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Aeon Legion: Labyrinth

Page 44

by Beaubien, J. P.

  Terra lowered her salute.

  “Tell me,” Chih said with a smile, “what are your plans now?”

  “I guess I will spend a year with the legionnaire who made me a squire. I think that is how it works right?”

  Chih's smile lessened. “I see. Is this what you want?”

  “Would it matter? I was told that a legionnaire who takes a squire has the right to train them for one year.”

  “That is their right yes, but I could request a transfer. If they proved unreasonable, then I could challenge them to a Trial of Blades. If you wished, I could arrange to train you for a year as my squire.”

  Terra grinned. “No offense, but I don't think that will work. Besides, she's the first person who ever had any faith in me and she gave me an opportunity to better myself. I feel like I owe her for that.”

  Chih nodded. “I understand,” he said before touching a holoface.

  Terra's shieldwatch beeped.

  Chih smiled again. “You have my contact information should you change your mind. The Seventh Cohort could always use someone with your determination. I couldn't live with myself if I let talent like yours slip through without at least trying to convince you to join us. Especially with our upcoming mission.”


  Chih expression turned solemn. “Now that Lycus Cerberus has been slain, well... The Seventh Cohort tracks rogue legionnaires.”


  Chih sighed. “Our quarry has the skills equal to a Legendary Blade. I do not look forward to this mission. I think we can stop her, whoever she is, but I doubt we can accomplish it without casualties.”

  “Maybe the other Legendary Blades will help?”

  Chih grimaced. “They are powerful individuals, but they can be... difficult to work with. How would your culture put it? Loose cannons? Regardless, give my offer thought. Sometimes we must go where we are needed rather than where we wish.”

  As Chih walked away, Terra heard several people laughing nearby. She glanced to see Roland in the center of a small group. She narrowed her gaze at Roland who was now talking with several officers.

  “Which is how we narrowly escaped the Manticore,” Roland said, finishing his likely fictional story.

  “I didn't know they were still using that old monster. I thought they replaced it?” an officer said.

  “Not a bad account of the battle,” another said. “The Fifth Cohort could use someone with your skill set. Facing a Manticore isn't easy.”

  Terra rolled her eyes as she walked over to Roland.

  Roland nodded. “Yes. Well I have everyone's contact information. I will let you know if I have other questions.”

  The officers walked away, smiling. Terra watched them go while scowling. Once they left she turned to Roland. “So this is it? Right back to the same thing as before?”

  Roland smiled and leaned in closer. “Not quite. Now the wager is higher, but the goal is still the same. With my immortality temporarily secured, I now work towards obtaining an easy post, like a garrison or something else simple. Something far away from that legionnaire in black.”

  Terra put her hands on her hips and glared at Roland while trying her best to keep her temper in check. “Really? All that work.”

  “Exactly. All that work so I can be lazy. Did you really think I would risk my immortality after finally earning it?”

  Terra sighed. “I suppose not. It's just that, for a moment, I thought you were a hero rather than just playing the part of one.”

  “Nonsense. I don't trust these people. Why would I risk everything for them? All this is a simple exchange of services, nothing more. I fight for them and they give me immortality.”

  “So what now? Are you going to join the easiest cohort you can find?”

  “With haste. One that is safe and on a fair weathered coastline with a lovely view of the ocean.”

  “What about the legionnaire that made you a squire? Don't they get a year to train you first?”

  Roland grinned. “Oh him? I doubt he will ev–”

  “There you are!” came a loud voice from behind Roland. A short stocky man with a bald head grabbed the much taller Roland by the collar. “Let's go. Time to start your real training.”

  “What?” Roland yelled as the man dragged him.

  “Stop flirting,” he said while tugging Roland behind him. “No silver tongue is going to get you out of the year the Legion promised me, I can assure you that!”

  Terra chuckled while watching Roland be dragged away. She thought she might miss him a little. Despite his ability to get under her skin, Terra found Roland to be one of the few who would engage with her. In a way, she knew him better than most did. She could see both parts of him, the knave and knight.

  Terra was so lost in thought she was taken aback when she turned to find Hikari glaring at her. Hikari pointed at Terra. “Do not think that just because the training is over that our contest is done.”

  “Oh no. I wouldn't think that. After all, who would you insult then?”

  “I am ahead. I had officers from every cohort try to convince me to squire under them. You had one.”

  Terra grinned. “Yeah, but I didn't insult the one who approached me.”

  “I didn't insult them. Not all of them. However, I am squiring under a legionnaire who was trained by a Legendary Blade.”

  Terra thought about telling Hikari that she will squire for a Legendary Blade, but instead just smirked.

  Hikari narrowed her eyes at Terra. “You have something else planned don't you?”

  Terra continued to smile.

  Hikari turned to go. She took a few steps before stopping to cast a sidelong look at Terra. “It was... fun competing with you. I hope we compete again.”

  Terra watched Hikari go before shaking her head. “What a bother,” Terra said, voicing her irritation at this so called competition while her smile said otherwise.

  As Hikari left, Terra saw another familiar face nearby. Delphia moved through the crowd, drawing the eyes of the male graduates. Another man stood near her, likely her latest boyfriend.

