paladins could be waking up all over the world with a new brand. That’s not going to go over real well with their wardens,” her brother commented, chewing on his lower lip.

  “Or the council,” Diana noted.

  “No, it’s not,” Ryker’s frown was dark as he finally stopped pacing. “I’m worried this is going to cement their opinions …”

  “Perhaps it’s time we tested some of our fellow citizens?” Darius suggested, “We’ve all heard the rumblings, we all have our suspicions but I think it’s time we were a little less subtle about determining what they are and where they’re coming from.”

  “Less subtle?” Dex asked, his voice full of shock. “Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

  Darius flashed his older brother a droll look, “Funny. I’m serious. What if there are other wardens and paladins waking up out there with Max’s unique domain symbols on their arm? This could very well start some serious in-fighting …”

  “What do you think we should do?” Ryker asked his second in command.

  “We set a trap,” Darius responded, decisively.

  “Now you’re talking my language. Let’s trap the bastards! I hear bear traps are particularly effective and painful,” Max crowed, rubbing her hands together. Zombie, who had still been sitting happily and quietly at Ivy’s feet, joined in Max’s jubilation, jumping around and barking happily.

  Bloodthirsty little animal, she thought, liking the dog even more.

  Darius shook his head but laughed, “Not a physical trap, you malicious little goddess. A mental one. We get them to expose themselves so they are forced into the open. Not only for us to see but for other wardens and paladins as well. We’ll be able to identify our allies and our enemies in one fell swoop.”

  Ivy could have sworn Max was pouting at having her bear trap plans flushed down the toilet but a few moments of thought had her nodding her head, “Mind games. I like it,” she finally decided.

  “You think we should dangle Max’s power in their faces? See how they react?” Dex asked, years of shared strategy making the brothers think alike.

  Darius nodded, “Precisely.”

  “I’ll do it. I love mind-fucking people,” Axel volunteered.

  “No. Not you,” Ryker shook his head, “Lark.”

  “Lark? What? Why? Lark already has a secret mission!” Axel whined, “I wanna annoy arseholes until they snap like rubber bands!”

  “We all know you’re the master of irritating people, Axel,” Ryker soothed the fire paladin. “But you’re also known for your snark and your strength. You don’t let anyone get away with shit.”

  “And I’m known for being weak, a pushover, and a victim,” Lark stated.

  Ivy eyed him, expecting to see resentment on his face but instead all she saw was calculation as a smile began to bloom upon his lips;

  “And they say you’re all brawn, Captain.”

  Ryker sniffed, “I have my moments.”

  “Fine,” Axel pouted. “You look more like a squirrel than I do anyway. All that red hair,” Axel pointed out.

  “It’s not red, it’s auburn,” Lark corrected, quickly.

  “Whatever you say, Ed,” was Axel’s quick and obscure response – to Ivy at least.

  Lark merely rolled his green eyes at the fire paladin and turned to Ryker; “You want me to head out now and start making some waves?”

  Ryker nodded his agreement, “I think this is something we need to deal with immediately. I know you, Ivy, and Dex need to be moving out again very soon – as soon as possible. But this needs to be dealt with too. With three fewer soldiers in the house, we need to know what and who we’re up against.”

  “It’s cool. I’ll check out the lodge first and if I don’t have any luck, I’ll hit Lonnie’s,” he said, naming the paladin-frequented bar where Ivy knew he’d had a violent encounter in the past.

  “Let me get my scythe,” Bey said, preparing to leave the room.

  “What for?” Lark asked.

  “So I can come with you, of course.”

  But Lark was already shaking his head, “You can’t.”

  Beyden’s lion-gold eyes narrowed, “You need back-up.”

  Uh oh, Ivy thought. Her brother was a soft-spoken man but he was loyal and protective down to his marrow. She recognised the hard line of his jaw for what it was; stubbornness.

  “Seriously, Bey. You can’t. The people we’re trying to expose are bullies. They pick on the defenceless. I need to make them believe I’m vulnerable. If I bring six-foot-three of hulking muscle with me, no-one is ever going to make a move.”

  Beyden merely crossed his beefy arms over his chest.

  “He’s right, Beyden. He needs to be flying solo for this to work,” their Captain chimed in.

  “I don’t like it,” her brother was still stubborn and she could see he was genuinely worried for his friend. Before she could even think about the consequences, she opened her mouth;

  “I’ll go with him.” All eyes turned to her and she made sure to keep her face blank. The looks of surprise on the various faces had her wanting to sink into the floor.

  Lark cleared his throat, breaking the awkward silence, “Not that I don’t appreciate the offer but your presence would be worse than Beyden’s. You’re our law enforcement. Nobody’s going to pick on me with you around.”

