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Burn For You: Into The Fire Series

Page 3

by J. H. Croix


  It was a good hour later when I walked down the hallway at the end of my shift. Willow Brook Hospital was a whopping three stories tall. The ER was actually on the second floor because of the way the hospital was built into a hillside, with the parking for the emergency level on the second floor. The lower floor was partially underground, although staff parking was on the lowest floor at the far end of the hospital.

  Stepping into the elevator, I was startled to see Nate. I assumed he was long gone by this point. My heart started pounding wildly the moment my eyes landed on him. It was late now, a solid hour past midnight. No one else was in the elevator.

  His mouth kicked up at the corner in a sly grin. “Well, hello again. I’m all done for the night. Nothing broken, just badly bruised,” he said, holding up his hand, which was in a brace. “They want me to wear this so I don’t aggravate it more with too much motion.”

  I tried to order my heart to slow down, but it willfully ignored me, banging against my ribs while heat spun through my veins. I thought I was in bad shape after Nate and I had our moment in the closet well over a year ago now. But I’d gotten things under control, and then that stupid fundraiser happened.

  That was last October on Halloween. We were in the middle of January now. I hadn’t forgotten what he said when he walked away that night. The ball was in my court. Nate paid five thousand dollars for a date with me. It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but I hadn’t been able to scramble up the nerve to approach him about it since then. I’d worked it up into a giant thing in my brain.

  And now, here we were, trapped in an elevator. Alone.

  Coward that I was, I asked, “Were you getting off at this floor?”

  Nate’s dark eyes narrowed. I felt as if he could see straight through me, into all of my muddled insecurities. He shook his head. “No.”

  Reaching past me with his good hand, he jabbed the button to close the doors and then promptly hit the button to pause the elevator. In a flash, he was beside me. I curled my hands around the narrow bar encircling the walls inside the elevator, hanging on as if it would save me.

  I could feel the heat and strength of him. If I thought my heart was beating fast before, it took off at a full-on gallop now. My breath came in shallow pants and my belly spun, heat blooming through me from head to toe. I knew my cheeks were bright pink because my face was hot. My lower belly clenched, and I tried to catch my breath.

  Nate moved with purpose and deliberation, placing one hand and then the other on either side of me. His braced hand rested lightly against the metal bar, while the other curled around it. I looked up and his eyes met mine, his rich brown gaze coasting over my face. He was close enough that when I tried to take a deep breath, my breasts pressed against his chest.

  “So…” he drawled. “It looks to me like you’re chickening out.”

  I wanted to protest, to argue the point that I didn’t know what he was talking about. But I knew perfectly well what he meant. I practically got skid marks on my tongue to keep from arguing. After a moment, I managed to gather my wits.

  “No, I’m not. I’m just waiting for the right time,” I muttered with a lift of my chin.

  Liar, liar, pants on fire.

  “Oh really? And just when do you think will be the right time?”

  “Look, if you want a refund, I’ll call the fundraiser and explain that I totally screwed up. Or better yet, I’ll just reimburse you myself.”

  “That’s insane. You don’t have five grand lying around.”

  He was quite right. My offer was nothing more than a sign of my desperation. I didn’t think I could do this. I might’ve had the hots for Nate for years now, but I couldn’t take the way it would go.

  Nate was a player. Plain and simple. I’d known him forever. Seeing as he was my twin brother’s best friend, I was quite aware of his dating habits, or lack thereof. I wasn’t looking for casual. I also wasn’t looking to get my heart broken. I liked Nate way too much to think we could do some kind of ridiculous “friends with benefits” arrangement. It simply would not work.

  “It’s not about the money, Holly,” Nate added, his tone low and sending a hot shiver through me.

  I swallowed, trying to get a decent amount of air in my lungs. I only succeeded in having my breasts brush against his chest again, well aware he could likely feel the tight points of my nipples. They were practically waving, standing up and saying hello, entirely without my permission.

