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The Vampires of Soldiers Cove: Progeny

Page 2

by Jessica MacIntyre

  “It wouldn’t be like that.” Gavin said, now raising his voice as well. “We’re vampires, we hardly ever sleep. There’s lots of time for us to do everything. We said we were going to have more than one, remember?”

  I felt the tears stinging my eyes. We had agreed on that, he was right, but it seemed like that old agreement should be void now. My voice broke. “I know, but Gavin that was before.”

  “There’s a good chance we’ll outlive any of the children we’d have. Look at my parents. How many do you think they’ve buried? It doesn’t stop them from having more. Why should it stop us?” I turned my head away, not wanting him to see me cry. It seemed I couldn’t win. He was right, it shouldn’t stop us, but I just couldn’t bring myself to do it.

  After a long awkward silence I felt Gavin’s hand on my shoulder. “Rachel? Honey look at me, please?” I wiped my eyes and turned around. “Hey, don’t cry. I’m sorry. This is not the way I wanted this conversation to go.” He rested his hand on my cheek for a moment before taking my hand in his and kissing it. “Did I ruin our anniversary?”

  “No, you didn’t ruin it,” I said clasping my other hand over his. We rarely fought and I hated when we did. There wasn’t much that could get us yelling at each other but lately this topic seemed to be coming up more and more. “It’s not that I don’t want to. I just…”

  “It’s ok, honey. We’ll do it when the time is right. When you’re ready and not before. I’m sorry. I just love having Ryan around so much I just thought, you know, if one is good two is better. And that he’d enjoy it too.”

  “If one is good two is better?” I had gone from crying to laughing now. “You talk about them like they’re doughnuts.”

  “A minute ago you weren’t ready for one and now you want a dozen? Don’t tease me baby.”

  I smacked him in the shoulder. “Now that would really be overdoing it.”

  We pulled into the parking lot of the Walmart in Sydney River so that Gavin could pick up the gift he’d promised Ryan before heading to the blood den. Still feeling a little agitated from the argument I decided to stay in the car checking emails. A few minutes apart to decompress seemed like a good idea. Gavin soon returned carrying a large box with a Transformers logo on it. So much for a small present.

  “Gavin,” I said as he started the car again after putting the box in the trunk. “What the heck is that?”

  “It’s a pop up tent. Not one you can camp in or anything but he can set it up in his room.”

  “You said you were only going to get a small gift.”

  “And I did. It’s a small tent.”

  I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “You’re a good man, Gavin MacDonald.”

  He didn’t say anything, simply gave me a smile and got back on the road. Sitting there watching the rain, now pelting the glass in a downpour my thoughts continued to focus on Ryan. Specifically how much he loved his dad. Gavin had turned out to be a loving and protective father. He loved the little boy, who wasn’t truly his, with his whole heart. Unconditionally and unquestioningly. Showing and teaching him, carrying him on his shoulders, scaring away the monsters under the bed. Gavin did it all. In fact he didn’t just do it he reveled in it, he lived for him. One look at Ryan and it was clear to anyone who’d seen Aries who his real father was. Of course all the vampires knew the story but the humans instinctively knew something was fishy too. I had read the thoughts of some of the other mothers at Ryan’s preschool and they were suspicious that Gavin wasn’t Ryan’s father. They wondered if Gavin himself knew or suspected. I did my best to ignore their thoughts by shutting them out, but sometimes I’d forget to put my guard up and accidentally end up hearing them. I made drop offs and pickups from preschool Gavin’s job as much as I could.

  “He is mine,” I heard Gavin say out of nowhere. Just as his thoughts had crept into my mind, my thoughts must have bled into his for a moment.

  “I know,” I said. It was my turn to look guilty now.

  “I know it bothers you when you hear those thoughts, but don’t even worry about it. Ryan is perfect and everything is going to be just fine. We’ll get the answers we need and go from there.”

  “Yes,” I said, “we will.”

