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Page 16

by Delisa Lynn

  “You’d have to prove it beyond a reason doubt,” I quip right back with a smirk of my own.

  “Oh, when I finish, there wouldn’t be a doubt, I never lose.” He leans into me. The skin under his grip is tingling and my pulse quickens.

  “Is that so?” What kind of come back is that? That won’t fly in law school. I try to think of something to add and he cut off my thoughts.

  “The truth and nothing but the truth, Miss. However, as much as I would love to hold you up in the middle of the hallway, I must get to class. Students don’t like it when their guest speaker is late.” He removes his hands and I miss them instantly.

  “I’ll try to watch where I’m walking next time,” I say a little high pitched for me.

  “I might not be there the next time to run into.” He smirks and steps around me, walking down the hallway in a fast-paced stride. And I’m staring after him like a puppy dog looking for its master.

  I didn’t know who he was until I was doing research on a case for the Criminal Courts and Judicial Processes course I was taking my senior year of my undergraduate work. Malachy “Mac” Andre Coleman was the criminal defense attorney in the case and he had won the case. However, after doing a lot of research, he should have lost because not all of the evidence was presented. Later on, after working with the DA’s office, they were able to put his ex-client away. I don’t know why he didn’t represent him the second time.

  From the day I found out who he was, I became almost obsessed with the man. If he had never lost, I wanted to learn from him. And learn I did. The way that Mac presented his cases and examined and cross-examined the witnesses put me in awe. He never raised his voice, but used his voice to get what he needed to make sure to prove his clients’ innocence. I learned after watching him that even though he defends the people my coworkers and I are trying to put away, he was a bad ass at what he does.

  My thoughts drift back to the closing arguments of the case I’m working on tomorrow. Hoping I can put this dead beat behind bars, because the evidence I presented was piled against him. I was glad that Mac isn’t his attorney. I haven’t had to face him in the courtroom yet, but I have a feeling once I do, I will be able to play poker right along with him. I think I have him at a little bit of an advantage since I went semi stalker on him while I was in law school.

  After studying and watching him, I learned that his mannerisms, body language, and facial expressions were almost unreadable to what he was thinking, but after watching him weekly for almost two years, I think I have him figured out. And observing him move around the courtroom makes me think of how he would move around the bedroom.

  Ugh! Sex should be the last thing on my mind. I haven’t had anyone in my bedroom for a while and I’m sure my vibrator’s batteries are dead because I haven’t used since…well, I can’t remember. It’s been that long. Working all these hours doesn’t leave much time for sexual satisfaction. But I’m hoping that with a win under my belt, I’ll be able to take a breath and get into some of the bigger cases that come into the DA’s office along with the help I need.

  Good Lord, I think I’m sleep deprived.


  I damn near overslept this morning and I am running into the courtroom right behind the criminal defense attorney Jase Scott. He’s such an asshole in the courtroom but pretty amazing in bed. He and I were in law school together and had several study sessions. It’s amazing what you can learn when you have the right study partner.

  “All rise, the Honorable Judge Parson Willard presiding,” the Bailiff calls out to the courtroom.

  This should be short and sweet and I grab Angie’s hand for support.

  “Defendant and your counsel please stand. Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?” the Judge booms.

  The jury spokesman stands and says, “Yes, your Honor, we have.”

  The Judge asks, “Members of the jury, on the Case of Lennon Jackson Carter vs. County of Shelby, Tennessee, what you say?”

  The jury spokesman says, “Your Honor, the members of this jury find the defendant guilty of all charges.”

  The Judge clears his throat and bellows out, “Members of the jury, this court dismisses you and thank you for a job well done.” He turns his head to look at the defendant in his eyes, “Lennon Jackson Carter, you have been found guilty. You will be immediately taken into police custody without the chance of bond until your sentence hearing. This court in adjourned.”

  “All rise,” the Bailiff says to the court. We all stand, and then the Judge gets up and leaves the courtroom.

  I did it. The case was mine and I nailed it. Celebration tonight is in order. What a perfect way to end this long week. A smile creeps up on my face as I turn to hug Angie Richmond for being strong and testifying against her ex-boyfriend, and the hairs raise on my arms. I glace out the corner of my eye to see who is staring at me and that is when I see him, Mac Coleman. What is he doing here?

  He smirks at me as my eyes rake over his body up to his face where our eyes lock. I know we have seen each other many times over the past four years. Especially since I basically stalked his ass in the courtroom while I was in law school, but I’m sure he has no idea of who I am. I’m just a lowly prosecuting attorney.

  I’ll never forget the day that I am ran into him in the Law Building. I’m sure he doesn’t even remember that day but I do. That has to be the only time my body has hummed with excitement and fire from a man’s touch. I haven’t felt the same with anyone since him. I’m beginning to think it’s all in my head.

  Removing my eyes from him, I concentrate in my client. Hopefully she can put what the bastard did to her and her children behind her and move on. I’m helping her get out of the state and get on with her new life. Along with Mr. Carter being an abusive asshole, he was part of local drug cartel, running drugs from Florida to Indiana then to be distributed to both coasts.

  I don’t think he will come after her since we didn’t get him on drug related charges, just domestic abuse. I didn’t want to put her or her children’s lives in jeopardy since I had a solid domestic abuse case.

  Finding the contact I have in the courtroom for the women and children’s shelter, I introduce Angie and Kathy Hess, the director of the shelter. Kathy has all the plans all ready for Angie and I asked to be kept out of the loop. The fewer people that know, the less likely for her to be found.

  Gathering my stuff off the table, I start organizing it in my briefcase. I take a deep, relaxing breath and that’s when I smell him.

  “Congratulations on your first win, Ms. Teighan,” his silky smooth drawl whispers in my ear. My body tenses, not from fear, but excitement.

  “Thank you–”

  “Mac. Please call me Mac.” His breath tickles the back of my neck. I slowly turn around to come face to face with the man I’ve been obsessed with for more years than is healthy.

  “Mac. You can call me KT.”

  “How about Knoxwell? It’s such an interesting name for such a stunning woman,” he softly states, leaving me almost speechless that he knows my name. I don’t want him to know that he has some kind of effect on me.

  “If you wish, Mr. Coleman–Mac. But I must get going as I need to head to the office before the DA leaves for the weekend.”

  “Of course. I’ll be seeing you around, Knoxwell,” he says like he knows something I don’t know.

  “Good afternoon, Mac,” I say as I close my briefcase and start to head towards the courtroom doors. The feeling of Mac Coleman watching me never leaves my body. I decide to scratch my earlier thoughts. The way he made me feel all those years ago was not in my head. My body does hum with all kinds of energy when he in near.

  I walk out into the hallway with a little extra sway in my step. I just won my first case and I’m going to get my drink on tonight. I hope Teddy is in town this weekend. I sure could use some girl time.

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t the author:

  A. Gorman saves manuscripts from errors during the day and pounds out words in her next novel at night. She is the mother of enough children for a basketball team and wife to the most amazing man in the world.

  When she isn’t doing bookish things, you can find her out in her garden or chilling out with a cup of coffee and classical music cranked up on her iPad.

  The Midwest author loves all things British, coffee, and gummy bears—in no particular order.




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