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Shay, Ashley - Sinful Pleasures [The American Heroes Collection: Arizona] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 5

by Ashley Shay

  He stifled an impatient sigh, wishing the media circus was over. How in the hell could anyone find that much to say about nothing, he wondered. If the guy didn’t shut up soon, they were going to miss the ball. He and Dallas had to pick up their dress uniforms at the station. And Jude had already warned him she wasn’t sure what she would be wearing since she’d been in the hospital most of the night with her grandmother.

  Glancing over at Dallas, he could almost read his best friend’s mind from the look on his face. Dallas was focused on Jude’s long legs and shapely ass. She was a heartbreaker, one of those women who exuded sex without any conscious effort on her part. Morgan wondered if she’d been telling the truth when she said she had never played with the toys. He got a hard-on just thinking about what it would be like to teach Jude to play sexual games.

  A gentle nudge in his ribs brought his attention back to the reporters who now stuck microphones toward him and Dallas. The news hounds asked a few questions to both of them. When neither Dallas nor Morgan offered any juicy details that would increase ratings on the six o’clock news, they ended the interview quickly.

  Once the microphones were pulled out of their faces, the whole group moved into Jude’s grandmother’s room. Morgan felt a stab of guilt seeing the frail little lady propped up against a mountain of pillows. She still had an oxygen mask over her face, and her blue eyes looked pleading, as if she wanted to say something. He walked to her side while the reporters were getting in position to take their pictures.

  Leaning down, Morgan looked straight into her eyes. She blinked once, slowly. There was no doubt in his mind that she wanted to communicate with him.

  “Are you okay?” He whispered the words, not wanting the news media to make something out of the exchange. He didn’t think it was his imagination that her lips tried to curve into a smile inside the oxygen mask.

  Jude came to stand on the other side of the bed. She looked from Morgan’s face to her grandmother. “This is one of the men who rescued you, Grandma.”

  The elderly lady gave a soft, unintelligible sound and blinked her eyes once again.

  “I think she remembers you.” Jude smiled, smoothing a strand of silvery hair back from her grandmother’s forehead. “If she could say it, she would be thanking you from the bottom of her heart, Morgan.”

  Morgan saw a small movement of the woman’s left hand, and he reached down, rubbing his fingers across her hand and gently taking it within his own. He felt her try to squeeze his fingers, and the fragile movement made his eyes burn with unshed tears. He leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  “You’re welcome, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Four

  “I feel like Cinderella.” Jude held on to Dallas’s and Morgan’s hands as they entered the grand ballroom of the Parrish Hotel. A relic from classier times, the ballroom floor was polished marble, gleaming invitingly under the soft overhead lighting.

  Several couples were already on the dance floor enjoying the music of a local jazz band. A buffet table ran the length of one wall and an open bar sat at the end of the food tables. Just as Jude expected, the bartender was doing a thriving business.

  “You’re the prettiest woman here,” Morgan whispered in her ear, using his finger to tame a wild strand of hair that escaped the chignon she wore. “It makes me proud just to be beside you.”

  Jude glanced down at her simple strapless black gown. She knew the fit was perfect for her shape. The dress clung to her curves and flared at the bottom, dancing around her feet with every step she took.

  “Thank you, smoke eater.” Jude smiled at him and squeezed both of their hands. “I feel like I’m the luckiest woman here. You and Dallas look incredibly handsome in your uniforms.”

  “Incredibly?” Dallas asked, giving Jude a wink. “Does that mean we get a reward for cleaning up so well?”

  Jude giggled. “What sort of reward do you have in mind?”

  “How about a trip to your toy closet?” Dallas asked in a low voice. “Morgan and I’ve been talking about your lack of play time. You definitely need to play more, and we could help you.”

  Jude blushed so hard she could feel the strand of pearls around her neck getting warm.

  “You can’t recommend the products if you’ve never tested them, baby.” Morgan raised one eyebrow as if daring her to challenge his statement.

