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My Destiny

Page 31

by J. L. Perry

  “I don’t want to take business away from, Ellen,” she said. “She is my friend and it just wouldn’t feel right.”

  “Well, call Ellen and discuss it with her.”

  When she got off the phone, she said, “Ellen was fine with it, and that she had actually expected some of my students to want to come with me.”

  The day went fast and Monday came way too soon. I hated going back to work. Brooke told me over breakfast that she was going to spend the day at her studio. “I want to start choreographing some new dances for when my classes start,” she said eagerly. It made me smile to see her so keen to get it all up and running.

  She called me later that day to let me know how she was doing. “I am so in love with this place,” she said.

  “Do you love it more than me?”

  We both laughed. “No, but it is a close second.”

  When I got home from work that night, I found her at the computer in my office. “What are you doing, baby?” I asked.

  “I’m drafting a letter. I want to send it to some of the shelters and charities in the area,” she said. “It is a letter saying that I will be holding free dance classes every Tuesday for the poor and disadvantaged. I want everyone to have the same experience that I had when I was younger. Dancing made me happy, made me believe that anything was possible if you worked hard enough.”

  I was touched. She was such a special person, and had the kindest heart. “That’s such a wonderful thing, babe. I am so proud of the person you are,” I added. “Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.” I bent down and kissed her.

  “Thanks, hot stuff,” she said with a smile. I loved when she called me that.


  My life was great. Everything was just falling into place. I had already secured over fifty students of various ages. Classes were going to start in two weeks’ time.

  A couple of my old piano students had also signed up to come to the studio for lessons. Lara was going to still take her lessons with me, as well.

  I got feedback from some of the charities and shelters that I had written to, and some already had students interested in starting classes. One of the local charities had even offered a free mini-bus to transport the children to and from their classes. It made me happy to think that, because of this, more disadvantage kids would be able to attend.

  Michelle had dropped into the studio to visit me during the week. She gave me a list of seventeen girls and their parents email addresses so I could notify them when classes were starting. It made me happy to think that she had passed the word around amongst her friends. She also told me she had spoken with one of the ladies in the school office, and they were going to print a small advertisement in the school newsletter for me. I couldn’t thank her enough.

  Logan had started my dream for me, and I intended to work my butt off to make sure it was successful.

  “Craig’s sister is a graphic designer,” Michelle said. “I have asked her if she could help create a web page for you, and she said she would be happy to.” I hugged her and expressed my gratitude for everything she was doing.

  Today, I wanted to sit down and try to design some uniforms for my students. I could sell them in my shop, and I would provide them to my Tuesday class free of charge. I knew that most of them wouldn’t be able to afford to buy uniforms, and I would hate for them to feel left out or different from the other girls.

  Michelle and I went to lunch and discussed schedules for classes. I noticed she was fantastic at organising so I asked her if she would be interested in working for me. Considering I would be busy choreographing and teaching, I would need someone to run the office side of things.

  “I know you have Lara,” I explained, “so you could choose your hours and come and go as you please.”

  Michelle was excited. “I would love to!”

  When we arrived back at the studio after our lunch, she asked, “Do you want me to start right now? I can start looking online and maybe get you a few quotes for your uniforms.”

  We decided to go with yellow polar tops with black collars, cuffs, and writing. It would have a ballerina and say “Brooke’s School of Dance” on the back. The tights would be black with a yellow stripe up both sides. I was also going to order some cool jackets for the winter. They would be black with yellow sleeves, and would have the same writing as the polar tops, but in yellow. I would also get the girls’ names embroidered on the front.

  All was going well and I couldn’t wait to start. I was so excited. I was already home when Logan arrived home from the office that evening. As he stepped off the elevator, I ran straight to him and threw my arms around him.


  I was surprised with the greeting I got when I stepped off the elevator. Seeing Brooke happy warmed my heart. She was beaming when she told me how great everything was going at the studio.

  Her face just lit up whenever she talked about it. It made me smile. She said that she had offered Michelle a job to help with office side of things. I was glad they would be working together because I wanted them to become close.

  Brooke followed me up to the bedroom, talking the whole way. She was so adorable when she was excited. I couldn’t believe how passionate she was about all of this. It made me happy that I could do this for her.

  “I am happy it is all working out for you, baby,” I said with a smile, “but can you stop talking long enough to give me a kiss?” She threw her arms around my neck. “I have dying to kiss you all day,” I added.

  We showered together, got dressed, and went down for dinner. I would never get tired of coming home to her. My life felt so full now that she was in it.

  While we were eating, she asked me how my day was. “Well, your father stopped in to see me today. He’s having trouble with my aunt again. He wants to start the ball rolling on the property settlement, but she’s making life difficult for him. He doesn’t want to stay at the house with her anymore so my parents offered him a room at their house until he gets things settled.”

