Ottoman Empire: 64
Constitution of, 10
decline of, 4
Istanbul, 10
jamiat in, 11–12
Tanzimat reforms, 5, 84
territory of, 3, 5, 8–9, 26, 90
Young Turks revolt (1908), 10
Pakistan: 145
Abbottabad, xv, 101, 111, 116
borders of, 144
Peshawar, 142–3
Palestine: 32
Gaza War (2008–9), 159, 178, 191
Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Syrian Ba’ath support for, 148
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO): 54, 141, 159
expulsion from Jordan (1970), 101
members of, 72
Palmyra Massacre (1980): 115, 128
casualty figures of, 114
pan-Arabism: xiii
People’s Party: 49, 198
links with Muslim Brotherhood (Syrian), 36, 51, 196
members of, 30
Persian Gulf War (1990–1): Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait (1990), 169
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP): Syrian Ba’ath support for, 148
Qabbani, Nizar: poetry of, 32
al-Qaeda: 101, 104, 138, 141–4, 146, 148, 193
affiliates of, 153, 186
members of, xv, 103, 111, 116, 133, 143, 145, 187
operatives of, 149
participation in Iraqi insurgency movement, 150–1
al-Qaqaa, Abu: background of, 151
sermons of, 152
al-Qasimi, Jamal al-Din: 9–10, 84
Qatar: 190
Doha, 188
al-Qubaysi, Munira: founder of Qubayisyat, 158
Qubayisyat: growth of, 158–9
origins of, 158
al-Qudsi, Nazim: head of People’s Party, 30
Qutb, Sayyid: 100, 142
influence of, 99–101, 143–4
Signposts, 99–100
al-Quwwatli, Shukri: 28
leader of National Bloc, 16, 27
supporters of, 16
Rabitat al-Ulama (Union of Ulama): alliance with Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 28
al-Rachid, Imad al-Din: 200
Ramadan, Ahmed: founder of National Action Group for Syria (2011), 197
al-Rashid, Imam Eddine: 189
Rida, Rashid: 21
influence of, 12
al-Rifa’I, Osama: 157
Ibn Rushd: 7
Russo-Turkish War (1877): 5
Sa’adah, Antun: head of Social Nationalist Party, 28
Saadeddine, Adnan: xv, 94, 101, 118, 125, 130, 132, 163–4, 166–7
leader of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 97, 123
signatory of Charter of Islamic Front, 120
al-Sadat, Anwar: President of Egypt, 131
al-Sadr, Musa: 72
Safour, Walid: 112, 185
background of, 75–6, 165
director of SHRC. 75
Sa’id, Adnan: 94
Salafism: 9, 11, 21, 26, 83–5, 89, 96, 152, 201
ideology of, 3–4, 27
origins of, 3–6
radical, 4
Salem, Zouheir: 91, 164, 170–4, 191
spokesman for Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 192
Salmani, Colonel Mohammed: 130
Sarem, Youssef: assassination of (1979), 75
Saudi Arabia: 8, 95, 115, 132, 165, 186, 190
government of, 133
Mecca, 47, 93
support for Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 132–3
weaponry smuggled through, 129
Sayyaf, Abddul Rasul: 144
Second World War (1939–45): 14
Services Bureau: 144
founding of (1984), 142
influence over development of al-Qaeda, 143
purpose of, 142
al-Shaar, Muhammad Ibrahim: Syrian Interior Minister, 75
Shabbab Muhammad: 13, 24
al-Sham, Suqour: 186
Shawish, Zuhair: 86, 90
Shi’ites: 96
al-Shimali, Munzir: death of, 45
Shishakli, Colonel Adib: regime of (1951–4), 38
al-Shorbaji, Ayman: xv
al-Shuqfeh, Muhammad Riyad: 45, 91, 94, 116, 124, 127, 163, 166, 175, 191
assassination attempts against, 165
