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Model Sexcretary (Fertile Pleasures Book 3)

Page 3

by Nadia Nightside

  “No,” she said. “I don’t think so. I’m sorry.”

  It was the first apology she had said, let alone meant, in over a dozen years. Catriana found apologies only useful for people lesser than her. But it had just come off from her as easily as snow from a drift. It was so easy to be nice to Albert. He was so strong and confident. She had to be nice to him so that he could know how strong he was.

  “It’s all right,” he smiled, and she knew everything was all right. “You don’t have to know about it now. You will soon enough. Suffice it to say it’s made me very wealthy. Nearly as wealthy as you, as a matter of fact.”

  Her eyebrows raised. She felt her pulse quickening. This Albert equal? He would have to be well more than a billionaire to equal her own amassed wealth—between the ridiculous bonuses she claimed from every paycheck for a photo shoot, and the increasing number of stock shares she was paid in for each appearance in whatever media outlet showed her image, Catriana was very easily one of the richest women in the world. Probably the richest, if all women already married to billionaires were excepted.

  That was interesting, his wealth. She felt a measure of wetness attending her pussy. The music pumped out pleasantly in the speakers next to her ears, filling her mind like a beaker in a lb.

  Why hadn’t she noticed how handsome he was before? This was so pleasant, so nice, being stuck on this long, long plane ride with such a handsome man. She licked her lips slowly and crossed her legs, toying flirtatiously with the diamonds in her cleavage. As she had hoped, Albert's eyes were drawn to each movement.

  It felt good to have his eyes on her, devouring her form. She loved it.

  “These are my assistants. You met Mandy already.”

  The blonde curtsied and smiled, giving Catriana another long view of her cleavage.

  “And this is Francesca. She’s been my favorite for a while now. Though I think that might change soon.”

  Francesca was tall, brunette, and deliciously built, perhaps even better than Mandy. It was easy to see why she had been Albert’s favorite. She did not seem perturbed in the slightest by the announcement that she was no longer her boss’s favorite assistant. Her smile was vapid and permanent, like all of theirs.

  “And this lucky girl is my latest acquisition. You might recognize her, in fact. This is Zofia.”

  He brought her forward. Another brunette, her breasts smaller than Francesca’s and Mandy’s. Her heritage looked more Eastern European where Mandy was clearly an All-American blonde and Francesca had heavy Latina influence in her genetics. Still, though, Zofia was statuesque and busty, just like the other two. And pregnant. Very pregnant.

  “Zofia?” said Catriana, struggling to think. She did recognize her from...somewhere? Maybe? Gosh, those drinks had done a number on her. Her mind was mushy and weak.

  It was a stark change for her when she was so very used to having the sharpest brain in any given room. But then, a pretty girl like her didn't really need a sharp brain. All she needed to do was look gorgeous, and that was so perfectly easy for her that she hardly needed to do anything except sit and exist for a strong man to appreciate her.

  “You don’t recognize me?” Zofia asked. Her accent coated her words, just like Catriana’s did, making them ever sexier and more alluring. “We worked on a few shows together. I was a model, like you. Rather famous, too. Though, of course, you never really bothered to look at anyone but yourself.”

  “Oh...” Catriana nodded now. “You used to be blonde. They said disappeared?”

  Zofia smiled brightly. “I had been dying my hair. Master thought I looked so much better as a brunette, and I have to agree. Don’t you agree with what Master says?”

  Catriana nodded. Music pumped louder now. Her thoughts were becoming more sluggish. All this talk about Masters. She forgot almost immediately that Zofia avoided the question about her disappearing—and forgot, indeed, that Zofia had disappeared.

  It was silly to think she had disappeared, wasn’t it? She was right there, standing in front of her, looking oh-so-pretty in those tall heels and that tight dress, her cleavage so shiny and sexy.

  “Yes,” she said. “You do look heavenly.”

  “Thank you, Catriana. I know you’re the authority on beauty. It’s so nice to have your approval.”

  “You’re our idol, really,” said Mandy. “All of us.”

