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Ryder (Player Card Series Book 3)

Page 19

by Ellie Danes

  “I can hardly wait,” she mumbled from under the covers.

  * * * * *

  Just over an hour later, Dad was taping my hands and I was focusing on the fight ahead of me.

  “Stay tight,” he reminded me. “Don't let him on the inside. Be on your feet and stay out of your head. You've studied this guy for months, so work on instinct, and be true to your heart. I'm proud of you, son.” He clapped me on the shoulder before I stood.

  “Those shorts look outstanding,” Tristan commented as he walked in with Amy and Zoey.

  “You don’t have to kiss up to me and Zoey,” Amy teased. “You’re paying us, remember?”

  Tristan chuckled. “Good point, but they do look great. They look like something a title-holder would wear.” He offered me a reassuring nod.

  “Good luck, baby. I'll see you after.” Zoey put her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. I wasn't expecting it but pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

  “Okay, let’s not get him too worked up,” Tristan joked.

  “I love you,” I whispered against her lips.

  “Love you, too.” She smiled, then released me and gave me a wink. “Kick his ass.”

  “Good luck, my man.” Tristan shook my hand.

  I looked up at the clock. I had just over twenty minutes before the fight was supposed to start. I knew I’d be walking out first and had only minutes before all this was a go.

  “We’ll be ringside once it's over,” Tristan assured me. “Knock him out. You’ve got this.”

  I nodded, but didn’t say a word. I was getting in my zone.

  I winked at Zoey and then watched as she walked out of the door and out of my head for at least the next hour or so.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  I took my seat in the skybox and waited. My sweaty hands wrung around themselves tightly on my lap. I was on the edge of my chair. When “Sabotage” started playing, I stood and watched Ryder’s red hood-covered figure make his way through the crowd. His face was blocked, but I watched his body move toward the ring. He bounced with each step and moved his arms. I knew the routine was to warm up his muscles, but I also knew how intimidating he looked when he was moving like that.

  The crowd cheered and the whoops and screams were amazing. Seeing so many of his fans roaring was one of the coolest things ever. Second coolest was looking over the sea of people wearing the clothes I’d designed.

  When Santiago entered the arena, the crowd went wild again. I watched as Santiago moved into the ring. He was basically the same height as Ryder, but he looked meaner, more worn. My stomach dropped and nausea took over. All of a sudden, I didn't feel very well.

  “He’s going to do great.” I felt Amy’s hand cover mine.

  “I don't know if I can watch.”

  “It's gonna be fine. This is what he’s been training for,” she reassured me.

  The announcer started his introduction and then I heard the bell. It was like trying to not look at a car wreck, but not being able to look away.

  I watched as Ryder bounced around the ring opposite his opponent. His muscle definition was mind-blowing, even from this far away. I tried to focus on anything that would keep me from feeling so sick to my stomach. It wasn’t working.

  Ryder dodged a punch and then delivered several blows to Santiago’s mid-section. He was going for a takedown when he didn't see the knee that caught him in the chin. As he stumbled back and tried to gain his footing, a jab caught his left eye and blood erupted from the gash it left behind.

  “Oh my god,” I whispered as my hand covered my eyes.

  I opened the slit of my fingers and saw Ryder land a series of uppercuts to the bottom of Santiago’s chin. Santiago’s head snapped back and Ryder lunged for him. He had to get him on the floor, I knew that. Blood was dripping from his eye and probably into it. He only had to hold out for another forty-five seconds to get through this round. He worked hard to get Santiago in a better position, but to no avail.

  “He’s expending too much energy. He has to back out.” I spoke under my breath.

  “He is trying to get out,” Tristan said from the other side of Amy.

  I watched as he pushed away, lifting from his knees and clearing a kick that came as soon as his weight was gone. Santiago rose to his feet and charged him. He had Ryder pinned against the cage but Ryder was holding his own. This guy knew Ryder had more stamina and he was using this round to try and tire him out. A few forearm shots were landed and then Ryder landed a hard elbow square in the middle of Santiago’s face. Blood ran from Santiago’s nose and he stepped away. Ryder went after him and delivered a solid jab to the cheek and was going for another when the bell rang. They went to their corners and I watched as they cleaned Ryder up and ran some Vaseline across his eye.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “Holy Fuck!” I said as I sat down in my corner.

  “He’s trying his best to tire you out,” Dad said. “He knows that’s his best chance at a win.”

  “I know. I need to keep getting the little punches in and hopefully I can make him work a little too hard. Maybe even give him a little more confidence.”

  “Get him on his back, it's the only way you are going to get the upper hand,” Curtis instructed.

  “I got this.” I stood and took another spray of water from Bret. I swished it around my mouth, then spit it out. “Let's go.”

  I turned and walked back out toward the middle. The bell sounded and we went at each other again.

  We traded punches back and forth. I caught his leg when he tried to kick me. Lifting up that leg, I swept his other leg out from under him. His back slammed down on the mat and I took my chance. I moved over him and locked my legs around his waist.

