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Shay, Ashley - Sinful Pleasures [The American Heroes Collection: Arizona] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 7

by Ashley Shay

  Jude felt herself flush. “I enjoyed what I was doing. You make it easy, Morgan, you and Dallas.” She put her hand out to touch Dallas.

  “Wait till we both fuck you, baby. You’re going to love that,” Morgan said. He looked from her to his best friend. “I know Dallas and I will.”

  “When will I be ready?” Jude looked at Dallas first, then turned her head to Morgan.

  “It’s gonna take a few days,” Morgan said, showing his dimples. “But I think you’ll like the lessons.”

  Chapter Five

  Jude locked the door behind Morgan and Dallas. She knew they were waiting to hear the click of the deadbolt before they left her alone in the store. Morgan had removed the plug for her with the promise they would try a bigger one the next time. Jude smiled to herself, feeling deliciously fulfilled and eager to resume her education. She couldn’t get enough of her firemen, which is how she thought of them now.

  Her firemen.

  Walking up the stairs and into the small bedroom they vacated only a short time ago, Jude stood in front of the mirror and studied herself. She didn’t look any different than she had just a few hours ago, but everything had changed. She realized her life would never be the same from this point on. She felt as if she’d grown, as if she were more aware of herself and her needs.

  Her cell phone buzzed and Jude dug it from the small purse she’d carried through the evening. Tracey would be calling to find out how the dance went.

  “Sorry to call so late, but I didn’t want to interrupt if you were having a wonderful time,” Tracey apologized. “Are you in bed?”

  “Just got out of bed,” Jude answered with a trace of humor.

  “Just got…oh…” Tracey hesitated. “Do you have time to talk?”

  “I need to talk.” Jude sighed.

  Biting her bottom lip as she looked at her reflection, Jude knew that after today she would never be satisfied in a conventional relationship. She wasn’t sure, but she thought Dallas and Morgan might have ruined her for any other man forever. She couldn’t imagine not being with the two of them. She found a dressing gown and pulled it on, moving to the bed where she could stretch out and relax while she talked to Tracey.

  “I really don’t know what I’ve got myself into, Trace. Dallas and Morgan want to teach me about everything.”

  “And the problem?” Tracey’s amusement was evident in her voice.


  Tracey laughed out loud. “Did you let them?”

  “Well, I…really, I didn’t have much choice,” Jude spluttered, feeling herself blush at the memory.

  “Good.” Tracey didn’t pull any punches. “Did you enjoy it?”

  “That’s the thing,” Jude said in awe. “I did, but I don’t understand why.”

  “Always thinking and analyzing.” Tracey sighed. “I’ll tell you why, because they just proved to you they are alpha males. It’s in our female psyche to respond to a dominant man. We’re always searching for that man who will take over, and take care of us. Now, be honest, didn’t it enhance the sex?”

  “Yes. I’ve never had anything like it,” Jude admitted.

  “Then, be happy, Jude.” Tracey’s voice softened with emotion. “If you enjoyed it, nothing else matters.”

  “I suppose not,” Jude agreed, running her hand across the sheets that were still damp from the sweat of their sexual play. She turned her face into the sheet so she could inhale Dallas’s and Morgan’s scents. “I don’t know if I can give up control.” Jude realized her voice sounded tense but she couldn’t help it. She was way out of her comfort zone here, and she didn’t know what to expect.

  “You don’t have to,” Trace said patiently. “Just because you do what they tell you doesn’t mean you’re not in control. You can use your body to get what you want.”

  Jude thought about that for a minute. Then she grinned. “Did I ever tell you that I have a brilliant little sister?”

  “Get some rest, Jude,” Tracey suggested. “You’re gonna have your hands full with those two, and I want to hear all the juicy details.”

  * * * *

  Morgan Kent took the bottle of beer Dallas handed him. He dropped down in one of the wooden Adirondack chairs Dallas kept on the front porch. After his best friend had settled his tall frame into one of the matching chairs, Morgan held his bottle up in salute. Dallas returned the gesture and propped his feet up on the porch railing.

