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Falling for Sakura: A Secret Kiss

Page 8

by Alexia Praks

  Sakura nodded. “It’s what I want. You know how much I want to find her. How much I want to meet her.”

  “I understand,” Mary said. “And I promise not to push things along with you and Mark. But I know for sure that he really likes you.”

  Sakura laughed. Mary was Mary. She could never stay out of other people’s business, especially Sakura’s.

  Once the girls arrived at the Simpson mansion in South Hampton some twenty minutes later, they got busy helping out setting the scene—Sakura with the food and drinks and Mary with the decorations. By twelve o’clock, most of the guests had arrived, and Sakura was quite pleased to see James and Brenda amongst them but not so pleased when she spotted the brothers—all seven of them—making such a grand entrance as to cause all the young girls to gasp in awe and break into fits of girlish giggles.

  “I can’t believe they came,” she muttered under her breath, watching a flock of girls rush up to them and surround them, begging for their undivided attention.

  “Sakura darling?” Mrs. Simpson called out.

  Sakura turned to see Mr. Mayor’s perfect trophy wife. At only forty-five years of age, she looked way younger than she was with the fine features of a small nose, large brown eyes, and dark brown hair. She was also very nice, as expected of her for being the wife of the city mayor. Except most of the time she was very cheap, and that was why she and Mary were here helping out since only three waitresses were hired for the special occasion.

  “Why don’t you be a dear and give those handsome young men some drinks?” She nodded toward the Princeton brothers near the entrance now almost engulfed by young females.

  “Of course,” Sakura replied and silently added, Not that I’m one of your waitresses. She wondered why it had to be her who had to offer the brothers their drinks and not one of the waitresses.

  “Since you’re so good with drinks and all, you know, considering the fact that you used to be a waitress and of course now own a café.” Mrs. Simpson chuckled. “And the waitresses are all busy with the food.”

  “Of course, Mrs. Simpson,” Sakura managed to reply with a straight face. She wanted to tell the woman that if she were to spend a bit more money and hire more waitresses, then they wouldn’t be having this problem, and Sakura herself wouldn’t have to deal with the brothers.

  “All right,” she said. “Why don’t you go and enjoy yourself with your daughter? I’ll deal with the drinks.”

  “Oh, thank you, darling. You’re a godsend,” Mrs. Simpson said and then sailed off to greet James and Brenda.

  Sakura poured champagne into seven glasses, placed them onto the silver tray, and expertly carried it with one hand as she headed to the brothers. Now she felt like a freaking waitress again, and of course the brothers didn’t seem to have noticed her presence at all with the massive flock of females swarming around them. It was only a moment later when she realized Lauren, the birthday girl, was one of them. Lauren, it seemed, didn’t have any luck at getting herself noticed by the brothers either.

  “Sakura,” Lauren said excitedly, her eyes bright and shiny. “I can’t believe they’re here. I heard they’re coming to Mary’s wedding, but for them to come here, my birthday? I can’t believe this. Oh, they’re so handsome. Please, Sakura, introduce me to them. Please. I remember Conrad. He’s a couple of years older than me. We were in the same elementary school.”

  Sakura sighed. This was getting even more complicated than she thought. She just wanted to run out of there. Only she couldn’t because she was wearing these blasted high heels she found rather difficult to walk in. Then there was also the fact that she still had to offer these glasses of champagne to the brothers, which she’d already promised Mrs. Simpson she’d do. That was when a sudden thought struck her. Of course, if Lauren wanted to get introduced to the brothers, then she should.

  “Lauren?” She smiled prettily at the younger girl. “Why don’t you give these drinks to them and introduce yourself?”

  “What? Really?” Lauren asked, doubt in her voice.

  “Really. You are, after all, the birthday girl, and it’s only natural you welcome your guests,” Sakura lectured, shoving the silver tray to Lauren. “Here.”

  “Oh, but I can’t!” Lauren shrieked, pushing the tray back and shaking her head at the same time. “I don’t know how to hold this thing.” She pointed to the tray. “I might drop it, and it’d be embarrassing.”

  “You won’t drop it,” Sakura said firmly. “Here, spread your palm.”

