Aeon Legion: Labyrinth

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Aeon Legion: Labyrinth Page 46

by Beaubien, J. P.

  SALIENT A large ring structure that can recall any area within time, linking them both temporally and spatially. A salient can even replicate wind and weather effects. This allows it to be the perfect arena. It can also connect to another salient and allow instant transportation between them. As such, a large salient network exists in the edge and is used simultaneously by numerous time travelers to travel to different parts of the edge and Saturn City.

  SATURN CITY HISTORICAL ARCHIVES A large room that hosts the sum of all historical knowledge. It is located in the Aevum Academy and is restricted due to the sensitive nature of the information within.

  SATURN CITY The city beyond time. Essentially a city state, Saturn City is considered the most powerful civilization in all of history and the pinnacle of human technological achievement. It is the closest humanity has ever gotten to a true utopia. The city consists of twelve zones or sectors with each serving a specific function. Population growth through natural birth is rare as Minerva carefully controls birthrates in the city. Most immigrants are granted citizenship through military service with the Aeon Legion. Others are allowed to stay in the city through special work programs. See Saturn City entry for a detailed breakdown of the twelve zones that make up the city.

  SHIELDWATCH A wrist mounted device that allows the user to control time. It is connected through the user's nervous system allowing them to control time. Shieldwatch users can speed up their movements, gain lightning fast reflexes, slow or stop their fall, increase the accuracy of their vision, speed up or slow down time within an area, or block harmful projectiles or substances. It also allows them to restore themselves if injured. As it allows the user biological immortality, the shieldwatch is a valuable commodity, especially in black singularity technology markets hidden within the Bleak.

  SINGULARITY AI An Artificial Intelligence that is advanced enough to improve itself by growing more intelligent exponentially. Eventually the AI becomes intelligent enough to alter laws of physics to the point of redefining reality. In almost every case the AI destroys the known universe within its continuum by accident if left unchecked. A singularity AI can also make a singularity itself by taking one aspect of science and making it undefined within a single point in spacetime, hence the creation of the Singularities.

  SINGULARITY SCIENCE The branch of science dedicated to studying singularities and singularity technology.

  SINGULARITY TECHNOLOGY Technological artifacts created by a singularity AI and often powered by a singularity. Singularity technology often violates the known laws of physics to the point of redefining reality itself. This makes these artifacts extremely dangerous. Often times called singularity tech for short or referred to as singularity artifacts.

  SINGULARITY THIEF An individual on the Aeon Legion's most wanted list for stealing singularity artifacts. There has been more than one Singularity Thief, but never more than one at a time. They are known for their distinctive mask and duel aeon edged daggers. All Singularity Thieves are extremely skilled and it has long been suspected a third party is training and equipping them while also being the benefactor for the stolen artifacts.

  SINGULARITY A point in spacetime where something becomes undefined. Most singularities manifest themselves as a brightly glowing orb about five paces in diameter. Approaching a singularity can cause many anomalous effects and personal contact is not advised in all cases. All Singularities are based around one property or branch of science such as the Temporal Singularity or Biological Singularity. Each singularity is impossible to replicate, with most attempts ending in disaster.

  SONIC CIPHERS A pair of translation devices that fit in a person's ears. These devices have dedicated software for accurate and real time translation. They also assist the wearer by translating their words as well.

  SONS OF OBLIVION A group of temporal pirates, bandits, war criminals, barbarians, and other assorted, unsavory individuals that operate within the furthest regions of the Bleak. They launch frequent raids into the Edge and other parts of the Bleak for weapons, women, supplies, and prisoners for ransom or enslavement. They are scattered into numerous tribes, clans, kith, and other groupings and factions. Sometimes a great leader called a Khan will unite them enough to launch a large scale raid. The Aeon Legion has made several attempts to wipe them out without success.

