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Under His Obsession

Page 6

by Cathryn Fox

  His smile is back in place. “Bevey,” he says, his body relaxing slightly.

  “I heard you were back,” the gorgeous Bevey says. “I came as soon as I could. I brought your favorite dish.”

  Yeah, I just bet she did. And I also bet it’s called Bevey, with a cherry on top.



  “COME IN,” I say to Bevey, and stand back to allow her entrance. Her dark brown eyes widen, and her smile turns a bit forced when she sees Khloe in her ridiculous uniform. “Bevey, this is Khloe, my new assistant.”

  Bevey shifts the plate of johnnycakes from her right hand to her left and extends her arm to greet the shorter, curvier woman beside me. “Nice to meet you, Khloe.”

  “Nice to meet you, too,” Khloe says, and points at the dish in Bevey’s hand. “Would you like me to take those for you?”

  “Yes, thank you. I made them this morning. They’re Will’s favorite.” She gives me a big toothy smile that lights up her pretty face. “He says my johnnycakes are the best.”

  “I bet he does,” Khloe says under her breath. “I’ll put these in the kitchen, sir. And if you need me, I’ll be in the pool.”


  Okay, she’s seriously fucking with me. Maybe I should fuck back.

  Maybe I should fuck her.

  Khloe disappears, and I will my dick to behave as I turn to my dear friend. Bevey and I go way back. I came to the island with Granddad years ago, when he was first looking to buy a resort, and Bevey was the one who greeted us at the airport. She drove the shuttle bus, but after one taste of her johnnycakes I knew her talents were being wasted. Granddad bought the resort, and I promoted her to chef.

  “It’s so good to see you.” I open my arms, and the bright yellow scarf covering her hair tickles my face. After a firm hug, we break apart. I gesture with a wave, and we walk farther into the house. “How are things? How are Samuel and Chardane?”

  “We’re doing so much better now, thanks to your generosity. The new housing complex is more than we ever expected, and—” she sighs and claps her hand together “—running water.”

  That brings a smile to my face, but it falls quickly. “The school should be completed this month. I’m back to check on progress.” It kills me to think the middle school kids at Leonard Elementary, including her daughter, Chardane, are being educated in an old building that had once been waterlogged. I can’t even imagine the mold and mildew they’re subjected to on a daily basis.

  Her big brown eyes widen, and her full lips curl. “The kids are all very excited about the new school.”

  I guide her through the kitchen, and the delicious scent from the johnnycakes reaches my nostrils. I’m tempted to have one, but I’m full from breakfast. Besides, Khloe might enjoy one with me later, along with a cup of coffee. I had a hard time swallowing mine this morning with her sitting across from me, her body barely clad. Wait, what am I doing? Khloe is here to work for me. I shouldn’t be thinking about taking coffee breaks with her or how much she would like Bevey’s johnnycakes.

  Shouldn’t be thinking about how hot she is in or out of that ridiculous uniform.

  “Any more news on filling the positions?” I ask.

  “Applications are still open for English teachers. After Jess and Mari went back to the States, we haven’t been able to fill their spots.”

  I open the patio door and we step outside. “I’ll run that by Granddad. He can check at the staffing agency.” I widen my arms. “Who wouldn’t want to spend their time here?”

  “It is a beautiful island, yes,” she says in her creole accent.

  I pull the chair from the table and gesture for her to sit. “Is everyone well?”

  “We are well,” she says, tucking her long white dress around her knees and lowering herself into the chair that Khloe had recently occupied.

  “Can I get you a coffee, tea?”

  She waves her hand. “I’m fine.” Her eyes narrow in thought, and her full lips pinch tighter.

  “What?” I ask, worry invading my gut. She clearly has something on her mind. “Are you sure things are good at home and work?”

  “It’s not me I’m concerned about.”

  “You’re worried about me?”

  She leans in. “I’m worried about your new assistant. What is that silly costume she’s wearing?”