  “No. No. No.” Lauren shook her head.

  “Yes. Yes. Yes. Look! You’ll be all right. I promise,” Sakura urged, practically pushing the tray to Lauren now.

  “Are you sure?” Lauren asked uncertainly.

  “Very sure,” Sakura confirmed and handed Lauren the tray.

  With hands that shook, Lauren held tight to the tray, praying she wouldn’t send it crashing to the floor—or on anyone, for that matter.

  “See? You’re doing fine,” Sakura said. “Now go and offer the drinks to the Princeton brothers.”

  “Okay,” Lauren said, nervousness echoing in her voice. Then just as she was about to turn, she nearly fainted when she saw Nicolas, Sebastian, and Darcy behind Sakura, standing there looking very handsome and taking her breath away. Sebastian gave her a smile, and she froze, her heart pounding hard within her chest.

  “Are those for us?” Conrad asked from behind her, his warm breath fanning against the skin of her neck.

  Lauren jumped, sending the tray flying in midair and the champagne splashing on Sakura, her dress soaking wet. The tray landed on the marble floor, spinning a couple of times before it finally laid to rest. The glasses at the same time smashed into tiny pieces.

  Sakura sighed, and Lauren froze in shock.

  “Oh my God! I’m so sorry, Sakura,” she said. “So sorry.”

  Sakura managed to smile, though inside she was rather pissed. She didn’t blame Lauren for that, though. It was Conrad’s fault for surprising the girl, which had caused her to jump and send the tray crashing.

  “It’s all right, Lauren,” she said.

  “No, it’s not. You’re totally wet. Your dress is ruined,” Lauren muttered. “I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll go home and change.”

  “Sorry.” Conrad butted in. “That was my fault.” He turned to Lauren and gave her an apologetic smile. “I’m really sorry, Lauren. I didn’t mean to surprise you like that.”

  Lauren blushed as she gazed up at him, speechless.

  “Damn right, it’s your fault,” Logan said. “You’ve ruined her dress.”

  Conrad cocked his head to one side and moved over to Sakura. “Sorry about that, Sakura,” he said. “And since I’m responsible, why don’t I take you home to change?”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” Tristan said. “It’s my responsibility to take her home.”

  “Your responsibility?” Conrad asked, outraged. “What have you done? I’m responsible!” He turned to Sakura. “Come, Sakura.” He wrapped his hand around her arm and was ready to lead her out when Logan pulled Sakura to his side.

  “Mind what you’re touching, young pup,” he said coolly.

  Sakura couldn’t believe what the brothers were doing. What was going on here? Why were they all of a sudden treating her like this? She was totally confused.

  “Why are you guys making such a big fuss about this?” Sebastian asked his brothers.

  “Because she’s wet,” Logan said.

  “Because she looks uncomfortable,” Conrad put in.

  “And smells of champagne,” Tristan added, moving his nose closer to Sakura and inhaling. “Hmm, delicious.” He grinned cheekily.

  Sakura scowled at him and moved back. “I can take care of myself, thank you very much. I have a car, and I can drive perfectly well.”

  No one was listening to her, however, as they continued their debate.

  “Sebastian, give us the key,” Logan said. “I’ll t
ake her home.”

  Tristan was having none of it. He caught Sakura by the wrist and led her to the door. “Come on, darling sis. Let’s get that wet thing off you.”

  Darcy said abruptly, “Just stop the fuss already. She can just change here.”

  Tristan stopped just as he was about to step his foot out the door. Sakura pulled back and said, “I said I can look after myself.”

  Logan nodded his head at Darcy’s perfect suggestion. “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “I’m sure Lauren has something she can borrow.” Nicolas added with a smile.

  Sakura was getting very annoyed. She freed her hand from Tristan’s grasp and moved so she could get away—from all of them. The brothers, however, were blocking her exits—from all directions. They were surrounding her now—a giant, tall wall of masculine bodies in jeans and formal shirts that made Sakura catch her breath and made her head spin. She was thinking of escaping through the door, but when she glanced behind her and saw Tristan nodding his head and giving her that flirty smile of his, she kicked that thought out the door first. The front, on the other hand, was blocked by Sebastian and Nicolas. To her right stood Logan and Conrad, and her left, Darcy and Hayden. Oh God! What is going on here? All she wanted to do was to get away and change, for Christ’s sake.