  Francesca nodded. “We all wanted to get into the modeling business because of you. This is a real honor, meeting you. I know I’ve been a fan of yours since your very first cover.”

  Her, and the half of the world’s population with an XY chromosome. Still, Catriana smiled graciously, feeling strangely happy and bubbly at the attention. It was so nice for these other beautiful servants to know her place above them.

  Their devotion made her feel floaty and fun. But not bright. Oh no. Her mind was sleepy. Tired. It was so easy to drift. Her eyes glazed, a little bit of drool sliding down one luscious turn of her chin as she stared helplessly at Zofia's bouncing breasts.

  “Come now, girls,” said Albert. “Give our gorgeous guest her space. She probably wants to take another little nap, doesn’t she?”

  “I...nap?” Catriana shook her head. “No. I should...walk around. I feel so strange.”

  Albert pressed a few buttons on the ceiling, and the screen floated down again. Immediately, Catriana’s eyes were fixated upon it. It was blank, for now, but there had been so much wonder there, so much pleasure...she needed to see it again. She had been so close to figuring it out, so close to real enlightenment. She just needed...just needed a few more minutes...

  “Just lie back now,” Albert said. He was suddenly in front of her, pushing her on the shoulder. His touch was so warm and strong. He was such a Strong Man. “Don’t worry about anything. I usually don’t work this fast, but damn. I saw you and could not pass up the opportunity to try out my new process, you know? You’ll feel smashing in just a little while.”

  Catriana didn’t know what he was talking about at all. But it didn’t matter.

  It would all be clear in due time, just like he said.

  His hands lingered on her breasts as the screen turned on, flicking playfully at her erect nipples. Something distant screamed in her—this first man to touch her like that in her entire life. Touching her breasts. Tweaking at her nipples. The material of her dress was very thin, and he could feel everything.

  His hands were so strong...sliding up her chest, reaching at her neck, choking her slightly, making it hard to breath. Her pulse quickened, her cunt falling into an endless pit of wet heat. Fear struck her...

  ...but then, fear didn’t matter. The screen flickered and spiraled.

  The light show began. Her green eyes absorbed the lines and twists and turns and twirls, soft moans leaving her mouth.

  All that mattered now was watching the pretty screen again. It was so engaging. So entrancing. So...hypnotic.

  Drool slid out from her mouth as her brain shut down, layers and layers of her intelligence and personality being chopped away, spiral by spiral.

  Mandy, giggling, wiped Catriana's face clean, and then watched with a heated, wet cunt as Francesca resumed her position beneath their Master, sucking his beautiful cock. Her Master watched Catriana the whole time, intensely focused, witnessing her brain becoming his personal object.

  * * * * *

  Air whipped around her face, sending her hair everywhere. There were swirling pieces of paper flying through the cabin.

  Across from her, she watched Francesca stroking Albert’s cock with gusto, smiling and urging him to cum with soft, sultry words and heavily-lidded eyes. Catriana felt her arousal spike at the sight. It was so good for Albert to have someone worshiping him, stroking him, adoring him. That was what he deserved, wasn't it? For being such a Strong Man.

  Francesca by herself was erotic enough in that tiny outfit, her tits all the way spilled out of it now, pushing hotly against Albert’s chest. Her long legs were a
vision from heaven, urging their way into his lap, the tops of her thighs a soft surface for the bottom of his thick cock.

  But it was the vision of Albert’s cock, all by itself, that made Catriana's pussy go into a tailspin of need, uncontrollable and unstoppable.

  It was tall and gorgeous and thick, covered in a shiny layer of precum. Francesca’s hand was slick with the stuff. Catriana’s chest thumped, heart pumping, as she let out a low animalistic moan. She wanted that cock. She wanted that precum. She wanted his cum.

  To her right, barely noticed, Zofia and Mandy were dragging the heavy, mostly unconscious body of Marcus toward the open door of the plane. That’s why there were all the papers and such flying around.

  And...and Albert was watching, his cock hard, while Francesca stroked him off. His face was almost tyrannical, eyes burning with cold fury as his slaves worked at his bidding.

