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Loving Lo: Devil's Knights Series

Page 9

by Winter Travers

  “Will do.” Rigid said, as he slammed the door shut behind him.

  I heard the shower turn on and had to fight the urge to climb in the shower with Meg. I had to take things slow with her. My head knew that but my dick was not down with that plan.

  I imagined Meg’s wet body, soap dripping down her tits and had to adjust myself.

  I had to get Meg’s head straight about us before I lost my fucking mind.

  She was driving me crazy and she didn’t even know it.

  Fuck me.



  I looked at myself in the mirror and screamed. Holy shit! My sexy hair was now flat and hanging limply and my makeup would have been awesome if I was in a zombie movie.

  I hopped in the shower, scrubbing the night away. I had no idea what to do when it came to Lo. I knew that if I would let him in, it would be awesome. But for how long?

  I dried off and got dressed, throwing my hair up in a messy bun and forgoing makeup. I needed coffee.

  I walked out of the bathroom to Lo pulling his boots on, dressed in his clothes from last night. He looked gorgeous as always. I looked down at myself and sighed. Sexy Meg was gone, replaced with Everyday Boring Meg. I had thrown on a vintage hot rod shirt and faded jeans. Comfy but boring.

  “I’m gonna head home.” Boring Meg belonged at home, not in a hotel room with Sexy Lo.

  “Wait for me, babe.” Lo said as he grabbed his vest and threw it on. Even hotter.

  “I’m gonna run over and see if Cyn is ready to go.” I walked over to the door and threw it open.

  “She’s gone, babe. I gave Rigid your keys while you were in the shower. Cyn and Rigid took your car home.” Lo picked up my bag and slung it over his shoulder.

  “You’re kidding.” I said.

  “No, babe, they’re gone.” Lo patted down his pockets searching for his keys. I stood with my mouth hanging open, speechless.

  I walked across the hall and banged on Cyn’s door. She had to be there. She wouldn’t leave me alone, stranded. I pounded on the door and waited. Nothing. I pounded on the door one more time hoping she was still sleeping. I leaned my head against the door and I heard my door click behind me and Lo put his hand on my hip.

  “Babe.” One word. One word that somehow made me feel better.

  “Can I get a ride home Lo? And Coffee?” I mumbled into the door, defeated.

  “Yeah babe.”

  Looked like Boring Meg was going for a motorcycle ride.


  Chapter 13


  I was addicted. Going seventy miles an hour, hauling ass down country roads, the wind blowing through my hair with my body wrapped around Lo, it really was not something to complain about.

  After checking out and grabbing a cup of coffee from the continental breakfast, we walked out of the hotel, into the sunshine. Lo handed my bag off to another guy with a vest with fewer patches, explaining to me he was a prospect that was driving the van back and he would drop my bag off to me later.

  We walked to Lo’s bike and I just stared. I knew absolutely nothing about motorcycles, but I could tell Lo’s was badass and awesome. It was all black, raven black. All I could tell you is it was a Harley and kick ass.

  Lo grabbed a helmet for me and strapped it on my head. I was too in awe of his ride to be of much help. Lo straddled the bike and motioned for me to get on.

  I had no idea what I was doing and I’m sure anyone walking by could tell. By the time I finally had gotten on, I had kicked Lo in the back and almost catapulted myself off the other side.

  Once I was finally seated, Lo said, “Hold on.” I rested my hands on his sides, not wanting to get in his way and waited.

  Lo reached behind him and grabbed my arms and wrapped my arms around him. “Hold on.” He said again.

  The next thing I knew, my whole body was vibrating and Lo rocketed out of the parking lot. He made quick work of the city streets and before I knew it were cruising along the country roads. I had never been on a motorcycle and I was finally starting to see what the appeal was.

  It. Was. Awesome.

  Before I knew it, we had pulled into my driveway and Lo motioned for me to get off. I dismounted somewhat gracefully and unbuckled my helmet and handed it to Lo who stayed on the motorcycle.

  “I got shit to do, babe. Mickey will drop your bag off in a little bit.”

  Lo stood up, straddling his bike, and wrapped a hand around my neck and pulled me to him. He tangled his hand in my hair and tilted his mouth down to mine and gave me a long deep kiss. I was completely and fully in the Lo Daze when he rumbled against my lips, “I’ll see you around, ok?’

  All I could do was nod my head and watch Lo pull out of the drive.

  I walked into the house and sent off a message to Cyn letting her know I was home, no thanks to her, and face planted on my bed.

  Completely out of the Lo Daze, I only had one thought.

  What the fuck just happened?



  Having Meg wrapped around me the whole way home was heaven and fucking torture at the same time. It took all my willpower not to laugh at her while she tried to climb on behind me. I loved that she had never ridden on a bike before and I got to be her first.

  I dropped Meg off quick, planning on coming over later, after I talked Rigid into taking over the run this week for me.