  I meant to argue the point, to insist he let me reimburse him with money I didn’t even have. I opened my mouth to speak and nothing came out. Although, to be fair, it wasn’t as if I was all that capable of speech at the moment. Rather, my body was spinning wildly, hot all over, with my panties drenched. This was so embarrassing. Much to my chagrin, I knew Nate had a reputation for being quite skilled in bed. Willow Brook wasn’t that big, and he cut a wide swath through the single women in town, along with the tourists who flocked here in the summers.

  As I struggled to formulate some sort of sense, he uncurled his good hand from the bar, lifting it and sifting his fingers through my hair. He brushed a few loose tendrils away from my forehead and down behind my ear, goose bumps chasing in the wake of his touch when his fingers brushed against my skin.

  “You’re afraid,” he murmured.

  I shook my head wildly, angry and more turned on than I’d ever been in my life.

  “Okay, then prove you’re not.”

  “Fine,” I finally said, my anger driving me. It lashed at me like a whip, mingling with my inconvenient desire and making me simply wild inside, so hot and bothered I could barely think. “You’ll get your date. Dinner at Susitna Burgers & Brew in Anchorage. Valentine’s Day.”

  Nate’s eyes widened slightly before darkening. “Okay, maybe you’re not a chicken after all,” he murmured, right before he leaned forward and brushed his lips across mine.

  That subtle touch was a hot sizzle, my lips tingling as he drew back slightly, no more than an inch. On the heels of a muttered imprecation, he fit his mouth over mine again.

  Oh. My. God.

  There was kissing, and then there was this. The moment Nate angled his head and swept his tongue in my mouth, I was lost. His tongue slid against mine, every stroke sending me spiraling tighter and tighter inside. His hand slid through the ends of my hair, down my shoulder, lightly teasing over my breasts and cupping one through the thin fabric of my scrubs.

  When his thumb brushed across the aching peak of a nipple, I moaned into his mouth, gasping when he stepped closer and I could feel the heat of his arousal pressing against my lower belly. Our kiss went wild. With a low growl, he tore his lips free of mine, dusting kisses along my jawline, nipping my earlobe and sending a shudder through me. I couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t as if I didn’t know Nate was all muscle, all man, but to have his body against mine, his hard, muscled chest, the feel of his back flexing as he shifted against me—sweet hell, I was done for.

  He made me crazy. I was panting and gasping, my hips rocking into him as his knee slipped between my thighs.

  “Fuck, Holly,” he muttered, the motion of his lips a tease against the sensitive skin along my neck as he kissed his way down into the valley between my breasts.

  I lost sight of everything, awash in sensation as he slid a hand up under my shirt. Somewhere along the way, he shoved my shirt up, bending low to swirl his tongue around one nipple and then the other, right through the silk of my bra. Slick moisture built at my core, a sweet ache growing.

  I distantly heard my voice gasping his name, pleading for more.

  “I need to touch you,” he growled with a nip of his teeth over a nipple.

  His hand coasted over the curve of my belly. While I’d never argue that scrubs were sexy, they sure made access easy. With a tug on the messy tie at my waist, he slipped his hand down between my thighs. I didn’t even hesitate, my legs parting wider when he nudged a knee out to the side. He trailed his fingers over the wet silk there, and
I bit back a moan.

  I wasn’t thinking. At all. All I knew was I needed this not to stop. Blessedly, Nate appeared to be on the same page. Another tease over the silk and then he pushed it aside, sinking one and then two fingers in my drenched channel. I was dripping wet—for him. I felt him lift his head where he’d been teasing his lips along my collarbone.

  “Holly,” he murmured, his voice alone throwing another hot spark into the fire raging inside of me.

  Dragging my eyes open, I found his dark gaze waiting. He proceeded to drive me straight to the edge with his fingers. I forgot everything—where we were, all the rational reasons why I shouldn’t let this happen, how I hated feeling this vulnerable with anyone, much less with him. I chased after that sweet release, crying out when he swirled his thumb over my swollen clit as he drove his fingers deep inside me.

  If it was actually possible for someone to fuck you with a look, somehow Nate had pulled that off. The searing heat of his gaze fed right into my climax as it rippled through me, pleasure scattering in scorching sparks. My head fell against the wall of the elevator as I struggled to catch my breath.

