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Chase the Moon

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by Kristen Strassel

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Likenesses to any people, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please do so through your retailer’s “lend” function. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author. To obtain permission to excerpt portions of the text, please contact the author at

  Chase the Moon, (Mountain Mermaids: Sapphire Lake) Copyright 2019

  Cover Design by Agent X Graphics

  Table of Contents

  Copyright Page

  The Curse

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  The Curse

  A LOVE SO TRUE, THE earth rejoiced.

  A betrayal so cruel, the stars cried.

  Those that chose to ignore my pain,

  Will forever be bound to the earth they

  Tried to steal. My heart is black to their

  Cries of pain. Your souls will twist in

  The mud below just as the fish dig for food.

  You’ll suffer as I have under each full moon.

  Until such time that you find your true love.

  Chapter One


  I had an industrial-sized roll of duct tape, a brand-new pair of pajamas, and a dog-eared copy of The Free Gal’s Guide to Road Tripping. That book had been my bible ever since I realized nine to five jobs and sharing walls with my neighbors gave me hives.

  What else could I possibly need for my epic road trip?

  One thing I was definitely happy to leave behind was the disapproving expression my mom had worn ever since I told her I bought a tiny house and planned to explore North America until further notice.

  “I don’t understand why you want to live in a mobile home.” If I drank a shot every time she called it that, I’d be in permanent blackout mode. “What if it breaks?”

  “It’s a tiny house, not a mobile home. The only thing that could possibly snap it in half is a tornado, and those barely ever happen in eastern Canada.”

  “You could get stuck on train tracks.” She obviously worked hard on her laundry list of disasters, and only had a few more chances to whip it out before I left. She’d really thought of everything. Knowing Mom, she and her girlfriends had probably compiled a list of Ways Tori Might Screw This Up as they made it to the bottom of a wine bottle. “You could hit a moose.”

  “File those under, things that could happen anywhere at any time no matter what I’m driving in Eastern Canada.”

  “But that mobile home is so big. You’ll have a hard time making tight turns. A strange man could find you.”

  I rolled my eyes at the non sequitur. “It’s statistically proven that there are more strange men in the city than there are in the country.”

  “Have you ever heard of a lone wolf? They operate alone. No witnesses.” Mom was from a different time. She’d been encouraged to get married and settle. I tried to cut her a little slack, but she was tap dancing on the end of every nerve I had.

  “I’ll finally get to use my mad kickboxing skills.” I karate chopped the air and she jerked away from me. A little apprehension was healthy, and I’d inherited if from her. I was dying to finally be free. “It’s just like my old apartment. But I don’t have to pay rent, and my house is on wheels. I’ve taken classes”—more like, I’d watched videos online, but that would send her spinning into another fit of paranoia— “so I know what to do if things go wrong.”

  Dad came up behind her, and I was much more ready for his hug. “Call me if you need anything.”

  He’d learned long ago to let Mom freak out about everything and let it run its course. He only got involved if something actually went wrong.

  I gave Gus, our chocolate lab, a kiss on the top of the head and climbed into my giant new truck. To pull the tiny house, I needed one with all the horsepower, especially since I planned to explore the mountains, and Canada wasn’t known for having mild winters. My plan was always to be south of the snowflakes and north of the heat.

  Which meant I should’ve left five minutes ago.

  My parents waved to me until they disappeared in the rearview mirror. My heart was heavy in my chest as I drove out of the town I grew up in, into the great unknown. For the first time, I didn’t owe anything to anyone—no work on Monday, no rent due, no one expected anything of me. I’d dreamed of this moment for so long, and now that it was here, all this freedom was actually kind of terrifying.

  One of the reasons I wanted to take this trip was to conquer my fears. My life had felt small and claustrophobic, but my anxiety insisted that I liked it that way. I had to prove to myself, my mom, and all the other people who said I was out of my ever-loving mind to do this, wrong.

  First stop: Aurora Falls. The cute little town was always on my day trip list, but I hadn’t been there since I was a little kid. They were famous for mermaid lore, and I’d been totally obsessed, giving all my dolls tails and making them swim in the tub. Mom was mortified that I kept them all topless. We’d never been on the same page about anything.

  Now I was interested in visiting for a completely different reason. The town was on the shore of Sapphire Lake, which was known for being full of gemstones. Sapphire, no surprise there, and labradorite. Some people thought of it as a spiritual vortex, which was probably where the mermaid lore came from. After spending the last couple of months living with my parents to save up for my adventure, it was the perfect way to kick off my adventure.

  Mom loved to remind me how I was taking my chances by winging it with this trip. I didn’t want to be tied down to anything. I needed to learn to take chances. As traffic crawled along the only road into Aurora Falls, I could practically hear her telling me she told me so.