  Chapter Two

  As we entered the lobby of the blood den we were greeted by Moroltho. He jumped over the desk as he always did. “Ah, the lovebirds. We’ve been expecting you.” He took my hand in his and giving me his most charming smile, kissed it as per his usual routine. “It’s always so lovely to see you,” he said.

  “Moroltho, do they ever give you a day off?” I asked.

  He laughed, his head rolling back, his long black hair shaking with the sound. “I might miss something if they did. Follow me, we have your room all ready for you.”

  We made our way down the corridor and into the suite. I smiled. They had given us the room we had used on the first night we’d spent here together. I had been only a couple of weeks into my transformation and Gavin needed a safe environment to teach me how to feed without killing. I had experienced that here with him for the first time. Come to think of it I had experienced a lot of things here for the first time. I shuddered with pleasure at the thought of that night, and all the other nights we’d spent here since. There was a large basket with a bottle of wine and pretty glasses inside, along with fruit and trinkets given to us by the den.

  Gavin thanked Moroltho and tipped him, then he wished us a happy anniversary and excused himself. We opened the wine and had a glass as we sat together on the bed. Gavin clinked his against mine. “Happy anniversary baby. And here’s to many more.”

  “Many, many more,” I said, taking the glass from his hand.

  “Getting right down to business are we?”

  “Yes. Shut up and take your pants off.”

  Gavin threw his head back and laughed his goofy laugh. “Man eater,” he said.

  “Yes literally, and it’s all your fault. Now lay back and get eaten.”

  “Don’t you want to feed?” I watched as he peeled his shirt off over his head and lowered his jeans. I pushed him down on the bed, getting on top of him, kissing his neck, licking first then biting. “Oh god,” he breathed, knotting his hands up in my hair. I fed from him, taking in the sweet warmth of his blood until it filled me. Feeling his hardness pressing up against me as I lay my body down on his, I groaned.

  “You’re turn,” he said suddenly, flipping me over onto my back. I laughed and he slowly unbuttoned my shirt, his fingers grazing the tops of my breasts. His fangs emerged and in one swift motion he tore the fabric of my bra, leaving it in shreds and exposing me to him. His mouth found my right nipple and he suckled it, gently pulling and tugging. He rolled the other one between his thumb and index finger as he worked them both to a fevered peak. My eyes were dark and fangs extended as well and I could feel the intensity build between us. My jeans were gone in a flash and now we were both naked. I sighed, his skin on mine, his hands and mouth doing their work, whenever we were together like this everything in my world was right.

  Gavin always made everything alright. He made me feel safe and secure, loved and protected. He was the best thing in my life and I clung to him in that moment, knowing that he was truly the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to me. Being turned had come with its own set of difficulties but in the time before I’d known him my life was only sickness and sorrow and loneliness. His presence in my world had given me a strength and a sanity I never knew was possible.

  He bit down on my jugular taking in my blood as I had taken his and I felt his body relax into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and bucked my hips, feeling the edge of his hardness brush up against me slightly. Suddenly he let go. “We should get someone in here,” he said, his breath jagged and rough. I nodded. Gavin reached for the intercom but at the last second I grabbed his hand, stopping him.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t want to feed tonight. I just want to be with you. Can we feed in the

  “Yeah,” he smiled. “Of course but… I’m crazy for you. I don’t want us to get carried away.”

  The way he looked at me in that moment made me realize that even though we had forever to do the things we’d planned, I didn’t want to wait. I wanted him here and now and to make him happy in every way that I possibly could. “No. Let’s get carried away,” I smiled.

  “Rachel, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying what you think I’m saying. I think you’re right. I think it’s time to try for a baby. I’ve been full blooded for a while and Ryan probably should have a little brother or sister. Being an only child is starting to spoil him.”

  He gasped with surprise, burrowing his head in my shoulder for a moment before kissing me. “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure. No child ever had a better father than Ryan has, and I know you’ll be a great father to another child too. It will make us all happy.” I cupped his face in my hands. “It would be silly to wait because I’m afraid. I just realized that with you by my side there’s nothing I fear. You always do your best to make everything ok.”