  Nate slowly withdrew his hand, his eyes on me the entire time. I was fairly certain I’d have melted to the floor if he hadn’t been holding me up. He even tied the waistband of my not-so-sexy scrub pants and straightened my shirt. Just as my brain was flickering back to sanity, there was a loud crackle, and then a voice came over the speaker in the elevator. “Testing, testing. Is everything okay, or is the elevator stuck?” a male voice asked.

  “Oh my God,” I muttered.

  Nate found it funny, his gaze catching mine as his lips curled in a grin that only sent another hot jolt of need through me, making me acutely aware of what had just happened.

  I pushed at his chest. A lost cause because he didn’t move.

  Lifting his head, he replied to whoever was on the other end of the speaker. “Everything’s fine.” He reached over to tap the button for the elevator to move, finally stepping away from me.

  The reality of what had just transpired slammed into me. Thank God there were no cameras in this elevator. Not that I knew of.

  Oh great, something else you can obsess about.

  The ride to the ground floor was silent. When we stepped out, Nate’s hand rested at the base of my spine. I couldn’t bring myself to speak, much less swat his hand away. That was the problem with me when it came to him. Every time we touched, all I wanted was more.

  My jacket was looped over my arm, and I gripped it tightly. I paused by the doors, finally stepping away from him and shrugging into it, zipping it up quickly. My nipples were still tight, so tight they ached.

  With my cheeks still flaming hot, I met his gaze. “Well, I’m sure I’ll see you around,” I finally said.

  “Of course. I’ll call you the day before Valentine’s Day.”

  Four long weeks stretched before me.

  Chapter Five


  I angled the plane slightly as I flew through the air, aiming in the direction of Denali, far ahead in the distance. I had the best damn job in the world. I flew planes and helicopters all over Alaska, sometimes for tourists, sometimes for transport, and sometimes just for fun.

  Statistically speaking, my job was risky. Aviation accidents in Alaska bounced around from year to year, but had hovered at about twice the national average for years. I loved it, though, and the risk was worth it to me. Any day I was up in the air, the wilderness was splashed in front of me. The natural cathedral of Alaska was breathtaking. Mountains, the sun breaking through the clouds, glaciers, miles and miles of uninterrupted forest, rivers sparkling under the sun, and the ocean, all serving to remind you of just how small you were in the universe.

  Despite the risks, I didn’t love flying for the rush. I loved it for the sense of freedom it gave me. Another thing was the pay was damn good, and I was largely my own boss. I ran a small aviation company based out of Willow Brook and partnered with a few of the bigger companies in Anchorage.

  During the summer, every single day was different. There was nothing monotonous about my work. Sometimes, I ran flights to pick up firefighter crews, or dropped fire retardant over fires. Other days, I ferried tourists to and from fishing and hunting locations. Yet other days, I simply took people out flightseeing.

  I angled the plane slowly as I saw the remote lodge coming into view ahead, situated on the edge of a picturesque lake in the middle of freaking nowhere Alaska. As the crow flew, it was only about two hours north and west of Willow Brook. Any other way here was a grueling trip over rugged terrain in complete wilderness.

  The concept of a runway in Alaska was quite different than in most areas. In remote areas, it could be a gravel strip of land, or a grassy field, or a lake. This place actually had a gravel strip about a half a mile long, just enough for me to land. In the winter, it could be dicey, but the weather had been on our side and the lodge owners maintained this airstrip pretty well.

  When I flew helicopters out in the backcountry for firefighters, I’d had to learn to land on a dime in all kinds of conditions to get people in and out safely. I loved the precision of it. Setting my plane down with a light touch, I slowed and came to a stop at the edge of the runway. The wind was down today, which was always good. Some days, I felt like I was flying in a clothes dryer with the small plane easily buffeted by the wind.

  Once I was on the ground, it didn’t take too long for me to load everybody up in the plane. This lodge served those hardcore outdoor types. In the winter, that usually meant backcountry skiers. This group was a friendly crew, helping me get everything loaded up before we took off.