leader of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 102, 165, 188
al-Shuqraqi, Tamim: 104
shura: concept of, 10
al-Sibai, Mustapha: 31, 33, 35, 86
background of, 23, 86
death of (1964), 86
electoral performance of (1957), 37, 39
ideology of, 25–7, 53
imprisonment of (1952), 38
Ishtirakiyyat al-Islam (‘The Socialism of Islam’) (1959), 33–4
leader of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 19, 23–4, 32, 86, 89, 171
Sieda, Abdul Baseet: leader of SNC, 189
Ibn Sina: 7
Six-Day War (1967): belligerents of, 54
socialism: 20
Arab, 33, 37–8
Islamic, 33–4, 36, 195
souk: 59
concept of, 51–2
political importance of, 52
Soviet Union (USSR): 34, 70, 132
Invasion of Afghanistan (1979–89), 99, 132, 141–3, 147, 204
Spain: Madrid, 145
Madrid bombings (2004), 145
Stalin, Josef: 35
Sufism: 8, 11, 21, 26, 90
condemnation of, 84
orders of, 13, 90
Sunnism: 6–7, 14, 37, 46–7, 57–8, 63, 67, 70, 73, 76, 104, 146, 153, 158, 177, 184
branches of, 8
condemnation of Alawis, 65
denouncement by Syrian Salafists, 9
presence in Syrian governmental cabinets, 71
al-Suri, Abu Mus’ab (Mustafa Setmarian Nasar): xv, 116–17, 127, 143
background of, 123
departure to London (1994), 145
member of Fighting Vanguard, 103, 144, 187
member of al-Qaeda, 103, 133, 187
memoirs of, 121, 131, 133
released from prison (2012), 187; ‘The Global Islamic Resistance Call’, 145
Switzerland: Geneva, 93
Syria: 8–9, 122
8 March Revolution (1963), 40, 67, 69
Alawi population of, xii, 25, 56, 64–8, 184–6, 188
Aleppo, xii, 17, 24, 26, 30, 50, 52, 56–8, 60, 76, 82–3, 88–9, 91, 94–5, 97, 103–5, 113, 123, 125, 127, 151–2, 163, 167–8, 170, 175, 186–7, 190, 192, 194–6, 198, 204
Banyas, 70
borders of, 142, 149
Chamber of Deputies, 66
Christian population of, 14, 25, 68, 70, 173, 184, 186, 188, 205
Constituent Assembly, 29–31
Constitution of (1950), 48
Constitution of (1973), 48
Damascus, xii–xiii, xv, 3, 8–11–13, 15–17, 24, 26, 29–30, 32–3, 37, 48, 50, 52–3, 57, 60, 67–8, 71, 82–4, 86–7, 90–1, 95, 97, 102, 130, 132–3, 139–40, 149–53, 158–9, 161, 175, 177–9, 187, 191, 194, 198, 201
Dar’a, xi, 50, 182–3
Deir ez-Door, 24, 45, 50, 58, 60, 91, 94, 118
Druze population of, 25, 68
economy of, 53–4, 57–8
French Mandate of (1920–46), 13–15, 17, 27–8, 65, 68, 85
government of, 15, 39, 46, 148, 150
Hama, xi–xii, xvi, 13, 23–4, 26, 45, 48, 50–1, 56, 58–60, 75, 82, 88–9, 91, 94, 97–8, 101–2, 104, 122–4, 126, 129, 139–40, 163, 165, 167–8, 181, 183, 190, 192, 194–5, 204
Hama riots (1964), 45, 72, 89, 101
Homs, xii, 13, 23, 35, 52, 75, 91, 112, 124, 185, 190, 193–4, 204
independence of (1946), 4, 15, 19–20, 27, 49, 66, 68, 201
Interior Ministry, 111
Ismali population of, 68
jihadist activity in, 152–3
Jisr al-Shugour, 58, 76
Jewish population of, 25
Latakia, 66, 68, 70, 74, 76, 82, 88, 91, 94, 146
military of, 68–9, 71–2, 75–6
People’s Assembly, 103
Qardaha, 74
Sunni population of, 14, 46–7, 57–8, 60, 63, 67, 146, 158, 184
Tartus, 70
Syrian Civil War (2012–), xi, 64, 159, 181, 184, 193, 204
rebel fighting unit activity in, 186
shelling of Baba Amr quarter (2012), 184
siege of Homs (2012), 186–7
Syrian Communist Party: 33
members of, 28, 35
Syrian General Intelligence: personnel of, 151, 153