  SQUIRE An individual who has been accepted by a member of the Aeon Legion as being worthy of a chance to join. In the early days of the Aeon Legion, squiring was the only form of training save for a very basic course at the Academy. During the First Temporal War, new recruits were chosen or in rare cases assigned to a full rank legionnaire who would teach them the skills necessary to be a part of the Aeon Legion. However, after the fall of the Kings and Queens of Time, a formal training program was instituted at the Aevum Academy and becoming a Squire became merely an entry requirement. As a compromise to recruit surviving Knights of the Kings and Queens of Time, it was appended onto the Aeon Legion's charter that all legionnaires retain the right to train their squires personally once they complete their training at the Academy.

  STRATEGY STUDY A chamber that dilates time. One hour spent in a strategy study only passes five minutes outside of it, making it a useful tool for research and planning even in battlefield conditions. However, metal fatigue accelerates when in a strategy study therefore sessions must be planned carefully.

  SYBIL An individual who has gone through the Rights of Aion, a ceremony where she loses her sight, but gains precognition. The Sybil function in two important roles within Saturn City and the Aeon Legion. The first role is that of a priestess of Aion, overseeing the religious and cultural ceremonies of the city. Part of this role involves the design, construction, and awarding of aeon edge weapons for new legionnaires. The second and more important role is the use of precognition to foresee crime and danger in Saturn City and the Edge. Sybil precognition is weaker in the Bleak and weakens further the closer to the End of Time. They have difficulty seeing nulls. The vast majority of Sybil are women, though men are not unheard for possessing a gift for precognition. Only individuals born in the Edge or Bleak have a chance to become a Sybil.

  TARTARUS Saturn City's prison facility. It has twelve levels, each more dangerous than the last. In addition to locking up temporal criminals, it also contains many dangerous singularity technologies that are kept secured for study.

  TEMPORAL ACCORDS An extensive legal document. This is the Aeon Legion's charter in addition to laying out all laws that pertain to time travel. All time travelers are required by the Temporal Accords to sign and register their time travel device. The Temporal Accords are enforced by the Aeon Legion.

  TEMPORAL CRASH An area of time that has become unstable and fallen apart. Temporal Crashes are extremely dangerous to travel through as pockets of time can stop or accelerate without warning, turning those caught in it into dust or other fates worse than death. Continua caught in a Temporal Crash will often fall apart, erasing billions of lives from existence within a flash. A Temporal Crash is deadly enough to be used as a curse word amongst Saturn City culture. Even a shieldwatch cannot protect someone caught within.

  TEMPORAL SINGULARITY A single point in spacetime where time is undefined. Physically the Temporal Singularity is a five pace diameter glowing blue orb that hangs in the center of Saturn City, powering all technology within. The Temporal Singularity is the source of shieldwatch and aeon edge power. It was created by Minerva before she was contained by Prometheus.

  THE BLEAK An area near the End of Time were continua time and the Edge overlay. The area is always caught in a red glow and the End of Time hangs in the sky ominously. Large planetoids, lost continents, and mega structures are present. Many are suitable for limited habitation, causing a number of nations to spring up in the Bleak. Larger planetoids break up when nearing the End of Time and the area around the End itself is a massive graveyard of timeships, time machines, aircraft, boats, and other vehicles that have fallen out of time and been abandoned. These gravey
ards are home to the Sons of Oblivion. The Aeon Legion has bases within the Bleak, but the area is not formally under their authority and is known to be a dangerous place.

  THE EDGE The Edge of Time. A place where the constant time of the Temporal Singularity overlays normal time within the continua. Accessing the Edge is crucial for all time travel and is heavily patrolled by the Aeon Legion while Saturn City lays at its heart.

  THE FACELESS WAR The armed conflict between the Aeon Legion and its allies against the Faceless. This war began when growing disappearances in the Bleak led the Aeon Legion to investigate. This led to first contact with the Faceless and was followed by the fall of several major powers within the Bleak. Soon the Faceless overran most of the Bleak and began to spread into the Edge to attack history. Eventually Kairos rallied the Aeon Legion who had lost ground and managed to turn the tide against the Faceless. The Aeon Legion proved to be the only post time power to be able to successfully resist the Faceless's decay effect. Many post time powers are still recovering from the war.