  A few hours later, I was back in Willow Brook, locking up the plane hangar and walking outside to my truck. I owned the land and several hangars on the outskirts of Willow Brook. I’d saved up the money during my first few years of flying, and now rented out hangar space to other pilots in the area.

  As I stepped into the chilly evening air, the sun was setting, staining the sky pink and lavender. I was meeting my brother and some friends at Wildlands, a popular local hangout and a busy tourist attraction during the summer.

  The lights were on at a few shops as I drove through downtown Willow Brook and turned onto the side road that ran parallel to Main Street, Swan Lake Road. Swan Lake, the centerpiece of Willow Brook, glimmered under the setting sun. It was a sprawling lake, host to all kinds of wildlife, most specifically a breeding ground for Trumpeter swans, the lake’s namesake. The lake was surrounded with hunting lodges and a few smaller homes, most of them closed up during the winter. Wildlands, on the other hand, was open year-round.

  The parking lot behind the massive timber frame style lodge was almost at capacity. Squeezing my truck in a corner space, I pocketed my keys as I walked in through the back entrance. Warmth and the low hum of voices surrounded me as I strode down the hallway into the bar and restaurant area.

  Well-worn hardwood floors and exposed beams showcased the practical, inviting space. The owners kept it simple with wooden tables and booths, pool tables over to one side, and a small stage on the opposite end for the music acts that passed through town during the summer.

  The bar area was always more crowded, but even the restaurant was full tonight. Scanning the crowd, my eyes landed on Holly’s bright blonde hair. Of course she would be here. We ran in the same circles, which only made my attraction to her that much more inconvenient. Anticipation thrummed in my body, like that of an engine revving. It had been a mere three days since our interlude at the hospital, when it had taken all of my discipline not to fuck her against the wall of the elevator.

  Threading my way through the crowd, I aimed straight for Holly because I knew that was where my brother would be, and most likely Holly’s twin brother, Alex. This thing I had for Holly stretched back much further than she knew. We’d grown up together, our small worlds overlapping in Willow Brook. It wasn’t until high school that I first noticed she wasn’t just my best buddy
’s annoying sister. Alex predictably teased her, and I went along with it. When we were kids, I didn’t think about it much, not back then. Growing up, Holly had been willful, opinionated, and tomboy as all hell.

  In high school, like a bolt of lightning one day, I looked at her and wanted her. Fiercely. She’d always been a bit ahead of the curve as far as development, but all of a sudden, one day, I noticed she had quite generous breasts and a lush ass. With her twin brother and me practically inseparable, I was often at their house. She pranced around in tank tops and cut-off sweatpants, not realizing they showed off her assets far too well.

  Years later now, I couldn’t say it was much more than lust. Hell, teenage boys were practically led around by their cocks. I never acted on it. For starters, there was a complication of her brother being my best friend, and then she started dating Jake Green. I never knew just how much he meant to her, but I sure liked teasing her about him. And then everything blew up.

  An icy highway in Alaska, a drunk driver coming the opposite direction, and four kids in a fiery car accident—my older brother, Caleb, his girlfriend and Holly’s best friend, Ella, Holly, and Jake.

  Jake died when he was thrown from the vehicle. Everyone else survived, although Ella came damn close to not pulling through and likely would have died if Caleb hadn’t pulled her out of the wreckage.

  The accident sent painful reverberations through the small world of Willow Brook. It had been shocking. One day, Jake was alive, and the next morning, we all learned he was dead. Meanwhile, Ella clung to life in the burn unit in Anchorage for weeks.

  Holly had sustained a few bumps and bruises. Caleb came out with nothing more than a few scrapes, while he spiraled emotionally when Ella broke up with him. They were back together now, but it had taken years for them to cross that bridge.

  All the fun stuff about being a teenager was put on hold for any of us close to the emotional blast radius of that accident. Holly and I kept a polite distance. To say I hadn’t known how to comfort anyone in that situation was a massive understatement. I just tried not to upset anyone—not Caleb, not Ella, and certainly not Holly. Teasing, my go-to response for everything back then and now, had felt completely wrong.


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