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You Belong With Me

Page 20

by M. R. Joseph

  Carter winced, shut his eyes tight, and for once never threw logic out of the door. It was simple math. He loved Casey, Casey loved him. How difficult could that realization be? It wasn't. He pulled his hips back and grabbed her hands from manipulating his fly.

  "Listen up. I'm trying to be a gentleman. You are a beautiful girl and I am more than flattered but I am in love with someone. Have you ever been in love?"

  She looked at him with hooded eyes.

  "I fall in love every night, baby."

  Carter rolled his eyes. This chick was the female version of the pussy king formally known as Tommy.

  "I'm sure you do, honey, but you see I only have one, and I've got the only one I need."

  He put his empty beer on the bar and turned to Tommy and Jake. "I gotta go guys. I'll grab a cab from out front. See you at the reunion."

  Carter walked out and got a cab back to the hotel. On the drive back his thoughts went right to Casey. He missed her so much. He missed her voice, her laugh, her touch. Everything that made him feel whole, wanted, and loved. She tilted his world on It's axis and it was something he couldn't let go or recover from. Even though he would see her tomorrow, he would give her space. That was a decision, he wouldn't fall back on.

  Saturday came and Casey felt her stomach turn and her nerves started to set in. She would have to face Carter tonight. She prayed that he would respect her space and just be cordial. If she had her way she wouldn't be going to this stupid thing but she wanted to see people she hadn't seen in a long time. Nikki and Noel were going to be there and it had been two years since they saw each other. They lived in London and worked P.R. for an event planner. They were always trying to get Casey and Lyla to visit, but their schedules were just too hectic.

  Casey showered and Lyla came over and did her hair. They put on their new outfits they had bought the day before. Lyla sensed Casey apprehension about going.

  "Case, I know your nervous about seeing Carter but I think you just go into it with your feet firmly planted on the ground, stand tall, and be your normal self."

  "Easy for you to say. I know you mean well, but I'll be staring at the man I love and I want to eventually spend my life with but the wounds are just so fresh."

  Lyla grabbed her purse off the chair and hooked Casey's arm into hers and headed for the door.

  "Well put a fucking band-aid on them and try to have fun tonight."

  The reunion was being held at a hotel in St. Petersburg. The girls got out of the cab and Casey stood frozen as they approached the door.

  "Casey come one. What are you doing?"

  She started breathing heavily.

  "I...I don't think I can go in." Her legs and hands were shaking. Lyla walked up to her slowly.

  "Casey, he is your best friend. He has been for nine years. He's not a stranger. He knows everything there is to know about you and he loves you. I know the stakes are higher now but just remember how you feel about him too."

  Casey took a deep breath and they made their way into the hotel.

  They entered the Grand Ballroom and stopped at a table to get those God awful name tags. Lyla motioned towards the bar and they made their way over. They spotted Nikki and Noel and ran to them. They had a group hug while they jumped up and down.

  "Oh my God, look at you two. You both look amazing," Nikki said.

  "Not to shabby yourself girl," Lyla said to her.

  "We missed you guys so much. I can't wait to catch up," Noel said. "Sorry we couldn't get in earlier but we were working for this big music promoter who was throwing this huge bash at a place in Picadilly. We had to make sure we crossed all the T's and dotted all the I's."

  " That sounds so cool, Noel."

  "It is. He looks for new talent all the time and then we help promote them. The firm signed a one year contract with him. I'll get you to come someday, Case."

  "Yea, yea. I know. Someday," she snickered.

  "So fill us in on what's been going on."

  "Oh Nikki, you have no idea," Lyla said hitting Casey's arm with her elbow."Let's go get a table."

  The girls found a table and a bunch of people they hadn't seen in a long time. They chatted it up with them and were enjoying a few drinks. The lights in the room suddenly dimmed and the stage lights illuminated. It was set with all the bands' equipment and people started cheering. One of Bayshore's Music professors entered the stage and went to the microphone. People started to make their way towards the dance floor and stood in front of the stage. The girls stayed where they were. The table was only a few feet from it so Casey didn't think of a reason to get up. Not like she could if she tried because her legs weren't currently working.