  That brings a laugh to my throat. “Granddad told her I had a dress code, and I guess that is what she thought she had to wear.”

  She grins and points a finger at me. “And I take it you aren’t planning to tell her the difference anytime soon.”

  “Where’s the fun in that?”

  “Oh, Will. You are trouble, but I am glad to see you having fun.” She leans in and lowers her voice even more. “She’s a beautiful woman, no?”

  I smirk. “That she is.”

  “It’s time you settled down, Will. Found yourself a nice wife.”

  “Bevey,” I warn. “You know I’m not interested in marriage.” Not anymore, anyway.

  “Foolishness. It’s not natural to be alone. You just have to find the right woman.”

  I don’t bother telling her I had the right woman and ruined it.

  “Don’t you be too hard on this one. She has potential.”

  Hard on her?

  Yeah, I think it’s the other way around, judging by my dick’s response whenever she’s near.

  “I’ll be my usual charming self.”

  Bevey laughs and glances around. “Has James come with you? I do miss that man.”

  “No, he’s home. I’m actually waiting to hear from him. I’ll let him know you stopped by with the johnnycakes. He’ll be disappointed that he missed out.”

  “Before you fly back, I’ll bring a fresh batch for James.”

  I put my hand on hers. “You’re too kind.”

  “You’re the kind one, sir.”


  Jesus, when Khloe called me that earlier, a streak of anger behind the word, my dick stood up and took notice. I have no idea why I want to hear that on her lips in the bedroom.

  “Things are good at Great Bay Resort?” Her husband, Samuel, had been injured in the hurricane, and after millions of dollars’ worth of repairs to Granddad’s resort, he’s back working. But now he’s out of maintenance—the lifting had aggravated his back—and working in the kitchen with Bevey and the rest of the culinary crew.

  She steeples her fingers and looks at the sky. “Give me strength.”

  I laugh. “I take it he’s underfoot.”

  “He needs to leave me to the cooking. The man can’t boil water without burning it.”

  “How about I pay him a visit and see what other job he might enjoy.”

  “You are a savior,” she says, and a big splash below catches our attention. I glance through the glass-panel decking and catch a glimpse of Khloe swimming from one end of the infinity pool to the other. A bead of sweat travels down my back when she surfaces on the other end and I glimpse her breasts barely tucked in to a too small bikini top.

  “I won’t take up any more of your time,” Bevey says, and when I turn to her I catch a knowing grin on her face.

  “Don’t be silly. I enjoy spending time with you.”

  “Something tells me there is someone else you’d rather be spending time with.”

  I cock my head, a playful challenge. “Then you’d be wrong.”

  She laughs and stands. “You’re selling, but I’m not buying,” she says. I just laugh and follow her back inside the house. The cool air-conditioning dries the moisture on my flesh. “You’ll be attending the Carnival in the village, yes?” I open my mouth, and she cuts me off. “You need to work less and play harder.”

  “Have you been talking to Granddad?”

  She laughs. “He’s a wise old man, Wil
l. You should listen to him.”

  I glance at my watch. “I would listen to him if he’d ever call me back.”

  We head to the front door, and I give her a hug to see her off. Back inside, I’m about to go to my den but instead find myself wandering to the deck. I lean on the rail and look out, but Khloe is no longer in the pool. Now she’s making her way down the wooden steps that lead to the ocean. A warm breeze washes over me as I enjoy the view—and I’m not talking about Magdalen Bay.

  Khloe steps into the water, slowly going deeper. For a moment, she disappears in the rough waves, then she jumps to the surface a little farther out. Her squeal of delight carries in the breeze and reaches my ears. It brings a smile to my face. I tug at my T-shirt and consider joining her, but that could only lead to trouble. It’s best I lock myself away in my office and get some work done. That and I should call and check on Granddad again.

  I pull my phone from my back pocket, but my heart jumps into my throat when Khloe’s squeals of delight turn into a cry of pain.

