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Claiming Bailey

Page 20

by Susan Stoker

  Chapter Sixteen

  “What do we know about what Donovan has been up to recently?” Nathan asked Blake and Logan the next day at work. It was Thursday morning, and they all happened to be free that afternoon for the first time in a couple of weeks, so they wanted to update each other before heading out. Usually, Nathan and Alexis had the office to themselves while Logan and Blake were out on jobs, but today all the brothers were in Castle Rock. Alexis was spending the afternoon with Grace and the kids.

  “Nothing. Which doesn’t give me warm fuzzies,” Logan responded.

  “We might not know what he’s been up to recently,” Blake added, “but Alexis has discovered Donovan is not a good guy.”

  “I think we all already knew that,” Nathan said.

  “Right, but you haven’t heard the half of it,” Blake informed his brother. “First of all, Donovan is forty-two.”


  “That can’t be right.”

  Blake held up his hand to forestall any other questions from his brothers. “It is. We all know how he got started in his life of crime, but Alexis dug deeper. He’s done a lot of shit he hasn’t been caught at. He’s killed people just because they irritated him. He’s been preying on teenagers for over two decades. Bailey wasn’t his first, but he did keep her around a lot longer than some of the other girls.”

  “Did Alexis find them and talk to them?” Logan asked.

  “No. They disappeared. One day they were around, and the next they weren’t. None of the gang members ever talked about them once they were gone either.”

  “Fuck,” Nathan breathed. “Did he kill them?”

  Blake shrugged. “Rumor on the dark web is that he sold them. Had his brothers set up the deals and collect the money for them.”

  There was silence in the office for a long moment before Nathan asked, “Sexual slavery?”

  “From what Alexis has found, most likely.”

  Nathan thought about the tattoo on Bailey’s back. He hadn’t seen it, but why would Donovan do something like that if he was going to sell her as a sex slave? That didn’t seem like something a future douchebag would want to look at on the slave he purchased.

  As if he could read his brother’s mind, Blake said, “Alexis ran into a brick wall when she was researching him, so she asked her mentor for help—you know, that retired Navy guy. He found evidence that they were setting Bailey up to take the rap for a bank robbery.”

  “What the fuck?” Nathan said between clenched teeth. “I thought Donovan wanted Bailey . . . he’s certainly acting like it now. So why set her up? Not to mention the gang was known for holding up convenience stores, but a bank?”

  Blake nodded. “It’s messed up, that’s for sure. Donovan wants Bailey now, but maybe it’s because she ran out on him. Maybe he wanted Joel made into a true Inca Boy more than he wanted his sister. I have no idea. Anyway, there was a whole conversation that had been deleted from Donovan’s computer between him and his brothers about how they would kill everyone in the bank, then take off, making sure Bailey was caught red-handed.”

  “How?” It was Logan who asked this time.

  “They were gonna shoot her in the leg, make it so she couldn’t leave with them. She’d be captured, they’d see the gang ink on her body, and throw her in jail for manslaughter.”

  There was so much wrong with that asinine plan, it wasn’t even funny. Nathan didn’t feel the least bit better about the fact that Donovan wasn’t going to sell Bailey as a sex slave, but making it so she’d spend the rest of her life behind bars, knowing Donovan would be taking care of her brother and turning him into the kind of man he was, didn’t sit well either.

  “We need to take Donovan down,” Nathan said, his temper flaring.

  “I talked to Ross yesterday, and he said that he hadn’t heard any intel about him in over a week. He’s in the wind,” Logan said, his own voice brimming with anger after hearing how much of a threat Donovan actually was.

  “Is that even possible?” Blake asked. “I mean, he’s basically the only thing holding that gang together now that all his officers are gone. He’s been pissing the rest of the members off, and last we heard they were ready to mutiny. Think they’d off him?”

  Logan shook his head. “No. There might be dissent, but I think everyone is too scared of the man to try anything.”

  “Has the task force heard anything from the women who are still hanging around? What about some of the high schoolers?” Nathan asked worriedly.

