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The Green Road Into the Trees

Page 30

by Hugh Thomson

  Story of My Heart, The (Richard Jefferies) 109

  structuralism 249–50

  Stukeley, William 68, 69

  Swannery 17

  swans 17

  Sweet Thames Run Softly (Robert Gibbings) 151

  Swindon 108, 110

  Swinton, Tilda 252

  Sword in the Stone, The (T H White) 44

  Swyncombe 156

  Taylor, Benedict 259–60

  Taylor, Maisie 266, 268, 281

  Tess of the d’Urbervilles (Thomas Hardy) 26

  Tewkesbury Abbey 175

  Therfield Heath 241

  Thomas, Dylan 144–5

  Thomas, Edward 6, 49–50, 125–7, 191, 193

  walking by 210, 211

  Thompson, Elspeth 258

  Thompson, Emma 252

  Thorne, John 82

  Three Men in a Boat (Jerome K Jerome) 153

  Time Team TV series 279


  Stonehenge article in 293–4

  Stonehenge letter in 295

  Timperley, H W 54

  ‘Tipi Valley’ 97

  Towton, battle of 175–6

  Travels with Charley (John Steinbeck) 196

  Tull, Jethro 60

  tumuli 24, 26, 57, 79

  Uffington 82, 101, 113–16, 117, 119, 199, 204

  Under The Sun, BBC series 251

  Uses of Literacy, The (Richard Hoggart) 234

  Vale of Pewsey 81

  Varsity 252

  Vespasian, emperor 29

  Vikings 9, 33, 49, 50, 122, 238–9

  brutality of 237

  conflicting portrayals of 237

  Edmund the Martyr killed by 237

  Ipswich sacked by 155

  at Kingstanding Hill 121–4

  raids of, as God’s punishment 238

  as traders 237


  loved by Kenneth Grahame 139, 212

  lyrical intensity of 38

  and poets 210–11

  Wallington 231–4

  Wandlebury 243–7, 257

  Wars of the Roses 45, 55, 58, 174, 175–6, 241

  Waters, David 75

  Watford 11

  Watlington 190–5

  Wayland’s Smithy 112–13

  Wellplace Farm 169

  Wessex 8, 49

  Alfred’s crucial defence of 122–4

  Saxons create 101

  West Saxons 7–8, 9, 150

  Weymouth Sands (Powys) 30

  Wheeler, Sir Mortimer 29–30, 31

  white-horse hill carvings, see chalk hill carvings

  White Rock, Chuquipalta, Peru 23–4

  White Sheet Hill 52, 53–4

  White, T H 44

  Whiteleaf Cross 198–200

  Wild Swim (Kate Rew) 129–30

  Wilde, Oscar 125

  Wildwood (Roger Deakin) 146

  Wilkinson, George 191

  Williams, Rowan 227

  Wiltshire Avon 59

  Wiltshire Downs 117

  hill-forts along 101

  Wind in the Willows, The (Kenneth Grahame) 110, 128, 139–44, 165, 212

  ‘Piper at the Gates of Dawn’ 139

  Wise, Revd Francis 115

  Wittenham Clumps 147–8, 149–50

  Wodehouse, P G 217

  wood pigeons 217–19

  Woodhenge 67, 70–1, 71–2

  woodland 201–5

  linden trees 204–5

  Wordsworth, William 210–11

  Wormald, Patrick 160

  Yeats, W B 55

  Young, David 19–22

  ‘zero tillage’ 222–3

  see also ploughing; soil, science of

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  Version 1.0

  Epub ISBN 9781409051909

  Published by Preface 2012

  10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

  Copyright © Hugh Thomson 2012

  Hugh Thomson has asserted his right to be identified as the author of this work under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

  Map © John Gilkes

  Illustrations © Adam Burton

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  First published in Great Britain in 2012 by Preface Publishing

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  ISBN 9781848093324




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