  What the hell?

  She disappears under the water, and I take off running. I bolt through the house, push open the door leading to the lower back deck and take the steps to the ocean two at a time. I tug off my shirt and toss it as I go, then kick off my shoes. I reached the edge of the water and search for Khloe, but Jesus, I can’t find her. As full-blown panic burns through my blood, I splash into the surf and dive under. I swim, search, the salt water stinging my eyes. I break through the surface for air and catch a glimpse of Khloe trying to swim ashore.

  “Khloe!” I call out.

  “Will,” she whimpers, and I hurry to her. Her lips are twisted, and tears prick her eyes, but I can’t see any physical injuries. “What happened?”

  “My leg. I don’t know what happened.”

  I scoop her up and fight the tugging waves as I carry her back to the shore as quickly as possible. The second the sand goes from wet to dry, I set her down and take her leg in my hand.

  “Damn,” I say, and study the spreading red rash.

  “Shark bite?”

  “No,” I assure her, but her eyes are so big and wide, so worried she was attacked by a shark in five feet of water, it’s all I can do not to smirk.

  “Are you laughing?”

  “I’m not laughing. This isn’t funny.”

  “You seem like you’re laughing.” She reaches for the red spot and winces. “It hurts.” I catch her hand before she can touch the sting.

  “A jellyfish sting is nothing to laugh about.” I search her face. “Are your tetanus shots up to date?” She nods. “Okay good, the sting isn’t too bad. You likely only brushed up against the jellyfish, but we need to treat it right away.”

  “No way, Will.” She tries to push me away. “Get away from me. I mean it.”

  “What the hell, Khloe. We have to remove the tentacles. There looks to be about two. That’s not many, but we have to remove what’s there.”

  “You are not peeing on me. Ohmigod. Could this week get any worse? First I vomit in front of you and now you’re going to pee on me.” She covers her face with her hands. “And this bathing suit. I have no dignity left. None.”

  This time I do laugh.

  She pushes me again. “See, I knew you were laughing.”

  “I’m not laughing. Well, I am.” Only because she’s so wildly sexy when she gets angry, and she was worried I was going to pee on her.

  She gives me the death glare. “Stop it.”

  I shake my head, seriously thrown off my game by this woman. I brush her hair back and meet her wild eyes. “You’re really having a bad week, aren’t you?” My heart misses a beat, an imaginary band squeezing it as she curls into herself.

  She softens against me, and I catch a hint of vulnerability in her. This woman is strength and independence, and I’m sure helplessness is not a trait she’d like for me to see in her. Although I must say, it does bring out the protector in me.

  “I’ve had better,” she murmurs.

  “I know you have,” I say in a soft voice. “And I’m going to take care of this sting, okay?”


  “Don’t worry, my pants aren’t coming down anytime soon.” I scoop her up and head back toward the house. “Peeing on a jellyfish sting will cause more pain than relief. Urine can actually aggravate the jellyfish’s stinger to release more venom.”

  “But I thought—”

  “You thought wrong.” Guilt worms its way into my gut. “Goddammit, this is my fault.”

  “How is it your fault? Did you tell the jellyfish to sting me? Or maybe you stock the ocean to keep people away?”

  Is that what she thinks of me? I know I take privacy to the extreme, but I’m not a monster who would purposely hurt anyone.

  I frown at her. “I should have warned you. In the rule book, it says to wear water shoes.”

  “How would that have helped? The sting is in my calf.”

  “Yeah, true, but it could have been worse. Could have been a stingray. I was...distracted when you told me you were going swimming.”

  She gives a very unladylike snort. “Oh, is that what you were?”

  I get the sense she thinks I’m talking about Bevey distracting me—she is a beautiful woman—and maybe it’s best I let her believe that. Khloe doesn’t need to know my brain has been working at half capacity since she first boarded Granddad’s plane. I don’t want her to get the wrong idea...or the right idea. Or any idea.

