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Slave World

Page 19

by Johnny Stone

  Mistress walked me among the crowd, chatting eagerly with her friends. It wasn’t uncommon to feel hands touching me in the process, appraising my flesh. They marveled at my beauty and strength, complementing my Mistress, telling her what a lucky woman she was to have such an exquisite pet such as myself.

  At some point the Mistress habitually started petting my hair with slow, lingering touches, as if the feel of it had a soothing effect on her. If you’re wondering, the answer is yes, I was enjoying all of it. I liked the attention. I liked the feel of Mistress petting me. I liked the feel of strangers approvingly touching my body, of being praised and valued. I liked the feeling of being special. I felt like royalty, even if I was only a pony slave.

  I stood silently while the Mistress talked, finally given the chance to take in my surroundings in detail. It had all flashed by me in such a crazy blur earlier. Much to my shocked astonishment, it seemed ponies weren’t the only altered human pets the Master had. He lounged in a large padded recliner now, talking jovially with another man. A woman that was more cat-like in appearance than anything, was between his legs sucking him off, tail flicking back and forth, ear’s twitching happily. There were numerous other ‘puppies’ and ‘kittens’ scattered among the guests engaged in a plethora of sexual acts. An over abundance of multi-colored body fur made them look even more inhuman, than I was. I had to admit the little bunny girls were kind of cute, with their fluffy cotton ball tails, floppy ears and pink button noses.

  Human furniture; there were slaves being used as furniture, scattered about for the guests to sit on, or use as foot stools and tables for their drinks. The servers that drifted among the crowd were of course slaves, but wearing a special harness fitted with trays to their back, head or held in their mouths. Most crawled on hands and knees, wearing tight-fitting leather hoods with tiny eye slits, and a small opening for their nose. I’d never seen anything like it in my wildest dreams.

  A beautiful blonde, just as exquisitely dressed yet proudly exposed as the Mistress, stopped to talk with her for a few moments. She didn’t seem very interested in the Mistress though; her indiscriminate gaze never left me. We locked eyes, when one of her fingers delicately touched the inside of my thigh, leisurely probing deeper. I shifted my stance, spreading my feet to allow her finger the access it sought. My pussy quaked and shivered while she slowly fingered me, grinning seductively, pretending to keep a conversation with Mistress. Ugh, she was making me horny!

  After several agonizing minutes of pointless banter, her finger reappeared allowing me to catch my protesting breath. It was slick, and covered in a liberal glaze of aroused fluid. I’d been close, very, very close. The woman’s salutary brown eyes fluttered, when she brought her finger to her lips, making a slow circle around them, smelling me, tasting me. She approved, and I smiled again.

  A troop of dancers drew my attention after the woman faded back into the crowd, her lewd curiosity apparently satisfied. They were nude or scantily dressed, wearing elaborately decorated and ornate facemasks, plums of feathers, and brightly colored body paints. They moved gracefully, provocatively, twisting and coiling in time to the dark, highly synthesized and erotic sounding music. Their dancing frequently evolved into sexual acts fueling my wanton fervor all the more.

  The entire room stank of immoral sex and rang with the cries of drunken rhapsody. The party seemed to be degenerating into nothing more than a vulgar slice of depravity; guests fucking slaves, slaves fucking guests. I couldn’t even tell who was who any longer, except by a few pieces of clothing or jewelry still being worn. A bullwhip cracked relentlessly against flesh in the background, and a woman screamed in the throes of painful rapture.

  There were several mass orgies consisting of no less than thirty or forty people going in the small alcove’s surrounding the large room, many of them involving pets. I watched captively as a well-endowed puppy boy mounted a woman from behind, going to town on her upturned ass, while she squealed in pleasure, bucking against him. When he was finished, another puppy immediately took his place. I smirked at the grim reality of it; as far as I could tell, there wasn’t a shred of difference between a rich, classy whore and a common one when she’s on her hands and knees, taking it in the ass.