  Welcome Aurora Falls Fall Festival Guests! A sign hung outside a motel proudly proclaimed. Oh no. I didn’t realize that was this weekend. The festival moved every year, so it could happen at the same time as the full moon. The residents of Aurora Falls were also obsessed with the full moon. I’d been hoping to get my woo on while I was here, not battle crowds of tourists eating pumpkin pancakes on a stick.

  Now I had a craving for pancakes.

  But so would everyone else that was headed there in this line of traffic. I hadn’t expected the little town to be packed with tourists. My breath caught in my throat as I imagined the crowds of clueless revelers bumping into me. Not being able to get anywhere I wanted to go.

  I could’ve changed my plans, but when I had a chance to drive past the city, I didn’t. A badass warrior of the open road had to roll with the punches.

  Sorry, we’re full, the handwritten sign flapped in the breeze of the RV park driveway.

  Now what?

  I kept driving, headed straight for Sapphire Lake, like something drew me there. The sun had slipped behind the trees, and the reds and oranges of the foliage lit up the lake like fire.

  I pulled into an empty lot right on the shore, feeling really good about my life choices. The town might be a hot mess, but at least I’d get a chance to recharge by myself, overlooking the water. The f
ull moon had already started to rise over the lake, and I headed to the craggy shoreline, looking for crystals.

  Absolutely no swimming. Huh. Maybe they wanted to discourage people like me from mining for treasure and send them into town shopping.

  A few cabins dotted the end of the lot, but there were no other cars here except my truck. On a busy weekend like this, I would think they’d be totally rented. Weird. Maybe they’d gone to the festival already.

  I could do this. I could go into town, brave the crowds, and have an awesome weekend on my terms.

  Once I detached the hitch, the wheels of my truck spun in the sand, but I got it out. Back in the line of traffic, I realized I never stabilized the tiny house.

  It would be fine until I got back. At least I hoped it would.

  Downtown wasn’t too packed yet, but the streets were dotted with people dressed as Vikings and mermaids. They were street performers, doing impromptu performances for the crowds that kept growing. I was going to fall in love with mermaids all over again. Vendors set up, getting ready for the main event tomorrow. I bought myself a congratulatory stack of pumpkin pancakes on a stick and found the perfect spot away from the crowd to watch the show.

  Chapter Two


  “This outfit is totally inaccurate. And kind of ridiculous,” I said as I pulled on the high boots of my Viking costume. The faux fur-trimmed cape swung around and hit me in the face. “I have three days on land and I’m spending them looking like a fool.”

  “I’ve spent the last nine months planning the Fall Festival, missing sleep, shedding blood, sweat, and tears so I can help keep your scaly ass from going back into the lake.” Dolly was a Keeper, which meant she was fluent in Mer secrets. She was one of my best human friends, and over dealing with my shit. “Everyone’s saying this will be the biggest festival yet. Double the vendors we had last year. Bands every night. All the hotels are sold out. The people who came to the festival want the schtick. Give it to them, and come Monday, maybe we won’t have to say hasta la vista for another month.”

  “You’re enjoying this way too much.” I laughed when she rolled her eyes. “You come up with these asinine things to lure the tourists and we’ll jump at it—”

  “How long have you been looking for your mate?”

  After the mistake of one of my fellow shipmates and a curse from a goddess, I’d been trapped in Sapphire Lake, locked in a seemingly eternal slumber, until I felt the call of my mate. Since then, I’d come to land every full moon, with only three days to find her. “A while.”

  I had to look on the bright side. At least I wasn’t stripping this weekend at Club Scales.

  “Then let’s try it my way.” Dolly knew how bad I wanted to break the curse and stay in my human form. “I designed this costume to show off your mark. If your mate sees it, you can start your new life.”

  All Mer who’d been doomed to the watery jail locals called Sapphire Lake had a mark only visible to their human mates. Each month, we had three days where we shed our scales and came to land, hoping to find the one who could see our mark. The only reason I hadn’t given up hope after centuries of searching was almost every month, someone saw the mark on one of the Mer. They were free.

  Modern technology had made it easier to lure the humans, like we’d been lured to Aurora Falls by the promise of treasure. But it didn’t stop the Keepers from having a little fun at our expense.

  “Could be worse, my friend. At least you don’t have to wear the spandex pants like you’re solely responsible for bringing back hair metal.” My best friend Zander snapped the waistband of his iridescent green scale patterned leggings. Nothing had been left to the imagination. “I should’ve volunteered for Club Scales. I’d have a better chance of hiding my junk.”

  Dolly fought to keep her gaze above his waistband. She and Zander had a torrid past and present, but she couldn’t see his mark. That put their future into question. “It’s not too late to switch to working at Club Scales this weekend. Speak now before I spray glitter in your hair.”

  “Stay.” I needed the moral support. “I have a good feeling about the festival.”

  “You say that every month,” Zander groaned. “And every month, we go back to the lake. I’m getting ready to cut out the middleman and stay there.”

  He couldn’t miss the way Dolly’s shoulders slumped. She always assigned him a task that required as little clothing as possible, hoping she’d finally see his mark. Giving him her heart wasn’t enough to break the curse.

