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Alien Seduction

Page 4

by Amelia Wilson

  Chapter Six


  Sarti was by the couch on the floor like she told him. He looked unsure of himself and Sarah found it a little endearing. He stood and she saw he hadn’t calmed down waiting. He could probably hear her coming undone in the other room. It wasn't that large of a home.

  "Hi," she said as she moved towards him. Her whole body ached and she felt sore and stretched in the best way possible. She wondered if she would be able to stand another time.

  He reached for her and ran his hands up and down her arms. She'd not gotten dressed all the way. She'd put back on her shirt and panties.

  He pulled her to him and she felt her nipples harden against his bare skin. He felt them too because he looked down at her chest. He's not been with a women period so he was going to be interested in everything

  She was his first. The thought hit her as she brought her arms around his neck and she was wet all over again.

  The trainers at SAAB had said the Klaskian sperm was addictive. That she would just keep wanting more. She was beginning to believe it. She didn't think just stood up on her toes and pressed her mouth to Sarti's. He stiffened and she worried maybe she should have warned him.

  Chancing it she ran her tongue across his lips and he opened to her. She pressed it inside and he pushed his erection against her with a groan.

  One hand went to the back of her neck and he returned the kiss pressing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned this time and felt her body heat up all over. His touches and scent were different than Notla. Notla knew what he was doing. Sarti was figuring it out. He slowly let a hand go down to her ass and ran his finger up her crack. It was so unexpected she jumped and he pushed his tongue further into her mouth. She cupped his hardness and he stiffened again. This boy was a nervous lover. The power she had at this moment was intoxicating.

  She chuckled.

  “Relax let me show you,” she said quietly and rubbed her hand across his cock feeling it grow even harder beneath her fingers.

  He reached a hand to cup her mound mimicking what she was doing and she pressed against his hand encouragingly.

  She dipped her hand into his pants and wrapped it around his dick holding it for a second. She looked up at him and saw he was gritting his teeth. His cock jumped in her hand and she realized he was trying not to come.

  With a wicked smile, she pulled his pants down and took him in her mouth. She took his large member to her throat and sucked. He shivered in her mouth and mumbled something incoherent.

  She reached behind him and grabbed his ass so she could push him forward as she moved up and down his cock sucking and letting her teeth graze just a bit. He wasn’t as long as Notla but he was thicker. She couldn’t believe that was possible. She moved up and down faster humming as she went.

  He shuddered and released a thick stream down her throat. It was so much like it had been building for a while but she swallowed all of it.

  "Oh, Sarah,” he yelled. Immediately he pulled from her mouth and knelt in front of her.

  “I'm so sorry,” he said

  “Why are you sorry?” She asked wiping her mouth.

  “For wasting my seed down your throat and so hastily. You just drive me crazy. I couldn't control it."

  “I’ll take that as a compliment Sarti. You'll last longer this time.” She knew he would. He’d been so fast and was already hard again.

  She lay back on the carpet and pulled her knees up opening to him he looked at her panties soaked in moisture and licked his lips. Experienced or not, his instincts had kicked in. He pulled the panties off and pushed her shirt up where he could see her breasts.

  He took one nipple between his blue lips and sucked while kneading the other breast.

  It felt incredible and she found her hips moving up on their own. He switched breast and teased the other nipple with his tongue biting it lightly. His large hand splayed over her stomach as he came back up to his knees.

  “My young will stay here.” He moved his mouth over her stomach licking and sipping into her belly button. The action shot a hit pang to her core and her pussy burned with anticipation. As he moved his head lower. She ignored the guilt she felt when he mentioned his young and focused on only the pleasure.

  The minute his tongue separated her folds she bucked beneath him. The burning intensified and she moved against him as he explored fighting the urge to grab his head and push him where she needed him.

  He was learning and she didn't want to scare him to death. He used his fingers to spread her and pushed his tongue inside of her letting it curl up and she felt the pressure building. She nearly bucked into him again when he found her clit and moved his tongue back and forth across it. She forced herself to hold still moving her feet over the carpet as her fingers dug into its plushness

  He moved back and forth and inserted a long finger inside of her.

  "Oh, oh,” she moaned.

  He abruptly pulled his finger out. "Am I hurting you?"

  “No, that feels so good. Please put your mouth back on me.”

  He looked confused but did as she said. This time she did grab the back of his head and moved him where she needed him. Her hips moved in circles as his tongue stroked her slowly. It was torture but also amazing. Her whole body was alive now the climb to release was painful. Her core ached from Notla’s cock but wanted to come again.

  She tried to reassure him by nodding through her moaning. He was looking up at her from between her legs with a concerned expression. He still thought he was hurting her.

  “Remember how it felt when you shot down my throat Sarti? Remember how the pressure built first.”

  He nodded and his nose hit her clit sending shivers throughout her body.

  “That’s how this feels. It’s good, I promise.”

  He seemed encouraged by that and proceeded to really go to town on her pussy. She moved up into him shamelessly fucking his face until she arched her back and came so hard she could have sworn she blacked out for a minute.