  “We could try out that cute pink paddle on your very adorable ass,” Dallas murmured, snagging two glasses of champagne from a passing waiter.

  “Why would I want to get spanked?” Jude’s voice came out louder than she intended. She looked around to see if anyone had heard her, but no one seemed to be paying attention. Her hand trembled when she took the drink Dallas offered her.

  “For the fun of it, honey.” Morgan leaned in closer to her. “How do you know you won’t like it until you’ve tried it?”

  “Well, I…” She gave up since no rebuttal readily came to mind. Instead, a trickle of excitement shot like an arrow down her stomach to lodge in her pussy. Like a seed being planted in fertile soil, the idea began to germinate in her mind, blooming with the promise of pleasure.

  Jude watched Dallas and Morgan exchange a quick glance of triumph before Dallas motioned to a group of people clustered near the bar.

  “There’s the chief,” he said. “Let’s go over and say hi.”

  Chief Grady stood six foot two with salt-and-pepper hair, cool gray eyes, and a celebrity persona. Jude could imagine him being an anchor for the six o’clock news. He had a look of relaxed authority and intelligence.

  “Chief Grady, this is—” Dallas started to say before the chief cut him off good naturedly.

  “Of course, I know who this is.” He took Jude’s hand and patted it between his own. “Is your grandmother doing okay, Ms. Wheeler?”

  Jude was impressed. Chief Grady knew how to flatter. He was probably a killer with the press. Then she recognized one of the men standing with the fire chief. Roger Dennison, an anchor for the Phoenix news team. Not only did the governor know how to milk a situation for votes, obviously Parrish’s elected officials did too.

  “She’s doing quite well thanks to Morgan and Dallas.” Jude gently drew her hand back from the chief. “I’d like to thank the whole Parrish Fire Department for their excellent work at the nursing home.”

  She couldn’t help noticing that Chief Grady shifted his eyes to make sure Roger Dennison was paying attention. Satisfied the news anchor had eavesdropped on the whole conversation, Grady visibly relaxed. “We have a good team here in Parrish, Ms. Wheeler. Thank you for coming over. Enjoy your evening here at the ball,” he smiled like a used car salesman, “and save a dance for me, if you will.”

  * * * *

  Morgan held Jude in his arms as they danced to a seductive, slow number the band played like the old pros they were. Her perfume mingled with the magic of the night to weave Morgan into a spell of love. Just thinking about his feelings for Jude made him tremble. He didn’t think he could ever feel like this about a woman again.

  She looked up at him with her blue eyes sparkling from the effects of the lights, music, and champagne. There was a glow about her, something ethereal that tugged Morgan deeper into the enchantment, and he let himself fall without fear.

  Holding her in his arms he felt a fierce need to protect her, to keep her safe from whatever might bring her harm. As if she read his thoughts, Jude snuggled closer, laying her head against his shoulder so they were not dancing so much as simply swaying to the music while they held each other tightly.

  A part of Morgan wished the night would never have to end.

  * * * *

  “Are you sure you want us to leave you here?” Dallas asked when Jude insisted they drop her off at the shop instead of taking her home.

  “I’ll be fine,” she assured him. “I’m not sleepy and so many things have happened. I need time to think. I’ll change clothes and straighten up the shop before going home.”

  “Okay,” Dall
as said reluctantly.

  Jude could tell he wasn’t happy about her decision, but he didn’t have much choice in the matter. After they left, she went upstairs into the lingerie room.

  She hadn’t taken the time to straighten up the display after trying on the clothes for Morgan and Dallas. A smile curved the edges of her lips as she remembered the looks on their faces. They had both sat mesmerized as she paraded around in front of them wearing nothing more than scraps of lace and imagination. The sexy clothes made Jude feel powerfully feminine and had awakened her body with a vengeance.

  She ached to feel a man inside her. It was time to live again, to experience life, and sex, and all the pleasures a man, or men, could offer. Staring at the items of clothing like she had never seen them before, Jude wondered why she hadn’t played with the merchandise.