  “Rachel,” he said, his eyes reddening. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do.”

  “Well then…better get to work,” I whispered in his ear.

  He smiled wide. “If it’s a baby you want, then a baby you’ll get. Brace yourself woman.”

  “Such a caveman,” I laughed. Gavin pounded his chest with his fists.

  “Baby time,” he said. With that his mouth was back on my neck, clamping down, feeding heavily. I sighed as he pulled my legs up, pinning them around his arms. He gave a low animalistic growl as he entered me, thrusting with all his force, filling me completely.

  I pulled his neck to my mouth as he stopped feeding so that I could feed from him again. He groaned with pleasure, thrusting and bucking with all of his strength as I took his blood. The friction and the heat built between us and I felt myself climaxing, tightening around him as he continued to roughly take me. He bit me again and I could feel he wanted to let go.

  “Don’t hold back,” I whispered to him.

  Suddenly his mouth clamped down over mine, stifling the moan that was about to escape from me and he bucked even harder, taking me with all his might. I came again as he did, and as I tightened my grip on him once more I felt his body stiffen. He threw his head back and with his mouth agape, filled me with everything he had.

  He collapsed on top of me, and then the only sound in the room was our rhythmic breath. Taking me to his chest as he always did, and rubbing my back absently, he stared at the ceiling. He was smiling with his eyes closed.

  “Pretty proud of yourself aren’t you?”

  “Mmmm… Is there any reason I shouldn’t be?”

  “Hell no. What are you thinking?” I asked.

  He laughed. “I’m thinking of names.”

  “Jumping the gun a bit aren’t we? It’s only our first try. It might not even work.”

  “You know what? You’re right. We should make the extra effort.”

  Within half a second he had me on my back again. “Oh my,” I said as he began kissing me all over once more. “We may need a few tries I think.”

  “Oh, I’ll stay here all night if need be. Tonight, tomorrow night and the night after that. I’ll knock you up if it’s the last thing I do.”

  I shuddered with pleasure as he entered me again. “Yeah,” I sighed. “We’ll want to know that we did everything we could. Oh god, bite my neck again. I think that’ll really help.”

  Gavin’s fangs released with a sharp snap. “Whatever you say, my love.”

  Chapter Three

  We fed the next morning just as a matter of necessity. Both of us were a little depleted from spilling each other’s blood all night and so as soon as we were done we headed out. Unlike the day before the sun had come out and the drive between Sydney and Soldiers Cove was pleasant and beautiful. The greenery was really starting to come in and the temperatures were heating up in preparation for summer. The humans were loving it, going around in their shorts and tank tops, albeit a bit prematurely since it was only early June. I looked out the window enjoying the sunshine, my full blooded eyes having fully adjusted to the light. The days of having to wear the Prada glasses were long behind me.

  “Do you feel any different?” Gavin asked.

  “It’s only been a few hours honey. Try to be patient. We’ll know soon enough.”

  “As soon as you know you’ll say something right?”

  “Gavin, I swear, you’ll be the second to know.”

  “Second? Who’s first?”

  “Me, of course,” I said, teasing him. This could be fun.

  Gavin scrunched up his face, thinking about that. “Oh. Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”

  We arrived home around noon and Gavin put the tent in Ryan’s room. He loved it so much he didn’t want to leave, and in fact, insisted on eating dinner in it that night. Gavin joined him and I brought up two plates. Ryan opened the tent flap grabbing them with his little hands. “Thanks Mommy,” he said, closing it quickly.

  “Not gonna invite me in?”

  “Sorry, Mommy,” I heard Gavin reply from inside. “No girls allowed.”

  I made my way out of the room, laughing and shaking my head. “Alright then. I’ll go eat in peace.” Since I didn’t have to push my food around my plate, pretending to eat for Ryan’s sake, I emptied my portion into the garbage and began loading the dishwasher. When I was finished I sat down at my laptop and booted up. I had a search going from earlier and I wanted to finish looking through an old Scandinavian family tree that might lead us to some answers about Ryan’s turning. I hadn’t even begun to read again when there was a knock at the door.

