Dirty South Divas

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Dirty South Divas Page 5

by Kia

  “Kill them. I want Bishop dead by the end of the day,” she said calmly as she walked away with her black gown dragging on the floor.

  “What? No! Please!” Malina was begging for her life and panicking. She even stood up, looking like she was attempting to run.

  I guess Bishop didn’t know what the fuck he was talking about because we were about to die. I began to feel sorrow. Not because this would be my last night on earth, but because I had dragged Malina into this mess. She didn’t deserve this. All she did was ride along.

  “Don’t make this hard, ladies. Let’s go,” Johan said as he gently grabbed our hands.

  That’s when it hit me; people die in the soundproof room. So where were we about to go? I looked over at Malina and saw her crying and shit. Looking like a three-year-old. Huffing and puffing and shit.

  “Ay, Papi? Que paso?” One man said to Johan, nodding his head. Johan said something in Spanish and led Malina and I back upstairs to the room that we had just left.

  “I guess this is it. I love you, Divine. I always will,” she cried as she hugged me tight.

  “I love you too.”

  “Aww, I love you too,” Johan said as he roared in laughter.

  “What’s so funny?” Malina asked him.

  “You’re not about to die.”

  “But Chola—”

  “Don’t run shit around here but her mouth,” he finished Malina’s sentence. So this is what Bishop meant.

  “So what happens now?” I asked, looking up at him. He had to be around 6’0” ft sharp.

  “Let me go and talk to mi padre and I will be right back.”

  He walked away.

  “The fuck is a padre?”

  “His father,” I responded. I knew Spanish, but not a lot. I knew enough to know that Johan had our backs.

  “What if his father says to kill us?”

  “Well, we’re here now. So I guess we will have to wait and see.”

  After a few moments of waiting, Chola walked into the room. “What the fuck is this?” she asked in anger. Clearly she was mad because we weren’t dead yet.

  “Johan is in the other room,” Malina said.

  “Johan!” Chola yelled.

  After not getting an answer, she forced us back down to the soundproof room and made us get on our knees.

  “Chola, go away,” Johan said as he burst into the room, just as she was about to blast our heads off.

  “Johan, no! They have to go!”

  “They passed the lie detector test, Chola. Bishop sent them here and didn’t tell them. They didn’t know.”

  “I don’t care, hermano! If I let him get away with this, he’ll never respect me again.”

  “Trust me, hermana, he will respect you. I’ll make sure he does.”

  “Chola! Ven aqui!” An old man yelled as he came around the corner and into the room.

  “What the hell are they saying?” Malina whispered.

  “He just told Chola to come here. Don’t worry.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  Chola looked over at the old man and stormed his way. They left down the hall.

  “Come on ladies, you need rest,” Johan said as he led us up the stairs again.

  “What’s wrong with her?” Malina asked as we climbed back into bed.

  “Ah, Chola is crazy. When things don’t go her way, she kills people. And my father doesn’t like that about her because it brings us bad karma. This year alone, Chola has pounds of blood on her hands.” He began to shake his head.

  “That bitch need to be slapped.” Malina snickered.

  “Hey, watch it.” He pointed his finger at her.


  “Look, I can only save you this one time. My father has given Bishop three weeks and three weeks only. Only you two can bring it, not anyone else. If he’s still short, you two will die and there is nothing that I can do about it.”

  “And what about Bishop?” Malina asked.

  “He dies too. Don’t worry, sleep tight. We will take you two back to the hotel in the morning.”

  Chapter Eleven


  “Just be honest with me. It’s been two days, man, he not waking up,” I said to the doctor as I lowered my head into the palm of my hands.

  “I’m being as honest as I’ve always been. There is hope for Pernel. But I would be lying if I said this would be a cake walk. He may never walk again if he lives, which he most likely will.”

  “Well, why is he still in a coma?”

  “His brain is simply repairing itself. There is an enormous amount of activity going on in that brain. He’s a fighter.” She smiled at me, flashing her pearly whites.