  “Delphia!” Terra said, walking over to greet her. “It feels like it has been forever since I've seen you.”

  Delphia stared at Terra for a long moment. Then she smiled before turning to dismiss her current boyfriend. She then walked over to Terra. “Terra,” she said in her usual airy tone. “I see the Legion's regimen has caused numerous alterations to your demeanor and stature. Your transformation is such that it has exceeded my memory by a high degree.”

  Terra raised an eyebrow. “I have no idea what you just said, but it's nice to see you too.”

  Delphia smiled again and embraced Terra. Terra had gotten used to Delphia's complete ignorance of the concept of personal space during her time at Delphia's home. But Terra had forgotten about it during her training at the Academy.

  “I have missed you,” Delphia said after a long embrace.


  Delphia nodded. “I always feel like I can be honest with you. It is rather strange. I like you even more now. You have a lot more confidence. I am rather envious of you.”

  “Why would you be envious of me?”

  “You refuse to let anyone tell you who you are. People adore me because I am like a star. Beautiful, but distant and sculpted by people's imaginations rather than what is actually there. Others look past you, but you always force them to acknowledge you through actions. I wish I could be as determined as you sometimes.”

  Terra felt her face grow warm. “Thanks. I wish I could compliment others like you,” was all Terra could say.

  “I was always certain you would pass. I assume you are returning to your home time for your leave?”

  Terra nodded.

  Delphia's expression became distant. “Mother wishes you well and says that her invitation to stay at her home is still open upon your return. However, I myself have a surrogate offer. My second semester at the Academy begins within a few mo
nths. Since you are part of the Legion, you will receive time which you can use to acquire a place of residence. Should we combine our resources, we may both be able to obtain a domicile of superior quality above what we could individually manage.”

  “So... roommates? I guess I don't see why not. We got along well at your mom's house. I'll let you know when I get back.”

  Delphia smiled and began telling Terra about her semester in astronomy. Terra listened, but another man nearby drew her attention. She glanced to see a man in gray armor similar to Legion design. Instead of the Legion's golden infinity symbol, he had a silver crescent moon emblem on his upper arm. He stared right at Terra with a critical expression. She almost thought he would come over and talk to her, but instead he touched his shieldwatch's holoface before leaving. After a moment, Terra dismissed the event. It probably didn't have anything to do with her.


  It didn't take long to organize her belongings for the trip back home. She took her shieldwatch with her and concealed her aeon edge in a duffel bag after taking it apart. Once she had packed everything, she called her parents and told them she was coming home. After double checking her bag one last time, she set off using the fadelines and faded into the timeport. She found Orion waiting for her near the gates. Remembering his rank, she saluted.

  His expression remained stoic. “At ease. May I have a word with you in private?”

  She then followed him inside a nearby building. Terra stepped inside a room with her sight on Orion as the door faded in behind her.

  “This will not take long,” Orion said.


  Orion gestured to Terra's duffel bag. “Bring your aeon edge?”

  Terra nodded.

  “Smart girl.”

  “Should I expect trouble?”

  “Probably not, but it's a good habit to keep your aeon edge handy at all times. I don't think Kairos is interested in you and I would rather it remain that way.”

  “So you are sure it's Kairos then?”

  “I never let emotions or sentiment impede facts and analysis. All the pieces connect and the final one fell into place when we found her DNA at the battleground.”

  “Why tell me this?”

  “I plan to watch you closely, Legionnaire Terra Mason. You have inherited Kairos's aeon edge and you are Alya's squire. I place little faith in fate or destiny, but I trust in Alya's ability to find gifted squires. I gamble that you will be a powerful asset against Kairos. However, I suspect that Alya will try to fix this herself.”

  “How do you know Kairos is even a major threat? She is only a single person.”

  “That one person saved this city. She can also destroy it.”

  “One person destroying the city?” Terra mumbled while trying to wrap her mind around the concept. The city seemed so vast and powerful yet she remembered the duel with Cerberus. The sheer power and terror of that battle gave her pause to consider. Perhaps Orion was right. There was also the omen during the Trial of Truth. The omen that Terra had thought was a warning about Hanns.

  “I didn't come here though to tell you that. I came here to warn you.”

  “About Kairos?”

  “No. Now that a Legendary Blade has fallen, other villains will come; monsters, criminals, mercenaries. Every nasty thing the Legion has been hunting will come out like roaches in darkness and they will come after you,” he said, pointing at Terra.


  “If they know that you are Alya's squire, every temporal villain looking to become famous will try to kill you. Be sure to keep your connection with Alya a secret.”

  Terra nodded.

  “Oh and one more thing. Keep quiet about the identity of Kairos. That is an order. We are still working on how exactly to tell the Legion and Saturn City that our greatest savior is now trying to kill us.”

  The door faded open as Terra and Orion both looked to the archway. Alya walked in before glaring at Orion.

  Alya stood hands on hips. “What's the matter Orion? Are you arresting my next squire as well?”

  Orion sighed.

  “Come on, Terra,” Alya said as she gestured to the fadedoor.

  Terra turned to go.

  “Terra,” Orion said.