  “Did you pack water shoes?” I ask.


  “I’ll go to town and get you a pair.” I look at her feet. “Size eight?”

  “So the size of my feet you know?”

  I have no idea what she’s talking about but come back with, “Apparently you’re not the only one with special gifts.”

  “Shut up,” she says, clearly catching my reference to her projectile vomiting skills. Her lush mouth twists into a grimace. “Maybe I’ll stick to the pool and just admire the ocean from the deck.”

  “Jellyfish tend to come to shore on windy days. I think you’ll be okay to get in again. It’d be a shame for you not to enjoy the Caribbean waters. Let’s just make sure it’s when the winds are down, and I’ll go with you.”

  “I’m not going to put you out like that, and I’m supposed to be the one taking care of your needs, not the other way around.”

  I hold her tight and think about that as her arms wrap around my neck. “Still believe in fate, Khloe.”

  She snarls at me, and I must say I love her spirited nature. “I don’t think getting stung by a stupid jellyfish had anything to do with fate.”

  Warm sand squeezes between my toes as I hurry my steps, well aware of the way my body is reacting to having her lushness pressed up against me. I shift her an inch higher in my arms before she feels all eight inches of me against her sweet ass. “Didn’t you say everything happens for a reason?”

  “Well, yeah, but...”

  “What do you think the reason for this is?”

  She opens her mouth, but it doesn’t matter what she says, not when my swelling dick has come to its own conclusions.

  That my pants do indeed need to come down...soon.



  MY LEG MIGHT be hurting, but that’s not the only part of my body that’s throbbing. Okay, so I might not really like rich guys who say and do what they like—ones who make their help wear revealing costumes—but I can appreciate his hard body and lean muscles as he runs to the house like I’m a light weight in his arms. Trust me, I’m not. And Will has been kind to me, even depriving himself of sleep to watch over me.

  I press against him and breathe in the scent of his skin as he opens the door and carries me down the long hall to his bedroom. He sets me on his big comfy bed and steps bac
k, studying my face. A thoughtful, concerned look backlights those gorgeous blue eyes.

  “How are you feeling?”

  I give an exaggerated exhale to hide my arousal. “Like I really pissed someone off in a past life.”

  He laughs and sinks to his knees. “No dizziness or nausea? Do you feel like you’re going to be sick?”

  I slap one hand to my forehead. “Please tell me that’s not going to happen again.”

  His big fingers circle my wrist, firmly removing my hand from my face to place at my side. “No, you’ll feel sick to your stomach only if you’re having a severe reaction.” He cocks his head. “No abdominal pain, numbness or tingling, muscle spasms, or breathing troubles?”

  Well, I am having a bit of trouble breathing, but I think it’s from the strong and steady way he moved my hand to my side. Would he move me around like that in bed? I’m a take-charge kind of girl, so I have no idea why the idea of surrendering my needs to Will arouses me so much.

  “No, I’m good,” I push past my lips.

  He takes my leg in his hand to examine it, and I suck in a fast breath. His gaze shoots to mine.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “I’m good,” I lie, as he gently holds my thigh. Honest to God, his touch is one thing, but his current position on the floor—between my spread legs—is something else altogether.

  “Don’t you think I should go to a doctor?” I croak out, trying to get my focus on something other than how good his touch feels.

  “If you’re not experiencing any of those symptoms, I say no. For the next twenty-four hours I’m going to have to watch you for signs of a serious reaction, though.”

  “I’m not going to keep you up all night again, Will.”

  “I don’t mind you keeping me up all night.”

  His head is dipped, and I can’t see his face, can’t tell if he’s teasing or not. But when he says things like that, and things like he doesn’t mind putting out, my thoughts go off in an inappropriate direction, and damn the flush crawling up my neck and warming me all over.

  “We’ll worry about that later, okay?” he says, “Right now, we have to clean this and spray it with vinegar.”


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