  “Nope. No one is talking.”

  “Damn,” Blake swore. “I’ll give Alexis a heads-up . . . although she probably already knows this. She’s becoming a spooky good hacker. I think Donovan is just as likely to come after her or Grace as he is Bailey.”

  Nathan shook his head. “I think you’re wrong. I mean, yeah, Grace and Alexis need to be careful, but Grace was just a job to him.” He held up his hand to stop the protest he knew would be coming from Logan. “I get it. He went to jail as a result of the job he did concerning her, but I have a feeling he’ll feel as if that was just a part of doing business, and not a personal thing.”

  “And Alexis?” Blake asked.

  Logan shrugged. “He wasn’t even around when what happened with her went down. Yeah, his brothers were killed, but it wasn’t like they were close. Remember Ross said Donovan threatened both Damian and Dominic that if they fucked up his gang while he was in prison, he’d kill them when he got out. But Bailey was his, and he had plans for her. It’s got to be a blow to his ego that she got away from him. He’s just the kind of asshole who thinks he owns her. And he probably wants her back to make an example of her and hurt her as badly as he feels she hurt his standing as president.”

  “Joel,” Logan said definitively.

  “Yeah. Joel. He was well on his way to molding him into one of his gang members. And honestly, the fuck of it was that he was doing a good job. It’s taken two months of therapy for Joel to finally admit that he didn’t like Donovan as much as he acted like he did. It’s a start, but I have a feeling it’ll take several years for all the mental damage he did to Bailey’s brother to fully be resolved.”

  “We need to make a plan. That asshole is gonna show up here eventually. And with no one knowing where he is at the moment, I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time.”

  “We can protect Bailey,” Blake said.

  Nathan shook his head. “No, we can’t. Not unless we stick by her side twenty-four seven, and you both know that’s not happening.”

  “Then you can protect her, Bro. You’re over at her place more than you are your own anymore. You used to hang out here long into the night working; now you bolt before five, sometimes in the middle of the afternoon,” Logan said without heat.

  “You know as well as I do, if Donovan wants to get ahold of her, he will. He could snatch Joel from school and wait for Bailey to get home. Or he could waltz into her job and force her to leave with him. Hell, he could even cause a car accident like he did with you, Logan. No, in this case, the best thing to do is to prepare for him so we’re all ready when he does eventually show up.”

  Both Blake and Logan eyed their brother, respect shining in their eyes.

  “So what, an ambush?” Logan asked.

  “Something like that, yeah,” Nathan confirmed. “But I’ll need both of you to help me. I have some ideas, but I need your security expertise, and your combat experience from the Army.”

  “You got it.”


  “And we need some sort of silent signal for each other. She lives all the way up on Wolfensberger Road. I can probably stall Donovan when he shows up, but if it takes longer than thirty minutes for either of you to get there, I don’t think anything I do will matter. He’ll either kill Bailey and take off with Joel, or he’ll hurt one or both of them. Not to mention, I’m a wild card. We don’t know how he’ll react if I’m there when he shows up.”

  “No problem. We can set up some silent ala
rms that trigger both our cells. If they go off, we’ll immediately contact the PD, although they should already know since the alarm you had installed is programmed to call 911 if breached.”

  “They’ll need to be briefed in advance so they know what they’ll be up against,” Nathan warned.

  “Already done,” Blake reassured his brother. “We’ve been working with them closely for the last year. We’ve got some buddies on the force. Officers who are on the SWAT response team. They’ll be ready.”

  Nathan breathed out a sigh of relief. “Good. So . . . shall we plan?”

  “Definitely,” Logan told him. “What do you have in mind?”

  For the next two hours, the three brothers discussed, argued, and dismissed several different scenarios for what should happen when Donovan finally caught up with his ex-girlfriend. They were all risky, and they all depended on one thing—that the man wanted to hurt Bailey by letting her know he was taking Joel with him after he tortured and probably killed her. But that he wouldn’t actually kill the little boy or Bailey the second he saw them.

