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When Lightning Strikes (Alien Academy Book 1)

Page 17

by Pixie James

  “I swear I wasn’t trying to reject you. I just… Dang it, I don’t know.”

  He lowers his glasses, catching me in his gaze. His eyes really are beautiful. Ugh, I just wish they made me feel like Nix’s do. “It’s over and done with. Really. Want to go for a walk? I need to stop by the library and I have it on good authority from Tia you haven’t been there yet.”

  “There’s a library here? Seriously? You mean to tell me I’ve spent the last two weeks doing absolutely nothing but staring at my textbooks when I could have been reading something fun the entire time?”

  He stands and sticks his hands in his pockets. “Well, I’d have brought you some if I could have visited…”

  I hop to my feet, nearly stepping on Huey, and like a woman lost, dying of thirst in the desert, walk beside him as he leads me to my proverbial water. The way he subtly looks over to make sure I’m still there makes me smile. Like if he takes his eyes off me, I’ll disappear.

  He’s shaved his head, and somehow it makes the raised tats that travel up his arms and disappear underneath the collar of his shirt even more eye-catching. With his air of bad boy confidence, he holds open a set of floor to ceiling smoked glass doors, revealing one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen.

  It’s like something out of a fairy tale, stacks of bookshelves with ladders spanning their length. Stained glass windows bathing the floor below with a myriad of colored lights. And the chairs… Warm leather stained a rich brown and big enough to sink into and stay for hours. My mouth falls open, and I can’t help but stare in wonder. So many stories. So many characters brought to life.

  It’s the kind of library dreams are made of.

  Looking over, I catch him staring at me from behind his glasses. Not sure he even realizes I can tell, but I don’t mention it. A wave of sadness hits me, cutting through my high and dragging me back to reality. I’m so disappointed in myself for not feeling more for him. Any girl in her right mind would. So, why can’t I? Why is it I’m drawn to the boy who ignores me like every other annoying girl in the books I’ve read?

  As often as I chastise myself, I can’t manage to stop thinking about Nix. My brain literally won’t let me. I mean after all, the girls in those books always end up with a happily ever after. So, why couldn’t I? My chest burns underneath my dressing. Crap, I ran out in such a rush today, I didn’t bother to get it changed. Te’Lara’s kept it wrapped up tight, worried it will get even more infected.

  She’s so meticulous about the dressing changes, and has practically begged me not to look at it again. I caught a quick peek of bright red flesh right after it happened in the hospital and nearly passed out. It’s annoying the way Te’Lara and the headmaster try and shield me from everything, but in this case, I actually appreciate it. I don’t want to see it again.

  The air smells of old paper and history. Drifting through the stacks, I drag a hand across the spines. So many feelings, so many emotions. It’s mindless, the way the little hints of what each book holds flow into me. And I can’t help but wonder how my reading experience will change now that I can siphon each handwritten mark the authors have left on the page.

  I still struggle, but after two weeks with Professor Te’Eune grilling me every day, I’ve gotten better. Now if I could just retain the information, I might actually learn something useful.

  Step after step, I venture toward where A Beautiful Disaster should be shelved, and I hold my breath. It would be absolutely awesome if it were here. Especially since I left my copy at home and don’t exactly have the means to buy a new one at the moment.

  Rev peeks over from the end of the stack as I search the line of books, holding three of his own. After being shushed by the librarian, a stern woman with green lipstick and a tightly wound braid down the middle of her back, he hustles toward me.

  My eyes practically light up when I spot the familiar butterfly on the spine. I yank the book from the shelf and hold it up like it’s a championship trophy. “Yessss,” I whisper yell, beyond glad that something is finally going right.

  “I take it you found what you were looking for?”

  “Oh, my gosh. Yes. I seriously can’t thank you enough.” I do a little dance and start off toward the librarian’s desk to check it out but stop when a familiar set of sea green eyes pin me in place. Even though I saw him yesterday, I swear every time I look at him it feels like the very first time. This is unhealthy. And ridiculous. And frustrating as hell.