  Had the time she spent with her ex-husband made her lose her capacity to enjoy sex? He had been so uptight about any physical intimacy that he gave lackluster performances in bed. Jude couldn’t ever remember having an orgasm during her marriage that wasn’t self-induced.

  Stepping up to the black one-piece body suit with its stretch lace fabric, Jude ran her fingers across the soft material. Wearing it would make her feel totally feminine and naughty.

  Why not? she decided.

  Feeling giddy with emotion and more than a little adventurous, Jude decided that maybe she would try on the lingerie. She might even break open one of the toys she’d been wondering about, just to relieve some of the sexual tension swirling around inside her like a storm out of control.

  The true genius of the outfit wasn’t revealed until Jude snuggled herself into the lace. Holes were strategically cut into the bodice so that her nipples pushed through flower designs, becoming the center of the flower. The slight pressure of the fabric around her nipples made them harden instantly.

  The bottom of the outfit looked solid, but it, too, had hidden treats. The crotch was split at the seam, leaving her pussy and ass readily accessible.

  Too bad there was no one around to take advantage of it, Jude thought.

  She ran her hands across her breasts, drawing in her breath as her fingers skimmed over the sensitive nubs of her nipples.

  She felt positively energized, not to mention horny as hell and playful.

  Time for the toy room, she decided, padding brazenly into the room dressed only in the sexy one-piece outfit.

  She found that simply walking around in the silky fabric made her feel empowered. Why hadn’t she tried this before? There was a certain delicious eroticism about dressing in seductive clothes and fantasizing about which toy might feel the most like a lover’s tool. Not that she thought for one minute any of the toys could compare to either of the men.

  Standing in front of the wall displaying the toys, Jude wondered what item she should select. Which personal pleasure device would suit her needs the best, and what would she be brave enough to try on her own?

  A flicker on the security screen caught her eye, and Jude froze in shock. Oh, my God, Dallas and Morgan had just come through the door. Did she forget to lock it? There was no way out of the room to get back to her clothes without them seeing her.



  She didn’t answer. Like that would help her, she thought, but she didn’t know what to say. She could hear their boots coming up the steps. Panic washed over her like a teenager getting caught breaking into the liquor cabinet.

  “Fuck!” Dallas stood in the doorway looking her up and down. “Oh, baby, you take my breath away. Why didn’t you lock the door? Do you know how dangerous it is to be in here with the door unlocked? Especially with you dressed like that.”

  “Of course,” Jude managed to stammer. “I just needed some time alone, and I must have forgotten to lock the door.”

  “You don’t forget things like that, Jude,” Morgan said. He took a long, leisurely look at her before he spoke again. “Maybe a spanking will make you remember next time.”

  Jude swallowed hard, licking her dry lips. “I won’t forget again.”

  “You said you never played with the merchandise.” Dallas focused on her nipples peeking out through the black lace. “Did you lie to us, Jude?”

  Jude couldn’t find her voice this time, so she shook her head negatively, watching both men advance on her.

  “Answer me.” Dallas’s eyes glittered as he watched her face.

  “No. This is the first time.”

  Dallas glanced at Morgan with a skeptical grin. “Do you believe her?”

  Morgan shrugged. “Doesn’t seem likely we’d catch her on the only day she ever played with the products. Especially with the door open so we could find her. Maybe she wanted to be caught. Is that it, Jude?”

  “Come on, guys.”

  Dallas reached around her to pull the paddle down from the wall. “How long has it been since you’ve been spanked, Jude?”

  Jude looked into his eyes and nearly whimpered aloud. Why was she responding? This was her store, and she could do whatever the hell she pleased. Except, from somewhere down deep inside her, a little spark of excitement leapt to life at the threat of a spanking.

  “Give that to me.” She reached out to yank the ridiculous pink paddle out of his hand. He was fast. Her fingers came away with nothing except a few feathers that had been glued around the outer edge.

