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When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1)

Page 8

by Pixie James

  After falling in line next to a long-haired girl, I notice a pretty triangle-shaped mark on the middle of her chest. Its delicately raised lines joining at what looks to be the perfect angle are something I’ve never seen before.

  “Don’t you know staring is rude?” she asks, covering the mark.

  My cheeks dang near explode and I drop my gaze. “I’m sorry, I’ve just never seen a tattoo like that before.”

  “Ah. You must be the new girl, huh?”

  I wave a hand awkwardly. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Ha. Well, then I’ll let it slide. But just so you know, these marks are private. They’re not to be gawked at.”

  “I’m so sorry. I had no idea. I’m still trying to get the hang of this whole Xebulin thing.”

  She smiles just as a tall Xebulin guy with a mohawk slips an arm around her and plants a giant wet kiss on her lips.

  Okay. This just got super awkward.

  I look away when they start tonguing each other until triangle girl unglues herself and giggles. “My bad. Zeke gets a little…overzealous when we’ve been apart for a while. I’m So’Vee. I don’t give a crap about the titles, neither does he. So don’t worry about using them with us. Only the Ty’s and Ki’s care, usually, and that’s because most of them are entitled brats.”

  “Careful, Vee. Ki’Lin might hear,” Zeke chuckles.

  She rolls her eyes, and it’s so awesome I nearly forget to move up in line. “And I care why? That skank needs to be knocked down a notch or ten.”

  “Right?” I blurt out.

  “I see you’ve had the pleasure?” Zeke asks.

  “Yeah, you could say that.”

  Vee steps up to order her food but turns while the lady taking orders messes with the register. “You’re more than welcome to sit with us if you want.”

  “Thanks! I’m meeting with my roommate first, then we’ll probably head that way.”

  “Who’s your roommate?” Zeke asks, diving into his wallet to pay for Vee.

  “So’Tia. You know her?”

  Vee grimaces like she has a bad taste in her mouth. “Eh, not to be awkward or anything but maybe come when you’re alone.”

  “Oh. All right, then.” What the heck is up with that? She and Zeke walk off and I start searching the overhead menu for what I want when the next person orders. Settling on a salad, assuming it’s the safest bet with my stomach being in knots, I place my order and reach into my bag to pay.

  I dig around and come up empty. The line behind me has started to grow and my stomach sinks. Seriously? How could I have forgotten it? I know I put it in here…

  Setting the bag down to dig deeper in the pockets, I cringe as the lady at the register leans over and loudly asks, “Should I put it back or do you have the cash?”

  Kill me now. I seriously want to crawl under a rock and never come out again. Sucking in a deep breath, fighting back tears of raging embarrassment, I stand, prepared to vacate my spot in line and hightail it back to my room when a familiar tatted arm reaches over me and hands the lady a card. “Thanks for waiting on me, babe.”

  So’Rev laughs as my face shifts from an expression of surprise to shock and then relief as he pays, then grabs the tray and pulls me out of line. He waves my wallet in front of me. “Drop something, beautiful?”

  I grab it and hold it close to my chest. “Oh, my gosh, where did you find it?”

  He laughs, mischief twinkling in his green eyes, and jerks his chin behind him. “Down the hall. I wouldn’t have known it was yours except you stuck a bunch of sticky notes in there with people’s names on them. Snarky tatted guy, huh? Guess I’ve been called worse.”

  “Oh, hell.”

  He laughs again, his pierced eyebrow catching the light, and holds out his hand. “Let me carry your stuff. You look like you’re about to pass out.”

  “I nearly did. Gah, I’m such a mess.”

  He walks beside me, swaying with a bad boy swagger. He’s got the look down pat. From his black cut off shirt and black jeans to his lip and eyebrow rings, he practically screams heartbreak in the most appealing way. Like I know it wouldn’t end well, but the in-between moments would be well worth it.

  Sliding into a mostly empty corner table, he sets my tray in front of me. Still in shock and trying to gain my bearings, I grab my bag with fumbling hands to take out the last set of notes I made for the history test but freeze when I see a familiar head of hair out of the corner of my eye. If looks could kill, I’d be in ashes with the way Ty’Nix is glaring at me while he weaves his way through the lunch crowd. What’s his problem?