  Rev catches up with me and throws an arm over my shoulder, not noticing the reason I’ve stopped. From his point of view it probably looks like I’m waiting on him.

  When I don’t move, he nudges me. “Come on, Rebel. Let’s get you back to wherever you’re supposed to be.”

  Ignoring the ache in my chest, I respond to the boy at my side without looking away from the one I stupidly wish could take his place. “Okay. Let’s go.” Thank God, Huey’s not allowed in the library to see this. I don’t think he’d ever let me live it down.

  The few steps toward the librarian’s desk feel heavier than they should, the sensation of Nix’s glare burning holes in my back, and I can’t ignore that my choice to walk off with Rev probably means something more than just checking out a book.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  You know the saying, “There’s no place like home”? Whoever came up with it was a genius, because the second I make it into my room after classes end and I sink onto my down comforter, I swear trumpets go off somewhere in heaven.

  Ohhhh, how I’ve missed this.

  I starfish, enjoying all the room, and even Huey doesn’t complain as he settles into the area at the end of my bed where he usually lies. It doesn’t matter the size of the bed, big or small, he always weasels his way into my space. I swear I can’t go a single night without his incessant demand for cuddles. Thank goodness our dorm room is big enough for two kings. If not, I’d be sleeping on the floor.

  I love Huey, and some cuddles are fine, but between his hot breath and his corn chip smelling feet, I can’t get a decent night’s sleep with him trying to hog my pillow.

  “Beloved Xebulin, do not blow up any more things. I have grown tired of relocating.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind next time,” I mumble, face squished against the fluffy down. Half-asleep by the time Tia comes in, I glance at the clock on the wall. “Geeze, you’re back late. Everything okay? I thought we might celebrate my freedom with some Jackie Chan, but you don’t look like you’ll last longer than the opening credits.”

  She collapses on her bed and throws her bag across the room with a huff. “Ugh, it was awful. During Advanced History, a class you should have been in by the way—but, you can tell me about that later—Nix barged in and called for an emergency student alliance meeting. Apparently, they’ve yet to find the guy who helped you and plan on searching all the dorms again.”

  An awful ache nearly plows me over, and I rub the center of my chest. Vrae. Even the mention of his name instills a mixture of longing and anger. As if that’s not confusing enough, my awkward encounter with Nix today has me spinning my wheels.

  How in the world did I go from thinking I’d be with the same boring boy my entire life to being intrigued by not one, but two boys. Three if you count Rev, who, let’s be honest, I should like, but for some reason just don’t.

  Why can’t I just be freaking normal?

  You’re a damn alien, Cherise. Normal went out the window a long time ago.

  “Hey, are you even listening to me?”

  “Yes. Crap, sorry. Continue.” I rub my eyes and make a point to look right at her so she knows I’m paying attention.

  “Anyway, so after sitting there for three hours and getting nowhere, he and Headmaster Ha’Jahn decided the searches needed to start right then. I mean, seriously? Couldn’t it wait? It’s not like we haven’t made every single male Xebulin in this place lift up his shirt. I don’t even know what we’re looking for.”

  I sit up straighter. “Why t
heir shirts?”

  She jerks off her sweater, then her boots and hugs her pillow. “It makes no sense. I mean, why would something that wasn’t there before magically appear? And wouldn’t whatever they’re looking for be healed by now?”

  “I still don’t get what all this has to do with Vrae. If he was injured enough to leave a bunch of scars he wouldn’t have been able to scale the gates. It seems like this search party is a big waste of time.”

  As she sees me rubbing the ache through the bandage clinging to my chest, Tia gasps and jerks straight up in bed. Her bottom lip trembles and the cool hue of her purple skin pales. “Cherise, what did Te’Lara tell you is wrong with your chest?”

  “It’s just a big wound from the explosion in the gym. Te’Lara changes the dressings for me every day. Whatever it is must still be gnarly because she made me promise not to look at it.”

  Tia swallows hard and stumbles over to my bed. “Stand up.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Just do it,” she says in a soft voice. “Gosh, let me be wrong.” The words are almost inaudible as she lifts up my shirt.