  I pulled up to the clubhouse and saw a majority of the guy’s bikes there. Before I was even off my bike, Demon walked out, not looking happy.

  “Shit is going down King. We’ve got to do something.”

  “What the fuck happened now?” I asked as I swung my leg over my bike and walked into the clubhouse.

  “Big A got in touch with Blade in Collinsworth.” Demon said as I walked into church. Blade was my old president. I was his VP before we came up here to Rockton.

  “What?” I growled as I sat down at the head of the table.

  “Told him some bullshit on how we’re trying to take over his territory. Fucking bullshit.” Speed said, as he walked in the door and shut it behind him. All the members were back from the last run, so church was full today. I was the last one to show up. There was a total of fourteen full members and we had four prospects right now.

  “So what the fuck did Blade say?” I shot back

  “He told Big A he would take care of it. I talked to Blade ten minutes ago, he ain’t very happy. He said we better take care of this shit quick. Either put the Assassins out of business or figure out a way to avoid each other.” Demon said.

  “Avoiding each other don’t sound like Blade’s style.” Gravel rumbled.

  “No, it sure fucking don’t. So what the fuck do we do?” I always liked to get the brothers opinions before I make a decision.

  “Do we want the Assassins Territory?” Demon asked.

  “If we would take over their territory that would put more pressure and stress on us. I did my research and they cover most of the northern part of the state. We could make a deal that neither of us would cross past Falls City and we keep running the way we have.” Edge said.

  “That gives them a much bigger territory. What happens if we ever want to expand past oxy and weed?” Swinger asked.

  “That ain’t ever gonna happen. Things are on edge enough with oxy and weed. We get into that heavier shit, there ain’t no coming back from that. If it ever comes down to it, we can get out of the oxy and weed easy. Running bigger drugs puts us in a whole other league.” I said, hoping everyone else in the club agrees. Getting into heavier drugs, you definitely made more money, but you also had a much bigger risk.

  “Do we even want to be in the drug business anymore? Blade and the Collinsworth crew has completely gotten out of the oxy game and barely deals weed any more. That a path that we want to go down?” Demon asked.

  “How would we get money then? The garage isn’t going to generate enough money to keep us in the same lifestyle that we have gotten used to.�
� Gravel said. Gravel was the old-timer of the group. He was with the Devil’s Knights when I was just a kid. He was my sponsor when I patched in and he has always had my back as I worked my way through the ranks of the club. When I got Prez for the new Rockton chapter, Gravel was one of the first to volunteer to come with me.

  “We want to go completely legit? Strip club. There ain’t a decent one for miles around.” Gambler said.

  “Fuck yea! Strip club!” Speed yelled. All the members started talking at once, all in agreement that a strip club sounded good.

  “Alright, alright fuckers, calm the fuck down.” I yelled. “This is a big fucking deal, shit that we are going to have to discuss with the Collinsworth chapter. Edge and Python, I want you guys to get as much info you can on location and what the community would think of a strip club. If need be, we can open it outside of town limits to keep us on the good side of the community. I want the info in as soon as possible. Rigid, Gambler, Speed, and Swinger, I want you four to do the run this week. Dig around and try to see if our suppliers know of anyone who would want to maybe expand and take over our territory.”

  “What about giving out territory to the Assassins?” Gambler asked.

  “I’m not sure I want the Assassins getting what they wanted. Going behind our backs to Blade was not the way to make friends with us. Hammer, Whiskey, and Crowbar, you guys are with me heading to Collinsworth to talk to Blade. Are we all in agreement to get out of drugs and go straight legit with the body shop and the strip club. All in favor?”

  A chorus of ayes went up around the room.

  “All not in favor?” No one said nay, so it was decided. The Devils Knights Rockton Chapter was going legit. The brothers filed out while Demon and Rigid hung back. Demon was my VP and Rigid was my Sgt of Arms, they were my go to guys.

  “Didn’t see that vote coming, happy it did though.” Demon said.

  “Yeah, I agree, brother. We can all breathe a little easier when we are completely on the right side of the law.” I said as I leaned back in my chair.

  “Let’s just hope it goes as smooth as it can. The only possible problem I see is the Assassins. They sure are some dumbfuckers. What the fuck were they thinking going to Blade? We’re all brothers, just different chapters.” Rigid scoffed.

  “How long you expecting to be gone?” Demon asked me.

  “Hopefully, only a couple of days. I don’t see Blade having a problem with our decision to quit the drugs. I plan on leaving tonight to get back as soon as possible.”

  “You got a reason for wanting to get back so quick other than to get this strip club shit going?” Demon asked.

  “Yeah, brother. My reason is about five ten and the best pussy I’ve ever tasted.” I said as I pulled my phone out to see if Meg had texted me.

  “You tie her down yet?” Rigid asked.