  TIME KING/QUEEN An ancient noble title used by a few powerful Saturnians after the First Temporal War. Time Kings and Queens conquered most of Time after the First Temporal War, ruling it for several centuries before their downfall. Only one Saturnian still holds the title, however his authority is no longer recognized by Saturn City or the Aeon Legion.

  TIMESHIP A ship designed to traverse time. Often take their designs from traditional naval vessels.

  TIRO/TIRONES(Plural) The lowest rank in the Aeon Legion, equal to recruit.

  TOURNAMENT OF BLADES A yearly competition that any legionnaire may enter. It consists of a number of Trial of Blades designed to eliminate participants until only one remains. The sole victor may challenge any Legendary Blade they wish to a Trial of Blades. Should they defeat a Legendary Blade, then they earn the title of Legendary Blade themselves.

  TRIAL OF BLADES A formal duel between legionnaires. Often used as a way to settle differences between them. Most Trial of Blades are non lethal, but in the past duels to the death were more common. Any member of the Legion may challenge any other member to a Trial of Blades, however they may refuse unless another superior officer of greater rank than both participants overrides their refusal. A member of the Legendary Blades may refuse any challenge regardless of rank, however a challenge from a Legendary Blade may not be refused.

  ZEITMACHT The name of the time traveling branch of Nazi Germany during World War II. Translates into Time Power/Force.

  Aeon Legion Organization

  The Aeon Legion is organized a bit differently than most armies. While large scale forces are sometimes needed, most legionnaires learn to work alone or in small teams as needed due to the small numbers of the Legion and the amount of history they must cover. Occasionally they are required to form large forces when an enemy becomes too numerous for a single strike team to combat effectively.

  Unit Sizes

  Legionnaire: This is the smallest unit and consists of an individual soldier.

  Strike Team: This is a small team of 3 to 6 soldiers usually balanced in terms of skill sets to complement one another. Strike teams are used for the vast majority of the Legion's missions.

  Decennary: This consists of 3 to 6 Strike teams or around 25 soldiers. Decennaries are usually only used for larger operations or if a lot of area needs to be covered in a short time.

  Century: This consists of 3 to 6 Decennaries or around 100 soldiers. Centuries are rarely used in peacetime missions, but are common during larger scale conflicts.

  Cohort: This consists of 6 to 12 Centuries or around 1,000 soldiers or greater. Like centuries, Cohorts are only used during large scale conflicts. Cohorts often have their own distinctions and specializations, but tend to suffer from inter-service rivalry with other Cohorts.

  Legion: This consists of 2 or more Cohorts. There is only one Legion currently designated Aeon. Theoretically Saturn City can found additional Legions, but has never needed to.


  The Legion maintains a hierarchy of ranks like most traditional armies. Like most armies lower ranks are expected to salute higher ranked officers when encountered outdoors and not in a combat situation or otherwise busy. The Aeon Legion's salute is performed by standing up straight and putting the right fist in a ball and placing it over the heart.

  Enlisted Ranks


  Addressed as: “Tiro”; Commands: None;

  Basic recruit. All start out as a tiro. Tirones are not considered part of the legion until they complete basic training and receive their aeon edge.


  Addressed as: “Legionnaire”; Commands: None; Equal to: Private;

  The most basic Legion rank after completion of the core training program. Most of the Legion consists of these rank and file soldiers.


  Addressed as: “Sipahi”; Commands: None; Equal to: Private First Class;

  Similar to legionnaire, this rank is usually obtained after a few years of service.


  Addressed as: “Immunes”; Commands: None; Equal to: Specialist;

  A special rank within the Legion usually given to technical experts and other specialists not involved in front line fighting.