  "Hello, everyone. In case you don't remember me, I am Professor Hughes. Welcome back. I'm about to introduce the biggest things to come out of Bayshore College. I taught these boys myself and I am so proud of their accomplishments. They have sold thousands and thousands of copies of their new album entitled 'Gravity' and they just returned from a West Coast tour with one of your favorite Grammy award winning bands. They are about to start the three month leg of their East Coast tour. Ladies and gentlemen may I present Luminosity."

  Cheers and whistles rang out. Jake made his way to the drums and sat down. Then Tommy came out with his guitar. His hair was in a purple mohawk and he wore a muscle shirt that displayed all his tattoos. He worked his magic on that guitar and Casey looked over at Lyla who had the biggest grin on her face. He spotted her and air kissed her. Nikki and Noel looked at each other then to Casey.

  Looking at the expression on Lyla's face, she turned to Nikki and Noel. " So there is one thing that's been going on." She motioned her head towards Lyla, she caught her and just smiled and winked.

  Then Carter made his way onto the stage looking like a God and sex on a stick. He wore his baggy camo pants with the black army boots and an old Killers t-shirt that was torn in just the right places. He worn his father's army dog tags and a few black rubber bracelets hung from his wrists. When he came out the volume of the screams were raised and girls ran towards the front of the stage. Carter was still looking down at his guitar as he played the entrance to the song. Then he looked up and made instant eye contact with Casey. Casey felt her breathing falter, the hair on her arms stand at attention, and she began twirling her hair. His eyes were full of expression as to say I miss you.

  Lyla leaned over to Nikki and Noel and said" And then there's that." Their jaws dropped and they looked to Casey who was pulling in her bottom lip with her teeth. Carter saw how she was affected by his presence and gave a small grin. Their first song was a cover of The Black Keys Golden Boy. People went nuts, dancing and gazing up at Carter. He was a sight to behold. The way he played the guitar and the way he sang and interacted with the crowd would drive any female to drop their panties. The muscles in his arms flexed at each stroke of his guitar strings. Casey knew what they felt like surrounding her, pulling her in, embracing her. They made her feel safe and wanted. They finished up with that song and started on another right away. Franz Ferdinand's Take Me Out was up next and they killed it. Carter and Tommy dueled each other face to face with their guitars and the audience ate it up. Jake pounded on the drums and flipped his sticks like they were air. They were so talented and everyone wasn't surprised they got as far as they did.

  When they were done with those songs, they rested for a brief moment to grab water and a beer.

  "Well, Ms. Colbert, I guess you have a lot of explaining to do," Nikki said.

  Casey still hadn't moved and Lyla, Nikki, and Noel were surprised she didn't remove a chunk of hair from twirling it so fiercely.

  "Well, since her mouth is not available at the moment I'll give you the one minute rundown." Lyla cleared her throat and Nikki and Noel moved in closer. Lyla took an exaggerated breath in.

  "Carter came home from the tour. He was staying at Casey's. He loves her and wanted to tell her but she had a boyfriend. Jordan Reid." The girls made an O face and turned back to Lyl
a."Then Jordan's parents had a party which Casey and Carter were invited to and his dad was a total dick and called her white trash. She heard him and Jordan did nothing to defend her. She left with Carter. He then told her he loved her then she realized she loved him too. They fucked like animals, went away and fucked some more then came home and Carter said, "Marry me" but then Jordan showed up. She broke up with him then Carter wanted an answer to his proposal right away and she couldn't give him one. He got pissed, she got pissed and they went their separate ways."

  Lyla collapsed her head on the table from not taking a breath the entire time she filled the girls in. Noel shoved a Malibu and cranberry at her.

  "Quick, drink this woman."

  "Holy shit, Case," said Nikki, " I had no idea."

  Casey turned to them and said quietly "Cause it was just last weekend." She took a drink of her beer and let out a sigh.

  The guys began playing softly as Carter began to speak.

  "Hey everyone. I just want to say how much we appreciate you all being here tonight and supporting us all the way. We have a few more songs to do for you tonight but first let's get familiar again with the band shall we."