  She looked back to Orion.

  “Never forget who the real threat is. Kairos is out there and worst of all, she believes she is Time's only hope. She will not hesitate to do anything to fulfill her mission. She has to be stopped.”

  Terra nodded before she walked out with Alya. They both made their way to the gate.

  “Are you returning to your own time for a little while?” Alya asked.

  Terra nodded. “To see my parents.”

  “Good. You deserve some rest. Be sure to practice though. You still need to brush up on your basic blade forms and it wouldn't hurt to practice your close combat skills too.”

  “I will,” Terra said before glancing at Alya. “What will you do?”

  Alya looked away.

  “You are going to try to find Kairos aren't you?”

  Alya closed her eyes. “I have to. I have to find her before the others do and figure out what happened.” Alya opened her eyes and looked at Terra. “My first squire, Tahir, saved me. He showed me what a true hero was. He saved me, but died. All of them have died. Now Kairos comes back lost in darkness. I have to save her this time.”

  “I understand.”

  Alya regarded Terra for a moment and then smiled. “Crash. Here I am rambling about my issues right after you just completed the hardest test of your life. Don't spend too much time in the quarry again.”

  Terra nodded and turned to go. She stopped and then ran back to Alya, embracing her. “Thank you for everything.”

  Alya smiled as she hugged Terra back.

  After a moment Terra released her embrace. “See you soon?”

  Alya's smile faded. “Sure... I will pick you up after I get a few things out of the way.”


  Terra felt strange coming home, almost like it wasn't real. When she first arrived at the city beyond time it was like a dream. Now it was like a dream returning to reality as she stood in front of her parent's home. She ran her fingers across the fence as she approached the door. Terra rang the doorbell.

  “Just a minute,” came Beth's voice from inside the house. Seconds later the door opened. “Who are... Terra! Is that you?”

  “Mom!” Terra said before embracing her mother.

  “Um dear? Not so tight,” Beth said as she choked in Terra's vice like embrace. Terra let go and Beth regarded her. “I barely recognized you.”

  Fred walked next to Beth. “Who's that?”

  Terra shrugged. “Dad. It's me.”

  Fred squinted, regarding Terra. After a moment he smiled and embraced her. “Well if it isn't the little dirt devil herself. What happened? Where did you get those muscles?”

  Terra smiled. “I've been exercising a little.”

  Beth beamed. “Good. You needed exercise. Come in. We are getting dinner ready.”

  Terra walked in before putting her bag down. “Need any help?”

  Fred shook his head. “It's about finished. You can go relax. I am sure you are tired from your long trip. By the way, how were classes? You make any friends?”

  Terra smiled. “Yeah I made a few friends. I met a lot of interesting people. Saw some really cool stuff.”

  Beth moved Terra's bags. “Meet any young boys?”

  “Yeah I met a few, but I kept fighting with this German guy. There was another boy. He was nice until...” Terra frowned after remembering Zaid.

  Fred nodded. “It sounds like you at least worked hard and met some interesting people,” he said before walking into the kitchen.

  Terra then heard the television playing in the living room.

  Beth turned to Terra. “Could you turn off the TV in the living room? Your father left it on again.”

  “Sure,” Terra said as she walked to the living room
. She paused when seeing that a documentary played. Terra recognized the Nazi soldiers marching in the background.

  “World War Two,” the narrator said. “It is considered the defining event of the century. The Nazi party that seized control of Germany would become the most infamous villains of history. How could they have not known that their legacy would be one of horror, terror, and destruction? Do we all have the same capacity for self delusion and evil? When does one become the villain without recognizing it?”

  Terra grabbed the remote and turned off the television. She had quite enough of Nazis for the rest of time.


  Keys and Thieves

  Time King Endymion enjoyed the clear day in Saturn City as he sat across the table from his squire Caelum. They played a game of chess with a holographic projection displaying the board and pieces before them.

  He gazed out over his mansion's grounds before checking the time by looking at the huge hands that loomed over the city. Then he shifted his attention back to Caelum. As always, Caelum played with skill, but Endymion needed only three more moves until checkmate. Still, Endymion found himself impressed by how much Caelum had improved since their last game.

  Caelum frowned as he looked at the board. While a handsome youth of twenty years of age, his body was rather scrawny with sandy blonde hair and sky blue eyes. Caelum reminded Endymion a little of his own lost son who died centuries ago during the first Kalian attack on the city. A smart boy, Endymion thought, but still in need of much improvement.

  Caelum made a move, but his grim expression betrayed his realization of having lost the match. “Master, Hanns has failed. I told you he wouldn't make it far. A single tiro defeated him I hear.”

  Endymion moved his next piece which he knew put him two turns until checkmate. As usual, Endymion took great care in his appearance even in a private setting such as his mansion. His short, well groomed and immaculate silver hair shimmered and contrasted with dark eyes. Though he wore casual robes, they were edged in gold designs ornate enough for a king. He stood taller than Caelum, but not by much. However, there was no mistaking the presence he commanded. When Endymion entered a room, everyone took notice. After all, he was a Time King, the last one in fact, and soon that title would be more than a relic from a lost golden age.


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