  “What do you think?” Dallas asked without looking at him. He didn’t have to explain what he was talking about. The two men had been best friends so long they were closer than most brothers. More often than not, they could read what the other was thinking.

  “I believe we just found the best thing in our lives, partner.”

  Dallas continued to look out over the field of vibrantly colored wildflowers growing at the edge of the well-kept lawn. Owl clover and lupine contrasted sharply with the yellow brittlebush and scarlet blooming penstemon. Morgan knew how much Dallas loved the panoramic scene in front of him, just like he knew his friend had paid dearly for it.

  Tearing his gaze away from the rugged beauty of the land, he turned to Morgan. “She’s the kind of woman I could spend the rest of my life with.”

  “Me, too, and that scares the hell out of me.” Morgan took a long swig of beer, nearly draining the bottle. “Can we do this, Dal? Can we share this woman and make it work?”

  Dallas turned the amber bottle up, drinking it dry. “I’m willing to try. It never meant anything before, but it does now. I don’t want to lose her.” He grinned, looking back over the field of flowers. “It turned me on watching her swallow your dick. She did it like a pro. I kept watching her throat take you a little deeper with each gulp, and I thought I was going to come again. Damn, but she looked fine.”

  “It turned me on watching you pump that cute little pussy of hers. How does she feel?”

  “Hot. Hot and tight.” Dallas reached down to extract another beer from the cooler he’d put between them. “I can’t wait till we both…”

  “Yeah, me, either.”

  “Seems to me that we need to convince her this is the real thing. Not some kind of kinky fantasy we’re going to get tired of in a few months.” Dallas tugged his cowboy hat lower, shading his eyes from the intensity of the setting sun. “Do you think she’ll believe us?”

  Morgan nodded, squinting out from under the brim of his hat as he watched the dying sun spill its golden-red blood across a purple sky. “We need to bring Jude out here to the ranch. Look at this, it’s paradise.”

  * * * *

  “She would love it. At least I think she would.” Dallas said. He twisted the top off another bottle. Dallas could feel a slow buzz working pleasantly through his veins. He seldom let himself get too drunk to drive, but tonight would be an exception. He wanted to relax and relive the time they had spent with Jude. He had no intentions of leaving the ranch until tomorrow.

  Once Morgan left for his own place, Dallas planned to get a few hours of sleep. The two fires they fought and making love to Jude had left him pleasantly exhausted.

  Out of the blue he thought of Tina and wondered where they went wrong. After living together three years it was like they woke up one morning to find themselves little more than strangers. He remembered the tears of regret at the time, along with the relief they both felt at their parting. He’d helped her move to Flagstaff, and for a while they kept in touch. Over the years their communication dwindled away to an occasional phone call around the holidays. Tina married an ad executive, had a little boy, and now she had another child on the way. Dallas hoped she was happy, because after making love with Jude tonight, he finally felt he knew what he wanted in his life.

  Chapter Six

  Jude answered her cell phone with a smile when she saw the incoming number was Dallas’s phone. A flutter of excitement settled in her stomach and refused to go away.

  “Got any plans tonight?” Dallas asked.

  “Not unle
ss you want to resume my studies,” Jude hinted. Since her first lesson, she could think of nothing else. Morgan and Dallas seemed to be the only thing she could focus on. When the shop was empty, she found herself going upstairs to study the toys, wondering which one they would pick next. She constantly relived the taste and feel of them and the way her body responded like it never had before. She felt safe in their arms. Jude trusted them with her heart and her body.

  Dallas chuckled. “We’ll be doing that real soon, babe,” he assured her. “But tonight we thought you might like to go to the carnival with us. We could walk downtown, check out the action, and maybe go to a movie if you’d like.”

  Jude didn’t have to think about it. “I’d love to,” she responded. “I can be ready in fifteen minutes. Give me time to close shop and empty the register.”

  Slipping the cell phone back in her pocket, Jude hurried to finish her nightly chores. She had just flipped on the upstairs security system when Dallas and Morgan came through the front door.