  People went nuts cheering.

  "First up we have the incredible, irreplaceable Jake Holcroft on the drums." Jake stood up and waved his sticks at everyone.

  "Next up, we have the balls of the band, the one your mother's warned you about and you move to the other side of the street when you see him coming, Tommy Lingetti." Tommy threw an empty plastic water bottle at him. Carter laughed and ducked away from the offending bottle.

  "And I'm Carter London and we are so happy to be home." They started their next song. Muse's Uprising began to play. Nikki and Noel wanted to dance but Lyla stayed with Casey. She stood and said still staring at the stage, " I have to go to the bathroom." She turned quickly and slammed right into someone's chest. When she looked up she was staring at the face of Bo Adler. He little older and more mature but it was definitely him.

  "Well, hello, Casey Colbert. Nice running into you." He smiled that big bullshitter smile she remembered so well.

  "Hi, Bo. How are you?" She gave him a tight lipped smile and moved a slight distance from him.

  "I'm good. You look fantastic but then you always did. So what's up? What have you been up to? Married, kids, job?"

  Casey looked over her shoulder and saw Carter who had spotted the pair and he glared at them. She was nervous so she turned back to talk to Bo.

  "Um, I'm a... I'm an E.R. nurse at a hospital not far from here. Not married, no kids. How about you?" She really didn't care but she was always polite so she felt compelled to ask.

  "I work in politics. I live in Atlanta."

  Of course, he was in politics. He was the world's biggest sack of bull ever created. He started going on and on about his career. She looked to his hand to see a tanned ring mark on his left hand. A sure sign that this douche was indeed married and he must have taken the ring off when he came here. A leopard never changes his spots.

  The band ended the songs and told the crowd they would be taking a short break and they would be back. The guys hopped off the stage and went right to the bar. A slew of people stood there congratulating them and asking questions. Carter could not take his eyes off of the conversation Bo and Casey were having. His stomach clenched and he felt his blood pressure rising with each glance he made at them.

  "Lond, you want a beer?" Jake asked.

  "Yes, and a shot of Jack, please." His eyes made their way to Casey and Bo again."You know what, make it a double."

  Jake's eyes got big and he looked at Tommy and he shrugged. Carter quickly threw back the amber colored liquid and asked the bartender for another. He did it and chased it with his entire beer.

  "Lond, what is up your ass? You don't drink like that. Ever," said Jake.

  Carter didn't answer him. He just got another beer and drank it. Tommy looked around for Lyla over the crowd and he spotted Bo and Casey talking. He elbowed Jake and said, "That's why he's downing the Jack. Look over there."

  Jake made a face and Carter turned back to lean on the bar. He hadn't eaten anything since that morning so his head began to swim with the effects of the four shots and few beers he had already consumed.

  "Lond, they look like they're just talking. Don't get your panties in a wad, dude."

  "Fuck off, Tommy. Let's go and finish this so I can get the hell out of this place."

  Carter's vision became a little blurry and he felt himself walk a little sideways as he made his way through the crowd back towards the stage. Then he stopped dead in his tracks. What was Casey still talking to that royal prick? After what Bo did to her, she shouldn't even be giving him the time of day. He felt a click in his brain and spun on his army boots to make his way towards them.

  Casey felt a chill go up her spine and she could feel hot breath so close to the base of her neck. Bo looked up and over her shoulder.

  "London, nice to see you. Congrats on the success." Carter narrowed his eyes and they went directly towards the idiot standing in front of Casey.

  "Whatever, douche. Casey, I need to speak with you. Now, please. It's important."

  She couldn't look directly at him. She looked at her shoes and said quietly, "Now's not the time, Carter." Casey pulled her lip into her mouth and crossed her arms in frustration.

  Carter ran his hands over his semi-buzzed hair and laughed.

  "Guess that's your answer to everything, right? Not now. When, Casey? When is 'now' going to be?"

  "Carter!" she said harshly. Bo looked at her confused then he made a face like a lightbulb had gone off in his head.