  There were dozens of small cages spaced periodically about the room, filled with both male and female pets, patiently waiting to be used. They were predominantly puppies and kittens, but some of the cages contained women modified to look like twisted versions of sows with multiple pairs of swollen breasts trailing down their torsos, or cows with incredibly engorged breasts. A few of them were hooked up to milking machines, and I cringed after watching some of the guests fill their glasses right from the tap of an obviously pregnant cow. Her eyes didn’t look right; they were dim and out of focus, as if there was nothing but true animal intelligence resting behind them. It gave me the shivers.

  There was a woman in chains and cuffs, blindfolded and gagged, strapped on her back to a shining black table. She pulled at her restraints, writhing, lost in a world of torturous bliss from the vibrating patch placed over her clit. Her body shimmered in the light, covered in cum from what looked to be the residue of countless men and women that had relieved themselves upon her. There were names and signatures written about her body, more than I could count at any rate. Periodically a man or woman would stand over her masturbating, fucking her mouth, sometimes both. Afterwards, they would put their mark on her like all the others, continuing the onslaught of degradation. She was a guest; slaves didn’t wear three-carat, multi faceted diamond earrings.

  Two young women took turns straddling a trio of prone slaves, riding them while laughing playfully, all the while sipping at their colorful drinks. The depravity went on and on, like a perpetual display of leather-clad insanity.

  The hoots and squeals of high-spirited mischief broke through the clamor behind me, and the Mistress turned me to face it. I was hard pressed to contain my laughter at the sight of Cirus and another pony from his team, carrying young girls on their backs like human leeches, an improvised imitation of the Mistress and I. They were all naked including the four other girls running in their wake, screaming at the top of their lungs. Cirus gave me a dark look in the passing, and this time I didn’t try to hide my smile.

  “Ashley! You and your friends be nice to Cirus…he’s…just play nice with him, please?”

  “I will mother, just going to borrow him for a little while, see ya later!” The twentyish-something carbon copy of the Mistress, yelled from Cirus’ back. So that’s her daughter, back from university with her friends. One of the girls surged ahead of the pack, coming alongside Cirus. She was trying to grope his massive cock that swung heavily from side to side as he ran. Brave girl, he was packing some serious meat, and I wondered briefly if she, or any of them for that matter, could handle it. Apparently so, it wasn’t like it was a surprise what they were getting themselves into, or getting into them.

  The Mistress started to mumble to herself as her daughter and the wild throng of horny college girls disappeared from view in a flurry of laughter.

  “I wish they wouldn’t do that to him, I wish they would just leave my Cirus alone.” Maybe it was the sense of empathy I had, I don’t know, but her sudden downcast mood washed over me. There was something else laced with it as well; Cirus wasn’t jerking me around, when he said that he was her favorite.

  Her dour mood changed as quickly as a light being turned on, when she stood slightly in the stirrups, waving excitedly. “Nathan! Nathan, hi Nathan,” she cried, drawing my gaze. He was tucked out of the way in a dim corner, secluded from the madness, speaking with another of the Overseers. He glanced in our direction, a drink in one hand and a cigarette in the other.

  “Let’s go see, Nathan,” she said, prompting me through the crowd. As we drew nearer, a strange expression, one I couldn’t quite read stared back at me. It was almost like he was nervous or trying to hide something. A light tap from the Mistress’ crop
signaled me to kneel.

  “Nathan, she’s so much fun to play with, did you train her?” She threw her arms around his neck, hugging him fiercely.

  What the hell! I was starting to wonder if there was something going on between the two of them as well as with Cirus. On this crazy world, it wouldn’t surprise me. It seemed the Master and Mistress had an open relationship; that little cat girl was riding him now, and either she didn’t care, or was too oblivious to her surroundings to notice.

  “Yes, I did, Donna, Happy Birthday. You like her then?” He kissed her lightly on the cheek, and a burst of angry heat welled up inside me. Was I growing jealous of her?

  “Oh yes, she’s so wonderful! I’m going to name her tonight, what do you think? What should I call her?”