  “Damn,” I sighed. I looked a hot mess with all of the shit that was going on. Hell, my car was being held as evidence, Nyssa had her own shit going on, and I don’t know where the fuck Divine and Malina were. I needed some clothes like yesterday. Here I was in hospital clothes looking like a patient in rehab.

  “Are you ready to take care of him for the rest of your life?” The doctor asked and I couldn’t even answer. Pernel wasn’t the best boyfriend. In fact, he may have been the worst. Shit, was I ready to take care of him? Or would I be on some scorned woman shit and scald him with hot water for the rest of his days and make him wish he had died?

  “A baby? He really has a child?” I asked, still in disbelief.

  “I’m afraid he does. Is this going to be an issue?” She sat next to me. Just as I was about to respond, Malina and Divine rushed through the door.

  “We came as soon as we heard,” Divine said as her and Malina walked over to console me.

  “I’m so sorry,” Malina said while hugging me as she bent down on her knees.

  “I’ll leave you all alone. But we will finish our talk,” the doctor said as she made her way out and shut the door behind her.

  “And where the hell you two been?” I asked, noticing the new fits they both were rocking. For the first time in a long time they both rocked stilettos. But why to a hospital? Malina even had her hair flat ironed while Divine had hers long and curly. Even their makeup was on point.

  “Houston,” Divine said quickly.

  “Umhmm. For what? An interview?”

  “Business… get you some,” Divine responded as she and Malina high-fived each other.

  “Like what?” Hell, I was curious as to why they were all dolled up this early in the morning.

  “So this nigga got a baby?” Divine changed the subject.

  “Bitch, what you gonna do? I’d pull the plug if I were you,” Malina hissed, rolling her eyes at my man.

  “Malina, chill,” Divine said.

  “I’m just saying. I hope she ain’t tripped out over this nigga.”

  “Bitch, when you get a nigga, you will understand,” I said while rolling my eyes.

  She and Nyssa always had something to say about Pernel. Malina didn’t have the right to speak about what she would do because her slow ass couldn’t keep no damn man. Didn’t no nigga want no lame-ass bitch. That’s why her ass was always single.

  “Y’all bitches chill. I’ght? This nigga in here about to meet Jesus and y’all arguing,” Divine whispered.

  “She started it,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “Whatever. I’m about to sit in the car. You can cry over Pernel ass if you wanna,” Malina said as Divine tossed her the keys.

  “She done went shopping and now she feeling herself,” I said when she was out of range.

  “You good, though?” Divine asked with a serious look on her face.

  “Yeah, I’m straight. Just confused.”

  “About what? Pernel having a baby surprised you?”

  “Nah, the age of the baby is what gets me. If I would have kept my baby, our babies would be the same age, Divine. I ain’t lying. This nigga begged me to get an abortion. That just fucks my head up.” I shook my head and leaned back on the cold and hard hospital couch.


; “Word.”

  “Dang. I knew Pernel wasn’t shit, but I didn’t know he was that messed up.”

  “Who you telling? Aborted my baby to keep this nigga happy, not knowing that he wasn’t happy to begin with.”

  “How you figure that?”

  “Shit, he had a whole family across town.”

  “But he came home to you every night.”

  “Only because that bitch was married. I’d be willing to bet my whole life that if his baby mama wasn’t married, that’s where he would have been.”

  “See, you can’t think like that, cuzz.”

  “But it’s true. He was using me, Divine. Took me two days to say that aloud and accept it.”

  “We all get used in life, but you and Pernel been together a pretty minute. I’m sure it was some love there.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so.”

  “What should I do?”

  “What you mean?”

  “Should I let this nigga die? The longer he stays on life support, the more brain activity he has. If I tell them to pull the plug today, he might die. I’m thinking like fuck this shit and fuck that nigga. To hell with him.”

  “See, you can’t be like that. I’m pretty sure Pernel wouldn’t let you die.”

  “Pernel don’t give a damn about me, and the proof is in the eyes of his child.”

