Aeon Legion: Labyrinth

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by Beaubien, J. P.

  Seventh Cohort: The Hunters

  Motto: “We see the hidden.”

  The Seventh Cohort is known for its talents in tracking and hunting down time traveling criminals as well as rogue legionnaires or defectors. They employ a number of Sybil in the field to aid in their search missions. Their skills with an aeon edge is well known amongst the other cohorts as many skilled duelists make up their numbers.

  Eighth Cohort: The Seekers

  Motto: “Into the dark.”

  The Eighth is known for its excellent performance in hostile environments and for its numerous exploration missions. They are quick to adapt to changing conditions and are critical to the Legion's time cartography and intelligence. They have the second highest number of Timeships in the Legion.

  Ninth Cohort: The Slayers

  Motto: “Strike true!”

  This is a cohort specialized in hunting Manticores and other large powerful targets. They are small in number, but well equipped and experience in slaying Manticores and larger Faceless forms.

  Tenth Cohort: The Mask Takers

  Motto: No official motto. However, the unofficial motto is “Your sacrifice will be remembered and honored.”

  A cohort formed during the darker years of the Faceless War. During the war they were Kairos's personal unit. After Kairos's disappearance, most of the better members were absorbed into other Cohorts and only new recruits were poured into this cohort. They were charged with hunting down the remaining Faceless, an extremely dangerous task. Even after the war was officially declared over, this cohort suffered the highest casualty rate in the history of the Aeon Legion during the mop up of the Faceless. A Faceless has not been seen in decades and the Mask Takers are secluded to be disbanded in fifty more years.

  Eleventh Cohort: The Fleet

  Motto: “From stars to time.”

  The fleet is the Aeon Legion's primary timeship force within the Edge. As their name suggests, they have the most timeships amongst all of the cohorts and have the greatest variety as well. Although skilled pilots, those in the fleet have gained a reputation of being pushovers in aeon edge duels. The fleet spends most of its time on patrol in the Edge and the rim of the Bleak only striking out in force when needed.

  Twelfth Cohort: The Reserves

  Motto: N/A

  Those legionnaires who earn their Saturn City citizenship and wish to retire from the Aeon Legion, but wish for a small pension join the Twelfth Cohort. This cohort is made up entirely of retired legionnaires who live peacefully in the city, but gather one month a year to train and keep their skills sharp. Should the Aeon Legion face a crisis, then they can call on the Twelfth Cohort as a reserve force.

  Thirteenth Cohort

  Motto: N/A

  A cohort that is only rumored to exist. Stories vary with some saying they are a special forces cohort more secret than even the Shadow Cohort. Others claim they are an internal police force loyal only to Prometheus. Another rumor is that they are a suicide unit of condemned prisoners sent on missions too dangerous for regular legionnaires. Their existence is denied by all high ranking officers in the Legion.

  Saturn City

  Saturn City is divided into twelve equally spaced zones. Each zone usually centers on one type of service or utility.

  Zone I Tartarus: Saturn City's Prison

  Tartarus is a place where temporal criminals, dangerous singularity items, and other anomalies are contained. This place is much like a prison and is administered by the Aeon Legion who keeps these things away from other parts of the city. This area also has extensive facilities for disposal of hazardous items. This zone has a direct link to Caminus for easy transfer of research items and to the timeport for quick transfer of temporal criminals. Unlike other zones, Tartarus can actually be separated from the city itself and ejected in case of a containment breach. Working here counts for double time due to the dangerous nature of the work and is typically staffed by dust outs from the Legion training program.

  Zone II Caminus: Industrial

  Caminus is almost entirely automated and contains numerous factories and research laboratories. All new items are designed here. Upon completion of design, shieldwatches are used to infinitely copy any finished object. This zone also has a number of laboratories dedicated to research on various topics however the majority of focus is on singularity artifacts. Caminus has a direct link to Tartarus to facilitate easy transfer of singularity artifacts. Other than the researchers and engineers that work here a few also come here to work on their own personal hobbies for those citizens who enjoy building things.

  Zone III Domus: Residential Level 1

  Domus contains tier one residential apartments. Most Domus apartments are quite small, usually containing only a living room, bed room, bath room, and a small storage area. Those who live here are usually either recent immigrants or citizens who do not wish to work a regular job, preferring to party.