  “I think that would be nice, Donna, she’s earned it.” Nathan gave me an impish grin, that under different circumstances I would have found incredibly sexy. “I think Margo would be a nice name for her, don’t you?” Mistress’ face went blank, with deliberating uncertainty.

  “Margo? Oh yes, such a pretty name. I like it!” She threw her arms about his neck again, molding her near nakedness against him. Nathan’s strong arms, the same ones that I’d come to find an easy solace in, moved around her waist, hugging her in return. I was boiling inside; I’d been lied to again, and I believed it! Burke was probably fucking her dim-witted brains out every night.

  This time when the Mistress stroked the side of my head I didn’t whinny, I was pissed, eyes glowing in naive stupidity. Nathan was just like all the other men that had crapped on me over the years. What the hell was I thinking anyway? I can’t believe I bought into his game. I can’t believe I let myself fall for him so quickly. I did fall for him, didn’t I, or was it something much more than just simple infatuation? Oh my god, I think I’m in love him.

  “Thank you, Nathan, she’s the best present I’ve ever gotten. I wish mom and dad were still here to see her, I miss them.”

  “Me too, Donna, me too. You still have the holograms to talk to? They help some don’t they?” Am I missing something here? He released her and they stood silently for a few moments hand in hand. I think she was starting to cry.

  “Yes, but it’s not the same. At least I still have you, you’ll always be with me, won’t you, Nathan?”

  “I’ll always be here for you, Donna.” Burke paused, looking at me with a sad twinkle in his eyes. “Do you remember the stories I used to tell you about the person who saved me all those years ago when I was in the Marines? Maybe someday you can meet her.”

  “I’d like that, Nathan, I’d like to meet the person who saved my little brother from all the monsters and stuff. Your stories are scary sometimes, but I like them. I always have to keep the light on when I go to bed afterwards.” He was talking about me… My heart fluttered. Nathan had been thinking of me, telling stories about me, even before I’d arrived on this out of control, zoo of a world. “I know you do, Donna, but don’t worry,” his voice turned bitterly hard. “Me and my friends took care of the monsters. They won’t hurt people ever again.”

  I was in near shock, looking at them side by side. Yes, I could see the resemblance now; they were brother and sister! So many emotions came crashing in, relief that he wasn’t screwing around with her, and shame for doubting him, but her brother? That would mean he was one of them, the elite of the planet. Why would he lower himself to the position of a simple Overseer? Why was he covering it up? It just didn’t make any sense.

  The Master suddenly appeared at my side smelling strongly of sex and booze. “Ah, Nathan, excellent work training the new pony! I’m so glad I bought her now.” One of his hands openly caressed my ass. I shuddered, gasping under a dose of ecstasy. He’d just activated the pleasure setting on my remote.

  “Can you can believe it, I’ve had several offers for her already, one at nearly three times what I paid for her.” Mistress had opened her mouth with the first signs of protest. “Don’t worry dear, I won’t be selling her.”

  “She’s good stock, Michael, a quick learner. I can’t take all the credit,” Nathan answered curtly.

  “Yes, of course, I can see that now. Nathan, why don’t you take Donna for a nice ride around the ranch? It’s beautiful out tonight and there’s a team already waiting out front.”

  “But I don’t want to, I want to ride Margo, I want to play with her some more!” The Master gave her an odd, brow-raising look.

  “You’ve named her already? Such an interesting choice… Did Nathan help you with that one?” She nodded quickly, with a broad, toothy grin.

  “I thought so.” He knew it was my real name.

  “C’mon, Donna, let’s go watch some vids of mom and dad,” Nathan whispered in her ear; a mockery of forced cheerfulness. “Maybe from our trip to Gelasium III when we were kids? Or maybe we can play a game, how’s that sound?” She looked uncertain and confused, but with Nathan’s persistence, she began to hesitantly draw away.

  Nathan glanced back at the Master and I one last time. The look in his eyes froze me to the core; I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it. Why am I not concerned with the fact that Nathan’s leaving me?