  He was throwing punches and trying to roll me. I wanted him to roll me so I was under him, it was the only way I knew to get the advantage. With all the leverage he had, he shoved me over. Just when he thought he was going to be on top, I switched my position and was wrapped around his back before he knew what had happened. I stretched him with my legs and tried to get him into a position where he couldn't move. He grunted with the exertion, and I knew that even if I couldn't get him exactly where I wanted him, the expenditure of energy was on my side.

  He continued to move and try to fight his way out of my grasp for over a minute. The bell sounded, ending the round, and I released him. He dropped an elbow just as I let go, and my lip exploded.

  The ref gave him a warning for the shot after the bell, and I winked at him as he returned to his corner.

  “Cheap shots, I should have known,” I said to Curtis as I sat down.

  “Man, you put a hurting on him.”

  “I hope it was enough.”

  “He’s huffing pretty good over there. I doubt he’ll get settled down much before you’re back at it,” Dad said.

  I rolled my shoulders and moved back and forth, testing my own strength. If there was anything I was known for, it was stamina, and I was feeling good. I had to take him in this round. He was counting on wrapping me up and hugging me while he tried to recover from the panic he had in the second round. His people had been in his ear the whole time I was moving around testing my body, and I still didn't have a worry. Other than the one shot to my face, he hadn't done much damage. The only disadvantage I had at this point was my eye was feeling a little tight from the swelling. It was messing with the vision in my left eye a little and I need to be able to see.

  “Keep him on your right,” Bret instructed before I walked back to the center.

  He came at me quickly and had me on the defense. I felt my cheek smart as his fist made contact. I pulled my head to the right and tried to gain some ground. He was pushing hard, and I was falling back into the cage.

  His fists peppered over me. I was in complete protection mode. I needed to roll out but I couldn't see well enough to go left. I made a split-second decision and rolled left, leaving my right side open to
his assault. I felt one hit and knew that with that kidney shot, he would be turned away from where I was going. I flipped around and landed on his back. I tugged hard and pulled him down on top of me. I let out a loud breath as his weight landed on me. I had sixty seconds and I needed to end this now.

  The network had their money back at this point, and I wanted to be done. I wanted to hold that belt, eyes on the prize. I stretched my body, pulling his with it. Tightening my grip around his shoulder, I pulled my arms tighter. I had him in the guillotine and the tighter I squeezed, the less air movement he had. Curtis was shouting from the side counting down the last fifteen seconds. Santiago was struggling and I was squeezing tighter. I could feel him weakening. His movements became sluggish as his oxygen levels dropped.

  “Ten!” I heard.

  I squeezed again.

  My muscles were on fire and I wasn't sure I could hold it. I closed my eyes and gave it the last bit of energy I had. I felt his body go slack and I pushed at him, standing quickly. I felt the black try to creep into my vision but I shook it off and waited. They checked him and he was out.

  Chills ran through me. I had won. The title was mine.

  For a moment, the crowd was silent, and then it roared to life as they chanted my name.

  I looked around trying to find someone, anyone that I knew.

  “Holy shit!” Bret yelled in my ear.

  I turned, and felt a smile breaking across my face.

  “You fucking choked him out!” Curtis was smiling ear to ear and laughing.

  Dad rushed me. “I knew you could do it!”

  I threw my arms around him. I couldn’t even respond. Words were gone. I reached up and touched my eye, and winced at the sting that followed.

  “We’ll get some ice on that soon,” Bret yelled over the noise.

  I looked over the crowd, trying to find Zoey. There was shuffling around the ring as everyone jockeyed for position. They were checking hands and our corners, looking for anything that would disqualify either of us. I was clean and would have no trouble passing the post-fight drug test.

  A hundred people were asking me a thousand questions and there wasn't anyone that I wanted to see more than Zoey. I knew it would take a few minutes for them to make their way down, but I wanted her and Dad both with me when the belt was handed over.

  I continued to scan the crowd. I kept pushing people away, trying to gain a few extra minutes to allow Zoey to get to me. The rush was amazing, but dammit, I wanted to share it. I was pulled away from my search and was handed the belt. The roar of the crowd was deafening. I knew it would be like this but if I was honest, this felt like more. I smiled for the cameras and tried not to be obvious as I searched for her.

  I moved to walk away from the cage and back toward the locker room to see if she was there. I knew that I would have to do a little more media stuff, but I wanted to get my hands on Zoey first.

  My eyes must have been deceiving me. I saw Zoey but she was kissing another man. Was it her? I couldn't tell—there were hundreds of women in the same jeans and t-shirts and I didn't want to make an assumption, but damn, it looked like her. When his head moved and I saw her face, I knew it was her.

  “The fuck?” I shouted as I moved toward them

  “Nope.” Tristan shoved me to the side and into a room, slamming a door and turning on me.

  “Not over a fucking woman, not today!” he shouted and shoved me back again as I moved toward him.

  “Don't tell me what I am going to do,” I roared. “Move, asshole!”

  “You need to settle down. Take a few breaths and y'all can figure this shit out later.”