  Zofia and Mandy brought the body to the edge of the door. Marcus’s arm slid out into the open sky, flapping wildly. He began to wake up, eyes fluttering. The two slaves above him waited, on hands and knees, for the word from their Master.

  “Do it,” Albert said to them. Francesca stroked him faster, squealing with pleasure.

  Mandy and Zofia nodded and spoke in unison. “Yes, Master. Of course, Master.”

  And then they dumped Marcus over the side.

  Catriana felt a flit of surprise, quickly drowned out by the sight of Albert’s cock twitched and jolted, hot jets of cum spurting from the head. Francesca, moaning, pushed her head down and caught the next stream in her throat, eagerly swallowing him down.

  Catriana's surprise was forgotten. Anything that made that cock feel good was perfectly fine by her. They could have shoved three Marcuses out of the plane.

  “Wh-where are we?” said Catriana.

  “Somewhere over the Pacific Ocean.”

  “Oh,” said Catriana. “I guess that means his body will never be found?”

  Albert smiled. “I guess so. I don’t take well to being manhandled.”

  As Zofia and Mandy closed up the doors, Catriana slipped out of her seat and crawled forward to Albert. From modeling for years, she knew exactly how to make her movements and expression as sultry and sexy as possible for his enjoyment at her approach. His cock remained hard, somehow.

  What a Man he was. Such a Strong Man.

  Marcus was dead. Who gave a shit? Albert’s cock was right there, and it wasn’t like he was going to turn her down. Who could? Catriana was the hottest woman on earth, after all, and the hottest woman on earth wasn’t just turned down when she wanted to be fucked properly.

  Because she did. She very much did. Her cunt was pulsing with the need to be filled by one thing, and one thing only—that beautiful giant cock that Albert sported. There was nothing she had ever been so certain about in all her life.

  She didn’t care that she was a virgin. She didn’t care that up until this point, no man had ever been good enough to touch her.

  He was good enough to touch her, that was certain. And she wanted him touching her everywhere.

  Crawling close, her hips waving this way and that, she noticed with snide satisfaction that his attention was entirely focused on her. With a dazzling smile, she slid up onto his lap, sliding her panties down off her legs, making no mistake about her intent.

  She pushed Francesca aside, who whimpered with a soft, jealous moan that made Catriana’s blood pump even faster. Her superiority turned her on, and she could see from the look on Albert’s face that it turned him on too.

  Leaning in, she kissed him slowly and passionately. She had never kissed a man before. Plenty of women had known her kiss—lots of models she was trying to fuck with, to get in their heads so they would mess up their runway walks or photo shoots and so she could elevate herself even more.

  But never a man.

  Not until now.

  It was sensational. His face was rough with sexy stubble, and he tasted minty and fresh. The thick blanket of her hair fell between them, adding even more cushioning between his body and hers, adding on to the soft sensations of her beautiful big tits rubbing against his chest. Cool diamonds rubbed into his neck and chin as she clung herself tighter and tighter to his strong form.

  “I need it,” she moaned. “I need it so bad, Sir.”

  His cock was insistent on her belly, urging upward. She could feel his precum, sticky and hot, leaking out onto her ten-thousand dollar designer dress. It would be ruined, and she didn’t give a fuck. She wouldn't have worn it again anyway—Catriana hardly ever wore clothes more than once.

  She shifted forward and let the hot slides of her labia push against his cock, sliding up and down his shaft.

  So close to entrance, and still so far away. Building up her need. It did not dissipate. If anything, it only grew and grew.

  “I want you to be my first,” she moaned in his ear. “I want you to fucking take me, Albert.”

  He looked up at her with what could be considered awe. She felt a rush of pride, knowing that she was really giving him a treat. The hottest woman on earth begging for your cock? What guy wouldn’t get off to that.

  “J-just slide up,” he said, pulling at her perfectly shaped ass. “Fuck, you feel good. That’s it. A-and...”