  When they were done, and they’d planned as much as they could, Logan stood up and walked over to Nathan. He put his hand on his shoulder and said softly, “You’ve got this, Bro.”

  “For what it’s worth, I agree that I think he’s gonna make his move sooner rather than later,” Blake chimed in. “But there’s no way that fucker is gonna get the drop on the three of us. And there’s no way after what Grace and Alexis went through, we’re gonna let Bailey suffer any more at his hands. He’s done.”

  Nathan nodded. “Damn straight.”

  Logan smiled and squeezed his brother’s shoulder once before stepping back, grabbing his jacket, and shrugging it on. “So . . . you break through some of those walls she’s got up?”

  Nathan grinned, but didn’t respond.

  “You did!” Blake exclaimed. “Good for you.”

  “She it for you?” Logan asked.

  Nathan knew exactly what he meant. “Yeah. Before, she was this mysterious person who managed to escape the gang, but now that I know her? Know what she went through with them? What she escaped from? I’m in awe. She’s the strongest person I know. The thing of it is, she’s so amazing and doesn’t have a clue. I can’t measure up, but I’m hoping I can convince her to give me a shot at giving her and Joel the kind of life they should’ve had all along.”

  “You will,” Blake said immediately.

  Nathan’s eyes went to his brother, and he raised his eyebrows in question.

  “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Sure, she’s cautious, and I can’t blame her. But you’ve given her space, haven’t pressured her, and you’re you.”

  “What does that mean?” Nathan asked.

  “Just that it’s more than obvious you wanted her, but you bided your time and earned her trust. You spent time with her and Joel, and you were yourself.” He shrugged. “I’m guessing that she’s had experience with plenty of assholes. But that’s not you. You wouldn’t hurt one hair on her head. You’re more attentive to others’ needs than your own most of the time.”

  His brother was right, and not only about guessing Bailey’s background with men. Nathan used to be self-conscious about the fact he didn’t want to sleep with a woman on the first date. That he wanted to get to know her before they got naked together. But with Bailey, he hadn’t had that reticence. If he could’ve, he would’ve taken her home with him the first chance he had, but since that was what she expected he’d do, he’d waited. Not that it was any hardship to spend time with Joel and her.

  “I’m not sure . . . ,” he started, then stopped, not sure he wanted to discuss this with his brothers.

  “What, bro?” Logan asked, leaning forward. “You can tell us anything.”

  “I don’t want to disappoint her.” Nathan paused, but pushed on. If he couldn’t ask his brothers, who could he ask? “I’ve had sex, but I always got the impression that I wasn’t doing it right. Bailey’s latest experiences weren’t good, and the last thing I want to do is hurt her with my inexperience. I thought maybe . . .” He blushed, but rushed on. “You guys were always popular with the girls. Can you give me some tips?”

  Nathan was prepared for any kind of reaction from his brothers. Laughter. Mockery. Exasperation. But what he got was more. Much more. Respect and acceptance. They didn’t laugh at him or make fun of him. Logan got up from his chair and moved it closer to Nathan’s, and Blake did the same.

  They then spent the next thirty minutes telling him the best places to touch Bailey that would turn her on. Where to lick and suck, and how hard. They told him what positions felt the best for women, and after she’d orgasmed, what would feel best for him. They gave him pointers on how to make himself last longer so he didn’t come before her, and warned him that women sometimes got emotional after orgasming.

  The conversation could’ve been awkward, and his brothers could’ve made him feel stupid for asking, but by the time they were finished, Nathan actually felt confident that he could make Bailey feel good. That he could actually make love to her and have it be memorable for all the right reasons.

  “Thanks, guys,” Nathan told his brothers. “I just . . . I want to make sure I don’t do anything that might remind her of him.”

  “There’s no way she could ever think you’re anything like that asshole,” Blake insisted, his eyes intense on Nathan’s. “Making love is way different than having sex, and I think both you and Bailey will be making love for the first time . . . together. Trust her to let you know what feels good and what she likes. Follow her cues, and you can’t go wrong.”