  I looked to the screen door to see Duncan standing there with a stranger. A man of about thirty. Duncan’s visits had become more frequent in the last year or so as he came around to making peace with the loss of my mother, Phillipine. The severing of the blood bond had devastated him, turning him into a frenzied monster. He had regained most of his control and was attempting to feed without killing, or at least without torturing. His appearance had improved too. Every season he seemed to lose a few more years. When I met him he had the appearance of someone in his eighties. Now he looked like a man in his late fifties. His skin was smoother and some of the reddish color was even starting to make its way back into his hair. The most noticeable thing however, were his eyes. Five years ago they were disturbingly vacant, now they shone as if lit from within, especially when visiting with his grandson.

  I opened the door, greeting him with a smile. “Duncan!” Even with the revelation that he was my father, I just for some reason could not bring myself to call him ‘Dad.’ He seemed to understand this and never pushed.

  “Hello sweetheart,” he said, giving me a peck on the cheek upon crossing the threshold. “How was your anniversary?”

  “It was wonderful.” I said. I tried to keep my eyes off his friend until we’d been politely introduced but I stole a quick glance, unable to help myself. The man he had with him was burly and fair skinned with light brown hair and pale blue eyes. He was taller than Duncan by a head and with a broad, muscular frame, very handsome. He came in with his arms folded over his chest, looking around as if surveying the house. He then looked at me, doing the same.

  Duncan noticed and cleared his throat. “Rachel, I’d like you to meet Kenzie McKenzie.”

  He stuck out his hand. “My parents were not very creative, I’m afraid,” he said in a Scottish accent that was just as thick and robust as Duncan’s.

  I laughed. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Mr. Kenzie McKenzie.” Despite his larger than life demeanor he gave an air of warmth and approachability. Just then Ryan bounded down the stairs, followed by Gavin who was carrying both dirty plates. Seeing we had company he quickly put them down on the kitchen counter and joined us.

  “Grampie!” Ryan squealed, running to Duncan who scooped him up
immediately, giving him a toss in the air.

  “How are you lad? Are you being a good boy?”

  Ryan shook his head vigorously and began talking excitedly, his words like rapid gunfire. “Yeah, I’m good. Daddy got me a new tent. It’s up in my room, come and see it. You can read books in there and eat in there and color in there and only boys are allowed.”

  “That’s very interesting.” Duncan gave me a smile that said, ‘bless his little heart’.

  Gavin smiled as well, putting his arm around my waist. “Why don’t you go back to your tent and maybe Grampie will come see it in a few minutes. We want to catch up with him first.”

  “Will you come?” Ryan asked Duncan.

  “I’ll be there in a jiffy. I need to have a chat with Mama and Papa first.”

  “Ok.” With that Ryan bounded back up the stairs leaving us alone.

  “Gavin,” I said. “This is Kenzie McKenzie.”

  “Oh.” I could see him repressing a smile. “Nice to meet you. I’m Gavin, Rachel’s husband.”

  “And a lucky young fella you are,” he smiled as he shook.

  Duncan spoke, taking on a decidedly more serious tone. “We should all have a seat. There are things we need to discuss.”

  “Please, sit down,” Gavin said. We all took a seat at the large kitchen table. I offered tea but nobody was in the mood, which was good because I wasn’t in the mood to make it either. They were sitting there now as if they’d come to deliver bad news.

  Duncan must have seen the concern on my face because he said, “It’s alright. He knows. You can speak freely in front of him.”

  Gavin sat next to me, taking my hand beneath the table. Duncan and Kenzie sat directly across from us in hesitation. “You’ve found something out about Ryan haven’t you?”

  Duncan swallowed. “Yes. I’m afraid you’re not going to like it.”

  Gavin squeezed. “Tell us,” he said.

  “If I may,” Kenzie said. “Duncan has informed me of your…predicament.” He lowered his eyes awkwardly as he said the word. “Scotland is overrun with those filthy satyrs. This is a situation we’ve run into a few times I’m afraid.”


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