  “That’s a shame,” she said. I’d thought about offering him a room here, but I knew Brooke wasn’t ready for that yet. She was warming to the idea of my uncle being her father, but she still had a lot of issues to sort through with him.

  It was a nice night so, after dinner, we went for a walk around the city. I had never been one to just walk around, but a lot had changed in my life. As long as we were together, I was willing to do anything.

  We fell into a routine over the next few weeks. Brooke would spend her days at the studio, while I was at the office. She always made sure she was home in time to greet me in the evenings, which I loved. After being away from her all day, I looked forward to coming home to her.

  As I came into the lobby that evening, the doorman said that a package had arrived for Brooke. He handed me a box, and I took it with me up to the penthouse. She squealed with excitement when she opened it. It was samples for her dance uniforms. They wanted her final approval before making the bulk of her order.

  I had to admit that they looked great. She quickly ran to the bedroom to get her phone. She wanted to take photos and send them to Michelle. She explained that she would be selling them in her shop, but would supply them for free for her Tuesday class. She also said that she had someone coming next week to fit the Tuesday girls for their dancing shoes.

  “I want them to have everything the other girls have,” she said. “I know what it feels like when your parents don’t have much money. I don’t want them to feel left out in any way.”

  I wrapped my arms around her. “You have a heart of gold,” I said with a smile. “I love the way you always think of others. You are special, Brooke.”

  “If it wasn’t for you getting me started, I wouldn’t be in a position to do any of this. If I had to pay rent and decorate the studio, as well as all the other things that you have already done, none of this would be possible. So thank you. I think you are pretty special, too.”

  I scooped her
into arms and carried her up to the bedroom. “Let me show you how special I can be,” I said as I wiggled my eyebrows. We both laughed.


  Over the next few months, Brooke had her studio up and running. Things were going great for her. She had over one hundred and fifty students now, and had even hired two extra teachers to help with some of her classes. Some nights when she worked late, I would come home and shower, then get Chris to drop me off at the studio. I would just watch and wait for her to finish, then we would come home in her car.

  Sometimes if she was going to be really late, Jill would pack our dinner and I would take it with me. The majority of her classes were held in the afternoons and evenings. I knew she was too busy to think about eating so, this way, I got to make sure she did.


  We were flying out to Melbourne this morning. Logan and I were going to attend his office Christmas party. We were only staying overnight because tomorrow night was the Sydney’s office party. Being owner and CEO of both offices, it was only fitting that he attend.

  It was at this time a year ago that I had first met him. I had mixed feelings about attending because there were so many bad memories from that night. But those things needed to happen to get me to where I was today. Honestly, I would do it all again to have the wonderful life I have now.

  We arrived in Melbourne and Logan hired a car, then we headed straight for his penthouse. He had already told me that he would be spending the day at the office, which I didn’t mind. I had a lot to do to get ready for tonight.

  When I found out we were coming here, I called Pierre and he had graciously fit me in for an appointment. I was also going to get a manicure and pedicure while I was in the city.

  I had decided to bring the red dress that Logan had bought for me to wear tonight. I was wearing red the first night I met him so it was somewhat symbolic. The dress was a completely different style than the one I had worn a year ago, but the colour was the same.

  This dress was tight-fitting and went all the way to my ankles, with a slit on one side. It was red silk, but was covered completely in tiny red beads that sparkled. It only had one sleeve, leaving my other shoulder and arm completely bare.

  I thought about getting a spray tan, but there was no need. I was already lightly tanned. I’d be taking a photo of the dress I was wearing tonight because I wanted to take it with me to the hairdressers. It was such an unusual style and I wanted Pierre’s opinion on how to wear my hair.

  Pierre seemed really happy to see me. I had already told him that I had moved back to Sydney. He was upset that I hadn’t said goodbye to him, but I had explained that it was a last minute decision. He made me promise that whenever I was in Melbourne, I would come to him and have my hair done. “Even if you don’t have an appointment, please come and I will fit you in.” I thought that was nice because I knew how busy he was.

  After looking at the photo of the dress, he decided that he was going to put my hair to one side. First, he put some soft curls in it, then pinned the back so it was all to the side. The curls flowed down the front, sitting just below my breast. He had done it to the same side that the sleeve was on so that left my whole other shoulder and back bare.

  It looked lovely when it was done. I’d already had my manicure and pedicure before coming here so I caught a taxi back home. I’d come on the bus, but didn’t feel comfortable getting back on the bus with my hair like this.

  I was dressed and almost ready to go when Logan came home. I was in the bathroom, putting the finishing touches on my makeup. I’d only applied a light amount because, with the hair and the dress, it would have been too much.

  He came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist. “You look beautiful, baby,” he whispered, kissing my bare neck. “I love you in red. It’s my favourite colour, you know.”

  “I know.”

  “Well, did you know that the only reason I love the colour red is because you were wearing it the first time I saw you?”

