Dirty South Divas

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Dirty South Divas Page 4

by Kia

  “No. I’ve never seen this man before in my life,” I lied as I looked into the dead eyes of my baby daddy.

  My real baby daddy.

  Chapter Eight


  Bishop was right. It took it two whole days to make it to Los Angeles. Dealing with those storms on the way here, we had to pull over many times to get a room just so we could be safe. I’m talking about earthquakes and everything. He told me the weather would be bad, but he didn’t tell me that I would literally have to go thru hell to make it here. It was ten in the morning when we made it, and I had to lay it down. No money would be delivered until I had a full eight hours of rest.

  I woke up around six. Since I was told to stay close to Beverly Hills, we got a hotel at The Beverly Hills Hotel off Sunset Blvd. L.A. wasn’t what I thought it would be. On TV it looked like the most beautiful place on earth. Seems like they only showed the good parts because the rest of L.A was trash, besides Beverly Hills.

  I was the first to wake up. The first thing I did was open the pink curtains to let the sunshine in. Malina squinted and woke up as soon as the sun hit her eyes. Her long and brown hair was all over her head. It’s like the sun chose to highlight her high cheekbones. The sun made her almond eyes look hazel.

  “What time is it?” she asked.


  “In the morning?”

  “Nah. In the evening.”

  “Geesh. We been sleep all day. Has Bishop called the phone?” she asked as she grabbed her toothbrush out of her bag and walked into the bathroom.

  She had on nothing but a tank top and a red thong. We both crashed out the minute we hit the room, so I was half naked also with my black boy shorts and no shirt. Just a bra that broadcasted my perky and brown plump breasts.

  “Nah, he said he would call before nine, so we will see.” I got up and looked out of the window again.

  Being that I was paranoid as hell, I kept my eyes on anything suspicious. This had never been done by me before, so I didn’t know what to expect. The way Bishop barged into my damn crib, I felt like I didn’t have a choice but to say yes. He knew damn well I wouldn’t say no if he was right in my face. That’s why he popped up with the money and that sob story.

  Honestly, I don’t think things were as bad as he made it seem. Though I knew this was real shit, I knew this wasn’t no mafia shit either. This nigga swore this was some Scarface shit.

  My mind was just racing.

  “What if they take the money and kill us? Have you thought about that?” Malina asked as she took her clothes off and prepared to shower. It was crazy how much we looked alike. Even our bodies had similarities.

  “I thought about it. Not trying to dwell on that one thing that could go wrong, though. You know? If something was going to happen, it would have happened by now.”

  I was now pulling out the outfit that I was wearing today. An all black cat woman looking suit with some black heels. Bishop told us to dress sexy and things would go much smoother, so I brought out the birthday suit. It was literally my birthday suit. I wore it a few months ago one time because I didn’t want to mess it up.

  Malina had on a sleeveless dress that stopped just above her knees. It was brown, with the brown heels to match. I must say, Bishop picked the right ones to make this drop.

  “You think it’s anything like TV? He said Johan. That sounds like one of them Mexicans that be on TV with a house full of money and drugs,” she joked.

  “You think so? What if some bad bitches up in there too?” I asked.

  She laughed as she adjusted the water in the shower. “Oh, you back on that lesbian shit again?”

  “Been back on it. This time, I’m sticking to it. Nothing will hold me back,” I said before brushing my teeth.

  I had a few encounters with some bad bitches, but that’s all they ever were. Now I’m about to go full time with it. Being a lesbian just fit me because I loved me some ass and titties way more than dick. Guess I was just worried about what my mom and the rest of them would think. This life was mine though. Nobody else’s. If I wanted to lick pussy then who could have something negative to say? I’m a grown ass woman and don’t owe nobody an explanation.

  Hell, even AJ knew I had some kind of feelings for women. That’s why he tried so hard to please me because I wouldn’t hesitate to step out and get a bitch sprung. He always would say, “as long as you ain’t out there fucking on no nigga”.

  “What happened to Sashay?” Malina asked as she stepped out of the shower and onto the hard floors.

  “That was something to do while I waited for AJ’s trial. Nothing serious. That hoe was crazy, though.”

  “You crazy too.”

  “Nah. She was about to kill herself and everything, and I just ate the pussy once. Bitch was sending pictures of pill bottles, talking about she’d take them all if I thought shit was a joke,” I confessed.

  “That’s right. You did tell me that.”

  Malina and AJ were the only two who knew for sure that I fucked with women. Everyone else just assumed because I wasn’t out here in these streets with no nigga. I loved to keep people guessing about me. It was my pleasure to kindly have an enemy wondering about me but not knowing for sure.

  “She the whole reason I took a break from that gay stuff. Apparently, my mouth game a fool.” I laughed.

  “Ewww,” Malina squealed, throwing the towel on me.

  “You know what I just thought about?” I asked as something crossed my mind.

  “What?” She was now plugging in the flat irons for her hair.

  “We should count this money to make sure it’s exactly right. I ain’t trying to get caught up in no shit,” I said as I threw the bags of money on the bed and emptied it.

  “Do you know how long this will take?” Malina asked, sitting on the bed.