  Tangled up in his gaze, I can’t look away. It’s all heat and anger and has me floundering somewhere between pissed and intrigued. What in the world could I have done to make him hate me so much? It’s like my mere existence grates on his nerves.

  “What in the world are you staring at? You look like you’re about to set the world on fire…” So’Rev asks, looking behind him in the direction of my glare. Until then, I hadn’t realized I was giving him the stank eye back. Good. He deserves it.

  “Nothing. It’s not a big deal, So’Rev. Really…”

  “Rev. Call me Rev. Titles are for wankers and pretty boys and, in case you haven’t noticed, I’m neither.”

  I grin, rubbing a hand over my blue peach fuzz. This is the first day I haven’t worn a hat or a scarf to the dining hall. “The jury’s still out on the whole wanker thing…”

  “Ah, there she is. I knew you had some fire in you. What are those?” he asks, gesturing to my notes before reaching across the table and picking them up.

  “I have to take a test today to get into the regular history class you guys are in. Just saying I know the basics.”

  “You want me to quiz you?”

  I pick up my fork, then freeze. “You’d do that?”

  “Duh. I missed out on the chance to walk you to class, you think I’m going to miss out on hanging out with you at lunch?” He waggles his eyebrows and leans back, trying to keep a serious look on his face. “All right, Miss. First question, what’s your favorite food?”

  My brows shoot up. “Hey! That’s not on the test!”

  “It’s not?” He feigns innocence.

  “Nope.” I reach for the papers and he leans back in his chair, pressing them to his chest. “Rev, seriously. I appreciate what you did for me in line and I swear I’ll pay you back, but I need to study. I only get one shot at this and I’ve stayed up super late all week trying to catch up.”

  “All business, huh? All right, pretty lady. You win.” He leans in, then props his head up on one hand, my notes in the other. “What of significance happened in…1850?”

  “The Ju’Troain treaty failed, and Xebulin King Ri’Khal declared war on the Sivralians.”


  “The ruling family was slaughtered in a coup, and some scary Siv called Rizax named himself king. He attempted to kidnap princess Ri’Gin in exchange for their remaining stores of Erkite crystal. It was directly after the agreed upon harvest time both planets had adhered to, but Sivral came up short and needed more to support their numbers. Ri’Khal refused to alter the treaty. That’s when Rizax convinced the people to rebel.”

  “Why is Erkite so important?”

  I chew on my nail, momentarily drawing a blank when it hits me. “Oh! Because that’s how both planets survive. It powers everything on Xebulis Five and Sivral, and it’s used as currency.”

  He flips through about fifteen of the thirty pages just as Tia slides in beside me. She gestures between the two of us. “When did this happen?”

  Out of nowhere, Ki’Lin bounces into the seat next to Rev and leans in, making sure her perfectly plumped c-cups are the first thing he sees. “You know, I was just wondering the same thing.”

  Tia’s nostrils flare. “To what do we owe the pleasure, your bitchiness?”

  “Hm. Cute. How long have you been waiting to use that one for, Tia? Anyway, just popping by, wanted to figure o
ut if we should expect our guest of honor this weekend to come solo or with a date. I mean, I’m making the seating arrangements for the little soiree in your honor, so I thought it would be prudent to ask…you know, since your birth mom abandoned you and your human mom sold you out for drugs...”

  My cheeks heat, and I clench my jaw trying not to show her she’s getting to me, and it only spurs her on. She places her hand on her chest dramatically, her words coming out so fast they’re nearly running together. “Oh, no. That’s right. You’re poor too, huh? Dang, have you even thought about what you’ll wear? Of course you haven’t, bless your heart.”

  “Stop.” The word slips out as a whisper.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” she challenges.

  I breathe deeply, trying to keep my cool, but the aggression in her eyes makes me want to rip her face off.

  “I said shut up.” I can feel the subtle shift, the iridescent colors swirling across my skin. Finally getting what she wants, Ki’Lin smiles wide. “Or what, Mufasa? What are you going to do?”