  Before she could think about her mistake, Dallas yanked her over to the desk. He placed her palms on the top of the table, so she had to bend over. Without giving her a chance to stand up, he gave her a hard smack with the paddle. Even with the padding covering the wood, her ass stung from the blow.

  He let her stay in that position long enough to feel the full effect of the burn. Then he rubbed her ass with his hand and leaned over her back until his mouth tickled her ear.

  “That’s for lying to us, Jude Wheeler.”

  She started to stand up, but a warning hand on her back kept her leaning over the desk. She tensed when she realized they weren’t finished with her. Another firm smack landed on her burning ass. She jerked away from the sting, holding her breath for what would come next.

  This time it was Morgan’s voice in her ear. “That’s for leaving the door unlocked. Don’t ever do that again, Jude.”

  Two sets of gentle hands raised her up from the desk. “We don’t want to hurt you, baby, but you have to understand that we’re doing this for your own good.”

  Both of their hands were smoothing her hips now, lovingly caressing over the stinging flesh using gentle strokes to calm her. She realized she should be furious. Instead, she was dripping wet, and, oh God, wondering with shaking anticipation what they would do to her next.

  Morgan leaned down taking a nipple into his mouth, pulling at her with a gentle sucking motion that curled Jude’s toes. She arched her back toward him, giving a little gasp when Dallas took the other breast in his mouth. This was so delicious…so exciting. She couldn’t stop now if she wanted. Jude realized she was in way over her head with these two.

  She shut her eyes, cupping her hands around the backs of their heads. She drew each of them closer while letting herself ride on the erotic sensations they were producing. The two men had different styles of sucking at her breasts. Dallas drew her tightly into his mouth, nipping at her with his teeth. He scraped over her puckered nipple until the pleasure turned into an exquisite pain.

  Morgan sucked gently, trapping her between his lips while his tongue teased her swollen nipple. With the gentlest of bites, he clamped down on the tip of her breast, adding pressure until she thrust her hips forward. She wanted more than their mouths alone could offer her.

  As Dallas’s and Morgan’s lips and tongues worked at her, Jude felt their hands explore her body. She didn’t open her eyes. Riding the wave of pleasure with her eyes shut allowed her to concentrate on what she was feeling. She felt a lot. Her knees trembled, and her pussy gushed as both men suckled her with like-minded determination.

ran her fingers through Morgan’s hair, adding pressure to the back of his head when he did those wonderful things with his mouth. Her toes curled into the plush carpeting, and she couldn’t stop the moan of pleasure from her lips.

  Morgan’s hand rested on her waist, but now it traveled her body. She could feel him mapping out the contours of her flesh as he ran his fingertips down over her ass. Within seconds he found the suit was crotchless. Jude felt him hesitate when his fingers traced the seam only to find bare flesh beneath the nonexistent fabric. Neither man had found it earlier when they were rubbing the pain of their spanking away.

  Morgan pulled away from her nipple to look at her. Jude opened her eyes to stare back at him. She offered Morgan a hesitant smile, wondering where this would take the three of them. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t put a stop to this, but it felt too good to deny. It felt natural for her to let both men pleasure her body.

  “Is that bed in the other room real or for display?”

  Morgan was talking about the tiny room she had restored to look like a late-nineteenth-century-era whorehouse crib. The room held an iron bed covered with a red velvet spread. Above the bed, on flower-patterned wallpaper, hung an antique mirror. Jude added a Victorian dressing screen and an old-fashioned gas lamp converted to electric to give the room an appropriately historical look.

  Dallas pulled back, too, waiting on her answer.

  “It’s real,” Jude whispered. Her heart sped up at the looks on the men’s faces. She could think of no other term than predatory as they glanced at one another then back at her.

  “Come on, Jude.” Dallas took her by the hand. “Let Morgan and I show you what it’s like to be loved by two men.”

  “Will you teach me,” Jude’s voice grew husky with need, “about everything? I want to experience it all. Even if I find I don’t like it, I want to experience it at least once in my life.”


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