  “Um,” Lauren said from somewhere behind Conrad, “I do have lots of dresses.”

  The brothers turned to look at her, which caused Lauren to blush considerably for gaining their undivided attention.

  “Why doesn’t Sakura change here? Surely at least one of my dresses will fit her.”

  Sakura wasn’t pleased they weren’t consulting her regarding what she wanted to do with her wet dress. This pissed her off even more when Sebastian said, “It’s sorted, then.”

  She wanted to box his ear when he turned to her and ordered her to, “Go change.”

  Instead of doing as she was told, which she was very bad at, she glared at him, telling him to go and order someone else around.

  Sebastian understood she was standing her ground. He sighed and said, “You’re wet and—”

  Sakura frowned. When she realized he was gazing at her breasts, she glanced down. Instantly, she went bright red. The thin material of her dress was soaking wet, clinging to her skin and clearly showing the shape of her breasts and nipples.

  She covered herself by crossing her arms across her chest, her frown even darker as she glanced at the brothers. Tristan and Logan were hiding their smiles. Darcy’s face was expressionless. Nicolas shoved his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Conrad blushed. And Hayden tried to keep his face as straight as he could.

  “Come on, Lauren,” she said tightly, heading toward the grand stairs, her head held high.

  “Err, okay,” Lauren replied, hiding a smile as well. “We’ll be back in a minute,” she said to the brothers.

  The brothers’ eyes followed them as they climbed the stairs.

  Logan whistled. “Nice package.”

  “Nice legs,” Tristan said.

  These remarks were of course rewarded with a dark scowl from Sebastian and a hard shove from Conrad to Tristan.

  Nicolas said sternly, “She’s your adopted sister.”

  This quieted Logan and Tristan. Conrad sighed.

  Sakura, on the other side, wanted to die from humiliation as she headed up the stairs, unaware that her seven adopted brothers were admiring her slender legs. She just couldn’t believe they’d seen her breasts—well, the shape of them anyway.

  Once they were on the first floor and in Lauren’s very pink and very large bedroom, Sakura sank on the cozy king-size bed and groaned.

  “Which one do you want?” Lauren asked.

  Sakura sat up and watched Lauren, who was standing in front of her gigantic walk-in wardrobe filled with designer-brand clothes, holding up a few of her dresses. And yes, they were party dresses all right. Frills. Lots and lots of frills and lots and lots of pink. And yes, lots and lots of dresses with no straps.

  “Holy smokes!” Sakura said, her eyes almost blinded by the color pink.

  “I know.” Lauren chuckled. “I love clothes.”

  “I can totally see,” Sakura uttered in amazement, blinking a couple of times.

  “Let’s find one that fits you,” Lauren suggested.

  Twenty minutes later, Sakura stood in front of the full-length mirror, staring at herself for the second time that day. She couldn’t believe she was wearing this. It was a cute dress—for a sixteen-year-old girl—and she was no sixteen-year-old girl.

  “Sorry,” Lauren said. “It’s the only one that fits you.”

  Well, it wasn’t so bad. It was a satin strapless dress, baby blue, not pink, thank God. There was some very pretty draping to the side of her waist, and it had a tutu-like skirt. The only thing Sakura really opposed was that the dress was designed in such a way as to push one’s breasts up and—voilà!

  “You look amazing, Sakura,” Lauren said in awe. “I wish I looked like you. You look so pretty.”

  Yeah. Sakura had heard that many times before. Sometimes she liked it. Then other times she really hated it because of the way she got treated.

  “Your boobs!” Lauren made a face that showed she was awed as well as envious. “And your shoes are a perfect match with the dress. Jimmy Choo, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. Thanks,” Sakura said. “I’ll return the dress tomorrow.”

  “Oh no, that’s okay. If it’s all right, I’ll come up to the house and get it myself,” she said eagerly.

  That was when it dawned on Sakura. She realized Lauren wanted to see her adopted brothers again. Or is it just one in particular?

  She chuckled. “All right. Then maybe you could stay for dinner or something,” she suggested.