  I reach over to smack her, but Tia throws an arm out to block me. “Gah, Ki’Lin. Obsessed much? Don’t you have anything better to do? Worlds to burn? Small children to torment?”

  “Strong words for a traitor.”

  Tia jumps up, and it’s my turn to shove her back down. “Oh, hell—”

  “Ki’Lin, what are you doing?” Ty’Nix’s irritated voice cuts through my anger-fueled haze. He’s standing there, classic white t-shirt and jeans, looking more enticing than he should and it grates on my last nerve. I got a peek before, but man… Up close? He shaved, and his hair is edged up on the sides. Why does he always have to look so good?

  Ki’Lin startles slightly, then plasters a demure smile on her face. The way she puts on a show for him makes me nauseous. Like who wouldn’t be able to see that? I guess when you’re blinded by your own arrogance… “Oh, Ty. I wasn’t expecting you.”

  His royal dickness cocks a brow. “You asked me to meet you for lunch.” He looks around the dining hall. “This is lunch.”

  At least I know he’s not just a jerk to me.

  Rev, who’s been watching the whole embarrassing scene like a live action play, chuckles, and Ty’Nix narrows his eyes. “Something funny, So?”

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. What a cheap shot—calling him by just his title with such disdain.

  “Nope. Just enjoying the view,” Rev says while lacing his fingers behind his head.

  Ty’Nix smirks, then turns to Ki’Lin. “That’s what I thought. You ready?”

  “Yeah, of course I am. Was just tying up some loose ends for the party on Friday. You’re still going, right?” Her voice fades, and it isn’t until Tia drops an ice-cold Coke in front of me that I realize I’ve zoned out.

  “That was intense. You need the sugar. Anyone else think we should get the heck out of here?”

  “Please,” I say while throwing everything in my backpack.

  “Want to go watch the twelfth years learn how to shift their appearance?” Rev offers.

  I stop moving and gawk at him. “We can do that?”

  “Yep. They don’t let us have access to the technique until after we’ve qualified for job placement, but there’s a small shed over by the gardens that overlooks the restricted part of the training fields. We can watch them make a fool out of themselves.”

  Tia sidles up beside me and leans a head on my shoulder for a minute. “You okay?” she whispers.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Rev gives me a poignant look. “Really, I’m fine. Lead the way. My test’s in an hour and I have to get out of this funk somehow.”

  “She’ll get what’s coming to her one day, you know?” Tia offers.

  Yeah, she will. And I plan on being there to watch.

  Chapter Eleven

  The night air is chilly, and the draft that escapes out the two-inch-wide gap soothes my raw skin. I tried for a solid minute to lift the sash up higher but gave in and collapsed in a fit of exhaustion and disappointment. Of course, the window would be broken. I mean, why wouldn’t it? Watch, now I’ll start my period too.

  Two points. I was two points away from passing that stupid history test. I knew all the answers, every single one of them, but my nerves after the incident with Ki’Lin got the best of me and I second-guessed every choice I made.

  Thumping my fist against the wall, I groan and let the tears keep falling as I rest my head against the aged windowsill. Stupid to cry over something so silly, but after working so hard and failing because I was too worried about my girl drama…I’m just so mad at myself.

  After everything I’ve been through, you’d think I’d have developed a thicker skin, but I guess that burned off with the rest of my human body. At least Tia’s not here to witness my sob fest. Huey doesn’t judge though, he just stays curled up on my feet, letting me use him as my own version of an alien Snuggie.

  I sit in my usual little nook for over an hour, waiting on the familiar warmth to descend and sooth my inner turmoil, but it never comes. Without it, I feel untethered, and the urge to get up off my butt and sink back against the tiny cushion splayed across the window bench would be unbearable if I wasn’t feeling so pathetic. I don’t even want to move.

  The jingle of keys outside has my heart lurching in my chest and me rushing to swipe at my blurry eyes. Te’Lara says nothing at first, just glides through the room and sits down on the floor beside me with a small container between her hands. “I just spoke with Ha’Jahn. Thought you might need this.” She opens the container and slides a giant piece of chocolate cake in front of me.