  I could sympathize. This was the last month I planned to come to shore. Some of the Mer had given up on trying to find mates, others never believed the lore. We’d been condemned to the lake by one goddess, and granted mercy only if we could find our mates.

  “You guys look great.” Dolly cut the tension and pushed the cape over my shoulder, but her gaze was all for Zander.

  I groaned. “In our time, we wore animal skins and painted our faces with blood.”

  “You’d never get laid if I dressed you like that.” She laughed. “The festival doesn’t officially start until tomorrow, but if I were you, I’d take advantage of the early crowds. So many people are already here. You never know how long people plan to stay. Good luck guys. I hope I see you at Burgers AF on Tuesday with your new mates.”

  “I’m taking you to Burgers AF on Tuesday. My treat.” Zander kissed her on the cheek. “Thanks, Doll.”

  I grabbed her hand and squeezed it before we walked out the door.

  “Every month, I ask the gods to make her see my mark,” he said as we headed to Main Street. “I’m practically naked, and she still doesn’t see it. Will things ever change?”

  I didn’t know what was worse: having no mate, or having found her and not being able to keep her.

  “Never heard of it happening, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible.” I’d lie to him to give him hope. The rest of my shipmates, the guys I’d come here with, had found their mates or had given up. I didn’t want to do this on my own. Be the only one standing on the street in this stupid costume with my heart in my hands and my mark on my arm.

  “Shit, she wasn’t kidding.” Zander whistled low. Main Street was already packed, and the festival didn’t officially start until tomorrow. A band played on a stage on one of the side streets, and the beer garden had opened for business. “Never seen it like this. Your mate has got to be here for you, man.”

  “I hope she’s here for you too,” I said. The vibe was different this time. For years the town had cashed in on the mermaid and Viking lore, the giant pancakes, and a whole bunch of other shit that said, hey married people, bring your kids here for vacation. But some of the Keepers had gotten together and figured out what would lure single women and men to town, even if it was only on the weekends of the full moon.

  That’s when the Fall Festival was born. The best bands they could lure to the Maritimes on their budget, craft beer on tap, and mystics ready to read their fortune. I was tempted to sit with one of them, but I didn’t want to scare them when they saw who I really was. How long I’d lived.

  The Keepers had also opened Club Scales, which was only a male revue on the weekends we had legs. Every single one of us who’d graced the staged bitched about it, but more than one Mer had found his mate there. Kristopher was the most recent, living happily ever fucking after in one of the lakeside cabins with Charli. She’d grown up in this town, which gave me hope for Zander and Dolly.

  Not everything new was over the top and focused on us. Aurora Falls had new spiritual stores, a whole army of masseuses, meditation retreats, and mountain adventure getaways.

  A group of women accosted Zander, giggling as they asked for pictures. Their eyes widened when they saw me.

  “We’re supposed to be looking for your mark,” one of the slurred after we posed for a selfie. “Can you tell me what it is?”

  It was always a shock when a human knew about the mark. But enough of them had found mates that the secret was ou

  “You’ll know it when you see it.” I winked.

  Her friend gasped. “Are you...a merman?”

  The rest of the group burst into a fit of giggles.

  “I’m a Viking, my lady.” This was the hardest part. Once a proud warrior, and now letting a gaggle of tipsy bachelorettes laugh at my legacy. But they were right. It was pretty fucking laughable. I was a Viking, in a costume, pretending to be a Viking, searching for the woman who’d free me from this hell. “And I’m here to take the jewels from this merman.”

  I motioned to Zander. That was the schtick Dolly had come up with for us.

  The one who’d hoped she could see my mark ran her gaze over Zander’s body. “I’d like to take his jewels.”

  “Yeah,” one of her friends said, her gaze on his crotch. “I’d bury those jewels deep inside me.” Her cheeks pinked as her friends whooped. “I’d take your jewels too, Viking, if you’re offering.”

  My cock didn’t even twitch when she met my gaze. It was my mate or nothing.

  “I think you ladies would be better off looking for jewels elsewhere.” I pulled my fake sword from its sheath. More giggles. Little did they know with a real weapon, I could slice their heads clean from their bodies. “We’re on a mission.”

  Fuck, that sounded stupid. But it got us away from them. Maybe they’d see the mark on another Mer.

  “Should we start performing?” Zander asked, scanning the crowd. We were always on the lookout. “Find a place to do the routine?”

  I shook my head. It was too crowded for that. “We should try something different this year, when the crowds are this big. Something a little more interactive. How about we approach people, and get them involved in our roleplay?”

  Zander’s mouth twisted as he searched for a way to tell me he hated my idea. “They could tell us to fuck off.”

  “Or they could see our marks.” It wouldn’t be easy, with this many people. They’d be distracted, drunk, and annoyed. “Maybe we should just fucking ask them, is it just me or is this skin sparkly to you?”


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