  I smiled and turned to face him, putting my arms around his neck. “Is that so?” I replied. “You never told me that’s why you liked red so much.”

  “I didn’t really have a favourite colour before I met you. But since that night, I have become very partial to the colour red.”

  I brushed my lips against his. He stood back and admired me one more time. “Okay. I’m going to take a quick shower and shave.”

  “If I wasn’t already dressed, I would come and scrub your back,” I said with a wink.

  He leaned down and kissed me on my nose, then smiled. “I’ll take a rain check on that,” he whispered. “I won’t be long.”

  “I will get your tux ready while you shower,” I said. He gently smacked my arse as I walked away.

  On our drive to the function, Logan smiled and grabbed hold of my hand, pulling it up towards his mouth and kissing my knuckles. “Last year, I was only able to admire you from afar, but you are all mine tonight. I couldn’t be happier.”

  When we arrived, I noticed everything was the same as last year…except for one big difference. This year I was here with Logan and not Jake. We were even sitting at the same table. It was great to see Sandy again. She told me she had heard some rumours about Jake and, if any of them were true, she was sorry. She didn’t pry or press the issue, which was nice because I didn’t really feel comfortable talking about it with her.

  I had a great time. Everything was perfect. Logan introduced me to most of his employee’s, and some of his big clients had attended, as well. Everybody was so nice and I could tell they all thought highly of him.

  At the end of the night and after everybody had left, Logan and I were still there. As the DJ packed up his equipment, Logan went up to speak with him. All the waiters and waitresses were in the room, clearing the tables.

  When Logan came back to me, I asked, “Ready to go?”

  “Would you have one more dance with me first?” he asked. He had asked the DJ to play the same song we had danced to at my birthday party. I have since found out it was called My Destiny, and it was perfect. It was like it had been written for us.

  I put my arms around his neck and melted into him. It was a perfect end to a perfect night. When the song had finished, we both stood there, still wrapped in each other’s arms. I loved being this close to him. It’s where I wanted to be forever.


  I loved holding her in my arms, but I pulled back from her. There was something important I needed to ask her. “Brooke, it was one year ago that you walked into my life and into my heart,” I said. “Meeting you in this very room changed everything for me. I didn’t know how good life could really be until I found you again. You complete me, baby, and I love you with every fibre of my being.” I ran the back of my hand softly down the side of her face.

  She started to say something, but I put my finger to her lips. I wanted to finish what I had to say to her first. I took a step back from her and got down on one knee. “Brooke, I can’t imagine the rest of my life without you in it,” I added with a smile. “You are my soul mate, my destiny, the love of my life and, more than anything, I want for you to become my forever. Will you make me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife?”

  I was looking up at her and she had tears running down her face, but she was smiling. I opened the box. “Will you marry me, baby?” I asked.

  She threw her arms around me and practically screamed, “Yes! I will marry you!”

  As I stood up, I pulled her into my arms before lifting her up and swinging her around. I was so happy. “I love you,” I whispered.

  “I love you, too,” she whispered back.

  We both hadn’t realised that we had an audience, but when the waiters, waitresses, and DJ started to clap, we looked at them and laughed.

  “Let’s blow this joint,” I said as I laced my fingers through hers. I just wanted to get her home. Making love to her tonight was going to be sweeter than ever. She smiled all the way back to the penthouse,
and I noticed she kept looking down at the ring on her finger.

  I reached over and put my hand in hers. “Are you happy, baby?” I asked.

  She turned her head and gave one of her heart-melting smiles. “You have no idea how happy I am,” she replied. But I did because I felt exactly the same way.


  When I woke the next morning, I was still smiling. Logan and I had made love into the early hours of the morning. Making love to him had always been great, but last night had been special. I wanted to just stay in bed with him all day, but we had a flight to catch this morning.

  We had the Sydney office Christmas party tonight. This one would be different, though, because his whole family would be attending.

  I looked down at my ring again and smiled. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. It would have to be at least four or five carats and the diamond was in a shape of a heart. It was set in a platinum band, with smaller diamonds embedded into both sides of the ring.

  “I can’t wait to see the look on everyone’s face tonight when we tell them that we are engaged,” he said, excited. “I bet you anything my mum cries, probably Michelle, too. They love you so much, baby, and I know this will make them happy. My whole family is better off for having you in their lives. My mother no longer worries about me being alone. My uncle has finally found happiness. My sister and Lara both love you to bits, and my father is somewhat human now.”

  I slapped his arm when he made that wisecrack about his father, but we both laughed. He chuckled as he told me how he couldn’t stop watching the video of his dad dancing. “I must have watched it at least twenty times,” he said. “It’s gold. I laugh every time I see it.”

  We got back to the penthouse just after lunch. We still had four hours before we needed to leave for the party so we both sat down on the lounge. It had been a big night, and neither one of us had gotten much sleep. We were just going to relax until it was time to get ready.


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