  “That’ll be great,” Lauren said eagerly.

  “Come on. I think it’s time to blow out those eighteen candles of yours,” Sakura said, heading out the door, and Lauren happily followed.

  * * * * *


  Hearts Fluttering

  When the girls reached the ground floor again, the brothers were still there waiting for them. Conrad grinned like an idiot. Nicolas nodded appreciatively. Logan whistled. Tristan winked. Hayden cocked his head and said, “Not bad.” And Sebastian and Darcy didn’t look too pleased.

  Sakura wasn’t pleased either that they had to be there, witnessing her awkwardly descending the stairs in her heels and short skirt.

  “What do you think, Conrad?” Lauren asked. “Doesn’t she look great? I wore that dress on my sixteenth birthday. Do you remember? But it fits her perfectly.”

  “Yes, it’s beautiful,” Conrad said, his eyes on Sakura.

  “Do you really remember me wearing that on my sixteenth birthday back in New York?” Lauren asked him, her eyes bright.

  Conrad blinked and then laughed uneasily, remembering no such thing.

  “She looks like a sixteen-year-old girl,” Sebastian said, a hint of disapproval in his voice.

  “Who wants to get laid,” Darcy muttered under his breath.

  “You look very nice, Sakura,” Nicolas said.

  The brothers didn’t miss Nicolas saying Sakura’s name for the first time either, as though he were really cherishing it.

  Darcy turned on his heel and headed toward the drawing room to join everyone else. Sebastian turned and left as well.

  Sakura was quite pissed with Sebastian’s behavior thus far. Oh, she’d heard him all right when he said she looked like a sixteen-year-old girl. She wasn’t an ignorant sixteen-year-old girl, for Pete’s sake.

  She was also pissed with Darcy, who had said she wanted to get laid. Yes, she was a virgin, but she never wanted to look like she wanted to get laid—ever!

  “Come on,” Lauren said to Conrad. “It’s time.” She grabbed his hand and led the way to the drawing room. Conrad laughed uncomfortably as he trailed behind her. Sakura, Nicolas, Logan, Tristan, and Hayden followed them.

  It was jam
-packed with guests in the drawing room, and before long, Mr. Simpson gave a good, long speech for his daughter’s eighteenth birthday. Then when it was ready, the cake was brought in, and a chorus of “Happy Birthday” followed. Lauren happily blew out the candles that stood on top of the biggest and grandest cake Sakura had ever seen. So that was what Mrs. Simpson had splashed her money on—the cake!

  “Sorry I’m late,” a voice suddenly said behind Sakura while everyone was cheering loudly.

  Sakura turned to see the boyishly handsome Mark Chatsworth smiling at her. “Hey,” she said. “Where have you been?”

  “Hey,” he said back. “At the lab. You look great.”

  “Err, thanks,” she replied. “Want some cake?”


  Some twenty minutes later, James came over to his sons, wondering why they were looking so serious at a party. When he turned to observe the object of their interest, he grinned.

  “Who’s he?” Conrad asked.

  “Mark Chatsworth,” James said. “Dr. Mark Chatsworth.”

  “Are they dating or something?” Logan asked.

  “Not that I know of,” James said honestly.

  This was of course followed by sighs of relief from Logan and Conrad.

  “Come on. I’ll introduce him,” James announced and led his sons toward Mark and Sakura, knowing very well they were dying to know who this guy really was in relation to Sakura.

  “I don’t trust that guy,” Conrad whispered to Sebastian.

  “Why not? He’s a doctor.” Nicolas chuckled from behind.

  “Oh, shut up,” Conrad snapped.

  James heard the conversation and hid a smile. “Sakura?” he said the moment he was beside her. “A new dress?”

  Sakura turned and gave her adopted father a grand smile. “Accident,” she said. “And your sons are to blame.” She glared at the brothers, who looked as though they were ready to pick a fight with their defensive stances and serious faces.

  “Really?” James asked and turned to his sons. “Which one of you is responsible?”

  “Me,” Conrad said without hesitation.

  “In that case, I believe you owe Sakura. How about repaying her by volunteering for Dr. Chatsworth’s research?”


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