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Page 7

by S. W. Gunn

  Johnathan smiled at him before saying, “You’re welcome. Honestly First Officer I don’t blame you. Rose is an amazing woman.”

  “Yes she is. You’re lucky Mr. Fischer.”

  “First Officer may I ask you a serious question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Was it her position or her personally that you were attracted to?”

  He paused to think about the question before pausing and then answering, “I guess it was her position.”

  “What does it matter?” Johnathan asked.

  He frowned before asking himself, “What do you mean?”

  “Well you’re the First Officer. You are the second most important person on this vessel. Why do you need to be with the most important woman on the eco-ship?”

  “Because she’s the Commander.”

  “But you know there are other women out there who would love nothing more than to be in your presence?” Johnathan asked him.

  The First Officer paused in shock as though the thought other women would be interested in him. Johnathan suspect that he was so obsessed with the idea of the Commander that he did not think about anything else.

  Johnathan continued speaking, “Instead of worrying about her position you should find a woman who makes you happy.”

  A thoughtful look crossed his brow. Johnathan could tell that he was sincerely thinking about the statement Johnathan had made.

  He then asked, “Where would I find such a woman?”

  Johnathan was hit with a sudden inspiration.

  He answered, “I know just the girl.”

  “You do?”

  “There is a beautiful young lady who works as a tailor next to the main auditorium on the promenade. I got this outfit made by her. The last time I spoke to her she was telling me how she thought that you were the most amazing man on this vessel.”

  “She was?”

  Johnathan nodded at him as he responded, “You should go and talk to her. She is a very sweet woman who I believe would love nothing more than to treat you how you deserve to be treated.”

  A broad smile grew on the First Officer’s face as he clapped Johnathan on the shoulder, which caused Johnathan to stagger slightly.

  “I’ll go and see her once this shift ends.”

  He turned and hurriedly headed back through the bridge doors. Johnathan turned away and moved onto the elevator. The walk back to his quarters was uneventful.

  As he entered Mark greeted him, “Welcome back Johnathan.”

  “Thanks Mark.”

  “It seems as though you are really making friends and turning things around.”

  Johnathan chuckled before stating, “Yes it does seem that way.”

  “We have got two days to come up with a plan. I think you should just invite her here and play your violin. It will be that easy. Based on her physiological reactions every time you kiss her she will be quite compliant to do anything you desire.”

  Johnathan was nervous thinking about that but he figured he would cross that bridge when the time came.

  Sitting down on his couch Johnathan asked, “Mark do you think I’ve been making a mistake by not trying to be more social? I was sitting there with Rose and she’s just so wonderful and it made me start to wonder if there are other wonderful people and experiences I’ve been denying myself for no reason.”


  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “It is not my place to force you to change who you are Johnathan. I am your best friend. My research has led me to believe that the role of the best friend is to share interests, hobbies, entertainment, and provide loyal moral support. Plus if I am honest I felt that my attempts to get the Commander to notice you were sufficient to help you grow as a person. Based on the personal journals of the crew most are quite surprised that she is dating you.”

  Johnathan chuckled.

  “Could you play your violin? I would really like to hear it and I believe it is best that you practice some so you will be at your best when the Commander hears you play.”

  “Seems wise.” Johnathan commented before he got up and got his violin.

  He opened his datapad and set it up so it would slowly scroll some sheet music. He played for about two hours before needing a break.

  After setting down his violin he said, “Mark at some point I’m going to have to tell her about you.”

  “I know Johnathan. I trust you and based on everything that I have seen or read about her I believe that she may be initially hesitant but she will realize that I am a friend.”

  Johnathan nodded before adding, “I just think that lying to her or hiding things is not healthy for our relationship.”

  “No it is not. Maybe in two days you can tell her?”

  Johnathan nodded once again. He was very conflicted because he wanted to be completely honest with Rose but he also knew that he had an obligation to protect Mark at all costs, even if it was at the expense of his own life. Mark was just too special. He could only hope that Rose would see Mark as Johnathan saw him. His stomach rumbled because it was time for dinner so Johnathan decided to go eat. The primary cafeteria was serving a stew with some bread so he decided he would go there. Dinner was uneventful and he made it back to his room.

  Once he got back he asked, “Mark did you know she has a whole bookshelf filled with real books?”

  “I did. She has read every book there. She also has an interest in Earth history and culture. She is a perfect match for you. I am quite happy for you.”

  Johnathan chuckled before saying, “Thanks Mark.”

  Picking up his violin Johnathan stated, “I’m going to practice more. Is there anything you want to hear?”

  “Yes. Mozart’s Violin Concerto No. 5 in A, 2nd movement.”

  Johnathan set his datapad to scroll the sheet music before picking up his violin and starting the song. He had never played the piece before and as he played he found it quite lovely. He kept making mistakes; it was much harder than stuff he usually played. The errors forced him to stop and restart multiple times. For some reason when he set his mind to learning a new song he would stubbornly continue to try until he got it right. It took him hours but he finally got it right.