  Addressed as: “Tetrarch”; Commands: 1 strike team; Equal to: Corporal;

  Tetrarchs are small scale team leaders and often lead strike teams. They are responsible for the soldiers under their command.


  Addressed as: “Optio”; Commands: 1 Decennary; Equal to: Sergeant;

  Used to lead small teams of legionnaires. They are also responsible for discipline in their unit. Often assist centurions.

  Commissioned Officers


  Addressed as: “Centurion”; Commands: A Century; Equal to: Lieutenant;

  First commissioned officer. Usually commands a Century in the field. They are often put in charge of fairly dangerous or important missions as well.


  Addressed as: “Serdar”; Commands: A Century; Equal to: Major;

  Serdar was an older rank in the armies of the Time Kings and Queens. After their downfall, many of the old officers would refuse to rejoin the Aeon Legion unless they kept their old rank. The rank of Serdar was made as a compromise. This rank is mostly used to command smaller garrisons or bases throughout the edge.


  Addressed as: “Captain”; Commands: 3 Centuries; Equal to: Captain;

  Captains tend to be put in charge of garrisons or timeships.


  Addressed as: “Praetor”; Commands: 1 Cohort; Equal to: Colonel;

  Praetors rarely lead from the front except in large scale operations and major battles. Whenever there is not a large scale conflict, these officers tend to focus on management duties. Praetors also command battle cruiser sized timeships.


  Addressed as: “Strategos”; Commands: Several Cohorts; Equal to: General;

  Commander of a fortress or a fleet of timeships. They also can command larger forces of up to several Cohorts for large scale battles. In peacetime they oversee operations over an entire continuum.


  Addressed as: “Consul”; Commands: 1 Legion; Equal to: Five Star General;

  A consul is the highest rank within the Legion. They command the entire Legion. Prometheus currently holds this rank. The Saturn City council can appointed a new consul by a majority vote, but have never needed to. There is only one consul per Legion.

  Aeon Legion Cohorts

  First Cohort: The Ancients

  Motto: “Hold!”

  The First Cohort is known for the large number of veterans who make up this unit. The First Cohort also has the largest number of native Saturnians as well. They are usually only deployed during major engagements where victory is critical.

  Second Cohort: The Shadows

  Motto: “We do what we mu

  The Second Cohort is smaller than most of the others but made up of the most skilled in the Legion. They are known for their secrecy and ability to not draw attention to themselves. Numerous rumors circulate regarding the secretive nature of their missions, but little is known for certain. Legionnaires from more modern times often say that the Second Cohort is the black ops of the Aeon Legion.

  Third Cohort: The Guardians

  Motto: “Always vigilant.”

  The Third Cohort usually acts as an honor guard for important figures within the Legion as well as guarding Saturn City itself. They are the most spread out Cohort within the Legion as they are usually stationed in garrisons and other important facilities.

  Fourth Cohort: The Lancers

  Motto: “We scatter them!”

  The Fourth Cohort is made up of the toughest of the Legion that specialize in heavy assault. They are usually deployed in mass to attack fortified positions or enemy strongholds.

  Fifth Cohort: The Keepers

  Motto: “We are the keepers of the gates.”

  The Fifth Cohort are those who specialize in singularity artifact recovery. They are an adaptable and versatile group who train to be ready for anything. They are also known to make extensive use of agents to dig up clues about new artifacts circulating in the singularity black market.

  Sixth Cohort: The Phoenix

  Motto: “Be reborn.”

  The Sixth Cohort is a unit that specializes in containment and restoration of ecological systems, repair of damaged facilities or cities, healing of those wounded, and the repair of history from any damage or alteration by time travel. They hunt down invasive species to prevent cross time ecological collapse. Due to the scale of trying to restore ecosystems, cities, or even entire worlds, the Sixth Cohort is one of the largest in the Legion and employ a number of technical experts along with numerous timeships.


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