  When she opened her eyes, he was smiling at her.

  “Okay it’s time for you to get inside me now,” she said pulling him down so she could claim his mouth. It was hard for her to imagine being able to take any more, but she wanted him.

  He clumsily grabbed his own cock and moved it in front of her entrance and she gasped with the anticipation. He wasn’t sure what to do and he looked to her for guidance. She reached between them and grabbed him pushing him inside her. He closed his eyes and she enjoyed just letting him sit there with the tip inside her. She was already stretching from his width.

  Taking a deep breath, she helped him slide into her.

  He filled her and it took a minute for her natural lubrication to help him settle in.

  “You feel so good, Sarah,” he said. The words sent a powerfully primal urge through her. She moved her hips just slightly. He gasped with the movement. She did it again enjoying the power and he gasped again. His cock had to be sensitive from coming earlier.

  She lifted her hips and moved them in a circle feeling him touch every part of her inside. It was the little bite of pain that excited her and made her move faster.

  She rode him from beneath hard. He gasped and moaned feeling each new sensation and every noise he made pushed her closer to the edge. She pressed her nails into his skin, pushed her tongue into his mouth, and nipped at his ear. Everything she could do to show him how sex could be and should be she did. It was a need to show this man the best time his first time.

  “Come on Sarti,” she said through clenched teeth. She wanted to come and was building through the pressure. His thick cock touched her everywhere and if she moved a certain way it hit her right in the g-spot and clit at the same time. She pushed it faster and faster sliding along his blue skin in the sweat that had accumulated on their skin.

  He was faster than she thought and his howl of release took her off guard. She screamed as she came hard around him. He continued to grunt and moan as he move
d in and out. Despite having released a massive amount of his seed inside her he didn’t want to stop moving, she could tell it felt too good.

  He finally collapsed on top of her spent. She felt him inside her still hard still completely filling her. She was tired. She wanted a bath and she wanted to do it again. The sperm really was addictive.

  Kissing him for a long time she retired to their equivalent of a bathroom and took her time drawing a bath and washing her sensitive skin and tender folds. This was nothing like she thought it would be, and she liked it.

  Chapter Seven


  Sarah walked through the forest near Notla’s place. It had been difficult for her to find a time when she wasn’t entangled with one of the two aliens or sleeping off a rigorous session. This was the first time she’d been truly alone on the planet. The tree-like plants were just a little taller than her. They had thick yellow trucks with black spikes sticking from them. The spikes leaked what looked like a dark sap.

  She ran her finger over the knife in her pocket. She’d had to take it from Sarti when he was sleeping. It would be hard to cut the vial from her skin now that it had been there for quite some time. When it was fresh a small cut would have been enough, but now it would be deeper.

  The tree might be the best place, she thought as she walked up to one and let a drip of sap touch her finger. The tree could soak up the poison, the sap would drip into the ground and soon all the trees would drip poison on the ground. It would easily carry it to every part of the forest which she supposed would continue to infect the whole planet.

  Now, where would be the best place to let the poison flow? As she looked around for a good tree her finger started to burn. It felt like tiny spikes were burying into her skin. When she looked down the sap was moving and there were small droplets of blood beneath it. The tree sap was trying to get inside of her. Her chest constricted and she started to shake her finger wildly.

  “You need to use the leaf,” a small voice said to her left. She looked towards the source trying to stop her vision from blurring from the pain. She’d lose consciousness soon if she wasn’t careful.

  “What, what leaf?” Sarah asked as she hit her knees still trying to pull the sap away from her finger. She couldn’t help but think this was the planet punishing her for what she had been trying to do. Nature on earth didn’t feel as alive and aware as nature on Klaskar did. She pictured the sap covering her whole body and pulling her down into the ground. She would become a part of the planet and no one would ever know she’d been there. She started to panic her chest constricting painfully and her breathing coming shallowly.

  The little Klaskian ran up and picked a leaf from a bush growing by the plant. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his face holding the leaf above it. Surprisingly the sap started to be pulled towards the leaf and pulled the little spikes from her finger. Once the sap was in the leaf the little guy folded it and trapped it inside putting it on the ground.

  “My mommy is human,” he said smiling up at her. “She can’t touch the sap either.”

  “You mean your mommy was a human. She came here and left?”

  “No silly, my mommy is at home with daddy.”

  Sarah felt a twinge of shock move through her. There shouldn’t be any humans on the planet after they’d given birth. What did this mean?

  “Can you take me to your mommy?” Sarah asked smiling in a way she hoped was soothing to the child.

  The little Klaskian got quiet and looked at the ground, “I’m not supposed to take strangers home. Mommy says they’ll take her away.”

  Sarah realized this human woman was hiding on the planet. Who could it be? Why would someone want to stay here?

  “I won’t take her away I promise,” Sarah said looking around to make sure there were no ears nearby. The forest seemed abandoned. “What’s your name?”