  “Besides,” Logan chimed in, “if you can’t ask your brothers for sex advice, who can you ask?”

  Nathan chuckled. “That’s what I told myself before I opened my mouth.”

  “Damn straight,” Logan said with a smile. His phone vibrated with a text, and he looked down at it. “Grace says that I’ve had enough brother bonding time and it’s time for me to get home.”

  Nathan raised an eyebrow at him.

  Logan grinned, huge, before shrugging and informing them, “She got the okay from the doctor to ‘resume normal activities’ as she sees fit, and it seems my Grace is happy to have our marital relations resume.”

  Both Nathan and Blake grinned at their brother.

  “Far be it from us to keep you from your wife’s bed,” Blake told him, standing. “And, since we have this rare day off, and Grace will be busy, I think I’ll see what my girlfriend is up to tonight. She might be tired after visiting with your sons. She might need a nap.”

  All three men chuckled, then Logan got serious as he turned to Nathan. He put a hand on his shoulder and said low and earnestly, “Be careful. That son of a bitch is dangerous, and I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him. If you even suspect he’s near, trip the alarm or call us.”

  “I will,” Nathan reassured him. “I’m not going to take Bailey’s or Joel’s life for granted. I want this behind her so she can move on once and for all, even if it’s not with me. The last year hasn’t been easy for her.”

  “I’ll call tomorrow and let you know what, if anything, I’ve heard from Ross about Donovan, and just to check in. Remember what we talked about. Relax, be yourself. You’re going to be great. You’re an Anderson,” Logan said with a serious look on his face.

  Forcing himself not to blush, Nathan merely nodded at his big brother.

  “Oh, and tell Bailey that Felicity and Grace were talking about how much they liked her, and Grace suggested that Felicity and Bailey go out to lunch,” Logan said while getting his things together.

  “That’s a great idea. She hasn’t had many girlfriends as far as I can tell. Thanks.”

  Nathan gathered up his belongings after his brothers left. In the past, he would’ve stayed in the office and worked, but he was anxious to see Bailey. He checked his watch. He had time to stop and get her some lunch before he stopped by the auto body shop. Then he’d pick Joel
up and bring him back to his house for the afternoon, as he’d been doing for the last couple of weeks.

  They’d get his homework done, Nathan would watch the boy play his new This Is War game, because he certainly wasn’t any good at it, then they’d go and get Bailey. Nathan would make them dinner, and they’d hang out.

  Then, maybe, if he was really lucky, he’d see about beginning to put some of his brothers’ tips and suggestions to use. Just the thought of doing some of the things Logan and Blake talked about was enough to make him half-hard and to set his mouth to watering. It was too soon, especially after learning about how badly she’d been treated by Donovan, but he wanted to be with Bailey. Wanted to erase every bad sexual encounter she’d had with the feel of his body next to hers.

  He wasn’t centerfold material, but maybe if he could give her an orgasm, she’d overlook it and want more.

  He could hope.

  Nathan left Ace Security with conflicted emotions. He was excited to see Bailey and Joel, but nervous about their safety at the same time. He watched over his shoulder as he drove up Wolfensberger Road and couldn’t help but feel like the confrontation with Donovan was coming. Sooner rather than later.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Bailey stared at Felicity across the table. She wasn’t sure what to say to the other woman. She’d been surprised and flattered when Nathan had told her Felicity wanted to have lunch with her. But now that they were at the restaurant, she felt awkward.

  “How are you?” Felicity asked, breaking the silence as they waited for their lunch to arrive.

  “I’m good,” Bailey said automatically.

  Felicity cocked her head, then shook it. “No, really. I honestly want to know. You look better, less stressed, than at Joel’s party, but I can tell you’re still hanging on by a thread.”

  Bailey blinked. “You can?”

  “Yeah.” Felicity put her elbows on the table in front of her and leaned forward. “I’ve been there, Bailey. You can trust me.”


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