  “Are you ready?” Dallas asked. He wore faded jeans, black cowboy boots, and a button-down shirt hanging open over a blue T-shirt. Jude couldn’t help noticing the bulge inside his jeans. The constant pressure of his cock pushing against the material left a worn spot next to the zipper.

  In contrast to Dallas’s disheveled good looks, Morgan’s chambray shirt was tucked neatly into the waistband of his jeans. He gave her a brooding look from under the brim of his Stetson, and Jude felt her heart flutter.

  “Ready when you are.”

  Morgan reached out to take the keys from her hand, grabbing her wrist to pull her into his chest. He leaned down to give her a heart-stopping kiss before he slipped the keys out of her grasp.

  “I don’t trust you to lock the door,” he said, eyes twinkling.

  “Hmm, missed your chance to spank me again.”

  Morgan’s eyebrows shot up. “I thought you didn’t like to be spanked.”

  Jude gave him a coy look over her shoulder as she stepped out the door. “Maybe.”

  “Don’t be talkin’ like that, little filly, or we won’t make it to the carnival.” Dallas put his arm around her shoulders, drawing her to him for a kiss while Morgan locked the door.

  They walked down the street side by side. Both men reached out occasionally to touch Jude as she walked between them. A block down the street from Sinful Pleasures, the three passed a man standing on the sidewalk talking into a cell phone. Jude noticed that he barely glanced at them as they strolled by, hardly getting out of the way enough they could maneuver around him.

  * * * *

  The man on the phone waited until the threesome walked past far enough so they couldn’t hear his conversation. “Yes, I verified it’s her, and she’s with two guys.” He kept his voice low, watching their backs as he spoke. He would bolt if any of them turned around to look at him.

  “Did you take pictures?” The disembodied voice on the other end asked.

  “I’ll send them as soon as we hang up. Do you want me to follow?”

  “Of course I do,” the voice snapped. “What do you think I’m paying you for? I need evidence she’s sleeping with both men.”

  “That might be a little harder to get,” the man drawled, fishing a pack of cigarettes out of his shirt pocket. “Cost you more.”

  An annoyed sigh hissed into his ear. “Don’t try to blackmail me, Mr. Matthews. You’ll get a reward if you deliver the verification I need.”

  Matthews took a deep drag on the Camel, holding his breath and enjoying the smoke. Tilting his head upward, he exhaled before speaking. “Is that all you want me to do? Get proof she’s fucking both guys?”

  “Please keep your vulgarities to yourself, Mr. Matthews. This can’t be allowed to continue. She will ruin everything.”

  “So, are you telling me to eliminate the problem?” Matthews asked impatiently. He listened to silence while taking another leisurely pull from his cigarette. The long pause told him his question was being considered.

  “Not yet. For now, proof will be enough.” The phone disconnected before Matthews could speak.

  “Fuck you,” he whispered. Matthews slipped the phone into his front pocket after sending the pictures he had taken of Jude, Morgan, and Dallas. With a flick of his fingers, he tossed the butt onto the sidewalk, grinding it out with his heel. Glancing around, he made sure no one seemed to be taking an interest in his movements. Satisfied he hadn’t attracted attention, Matthews continued to follow the woman he’d been hired to spy on. She didn’t have a clue. Some jobs were easier than others, he reflected.

  * * * *

  Morgan felt uneasy. Something didn’t feel right, but he couldn’t put his finger on what was wrong. Jude seemed oblivious to his sense of unease, and Morgan meant to keep it that way. He wanted her to enjoy herself tonight.

  Like a man feeling a predator stalking him, Morgan turned around to glance behind them. The street had its normal volume of pedestrian traffic, and no one looked out of place. Still, his feeling of apprehension couldn’t be shaken. He squared his shoulders, waiting for whatever trouble lurked in the shadows.

  Jude put a hand on his arm, looking up at him with concern on her features. “What’s wrong?”

  Morgan winked, smiling at her for reassurance. “Nothing, sweetheart.”