  “Sam,” the little boy looked like he wanted to cry. Sarah felt a twinge of guilt in her chest, she didn’t want to upset a child no matter what species they were. This little boy would perish along with his parents when she dropped the poison. It was too real for her.

  “It’s okay, Sam. I won’t tell anyone. I just want to see your mommy.” She wouldn’t tell anyone there were other humans on the planet but she wondered if there were part of SAAB and were working their agenda from the inside as well.

  The little boy took her hand and led her through the woods and into a wide field. She couldn’t see anything but the tall pink grass for miles around her. The ground sloped down and she realized they were walking deeper into the grass as it got taller all around them. Once the grass completely covered them he pulled her sideways and they were at the mouth of a cave. He hesitated probably having been told repeatedly not to bring anyone home with them then lead her inside.

  It was similar to Notla’s home but there weren’t any engravings in the rock. The carpet was a little less fluffy and there was a scent in the air like someone was burning a really strong candle.

  They came to a clearing in the cave and Sarah’s mouth dropped open. There were human women everywhere. At least twenty were tending to young, lounging with Klaskian men, or swimming in pools that took up half the cave.

  The ones closest to the cave saw her and froze. One woman came running over to them and Sarah recognized her.

  “Sam, what have you done?” She grabbed the little boy and held him close to her chest.

  “You’re Renee Spangler,” Sarah said, “you were supposed to have come back and resigned at SAAB. That’s what they told us happened.”

  The women looked at Sarah trying to place her. “Sam, go find your father now. We may have to move again.”

  “Again. No, wait,” Sarah’s head spun, “you stayed here?”

  “I did, I don’t recognize you I’m sorry.”

  “That’s because I joined three years ago, you journeyed up five years ago,” Sarah said.

  “Oh, yes. Okay. I lose track of time here. It doesn’t go like earth time you know.”

  “I don’t understand, you were on the same mission as us. You were here to get rid of them,” Sarah said whispering.

  “Wait until you have their young, you won’t want to leave them. I didn’t. I couldn’t.”

  Sarah knew she had to be careful. If Renee knew she was the deliverer and not another person looking for information to take back to SAAB then she would be in danger.

  “Right,” Sarah giggled. “Haven’t conceived yet. It’s not for lack of trying if you know what I mean.” That was too jokey, she told herself. She’s going to see right through that. She was trying too hard to sell herself as a happy surrogate.

  “I know what you mean. I was only paired with one man, Tarsli, and we’ve had five children now. Just can’t stop,” the woman said and she practically glowed.

  A colony of human women and their children with Klaskians had formed and no one on earth was even aware. She had so many questions, but couldn’t be gone too long. Her men would wonder where she was and come looking for her.

  Sarah looked into a nearby pool where a dozen Klaskian children played swimming and splashing each other. They giggled in that delightful way children did and something inside of her shifted. These were beings who were innocent. The children who’d perished with the move were innocent and Notla’s children were innocent. They were just trying to continue their legacies, and there were women willing to help them. Was that so wrong?

  “I know you can’t wait.”

  Sarah thought of telling her she had protection. She thought of telling her everything about the plan. She wanted to tell her she was the deliverer, but she didn’t. She let the woman lead her deeper into their home and offer more of the Klaskian’s delicious food. This time she recognized some things. There were eggs, they were blue eggs, but still eggs.

  Everything was delicious again. She hoped the guys weren’t getting anxious wondering where she was.

  After spending the evening with the women and their childre
n she was really conflicted about destroying their planet. It just felt wrong to her. What had SAAB been thinking? They wanted to harm someone who meant no harm to them. These creatures were helping the planet. What was really hurting anyone if some women decided they wanted to have their babies?

  Now that she’d made a decision it would be hard to face the boys. It wasn’t necessarily sexy to figure out how to tell your lovers you were supposed to betray them. Even if they understood she’d had a change of heart, they probably wouldn’t understand using sex and pretending I was going to get pregnant to complete her mission.

  No, it was going to be really hard.

  Chapter Eight


  Notla sat next to his friend and took in his appearance. His mouth was turned down and his eyes held sorrow and confusion. He knew it must have to do with the female. He’d felt the same confusion being around Sarah the past few days as well.

  "Where is she?" He asked. Sarti's dwelling was smaller than his own. It was fit for a Klaskian with no family. Notla’s often felt too big with just him. It had been nice having a female presence on the days Sarah spent with him.

  "She's sleeping. She hasn't wanted to lay with me the past two days," he looked down at his lap.

  "Don't worry Sarti. It's nothing you've done. She's not wanted to lie with me either. Something is bothering her. I'll go and talk to her."

  He had his suspicions now. He’d followed Sarah without her knowledge. He thought now Karee’s warning was about her and now that she was acting so differently he wondered if it was because he had convinced her not to do it.

  It could also be that she was distancing herself so she could attack them. He needed to talk to her. Maybe he should try to talk to her. It was already hurting Sarti and he worried it would hurt him more when he found out the truth.

  Try as he might he couldn’t figure out what she was planning.


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