  I felt my heart shattering at the thought of her kissing another man when I was celebrating the biggest achievement of my life. I surely hadn't been that blinded. I need to get out there and see what the fuck was going on. I could feel the testosterone flowing in my veins and knew in my heart it wouldn't end well. I shoved at Tristan again, but at that point he has a solid front blocking my exit.

  “Move!” I shouted again.

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  “Get the fuck off me, you bastard.” I shoved at him again and then tried to walk away.

  “I am not going to let that meathead ruin your life.” Peter, my ex, grabbed at me. Amy was walking up at this point. She and Tristan hadn't realized that he had stopped me and when she turned around, he pulled me back into a hallway. He was trying his best to convince me that I was his, and he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

  “Get off her.” Amy shoved him, allowing me to get out of his grip.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Peter demanded.

  She pulled her fist up and punched him in the nose. “Amy, that's who I am.”

  She grabbed me and pulled me down the hall. We made it to Ryder’s dressing area and waited.

  “It shouldn’t be too much longer. He probably got tied up with the media. Peyton is with him, and Tristan probably is, too,” Amy said as she looked around the room.

  “What are you looking for?” I asked.

  “Ice,” she laughed as she shook her hand.

  “I can't believe you punched him,” I smiled. I wished I’d punched him, too.

  “He kissed you.”

  “Um…” I didn’t know how to respond to that.

  “You wanted him to kiss you?” she asked.

  “What, no!” I protested. “Why would you think I’d want him to kiss me?”

  “I didn't, and that's why I punched him.”

  We laughed.

  “I just wish I’d have punched him first,” I said.

  “Well, he’s lucky I’m the one who saw him. Your title-holding boyfriend might have killed him.”

  She was right. How was I going to tell Ryder?

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  I was on my way to my dressing room, people shouting at me from everywhere, when I heard someone call out, “She’ll never love you the way she loves me.”

  I turned to see the bastard that I’d seen kissing my woman.

  I lunged toward him, but Dad had my arm and was holding me back.

  “Who the fuck are you?” I barked.

  “The one warming her bed all those nights when you weren’t there. Too bad you put all your eggs in that basket. I've been banging that shit for years now and I don't even mind sharing ’cause I know that that ass will always be mine.” He spat in my direction.

  My dad was now standing in front of me and Tristan was pushing the other guy away.

  “Don't listen to him,” Dad warned.

  I was listening.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  I heard the fight before I saw it. Amy opened the door and I saw Ryder shoving past his father and taking a swing at someone. A crunch rang out and then a shout.

  “Get the fuck off me, I'll press assault charges.” I knew the voice immediately and I knew that he had baited Ryder.

  Multiple security guards were running down the hall and were on Ryder before he could do any more damage. I watched in horror as he was secured and dragged away.

  I tried to push past Tristan, who grabbed my arm and looked down at me. “Not a good idea.”

  “What? Why?” I asked.

  He pointed across the room. “You know that asshole?”

  My face told him all he needed to know.

  “Why do that to him? Why cause that kind of hurt after such a big moment in his life? This shit is exactly why I warned him away from you.” Tristan nodded at the guards, and before I knew what was happening, I was being led out of the coliseum.

  They left me in the alley by myself.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  I struggled in the handcuffs and tried my best to understand what had just happened. I was supposed to be officially accepting my title but I was in a tiny room in the back of the arena in handcuffs trying to process that my girlfriend had been cheating on me for months. If I had
n't seen her kissing him, I would have never believed him. But you can't erase what you see with your own eyes.

  I was pulled from the room for what I expected would be my arrest. I didn't argue or try to fight my way out of this. I couldn't. I couldn't have found the strength to fight for anything at the moment. My life had changed in a matter of seconds and my heart was just catching up. In all my years as a fighter, and even with as much trouble as I started as a teenager, I had never been in jail.

  My shoulders burned against the pull of the handcuffs. I had to have been in that room for a least a half an hour.

  I heard Tristan yelling as he walked toward me.

  “Get him out of there.” Tristan shoved the security guard toward the door. “Get those cuffs off.”

  I turned and let the guy take off my cuffs.

  “You good?” Tristan asked.

  I couldn't speak, just shook my head and followed him out.

  “I need you to figure some shit out real quick. We have to accept the title and I need you on your game. Can you just throw on a fake smile for about ten minutes?”

  I nodded, but all I wanted was to get my shit from the hotel, get the things I’d left at Zoey’s, and leave New York.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  I had no clue what was going on. I caught a cab to the police station, but when I got there, they didn’t have a clue what I was talking about. I tried to call Ryder and when I didn't get an answer after multiple attempts, I called Amy. She didn't answer either, and I was freaking out. I tried to get back inside the arena, but it was a no go. I didn't have a ticket and they wouldn't let me back in. I screamed and cussed, but they were only doing their jobs. I covered my tear streaked eyes with my sunglasses and caught a cab back to my apartment.

  When I finally got there, Tristan’s car was outside of my building. I started running and burst through the door.


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