  “A long minute. We got time. Ain’t nobody called us yet,” I hissed.

  This was not the time to be acting like a brat. We had come all the way to Cali, and a lot was riding on us to have this put together.


  “Yes. When I get out of the shower, we counting this money up, and that’s the end of it,” I said and snatched a towel off the bed.

  Chapter Nine


  It didn’t take as long as I expected to count the money up, being that it was already sorted out. If I was a grimy bitch, I would have taken this money and said fuck Johan. Never in my life had I seen so much money right in my face.

  At 10:00 p.m., the track phone began to ring. It was Bishop. “What’s the play?” Divine said, picking up the phone immediately. She put him on speaker so she could eat the rest of her ice cream.

  “Y’all ready?”

  “Yeah. Where we going?”

  “That’s the thing, Johan is gonna have somebody pick y’all up with it. He just told me, so I told him what hotel y’all were at.”

  “What? So why they just won’t get the money from us and be gone? This don’t sound right, Bishop.” Divine was getting nervous, and so was I.

  “Chill, sis. You know I wouldn’t send you on a dummy mission. This nigga Johan just paranoid as fuck, so he don’t want to give y’all directions to his crib, and he never met y’all before.”

  “Don’t he trust you?” I cut in.

  “Yeah, but this a dirty business. Y’all don’t get it now, but y’all will soon. Open the door.”

  The line went dead.

  “I know he didn’t hang up. Hello?” Divine was looking at the phone crazy, trying to get an answer.

  “This don’t sound right. What he mean open the door?”

  Just as I said that, there was a knock at the door.

  Divine stood up to answer and I pulled her arm.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Answering the door.”

  “What if they kill us?”

  She smiled. “If they want to kill us, they will, whether we open that door or not.” She proceeded to ope
n the door. I guess she was right.

  It was dark outside, and all I could think about was this being my last night on earth.

  Finally, she opened the door. No one was there. She stepped outside and looked around. Still didn’t see anything. Just as she walked back into the room, I saw dark figures behind her. Three men in all white, looking like terrorists, rushed her and threw a black bag over her head. Whatever was in the bag made her pass out because she slumped over as one man threw her over his shoulder.

  The other man grabbed the bags. And the another one ran for me. I started to put up a fight, but before I could think, everything went black.


  “Damn, are you sure they’re okay?” I heard a voice ask.

  Thought I was dreaming until I woke up in an all white Matisse bed that sat on white marble floors. I looked out the balcony and saw two men smoking a cigar.

  “Divine,” I whispered as I tried to wake her up, but it didn’t work.

  After making sure she had a pulse, I relaxed a little, but not too much. When I really came back to reality, I panicked. They really drugged us.

  “They’re going to kill us, Divine,” I whispered in her ear, hoping to God that she would wake up.

  “No they’re not. We would have been dead. Just relax,” she said as she got comfortable under the covers.

  “How long have you been up? What time is it?”

  “I woke up a couple hours ago because I had to pee. It’s 4 a.m.”

  “What? We’ve been sleeping for six hours? Why didn’t you wake me up?”

  “I talked to Bishop on the track phone. He told me that everything was fine,” she said in her groggy voice.

  “And you still trust this nigga? Divine, they drugged us right after he told you that everything was fine.” We were still whispering so the men on the balcony wouldn’t hear us.

  “That was so we wouldn’t see how to get here. Trust me, if they wanted us dead, we would not be in this luxury bed, under covers and sleeping peacefully. Just be cool. You worry too much.”

  Someone flicked on the lights and I got to see the whole room. I was shocked at how huge it was. It was the size of our apartment times two.

  “Hola, mamis!” It was a brown skinned guy with tight eyes. Looked like he was from the islands. His skin was so smooth and pure. He had the gold teeth at the bottom of his mouth, looking like a hood nigga, but it was obvious that he wasn’t from here because of his accent. “Come. I want to talk to you two,” he said, walking over to us.

  He spoke English, but English clearly wasn’t his first language.

  “Who are you?” I asked.

  Divine was wiping the sleep out of her eyes.

  “I’m Johan.” He extended his hand for me to shake. “You must be Malina.”

  “How did you know?” I shook his hand.

  “I saw your ID inside your purse. And this must be Divine…”

  “Yes, that’s me.”

  We both stood up and noticed that we had on nothing but white robes.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Don’t worry, everything is fine. We’re not perverts around here. Just wanted you two to be as comfortable as possible.”

  He kept laughing like shit was funny. Grabbing both of our hands, he walked us down the long white stairs and down a long hallway, which led us to another part of the house. I had never been in a glass house before today, and it was beautiful.

  “You said your name is Johan?” I asked as I grabbed his hand a bit tighter when I noticed big ass dogs in every corner of the house.

  “Yes. Don’t worry about the wolves. They’re trained.”


  “Yes. In my country, we have wolves for pets.”

  “Where are you from?”


  I know this is going to sound crazy, but I had never seen a black Colombian. Scarface wasn’t black. This house was full of black people who spoke no English.

  Finally, we reached the other end of the house and it seemed like it took forever. We walked into a room and I felt the frequency change immediately.