Syrian Human Rights Committee (SHRC): personnel of, 75
Syrian Military Intelligence: bombing of headquarters of (2008), 153
personnel of, 75, 141, 165, 168
torturing of prisoners by, 112
Syrian National Council (SNC): 189, 193–4
formation of (2011), 188
members of, 188–90
National Action Group for Syria, 189, 197–8
Syrian Social Nationalist Party (SSNP): 49
ideology of, 28
members of, 28
Syrian-Soviet Friendship Association: personnel of, 103
Tabba, Sheikh Abd al-Hamid: 16
al-Tabshi, Muhammed Hatem: head of Shura Council, 192
takfir: 10
concept of, 9
al-Tamaddun al Islami: al-Tamaddun, 84
members of, 84–5
taqlid: 8
al-Taraqji, Arif: 30
al-Tartousi, Abu Baseer: background of, 146–7
Tawheed Brigades: 186
Tayfour, Farouk: 164
deputy leader of Syrian Muslim Brotherhood, 189, 192
member of SNC, 189
Ibn Taymiyya: condemnation of Alawis, 64–5, 73, 84, 101, 185, 202
condemnation of Sufism, 84
influence of, 8–10, 21, 84, 98
sanctioning of takfir, 9–10
writings of, 12
Tito, Josip Broz: 37
Tlass, Mustafa: Syrian Defence Minister, 71, 75
Transportation Security Administration (TSA): enhanced screening list of, 154
Troupes Spéciales: non-Sunni Arab personnel of, 68
Tunisia: Revolution (2010–11) xi, 181, 183, 194
al-Turk, Riad: 177
Turkey: 111, 115, 165, 183
Istanbul, 188, 205
Justice and Development Party (AKP), 96, 158, 173, 199
ulama: 11, 25, 30–1, 48, 90, 120, 155
concept of, 7
Damascene, 84
influence of, 47, 58, 198
orthodox, 84
al-‘Umari, Subhi: 30
Umma: 6, 21, 99, 147
concept of, 5
Union of Muslims Students: associates of, 143
United Arab Republic (UAR): 50, 86, 131
formation of (1958), 39–40, 69
members of, 39
Syrian secession from (1961), 40, 54, 86–7
suppression of political activity during. 86–7
United Kingdom (UK): 5, 96
embassies of, 15, 32–3, 37, 66–7
Foreign and Commonwealth Office, xv
London, 67, 75, 106, 112, 145–6, 165, 176, 185, 197–8, 205
United Nations (UN): 169
facilities of, 152
Partition Plan for Palestine (1947), 34
Security Council, 157
United States of America (USA): 131–2, 147
9/11 attacks, 153
Defence Intelligence Agency (DIA), 119, 127–8
embassies of, xv, 145–6, 149–50, 152–3, 175, 178, 198–9
government of, 132
military of, 149
State Department, 148
Treasury Department, 150
Washington DC, xv, 158
Uqlah, Adnan: 117–18, 120–1, 127, 138–9, 163, 203
capture of (1982), 105, 140–1, 144
exile of, 146
influence of, 106, 143
role in Aleppo Artillery School Massacre (1979), 105, 119
visit to Hama (1981), 125–6
Wahhabism: 4, 8, 86, 144
waqfs: 46–7
concept of, 28
Yagan, Amin: 91
assassination of (1998), 175
supporters of, 94
Yom Kippur War (1973): belligerents of, 54
Young Turks: 10
Yusuf, Captain Ibrahim: role in Aleppo Artillery School Massacre (1979), 73, 105
az-Zaim, Abd-us-Sattar: 103–4, 124
death of (1979), 104
leader of Fighting Vanguard, 120
ordering of assassination of Ibrahim al-Nasiri, 103
az-Zain, Colonel Husni: coup led by (1949), 29, 38
removed from power (1949), 29
al-Zarqawi, Abu Mus’ab: 146
al-Zawahiri, Ayman: 187
Zayd: 156
Zebari, Hoshyar: Iraqi Foreign Minister, 150–1
Ziadeh, Radwan: 200
Zoroastrianism: 65
Ashes of Hama: The Muslim Brotherhood in Syria Page 34