  "Oh, I get it. So you finally got in her pants, huh, Carter. No big surprise. You always had a thing for her and everyone knew it. That's why you set her up to find me with Drea, right? You always wanted her for yourself."

  Carter stepped aside Casey and got right in Bo's face so they were nose to nose. Carter spoke softly but firmly.

  "You. Are. A. Fucking.Prick." He stated each word and then flicked the collar of Bo's very expensive shirt. "You're a piece of shit and always will be. Casey please." He waited for her answer with anxious eyes.

  "Carter go back and finish playing. I can't talk to you right now." She waved her hand a bit to dismiss him but Carter wasn't having any of it.

  "Oh, really? Bo's here and you can't talk to me. Still holding a candle for the prick are we?" He crossed his muscular arms over his chest and fixed his eyes on her.

  "You're an asshole and you're drunk. Get lost Carter because I'm not in the mood for this."

  "Fine!" He spat the word in her face and made his way away from them. She turned back to Bo.

  "I'm sorry about that, Bo. I don't know what's gotten into him."

  "I'll tell you what it is. You. You got into him." Bo replied.

  Carter downed another beer before he took his guitar back over his shoulder. Those piercing blue eyes of his were still throwing flames at the two of them talking. He felt like if he took one step forward with Casey, he always wound up taking two steps back.

  Casey just wanted to leave. She wanted to escape this circus. After what Bo said to her, she looked up at him.

  "I'm not really going to discuss Carter and my relationship with you, Bo."

  "Well, all I know is the whole time we were together he wanted nothing more than to be with you and it was surely obvious. Now, to me it looks like whatever this little thing was between you two is over, so why don't we go somewhere and really catch up." He moved his slimy body closer to Casey and rubbed his already hard front on the hem of Casey's dress and she felt it on her thigh. He got close to her ear and whispered, "Remember how I made you feel baby? How I made you scream my name."

  Carter saw the interaction through his drunken haze and he flexed his fists in and out. Tommy noticed.

  "Lond, calm it down and look away. Let's finish this shit."

  Then he saw it happen. Bo leaned in and took Casey's mouth. S
he wrapped her hands around his upper arms and it appeared to Carter that she held onto Bo's arm to press the kiss in even further. Their heads were tilted and he wasn't sure if he saw correctly but It looked like Bo snaked his hand around her waist to hold her even closer. Carter knew he couldn't just jump off the stage and pounce on Bo because to Carter it looked like Casey was kissing him back willingly. He walked over to where Jake's drums were and downed whatever was in the little shot glass next to his beer. He wiped a dribble of liquid off his lips and motioned for Tommy to come over to him. Jake leaned in and so did Tommy.

  "Change of song plans my friends." His words were rather slurred. " I want do another and don't tell me no, cause I'm in no mood to be disagreed with. So don't fuck with me."

  Casey pushed Bo away from her and slapped him. Lyla, Nikki and Noel saw it and ran over to her.

  "Don't you ever touch me again, Bo Adler. Who the hell do you think you are? You are nothing more than a slimy bastard and I feel so sorry for your stupid wife whoever she is."

  "How the hell do you know I'm married?"

  She picked up his left hand and pointed to the white ring mark on his tanned hand.

  "Get lost asshole before Carter comes down off that stage and goes bat-shit crazy on your ass," Lyla yelled to him.

  Bo laughed maniacally. "Fine, he can have my sloppy seconds." He turned to walk away and Lyla with her big four inch heels shoved him in the ass so hard that he flew into one of the tables. Glasses went flying and he wound up falling again and landing on his Republican loving ass.

  Lyla dusted off her hands and her dress.

  "Well, I've wanted to do that forever." She gave Casey a shoulder hug. They started making their way to the table again when Carter got on the microphone. His words sounded muffled and Casey recognized his tone and knew he was straight up bombed.

  "I'd like to send this next song out to one very special girl. One who ripped my fucking heart out of my chest and crushed it like a teeeeny, weeeeny sand dollar." Carter pinched his fingers together to make the remark.

  "Case... this ones for you sweetface."


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