  “What just happened?” I asked him as he pulled out some chairs for us.

  “Now, you begin to notice a change in your voice. The room is soundproof,” he said as we sat down and two men walked in and hooked us up to machines.

  “What’s this for?” Divine finally asked as they hooked several wires up to us.

  “It’s a lie detector. I ask you questions and you answer them. You lie… I kill you.” He sat on the table like it was just another day in the life of Johan.

  “Kill us? Wait a minute. Is this a joke?” I asked, looking around.

  “I’m not kidding.”

  “So this is why you brought us to a sound proof room?” Divine shook her head and smiled like she was crazy.

  “It’s not funny,” I said to her.

  “I know. They just doing the most, and I think it’s dramatic.”

  “What does that mean?” Johan asked.

  “What?” Divine responded.


  “It means that all of this isn’t necessary.”

  “Oh, I see. Dramatic.”

  “Yes, dramatic. Womanly.” She was mad and was about to start talking reckless.

  “Divine, shut up. Please.”

  “No, fuck this. I’m going all up in Bishop’s mouth for this shit,” she hissed as Johan pulled out his gun. This nigga was about to kill us with a smile on his face.

  “Malina, you first. What is your name?”


  “Just answer, Malina. These are test questions to ensure the machine is working properly,” Divine said, rubbing her head like she had a headache.

  “Malina.” The machine was flowing in a straight line.

  “Are you a cop?” he asked.

  “No.” The machine was still normal.

  “Do you find me attractive?”

  “Johan, this isn’t the time for games.” A young girl walked into the room. She looked to be the same age as us or a few years older.

  “Just having a little fun, Chola.” He began to laugh.

  “Are you a cop?” Chola asked me.

  “No. I already told him that.”

  She rolled her eyes at me and went to Divine. “What is your name?”

  “Divine.” The machine still marked a straight line across the long paper.

  “Are you a cop?”

  “Yes,” Divine said. I looked at her like she was crazy. The machine started to do zig zags,

  “You’re a little jokester, aren’t you?” Chola asked Divine.

  “I can be sometimes.”

  “Well, Divine, did you know that Bishop shorted me $350,000 and sent you here to deliver a small amount of my money?” She cocked her gun.

  “No, I didn’t know that.” The machine went in a straight line.

  “Did you know, Malina?” she asked.

  “No,” I said as my machine flowed normally also.

  Divine snatched the wires off of her. “Are you fucking serious!” She went zero to a hundred that fast.

  “No. I am serious.” Chola said as she held eye contact with Divine. Seemed like she was studying her face to find the truth. Johan looked at me and winked.

  “I fucking knew I shouldn’t have done this shit!” Divine was mad.

  Chola and Johan appeared to be chilling. Something was weird about this whole situation. Just as Johan was about to speak, his phone rang. He tossed it to Chola, and Chola tossed it to Divine.

  Chapter Ten


  “Who is this?” I asked as Chola tossed the phone to me.

  “It’s Bishop.”

  “You got some nerve! I could fucking kill you! You’re about to get us murked to save your own fucking ass?!”

  Chola was smiling at Johan.

  “Sis, listen. I fucked off some cash but I’m getting it back. You know I can’t move like that because the feds on
my case.”

  “The fuck that got to do with me, Bishop?”

  “Sis, it’s a few reason I sent women. One, the feds on my back, so I can’t move like that. Two, I was short on the cash flow. Three, Johan won’t let Chola kill y’all. Just chill.”

  “Bishop, I swear to G—”

  “It’s okay, sis. Trust me… nothing is gonna to happen to you. When I called earlier, they said y’all were asleep in the room. If they were going to kill y’all, Chola woulda had Johan take y’all to the sound proof room.

  “That’s where we at, Bishop!” I couldn’t help but yell. Wasn’t like the rest of the house could hear me anyway. Chola and Johan were steady smiling. Ready to catch bodies.

  “Oh shit. Damn. For real? Does Chola have on black?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Oh, damn.”

  “Does Johan have on gloves?” he asked.


  “Okay, that’s a good thing. Just chill. They gonna tell you to tell me that I have a certain amount of time to get that money. Whatever y’all do, stay close to Johan.”

  “Why?” Hell, if Johan was our fucking Superman, why were we in this room about to die.

  “Johan is against killing women and children. Chola is his sister, and she don’t give a damn ’bout none of that shit. Try not to be around her alone. Tell Malina too. Y’all stay close to that nigga, sis. Don’t go nowhere with Chola’s crazy ass. She will kill you. I can’t stress that enough.”

  “Time is almost over. Tell him I need my money,” Chola said, looking at her watch. Four more men walked in with two body bags.

  “Bishop, they’re about to kill us, Bishop,” I mumbled, feeling sick as hell.

  “Tell Chola to give me three weeks. That’s all I need.”

  “She wants her money now, Bishop. Stop fucking playing with our lives.”

  “Sis, just be cool. For the rest of y’all stay, keep close to Johan. I have to go.”


  “Don’t leave Johan’s side.”

  He hung up.

  “What happened?” Chola asked, lifting her well done brows and swinging her long and curly black hair.

  “He said to give him three weeks.”


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