  There was a beauty magazine on the seat next to him. Francesca must have been reading it—or one of the other stewardesses. Or perhaps Albert had been. Catriana was on the cover, naturally. There were few beauty magazines left that dared to leave her off the front for very long.

  The image was one she had rather liked. It had her dressed in a queen’s garb, complete with crown, robes, and scepter (the robes showed quite a bit of cleavage; there were standards to be adhered to). Beneath her were three very well-developed men kneeling before her, heads scraping the ground.

  The caption read: Royal Bummer! Supermodel Queen Catriana Dominga Promises Us That No Man Will Share Her Bed; Promises To Be Virgin For Life.

  Her cunt, just hovering over Albert’s cock, right at the point of entry, backed away. He tried to slide her down, his hands desperate and gripping, but Catriana worked out sixteen times a week and was strong all over. She stood up on her precariously tall heels, putting a hand to her head.

  God, was she about to have sex?

  She needed help. She had to get off this plane. This wasn’t right. None of this was right.

  “What’s going on? Marcus...Marcus, we have to get out of here. Marcus?”

  Marcus...Marcus was dead.

  Marcus was either dead, or well on his way, perhaps still free-floating down to the surface of the Pacific Ocean where he’d be flattened to smithereens.

  “Oh...oh god.” Panic began to enter her voice. She backed away from Albert and his huge, pulsing cock, trying to hide the naked arousal and desire in her face when her gaze fell upon it.

  “What are you doing? What have you done? Why am I...why am I so fucking...”

  She couldn’t even find the words to finish the sentence. They had been taken away from her by Albert’s program—like so many other things, like the great majority of her resistance. The rest was about to be snuffed out, just like it belonged in the presence of her new Master.

  Mandy and Zofia were behind her, smiling and cooing sympathetically. They took her arms and led her back down to her chair. Their thick bellies pushed against Catriana's hips. So fertile. Her body felt limp and weak. The girls were so pretty. It was so hard to say no to them. She wanted to, but she didn’t. It would be so rude to upset them.

  “You’re upset, Miss,” said Mandy. Her cleavage was so tempting, and so very right there. “Have a seat. We’ll take care of everything. Don’t worry. It's confusing at first, but then you really start to enjoy it.”

  Francesca slid back up on Albert’s lap, resuming her gleeful, soulful stroking of his cock. After every few strokes, she would lean over and suck him slowly, whispering soft praises at its hardness and girth. Albert watched Catriana being led to her seat, her inability to r
esist, and Catriana watched his orgasm approaching again.

  Such a Strong Man, she thought again, to be able to cum again so quickly.

  And just as she re-entered the range of the speakers—that funny song with those soft lyrics—and just as the screen floated back down with its fun, pretty, super lovey-dovey amazing spectacular lightshow, as her own eyes reflected the spirals and became glazed and empty—she saw the man who would be her Master cum and cum, watching Catriana’s mind tranced into nothingness and—


  * * * * *

  The smoke cleared around her thoughts. There was no more mush, no more fogginess, no more swamp-headed thinking. Everything was crystal. All was illuminated.

  She was a slave. She was his slave. Albert's slave.

  She was Master’s slave, and there was nothing that would ever change that.

  There could not be any fogginess of thought, any doubt in purpose, in swampiness in her mind, because there was simply not enough of her consciousness to do that anymore. He had so perfectly stripped her all of that. Her morality was his pleasure. Her religion was obedience.

  And now all she knew, all she had, all she felt was the perfect massive rod that he possessed sliding up and down in her throat.

  She knelt before him in the airplane. They had landed long ago, and the girls around her were taking her bags and promising to set her up nicely in her personal penthouse suite right next to Master’s bedroom. That was so nice. She would love to live next to Master forever.

  Dimly, she realized that she had been sucking him off for some time now. His previous loads—two or three of them—felt heavy and warm in her tightly toned supermodel tummy. Before, she had been sucking him off with one of those screens floated down from the ceiling right in front of her eyes. Trancing while sucking.

  Her cunt twitched at the thought. Maybe if she was a good little girl—



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