  Zone IV Forum: Commercial

  The Forum is a place where numerous finished products are gathered to be picked up and brought home. Objects are organized into stores that are restored every hour to refresh their stock. All stores are not staffed after they are initially set up. Due to the ease of temporal duplication all items are free.

  Zone V Dār al-salām: Residential Level 2

  Zone five contains tier two residential apartments. Tier two residential apartments are comparable to a normal suburban home and while simple, are roomy enough for a family of four. One must be a citizen to gain a residence of this tier.

  Zone VI Convivium: Recreational

  Zone six is full of amusement parks, bars, stadiums, auditoriums, theaters, and other leisurely pursuits or entertainment. This zone is also know for its active night life and numerous clubs. This is also often the location of a number of holidays and special events. All services provided here are free.

  Zone VII Curia: Residential Level 3

  Zone seven contains tier three residential apartments. Tier three residential apartments are spacious compared to most homes and most even have a few acres of land around them.

  Zone VIII Jannat al-Khuld: Preserve

  Zone eight contains a handful of every single species to ever exist, each in a small contained environment as well as numerous museums dedicated to every history across all of time. This place is much like a zoo though technically the Saturnians consider it a preserve. Citizens and even visitors are welcome to come and look at the displays.

  Zone IX Elysian Fields: Residential Level 4

  Zone nine contains tier four residential apartments. Tier four residential apartments are more like mansions. Each has a large parcel of land with a great view of the surrounding countryside. Unlike other zones only authorized personnel are admitted here though some citizens that live here allow tours during certain times. Gaining a residence here requires approval from the city council as well as a significant investment in saved time.

  Zone X Horti Otium: Park

  Zone ten is an area set aside for wilderness, functioning much like a park. This area is known for its natural beauty and contains numerous camp sites, hiking trails, rivers, lakes, and other natural sites.

  Zone XI Castra Legionis: Military Sector

  Zone eleven contains the Aevum Academy as well as an extensive military base belonging to the Legion. Originally this sector was wholly dedicated to the Academy, but after the Aeon Legion was formed, they took over the area turning it into the military section. The Aevum Academy holds the Saturn City Archives where the sum of human history is held. Below this zone is a collection of twelve large salients that make up the Labyrinth.

  Zone XII Porta Tempus: Timeport

  Zone twelve contains Saturn City's timeport. All temporal traffic to and from the city goes through here. All traffic is then processed and routed to the proper destination. The timeport has a direct link to Tartarus for quick transport of temporal criminals.

  Singularity Hub

  This is the center of the city wher
e the Temporal Singularity is contained. Above the singularity is Aion's Temple where the Sybil live and is considered the spiritual heart of the city. Below the singularity is Legion Command where the Aeon Legion is headquartered.


  Constance Beaubien

  Marty Scruggs

  Jason Mcteer

  Tom Farmer

  Michael Beaubien

  Jewel Cross

  Natsumi Hayashi

  Fiona Schartau


  Star Wars

  Ender's Game




  Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple

  Lord of the Rings

  The Hobbit


  Avatar the Last Airbender



  And of course, the biggest influence of all: History.

  About the Author


  The following suspect frequently goes by the name of Joseph Paul Beaubien. He is wanted by the Aeon Legion for willful disregard of the Temporal Accords, possessing forbidden knowledge of history, dissemination of classified information on Aeon Legion training procedures, reckless use of graphic design and illustration skills, and for trying to be a writer.

  He was last sighted in Lambda Continuum, year 2016 in the East Tennessee area. Suspect is reported to attend the Knoxville Writer's Guild on a regular basis. Intel suggests that he is currently trying to pass off highly sensitive Aeon Legion information as a work of fiction.

  If you spot this individual, please report his whereabouts to the Aeon Legion. Any information that leads to his arrest will be rewarded with Saturn City citizenship.

  Thank you for reading Aeon Legion: Labyrinth. I hoped you enjoyed watching Terra take her first step along the journey to heroine. I have so much more to show you, so many more wondrous places and unknown dangers that lurk in Time.

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review or tell your friends about it. Reviews and word of mouth are an author's best friend.

  Terra has only just begun on her path to become a heroine. Next she will discover the secrets of Alya Silverwind's mysterious past and face Saturn City's greatest sin. The path darkens ahead, but Terra will face it head on as always. I hope you can join her. See you in the next book.




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