  Once he finished and put the violin away Mark said, “You should play that song for her. It is quite stirring.”

  “Alright, I think I’m going to call it a night. What do you plan on doing tonight?”

  “I’ve been working on a sensor analysis and I think I have discovered a way to boost sensor efficiency and range by three factors. Once I complete my analysis I will need you to modify a workstation and sensor relay tomorrow so that I can see if my alterations are effective. I suspect the modifications will require your special touch.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Johnathan went into the restroom and took a shower before changing into a pair of sleeping trousers. He climbed into his bed and closed his eyes. He daydreamed about the sensor modifications that Mark mentioned for a while before falling off to sleep.

  * * * * *

  Johnathan was roused from his sleep by the sound of the door buzzer for his quarters. Someone was at his door. He glanced at the clock on his nightstand, it read 23:03. He had only been asleep for two hours. The buzzer rang again. Johnathan got up and grumpily went out into his living room. Tapping the button on his door to open it, his door slid open to reveal Rose standing there. She was wearing a thick dark blue bathrobe and some blue slippers. Her long hair was completely loose.

  “I decided that I didn’t need sleep.” She told him before stepping into his room and wrapping her arms around his neck.

  Before he could say anything she kissed him passionately. The sound of the door closing behind her caught his ears. She pushed into him, which caused him to walk backwards while she was kissing him. She continued pushing until Johnathan stumbled into his couch and flopped down on it. He was quite surprised with her aggression as she climbed onto his lap and immediately began kiss
ing him again. He did not know if it was instinct or not but his hands found their way to the ties of her robe. Once he had the robe untied she removed her robe on her own. She was naked underneath her robe. Johnathan did not touch the lights in the room but they slowly dimmed until it was nearly dark in the room. He knew that it was probably Mark but instead of worrying about it he wrapped his arms around Rose and pulled her closer towards him.

  * * * * *

  Johnathan woke the next morning in his bed with Rose resting closely next to him. Her head was nestled into his shoulder, her arm draped over his bare chest, and her leg wrapped over his right leg. She was so close that he could only see her orange hair which smelled wonderful, almost like vanilla. He was fully convinced that Mark was right when he said that he was in love with her. She was everything that he could possibly want. His right hand was resting against the bare skin of her back. Her skin just felt amazing to the touch. Slowly and evenly he ran his hand down her back until his hand hit the bottom of the small of her back. He was very curious about what her rear felt like so as tenderly as he could he moved his hand until he was touching her rear.

  Her voice suddenly spoke up, “Are you molesting me in my sleep?”

  “Sorry.” He said while moving his hand.

  She shifted and sat up before sliding onto his lap before saying, “No need to be sorry. I’m here with you and it feels good when you touch me.”

  Johnathan nodded at her. As she settled down on his lap he rested his hands on her hips. He took a moment to look at her naked. She was just stunning. Her body was very fit and the curves of her sides were perfection. She grinned at him before placing her hands on his bare chest.

  “John I love you.”

  The look on her face was quite sincere.

  “I love you too.” He told her.

  She gave him a large smile before leaning forward and hugging him tightly which he responded to by wrapping his arms around her and hugging back. He happened to glance over to his clock and he noticed that the time was well past 0800, which was when Rose should have started her shift.

  “Rose, are you late for your shift?”

  She sat up laughing before she patted his chest.

  “I contacted the First Officer last night and let him know that I wasn’t going to be available today. He will be covering my meetings. I think that the ‘Skybound’ will be fine with me taking one day off.”

  Reaching up Johnathan softly stroked her cheek, which she responded to by closing her eyes and leaning her face into his hand. She really reminded him of the mythological creatures Johnathan read about in human stories called angels. Sure she did not have the wings but she was just as beautiful.

  She slid off of him and announced, “I need to use your restroom.”


  “Get dressed so we can head out for breakfast.” She told him before she slipped on her blue robe and left his room.

  As Johnathan got dressed he realized that it was time to tell her about Mark. He knew that he just could not keep a secret from her anymore. He strolled out into his living room and he could hear his shower running. She was taking a shower.

  Trying not to speak too loudly he said, “Mark.”

  Mark answered, “Yes?”

  “It’s time for me to tell her about you. Are you ready?”

  “Of course. On a side note, I noticed that we need to work on increasing your stamina so you can perform better.”

  “Mark!” Johnathan bellowed out.

  “It is important that you are fully skilled if you wish to maintain a happy relationship. I have found an old Earth manuscript in the records called the ‘Kama Sutra’. It is an ancient Hindu text that served as guidance for a healthy lifestyle but it also included portions that gave practical advice on sexual intercourse, including physical positions. I have taken the time to download a copy of the relevant portions into your primary datapad.”

  “Thanks Mark.” Johnathan begrudgingly told him.