  “What are you doing? You’re freaking me out. If you wanted to see me naked you could have just—”

  “Stop. Put your arms up so I can take this off.”

  “All right, geez. Will you just tell me what’s going on?” I do as she asks, and she starts unwinding the long elastic wrap clinging to my chest.

  Huey nudges my bare stomach with his nose. “Beloved Xebulin, decrease your heart rate. The So means you no harm. She only wishes to look at your mark.”

  The bandage hits the floor with a soft thud, and Tia covers her mouth. She’s shaking her head, looking between my wound and my eyes. “Son of a biscuit eater. That’s why. I can’t believe they kept this from me. Holy crap, Cherise. He marked you.”

  I’m still holding my shirt up, so I can’t see the wound she just uncovered. “What? Duh. That’s old news. Mark, wound, massive gaping hole, whatever. Is it that bad? Why are you freaking out?”

  She shakes her head again and Huey sighs. “No, Beloved Xebulin. She means he left a Mark of Intention on your chest.”


  “Tia, what’s a Mark of Intention?” I ask, panic stiffening my words. I want to look down but I’m terrified of what I’ll see. Why do I get the feeling that when I do my life is going to change forever?

  “Where did you—” She glares at Huey. “What the heck? You knew and didn’t tell her? Some protector you are.”

  The comforter makes a ripping noise when he sits up. “Inform the So I do not care for her tone. I am Huetalizan of the Raska. Dan-A-Tish and the eldest living—”

  “Both of you. Shut up and tell me what the hell is going on.”

  With a trembling hand I reach up, bracing myself for a massive patch of destroyed skin, but find only a set of three concentric circles. A rush of emotion infuses my fingertips as I trace the raised lines, and I’m overcome with the feeling of… I don’t even know what it is but, it’s warm and lovely and wait, what the heck is happening?

  “What chapter are you on in your makeup work for our Xebulin Health class?”

  “Ten, why?”

  “Crash course on chapter twenty. A Mark of Intention is exactly what it sounds like. It’s rarely done here, but on our home planet, when a male Xebulin wants to declare his affection and love for his girl, he marks her. Not only to physically show his devotion and warn other dudes off, but also to demonstrate how serious he is. Those marks…they aren’t easy to give. They literally have to infuse a part of themselves into you…” She stares at me for a second before lowering her eyes. “A part they never get back.”

  My mouth suddenly feels like sandpaper. “You mean I’ve been walking around with the alien equivalent of a promise ring scarred into my chest? From a boy I barely know and haven’t seen since?”

  She nods and my stomach sinks. I need it off me. Now. Peeling off my shirt, I start scrubbing at it furiously, as if the motion could actually wipe it away. Tia grabs my shoulder and quickly pulls me into a hug. “That won’t work. I’m so sorry. It won’t go anywhere. Not for another few weeks at least.”

  “Weeks?” I manage, pulling out of her grasp. “No, it needs to go. Huey, take it off me.”

  My Raska steps forward, and Tia throws out an arm to block me. “No, don’t. Taking them off is dangerous. It’s not fair to make Huey do it. He could get hurt again.”

  I look at my four-legged friend and sniffle. “Is that true? It could hurt you?” His lack of a sassy retort says enough.

  “So what? I’m just supposed to leave it? What if it was all a big joke like everyone thinks it is, Tia? Do you know how violated that makes me feel?”

  “I get it. But I don’t think it is. He may not even know how he did it. But it’s there, and he’s got one too. That’s why they’re searching everyone. If he’s a student here, we should be able to find him.” I clench my jaw, refusing to cry. “Whoever he is, Cherise, you have an undeniable connection with him. If fusing yourselves together was easy enough to do by accident, we have to find him.”

  “Why? Why would I want that?”

  “Because…he could literally be your soul mate.”

  The halls pass in a blur, one nondescript taupe classroom after another. A set of blue lockers here, orange ones there. The stiff turquoise chairs in the north wing’s student lounge that no one bothers to sit on. All of it floats by as I make my way to Te’Lara’s office.