  “Yeah. Today really sucked.” I wiggle my feet, trying to cue Huey to move, but he doesn’t budge until I shove him over. Not bothering to use the fork, I pick up the hand-sized slice and shove it in my mouth. There’s no shame in my game.

  Te’Lara giggles. “I take it you enjoy chocolate?”

  I mumble something between an affirmation and a groan, then continue to chomp on the cake until I’ve managed to suck the whole thing down. Huey inches toward Te’Lara, and she starts petting along his back. He snorts then avoids her hand and comes to lie back at my side.

  “Oh, fine, you old grouch. Go without then. I swear, I can do nothing right with you,” she says as she swats the air, exasperated. “Sometimes I still can’t believe he’s finally chosen. He’s been strutting around here unsettled for so long…none of my normal ministrations ever satisfied him.

  “He was always snipping at the younger Raska, wouldn’t even acknowledge the other students I introduced…but you. He’s clung to you like a child. I hope you know how incredibly special that is.”

  I flop back down and rest my head on my arm, not caring about the chocolate frosting all over my mouth. Whatever. I’ll clean up later. “Am I going to have to leave him if I fail?”

  Te’Lara gently strokes my barely-there hair, and the warmth of her touch seeps into me, quieting my mind. “You won’t fail. I spoke with Ha’Jahn. He will allow you a second chance to take the exam tomorrow in his office, free of distraction, in the morning. And Huey will never leave you unless you send him away. Even then, he’s by far the stubbornest of his kind. He’d probably just stalk you in the shadows for the rest of your life.”

  “Might look kind of funny, walking around the in the real world with a giant alien emotional support dog. You think they’d let him in Wal-Mart?”

  She smirks and nods at Huey.

  A warm lick slides up my face, and I duck away, swiping at the leftover drool. “Oh, gross Huey. What the—hey! How’d you do that?” Gone is my bulky, short-haired, tentacle-covered friend, and in his place is a giant Doberman He’s the size of a small donkey, but still. “Shut up, how did he do that?”

  “You didn’t think emotional absorption and manipulation were the only things the Raska had up their sleeves, did you?”

  “Can they all do that?” Huey sits up a little straighter, puffing out his chest.

  “Not as qu
ickly or as precisely as the Dan-A-Tish, but yes. Raska can alter their appearances just as mature Xebulins can. That is why they are so effective in battle. They can mirror a dead enemy mount or other planetary wildlife, then detach their jaws and devour them whole.”

  “I… That’s insane.”

  Huey’s skin vibrates, then in the blink of an eye he transforms back into the squish face that I’ve come to adore. A tiny chill zings up my spine at the ease with which he changes forms. I’ve been seriously underestimating my not-so-little friend. If he can do that, what else can he do?

  Te’Lara twists my half-inch strands again, and I swear it’s like a sleeping pill, because it’s getting harder and harder to stay awake. I don’t know what it is about her, but she makes me feel so safe. “These will grow out, you know. They look lovely as they are, but most Xebulin females experience rapid hair growth. I’m not sure what’s taking yours so long, but the current pixie cut suits you.”

  “You’re sweet to say that. I’ll take it. I’m just glad I’m not totally bald.”

  “You’d still be lovely if you were.” She tugs my arm, and with Huey’s help, coaxes me off the floor and into bed. “Look, tomorrow is a new day. You’re going to ace that test. Whatever you had going on today, let it go. It doesn’t define you or get to control you.”

  An overwhelming wave of sadness washes over me as she drifts back through the door. There’s such kindness in her eyes and a truth to her words that removes any doubt. You’ll always know where you stand with her, and though I barely know her, I already have a closer connection with her than I did my own mother.

  And that kills me.

  Even with Jared, there was always something so…distant about my feelings for him. Like I was following all the right steps, going through the motions, clinging to every little emotion I could, but still. He straight up demolished my heart and really, I’m doing pretty well, considering. I was more worried about how my life would change after he left me than sad about him being with someone else.


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