  Ivy kept her mouth shut this time and let someone else fill in the silence;

  “We’ll go,” Caspian spoke. “Nobody will think twice of me being
there and they certainly won’t worry about insulting me or others in my presence,” he added, sardonically.

  Ryker blew out a breath and Ivy realised he was just as concerned for his paladin’s safety as her brother had been for his friend, “That would be perfect. Thank you, my Lord,” he said, formally.

  Caspian smiled, “It’s the least we can do. Why don’t you give us a bit of a head start?” he asked Lark. “No point being obvious about it …”

  “Good idea. I’ll go shower real quick and get changed. That should give you guys enough time to already be there, acting all casual-like,” Lark offered to Caspian and his knights, who nodded. He then began to leave the room but stopped briefly in front of her, “Thank you,” he said softly, his eyes smiling and sparkling under his shaggy mop of hair.

  Ivy felt her heart give a giddy leap and she questioned herself once again; A good thing? Or a dangerous thing?


  He tried the Lodge first. Given it was a Sunday, there was nothing formal going on but many paladins still hung out in the large recreation room. Especially the trainees and the unbound paladins. It was also a popular place for wardens and the local council, given it was the council meeting place as well. Leaning over, he sighed a little as he stowed his scythe under the seat. Rules were rules and there were no weapons allowed in the common areas of the training centre. It was something even the most rebellious paladins adhered to; Ryker’s rules were not to be messed with. Although, he knew Max took her tanto sword everywhere. Some habits were hard to break.

  Catching his reflection in the mirror, he forced himself to wipe the subconscious smile from his lips and dim the sparkle of warmth in his eyes. He was still feeling all glowy-like from Ivy’s offer to watch his back. The look on her face when all eyes turned to her was priceless. Oh, he knew most people wouldn’t have noticed but he had her number now. He was confident the woman had had a whole bunch of: what the hell did I just say? rolling around in her thick skull. She may have regretted it as soon as the words had left her pretty mouth. But the automatic offer spoke volumes to him. He now found himself eager to set out with the lovely, pixie-faced ranger so he could see what else he could coax out of her. But first; work.

  One glance was all it took to satisfy him that he would not have to make another stop. The training lodge was filled with no less than fifteen people and he was glad to see there was a good mixture of pleasant and unpleasant individuals present. Some he knew had been outspoken against Max in the past and had apparently changed their tunes since her Custodian status had been proven and accepted by the IDC. Some had been kind and supportive all along, and there was a good number of pricks who he already knew had issues with Max. In fact, his job was going to be easier than he anticipated because he could make out a familiar broad back by the pool tables.

  Ignoring him for the moment, he made his way around the room, stopping to nod respectfully to the few members present from the Local Warden Council, including Lake, Hades, Ray, and Fawn. He knew Lake and Hades had been less than polite to Max at their first meeting and their attitudes had scarcely improved since then. Although, Lake really was just a glory chaser, he also thrived on gossip and Lark’s initial instincts told him the man was a douche but hardly an evil mastermind. There was no secret where Fawn’s support lay – she had always been kind to Max and she was a good friend of Beyden’s. Lark trusted his friend’s judgment implicitly. If Bey said the Beast Warden was cool, then she was cool. Ray, one of two fire wardens seated on the local council, was a soft-spoken, older man and had likewise always shown respect for Max. Lark was confident the man and his paladins would also prove to be allies.

  He made a show of unlocking and stepping into the office so he could pretend he was there for something work-related rather than Max-related. He rearranged Ryker’s desk draws, his pens, and even changed the password on the man’s computer. Ry was very protective of his office. Unfortunately for him, Lark and his fellow paladins received great joy from constantly pranking the man. Lark made sure to set the password to: #AxelRulz! His fellow knight would get the blame and Lark will have killed two birds with one stone, so to speak.

  Satisfied with his ten minutes worth of work, he stepped back int0 the common area. Catching the eye of Caspian, he nodded his hello and thanks for the back-up. Three sets of identical faces also drew his attention and he waved at Kai, Kellan, and Kane. The three air paladins waved back and Lark decided to go and talk to them as he waited for his presence to have the desired effect. He really liked the three men. They were a little older than him at seventy-five and had been very young men during the Great Massacre fifty years ago. He knew they were the current Lotharios of their society but Lark knew most of the tales were likely just that – tales. Nobody could make their way through that many women, could they? Although, if you divided the number by three, it was more realistic …

  “On your own today, boy?”