  Everyone is already in their rooms, ready to turn in for the night, save for a few stragglers sprawled out on random couches, so I don’t have to worry about anyone trying to be social.

  Not that I have to worry about that much anyway.

  My thoughts are racing, and the jumbled mess worsens with every step I take. I have no idea what I’m going to say to her. She knew the entire time. The burn of her betrayal sours the unwavering faith I’ve had in her since the moment we met and leaves me unsteady. She was the first face to greet me when I woke up, not only the first time, but every time something scary happened to me in the past four weeks, and knowing she always had my back had been a major source of comfort.

  I don’t feel like that anymore. Now she’s just another adult who let me down.

  Her door’s open, and the bottom of her robes brush against the oak wood flooring when she turns toward me. “Oh, Cherise, I did not see you there. I was just about to come and see how you are settling back in.” Her gaze drops to the now unbandaged skin underneath my shirt. It lingers there, then slowly climbs back to meet mine. “I am sure you have questions…”

  “How could you not tell me?”

  “Ha’Jahn and I…we did not know how. I was hoping to keep it covered and numbed until it faded out to protect you from what I know you must be feeling now.”

  “What? Betrayed?”

  “Yes. And confused…amongst other things. I wore a mark like that once. I know how it feels when it goes unanswered. I do not want that for you.”

  Almost as if it knows we’re discussing it, the mark aches, and I rub it again. “Is that why it hurts?”

  She nods. “A side effect of the pact you unknowingly made being abandoned. I wasn’t even sure if the numbing would help. I guess I thought maybe if you didn’t know it existed, it wouldn’t bother you at all.”

  “Yeah, well. You were wrong. It’s hurt for weeks. So, just tell me what’s going on.”

  “The mark can remain unanswered for a short amount of time and remain stable. After that, the pain starts. The mark itself is temporary and if left alone, will eventually go away. But the small part of energy he instilled within you to create it will die without your completed bond. It will reach for him in an attempt to sustain itself and the discomfort will worsen before it is relieved.”

  “That’s really messed up.”

  “Yes. Which is why these marks are not taken lightly. Our people, we are meant to mate for life.”

  “Too bad humans are

  Te’Lara gives me a sad smile. “You have been made to deal with so many things a child your age should not. I am sorry if my failed attempt at shielding you has made it worse.”

  It has…and yet, when I look at her deep violet eyes, I can’t muster the outrage I felt before. I’m exhausted and I need answers. There’s no way I can walk around with this thing on my chest for however long without understanding more about it.

  “Is there nothing we can do?”

  “There is one thing that might help...” She spins so fast a stack of papers on her desk go flying and she flips through a book. “What defensive maneuvers have you been instructed on thus far?”

  “Professor Te’Vrah taught me how to put up a temporary defense to protect my memories, but it only lasts a few seconds.”

  “Practice harder. Xebulin royalty used to utilize that method to mask their energy signatures to protect themselves. It dulls the chemical reaction one Xebulin feels when near another. Many members of the upper Inkiatypes are raised to invoke it regularly.

  “It is more of a tradition now than anything, another attribute to separate the elite, but it can also suppress external emotional reactions. It may help you control your response to the mark’s dying demand for completion. If you have any questions, I suggest you ask Ty’Nix. He is quite adept at keeping his in place.”

  Of course, it would have to be him.

  He’s gotten better about taking our sessions seriously, and has mostly stopped being a jerk, but do I trust him enough to potentially give him more ammo for Ki’Lin to use against me? I’m not sure.

  I mean it’s embarrassing enough I have this super personal mark on my chest, but to have to tell the boy I like some other guy put it there? And even worse…that it might be a joke?”

  I rub my eyes trying to soothe the throbbing behind them from the stress of today, but it only makes it worse. I still have like three hours of studying to do on top of all this drama if I want to be anywhere close to on target before the holiday break and the touch games, and there’s no way in heck I’m going to be able to sleep tonight if I don’t suck it up and go talk to Nix. If he could help…


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