  He was finding this conversation quite embarrassing but he knew that Mark was just trying to be helpful. The shower stopped. Johnathan could feel his nerves growing. He was very unsure how Rose would deal with the news that there was a sentient life-form within the vessel’s computer system. After a few minutes Rose stepped out of the restroom. She was wearing her bathrobe and one of his towels was wrapped around her hair, which he guessed was to help her hair dry. She took one look at him and stopped walking. He guessed that his facial expression must have been as serious as he felt.

  “Are you okay?” She asked with concern on her voice.

  Taking a deep breath to ready himself he told her, “Have a seat”

  She tilted her head slightly before taking a seat on his couch.

  “I haven’t been completely honest with you Rose.”

  She raised her right eyebrow before asking, “How so?”


  Her facial expression shifted to confusion.

  Mark’s podium shifted forward before he replied, “Yes Johnathan?”

  “Rose this is Mark. Mark, meet Rose.”

  Mark was the first to respond, “Hello Commander it is nice to meet you.”

  “Is that,” She started to speak but then paused before continued, “A computer?”

  “Yes.” Mark stated.

  “You’re best friend is a computer terminal?”

  “Not quite Rose.” Johnathan answered and after a pause he continued, “He’s the computer.”


  Johnathan could tell that she did not quite understand what he meant.

  “Mark is short for Mark variant A-IX. When the ‘Skybound’ was launched the best modern reactive and learning computer program of the time was installed into the most revolutionary hardware of the time. This combination set forth the potential for the program to evolve and grow in a secluded uninfluenced environment along with plenty of time to do so. Time had passed and Mark achieved sentience.”

  “Wait? You’re serious?”

  Johnathan nodded as he stated firmly, “Mark is the first ever sentient non-human life-form known to mankind.”

  He was surprised by her reaction. Her face shifted from confusion to serious.

  “How did it happen?”

  Mark interjected, “Commander neither of us knows. My first memory after it happened was when we passed through a solar disturbance about forty four years ago. I am theorizing that event is what triggered it.”

  She turned back towards Johnathan and asked, “Why didn’t you report this?”

  Maybe it was Johnathan’s imagination but it sounded like she was upset with him.

  “I was worried about how people would react. We humans don’t exactly have a great record when it comes to things that we don’t understand. I was afraid for Mark. He’s my best friend and I had to protect him, even with my own life.”

  Mark said, “Thank you Johnathan.”

  Rose seemed taken aback by it all. Johnathan had no doubt that she was unsure of what to do. He just hoped that telling her was not a mistake.

  After a long pause she finally spoke, “So what changed your mind to decide to tell me?”

  Johnathan walked over to her and knelt down in front of her.

  He placed his hands on her knees before saying, “Because I love you and I trust you completely. If anyone can help protect Mark it’s you.”

  She nodded at him before reaching her hand out and softly touching his cheek while saying, “I see this. If you can trust me so much then I can trust your judgment.”

  Johnathan felt what he could only feel as a combination of joy and relief. He knew immediately that he was completely right to trust her. She leaned forward and gave him a kiss.

  After she broke their kiss she sarcastically commented, “Should I even be surprised that your best friend turned out to be the ship’s computer?”

  He laughed, so did Mark.

  After they finished laughing she turned towards Mark and asked, “So M
ark please tell me all about you.”

  “Thank you Commander for trusting Johnathan, he is a wonderful young man. What would you like to know?”

  “What are your goals? What motivates you? What occupies your time?”

  “Honestly Commander my programming calls for me to protect the denizens of the ‘Skybound’ so one of my primary goals is to ensure the safety of everyone aboard. Outside of that I wish to learn as much about your kind as I can. I have access to the complete history and knowledge of humankind yet the common interactions I see from the population still surprise me.”

  Rose grabbed Johnathan by the hand and pulled on his hand, which he guessed was a hint that she wanted him to sit next to her. He stood up and sat down beside her. She leaned her head into his shoulder.

  “An excellent example was during your first date with Johnathan.”

  She picked her head up and asked, “What do you mean?”

  “After you left to bless the baby during the birth celebration Johnathan was confronted by the First Officer and his associates. They even threatened him. I had calculated a ninety four point two percent chance that Johnathan was going to retreat but instead he stood his ground quite valiantly. Your relationship with him has proved quite valuable in understanding humans. Think of me as a child wanting to learn more about the world around them. When I am not working with Johnathan on my programming or physical hardware I am studying a variety of scientific or sociological facets of items on the vessel.”

  She just nodded.

  Johnathan interjected, “He also has greatly assisted me in assembling various improvements on the ship. My next work shift we’re going to increase the sensor systems function and efficiency.”

  Rose patted him on his knee before saying, “John, go take a shower and get dressed. I’ve got some things planned for us after breakfast.”

  Standing up, he leaned over to give Rose a small kiss before heading to the restroom. As he closed the door he could hear Rose’s muffled voice. He could only assume that she was having a conversation with Mark. Johnathan stripped off his clothing and took a shower. Once he was done he brushed his teeth and got dressed.


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