  “I think you should let him live.” Just as I was about to respond, a woman entered the room with a baby in her arms. I couldn’t tell if it was the same baby that I had seen in the pictures.

  “And who are you?” I asked, knowing the answer to my own question. Just needed to hear her say it.

  “I’m Pernel’s fiancé, and who are you?”

  “What?” Divine asked, standing up.

  “Who?” I asked, in a state of confusion.

  “His soon to be wife.” She flashed her small ass ring. “And this is our daughter. Are you the whore that had my fiancé in a closet and almost got him killed?”

  Chapter Twelve


  It felt good as hell to finally be in some cold air. Sitting on the passenger side, I fumbled through the radio and finally found some Kevin Gates. His song, “Kno’ One” was playing, so I turned it up and sang along while looking at myself in the mirror. “She say I’ma dog but it takes one to know one… alright.”

  As I waited for Divine in the SUV, I noticed that Slick had pulled up in his 2016 Impala sitting on some twenty-four-inch rims. His base made my chest hurt from a mile away. Never understood why our Texas niggas liked the base to thump like that. Didn’t they ass know it would destroy their ears?

  Anyway, I watched as he pulled into the parking spot right next to ours. Reaching over, I slightly cracked the window so that I could hear what Tayla, his girl, was bitching about now.

  “If you turn that damn radio down, you wouldn’t have to yell,” she said with her arms folded as she sat back in the seat.

  “If a nigga wanted to hear ya’ ass, I would have turned the radio down a few blocks ago.” He powered the ignition off and pulled his strap into his cargo shorts.

  “So what that mean?”

  “Means I ain’t tryna hear ya’ ass.”

  “Why we gotta be here anyway?” she asked.

  “Pernel my nigga. That’s why.”

  “Whatever, and what’s that money for?” She was pointing at the money that he had just pulled from under the seat to count.

  “For Neiman.”

  “Neiman? Tuh. That’s Pernel’s bitch, not yours.”

  “And this my business, not yours. Matter fact, didn’t you have to pee?” he asked, looking at her like he wanted to throw her ass to Pluto.

  “Whatever.” She unbuckled her seat belt, got out of the car, and left Slick inside counting the money.

  Making sure she was out of range, I slid out the car and walked over the passenger side, looking all good and shit. At first he didn’t see me, so I cleared my throat.

  “What’s poppin’, Malina?” He unlocked the door to let me in. Since Divine had given me the green light, I went for it.

  “Waiting on Divine, what’s going on with you?” I replied as I slowly sat in the seat and shut the door. Made sure to lock it too. Didn’t want to beat Tayla’s ass today.

  “Counting this money. Neiman asked me for five hundred for some shit for Pernel.”

  “Like what?”

  “Ain’t even ask.” He looked me up and down. “Why you looking all good and shit?” He smiled, flashing his dimples.

  “Damn. Thought I always looked good.”

  “I’m just fucking with you.” He put the money into his pocket.

  “Fuck with me then. Call me sometimes. Better yet, come see me tonight.” I ain’t even going to lie, I was feeling myself. On the way back home from Cali, we stopped at a few malls. That’s why it took us two days to make it back. The weather was fine. We even stopped at a beauty parlor and got all glamorous.

  “Come see you?”


  “That’s you in that SUV?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “You hopped in right after Tayla hopped out so I know you were watching us.”

  “What that mean?”

  “I can’t get away from her crazy ass. She be on me like a lion on a deer. She’ll fuck around and follow me there. Sorry, shawty.”

  “Wait.” I laughed. “So you telling me no?”

  “Not like that. But she crazy… feel me?”

  “Slick, stop playing. Come see me tonight. I wanna show you something.”

  I had been wanting to give his sexy ass the business ever since he got out. I could just picture myself sucking his dick and with his tall ass looking down at me. See, I wasn’t the sensitive type. All I wanted to do was hit one time and I would be cool. Just wanted to see what the fuss was about.