  I was alone with the Master now, panting softly with unfocused eyes, while the warm dew of creamy lust beaded anxiously from my pussy. He’d been slowly increasing the pleasure setting of my remote. Nathan… His memory was fading just as quickly as my inhibitions under the invariable power of the remote.

  I, wiggling my ass, neighing ecstatically, bending over slightly as the Master’s fingers toyed with the insatiable hole between my legs. I came, just a little, but it was enough to let him know I was eager and willing for his use.

  “I’m definitely glad I bought you, 18. I don’t think Burke should have suggested your old name to Donna though; it just might remind you of whom you used to be. Of course, none of that matters any longer.”

  I spread my legs a little further. I wanted to feel him inside me, right here in front of everyone, that way they could see what a good pony slut I was for my Master. He chuckled, driving three of his fingers hard and deep, almost angrily inside me with a brutish grunt. I couldn’t have contained the moaning release that flowed around them if I tried.

  “You are anxious for it, aren’t you, 18? So eager to please, so willing to my needs… I bet you like it rough too, don’t you?” I nodded enthusiastically. The Master grabbed my reins, jerking my face to his. He licked my cheek in a long drawn out motion, pinching one of my nipples so hard, that it made my knees buckle. “Let’s go find out if you’re really worth the money I spent on you, shall we?”


  The distant sounds of the slumbering jungle, and the soothing blue glow of Slave World’s single near moon, did little to comfort Burke’s seething mind. He stormed across the dimming courtyard away from the main house, fists clenched tightly in balls of simmering rage. That son of a bitch… Imaginary visions flashed behind his dangerous eyes, inconceivable visions of Michael and Margo alone for the last four hours. Thankfully he’d taken her someplace private for his entertainment; if Burke had even so much as caught a glimpse of the two of them together… On several occasions tonight, he’d had been a hairsbreadth away from getting a gun, and doing some very bad things with it.

  It didn’t help his mood that Donna had been exceptionally difficult to handle tonight. All she talked about was going back to the party so she could play with her birthday present. It quickly grew into the frustrating tizzy of an obsessive-compulsive tantrum that any child would have for something that was denied them for reasons they didn’t understand. It was also during rare times like tonight when her fits became so bad that Burke needed to hold her immobile in his arms, comforting her with soothing words until she finally tired herself into an exhausted slumber.

  Burke continued to distance himself from the party that boiled out of control behind him, while the music and cries of perverse dementia taunted him every step of the way. The drunke
n laughter struck a particular cord as if they were laughing at him personally, laughing at his failure to shield Margo from Michael’s depravity. It was nothing more than an illusionary beast; they couldn’t have known how he felt for her, and neither could Michael. And how did he feel about her? Memories of a painful past, and leery apprehension towards any woman, slave or not, still lingered in the back of his mind.

  He came to a stop on a low bridge overtop a slow river and calm pool of water. Night insects buzzed the air and the occasional plop of a fish broke the serene tranquility. He lit a cigarette, leaning against the railing, gazing remorsefully up at the night sky. I should have never gotten involved with her… I should have known better. Burke shook his head with a snort. There was no fighting the inevitable, and there was no going back now. The short time they’d spent together in the jungle yesterday proved that.

  Margo… her name kissed his lips, an uncertain whisper. So what now? Should I try to break it off with her? The longer they continued with their secret affair, the more painful it would become for the both of them. He’d foolishly tried to distance himself from her today during training for both their sakes. The effect it had on her, not to mention himself, was immediate. She was so delicate and fragile in a way. It was obvious that she needed him just as much as he needed her in his life.

  As much as he wanted to, Burke couldn’t just walk back in the house and take Margo, she was property, and Michael had the law on his side. He would never win a fight against a system that was designed to protect itself, not here at least. Michael had grown powerful because of his marriage to Donna, not nearly as powerful as he thought, but enough so that he would rally the Landowners behind him at such a blatant disregard for their entire way of life. And there was still Donna’s safety to consider. Michael may be a conniving worm and a coward, but he was a smart and brutal one as well. They both knew that Donna’s wellbeing was the only thing keeping him in check.


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