  Lark came to an abrupt halt and gritted his teeth at the tone as much as the content of the question. This was why Lark knew it wouldn’t be hard to stir things up; Carlos was here. The fire paladin was directly associated with one of the most powerful and respected families in their society. The family he was referring to had always been a bag of arseholes but they had certainly upped their game since Max came on the scene. Cinder was the family matriarch and a member of the IDC. Her daughter, Magda, was the head of the local council. And her grandson, Ignatius, had recently gone off the reservation and had been given chade-status. Regardless of the fact that Max had assured everyone Ignatius was not turning into a chade and was ‘merely’ a sociopath. But the council did not recognise mental illness and had imprisoned the fire warden in one of the chade encampments.

  Months ago, Ignatius had taken it upon himself to try to kill Caspian and his two paladins because of who they loved. Homosexual relationships were likewise not recognised in their narrow-minded society. But Max and his own Order had stepped in and they had all barely made it out with their lives. Ignatius had abused his powers over his domain and had turned the element into something twisted. Darius had damn-near been fried alive and Max had turned into a cold, vengeful Goddess, rather than the warm, fun woman they had all grown accustomed to. If Diana hadn’t been able to talk Max down, he was sure Ignatius and his paladins would have been nothing more than piles of goo on the ground.

  And that’s where Carlos came on the scene. His brother, Marco, had been the potentate of the Order of Vulcan and had likewise been sentenced to prison with his liege. Needless to say, Carlos now hated anything and everything to do with Max and her Order. Not that he didn’t have issues with them all before – it seemed to be hereditary. Marco had always gained a perverse enjoyment in picking on Lark. Lark could only speculate it was because of his shitty reputation as a paladin – thanks to the failed trials. But then again, bullies rarely needed an excuse. In fact, it was Marco who had ordered his fellow knights to hold him still as he had used him as a punching bag when Max had first arrived.

  Lark shook his head; Yep, the whole bunch of them are arseholes.

  “What’s the matter? No pithy comeback today? That lame excuse for an Order of yours always seems to have something ridiculous to say,” Carlos griped, obviously not liking being ignored.

  Lark saw the triplets frowning as they began to weave in and out of the crowd that was already gathering for the show. Perfect, Lark thought, this is almost too easy. He gave his helpers a small shake of his head, indicating they should stay back. Kane dipped his head minutely but his frown stayed firmly in place.

  “Carlos,” Lark began, jovially, “always such a pleasure. Tell me, what about my Order and my liege is ridiculous?”

  Carlos scoffed, as did at least handful of other paladins, “You’re kidding, right? Everyone knows the whole thing is a farce.”

  Lark allowed his features to morph into cluelessness, “A farce? I have no idea what you mean.”

  “Bullshit! You really think we all believe the most pat
hetic paladins in history are now a part of some special Order? You’re all a bunch of rejects; no wardens, dead wardens … take your pick!”

  Lark didn’t allow himself to react to the slight against Ryker’s and Diana’s deceased lieges. Instead, he answered calmly, wanting to appear to be the victim in the scenario; “We’re not rejects anymore. Now, if you’ll excuse me …” Trying to step around Carlos was fruitless when the bigger man stepped in his path.

  “No, I won’t excuse you. Do you think we’re all stupid? That the council is stupid? Your liege had better watch herself.”

  The tension in the room was steadily rising as Carlos began to show his true colours. Now to see how many others held the same beliefs; “Is that a threat?” he asked for clarification.

  Carlos puffed out his chest, “You’re damn right it is! You think I’m the only one who’s suspicious? A woman shows up with all this power, insisting she’s the daughter of a goddess, and just expects us all to blindly follow her?”

  As calmly as possible, he responded; “Max is not some kind of mad usurper. She has no ulterior motive other than to help maintain the balance between the domains. She was simply lost and now she’s been found. That is all, I assure you.”

  “Oh, well then. Because you assure us, that’s fine then.”

  Carlos’s sarcasm was not lost on him but Lark smiled innocuously nonetheless, “Excellent. I’m glad we got that all sorted.” He made to walk around the idiotic paladin but a tight grip to his forearm halted his forward motion.

  “You think you’re safe now? You think that midget bitch is gonna protect you? Everyone knows what you are – a pathetic failure as a son and as a warrior. You’re a miserable excuse for a male, let alone a knight,” Carlos hissed, loud enough for the entire room to hear.

  Lark took a deep breath, feeling his anger rise. It wasn’t the slurs that bothered him – such defamations were old school to him. It was the way he spoke about his liege that had his blood boiling and his hand itching with the urge to uppercut the pig. But he was supposed to be a coward, so he merely locked eyes with the piece of shit in front of him, “Let go of me.”


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