  “Plus, I can’t disrespect ya’ cuzz like that and get down with ya’ in the place y’all share”

  “Who, Divine? Slick, trust me when I say that she doesn’t give a damn about you.” I was about to tell him that Divine didn’t give a fuck about no nigga. She was all into bitches and shit.

  “But I’m all ’bout principle. It’s the principle of it all. What you want?”

  “Honestly, I wanna see what that dick all about. Why hoes be going crazy?”

  He laughed. “Oh, yeah? That’s what you want?”

  “Yeah,” I responded, licking my lips. Swear I was so hot just thinking about it.

  “Fuck with me later. I’ma fuck you at the trap.”

  “The trap?” I screwed my face. “What type of hoe you think I am?”

  “Thought you wanted to see what this dick was all about?”

  “But I don’t fuck niggas at the trap. Hell nah.” I smacked my lips, folded my arms and leaned back into the leather seat. His car smelled like straight weed smoke.

  “Shit, my girl waiting on me in the waiting room, so we can get it poppin’ right now if you wanna.” He took his gun out of his pants and put it under the seat so it wouldn’t go off.

  “Thought it was all about principle?” I teased as he unbuckled his pants.

  “This ain’t y’all apartment. It’s my car. I’ma give you what you want. ’Cause you think it’s something weak ’bout me.” He put his hand into the hole of his boxers and pulled his dick out. I didn’t have to fuck it to see why women went crazy over that shit. Slick was working with a baby leg, and I’m not exaggerating. One of them fat baby legs. The width matched the length. It was tall, fat and round.

  “Damn,” I whispered.

  He smiled like he knew I had just fucked up. “Hop in the back and take it off,” he said, nodding his head to the back seat.

  “You for real? In the car?” I asked, rolling the passenger window up.

  “Yeah, hurry up. Nigga ain’t got all day.” He slid a condom on his already hard dick and climbed to the back seat right behind me. Glad his car had dark ass tint.

  I laid on
my back and slid my jeans off. “Shirt too?” I asked, wanting to know if I needed to remove everything.

  “Nah. Turn around and toot it up for a nigga.” He was on his knees, leaning on the back of the passenger seat and stroking his dick.

  “Wanna start off by hitting it from the back?” I asked as I turned around and got on all fours.

  “Yeah, this a quickie.” He spit on his hand and rubbed it up and down my already wet pussy. Guess it wasn’t wet enough for his ass though. Couldn’t believe I was getting fucked in the parking lot of a hospital.

  The harsh feeling of his dick busting me wide open broke me out of my thoughts. I gasped as he slowly pushed his obese dick into my small pussy. “Damn you tight,” he whispered as he continued to stuff me with dick.

  “Bae, you just big,” I moaned. His dick was so big that it wasn’t even feeling good. All I felt was pain. “It hurts.” I let out a small cry.

  “It will feel good once I put it all in.”

  “What? It’s not all in?”


  “Get it over with and put it all in.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah!” I screamed in agony as he pushed the whole dick inside.

  “Stop running from it. You wanted this shit.” He sped the pace and hit every wall. Felt like he was pounding the tip of my uterus.

  “Oooooh, Slick… baaaaeeee,” I moaned as it started to feel good. He put both hands around my cheeks and made my ass bounce because of how hard he was pounding me.

  “Yeah, you like that shit. I know you like that shit. Throw that ass in a circle,” he grunted.

  I tried to roll my hips but I had no space to move without my pussy hurting. “Slow down, Slick. It hurt,” I moaned as he grabbed a hand full of my weave.

  “Throw it back.” He stopped pushing and put his hands behind his back; giving me control. Mama ain’t raise no punk, so I took that pain like a thug and threw my sore pussy back at it until my cum was dripping from my legs onto his seats. After I came, I slowed the pace to catch my breath.

  “Thought you were ready. Acted like you were ready.”

  “Damn, Slick. I might need to check into this hospital the way you just put a pounding on me.” I let my head fall onto the seat with my ass still in the air. “Did you cum?” I asked.


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