  Dallas looked at him over Jude’s head. His expression let Morgan know he wasn’t buying the lie. With a quick flash of understanding, Dallas did a sharp-eyed appraisal of their surroundings before returning his gaze to Morgan. He gave a little shrug as if to say he didn’t see anything suspicious.

  Jude looked back and forth between them. “Tell me what’s going on.”

  “It’s probably nothing,” Morgan answered. “I got this weird feeling that we’re being watched.”

  Both Dallas and Jude swiveled around to look at the crowd of people behind them. Jude focused on one man in particular, biting her lip with a frown of concentration as she watched him. “Isn’t that man the one we passed talking on the phone?”

  Dallas studied him for a long moment. “Yeah,” he agreed, “I think it is. Did you see him, Morgan?”

  Morgan willed the bastard to turn around. He had taken a sudden interest in the window display nearest him. He kept his head turned enough that Morgan couldn’t get a positive identification on him. Not that it mattered, he told himself. What if it turned out to be the man they had passed? That didn’t mean anything. A lot of Parrish citizens walked about town on a pretty evening. Until the man did something suspicious, he couldn’t confront him.

  “Might be,” Morgan admitted, “but he doesn’t seem interested in us. Let’s find the beer concession. What do you say?”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Jude and Dallas said in unison, causing the three of them to laugh.

  Jude linked her arms with both men, strolling down the midway until they reached the beer wagon. Dallas bought her a large pretzel to go with the draft she ordered. Morgan tried not to look conspicuous studying the midway pedestrians while waiting for the vendor to retrieve two cold bottles from the cooler.

  “See anything?” Dallas asked, keeping his back turned away from the crowd.

  “Nothing.” Morgan reached for the two long-necked bottles the beer seller handed him. “Gracias.” He waved off the change and smiled at Jude. “What do you want to ride first?”

  “How about the merry-go-round?”

  Dallas opened his mouth to speak, shot a look at Jude, then decided he was thirsty.

  Morgan stifled a laugh. “Oh, sure, Dallas loves to ride the merry-go-round.”

  “Too macho to ride?”

  “No,” Dallas answered.

  “Yes,” Morgan said.

  * * * *

  Jude felt like she was on top of the world when the enormous Ferris wheel stopped their car at the top. She could feel Morgan’s leg touching her own, and Dallas had his arm around her shoulders. He drew her to him for a kiss, and Morgan’s hand crept between her legs to stroke the
inseam of her jeans. She gasped her pleasure into Dallas’s mouth, giving his tongue room to slip inside.

  Dallas ran a hand down the front of her blouse, gently squeezing her breast as his lips worked against hers. Morgan’s finger rested on the bud of her clit, playfully circling the awakened flesh through the denim fabric.

  Jude groaned with need. She couldn’t believe they were making out on the Ferris wheel in front of half the citizens of Parrish, Arizona. She fleetingly wondered how exposed they were at this height, but the soft press of Morgan’s finger distracted her concerns. She leaned into Dallas and spread her legs wide for Morgan. She could feel her body working up to a climax as both men stroked and pampered her.

  Don’t let us move. Don’t let us move.

  Jude repeated the mantra in her head as she filled with the yearning pressure of her need for the men.

  “I want you,” she whispered desperately against Dallas’s lips.

  Morgan sped up the motion of his hand until she stiffened with a little cry of release and clutched at him with her hand. “Oh, Morgan.”

  The simple words floated on the air between them, and he gathered her into his arms just as the car lurched and the wheel began to turn. Jude rested her head against his chest, reaching over to take Dallas’s hand in her own. She stayed in that position until the ride attendant unlocked the bar for them to step out of the car.

  Jude danced on a wave of happiness. She could swear the colors were brighter and the smells were stronger. Had she ever felt this alive? She didn’t think so, not in her happiest adult moments and not since she’d been a child.

  * * * *

  Matthews had seen enough. He took pictures of the three of them together like his client ordered him to do. Jude Wheeler didn’t seem to mind showing public displays of affection to both men. No way he could get pictures of what they were doing up there on the top of the Ferris wheel, but he would be willing to bet they weren’t playing twenty questions.


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