  “Working on it.” I said as I shoved my phone back in my pocket, seeing that Meg hadn’t texted me. I looked at the time and saw it was close to three, and remembered that Meg worked Sunday nights. I guess I wasn’t going to be able to see her tonight.

  “Don’t fuck it up.” Demon said as he walked out the door.

  “What happened with you and Cyn?” I asked Rigid as we walked out of church and headed to the long bar in the main room.

  “Not much. She was too drunk last night to do anything and this morning she was so occupied with canceling everything for the wedding we didn’t really talk that much. I plan on giving her a couple of weeks, get her shit straight.”

  Wheeler, one of our prospects, was behind the bar and poured Rigid and I shots of Southern Comfort. “You leaving tonight?” Rigid asked.

  I tossed my shot back. “Might as well. Meg works Sunday through Thursday, and will be at work within the hour tonight, so I might as well get this shit done so I can get back home.”

  “All right, brother. I’m leaving in the morning and will let you know about who to hand the drugs off to as soon as possible. Good luck with Blade.” Rigid slammed his shot back and walked out of the main room, headed to his room to pack.

  I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and sent a text off to Meg letting her know I was going out of town and I would text her when I got back in.

  She didn’t text me back right away and I was tempted to run over to her house quick, to see her before I left. I decided not to, not wanting her to feel too much pressure.

  I was going to figure out all the bullshit with the Assassins and the strip club and then I was going to get Meg on the same page as me.

  She was mine, she just had to realize it.


  Chapter 14


  I didn’t hear from Lo all week, except for the text he sent me as I was getting ready for work, telling me he was going to be out of town for a couple of days. I had no idea what to text back, so I didn’t send anything back.

  Mickey, the prospect, had dropped my bag off about ten minutes after I got home, with only a head nod directed at me and was gone.

  I went by the shop, Knight’s Garage, on Wednesday and dropped Lo’s mom’s pie tin off. Lo wasn’t there.

  Rigid was and all he said was, “Yo, Lo’s not here.” and “See ya.” after I explained about the pan. Things seemed to be hectic so I hightailed it out of there.

  I kept going back and forth of whether or not I should text Lo, but I never did. I had no idea what we were and what to say.

  With each day that went by with no word from Lo, the more convinced I came to the fact that Lo got all he wanted and he was done. Definitely didn’t last as long as I hoped it would, but I knew things were going to end.

  It was now Friday night, and I was home alone and annoyed with Troy. Apparently while I was away last weekend, Troy had met ‘the perfect girl’ and was now so entranced with her that all he talked about was her and had ditched our monthly ‘Si Senor! Margaritas and Tacos’ night, to take her out.

  Troy was convinced this was the girl who was going to be the one and told me, “I need to do everything I can to make her see that I’m the one Meg.”

  Which in turn, my reply was, “You shouldn’t have to do anything for her to see how awesome you are, Troy. Just be you.”

  He didn’t listen, and had went and got reservations in Falls City at River’s Edge, the most expensive restaurant around and planned a carriage ride for after. Totally romantic and totally not Troy.

  I told Troy to take her to the Roadhouse then back to his house for a bonfire (which was Troy all the way) so she could see the real Troy.

  He got mad, pissed I couldn’t ‘be happy for him’.

  I got annoyed and told him to fuck off.

  Which leads me to now, one hand on my blender mixing up my second batch of margaritas, my other hand stirring my kick ass refried beans.

  Troy hadn’t told me he wasn’t going to come over Friday until Thursday and by that point I had already had the steak marinating because in order to have kick ass tacos, you needed to marinate the meat for two days and soak the beans overnight.

  So, I was having my own Si Senor! Night, happily three sheets to the wind, singing along to Jennifer Lopez’s ‘On the Floor’ (yes, I had a Si Senor! Play list) while Blue laid on the floor and occasionally howled for some taco scraps. Remy had also ditched me tonight and was at a baseball game with his dad and wouldn’t be back until late, if at all.

  I was just slipping the taco shells into the oven, when I heard someone knocking on my door. I looked at Blue, my trusty watch dog, to see him zonked out on the floor. Yeah, he’s vicious.

  “Just a minute!” I hollered while checking to make sure the steak and refried beans were simmering away and made my way to the door.

  I opened the door, and Rigid was standing there. Strange.

  “You got plans tonight, Firecracker?” He asked. Even stranger.

  I stared back at him stunned. Firecracker? Plans? “Si Senor Night.” I replied.

  “Babe?” He asked and raised one eyebrow looking at me like I w
as crazy.

  “Si Senor! Margaritas and Taco Night. Every third Friday of the month.” I leaned against the door frame because the world started tilting to the left.

  “You drunk, Firecracker?” Rigid ask with a smirk on his lips.

  “A little.” I replied. No point in lying, I was.

  “You the only one here?” He asked, peering over my shoulder.

  “Um, yeah. Troy and Remy ditched me.”

  “You make a bunch of food?” My brain could not figure out where this conversation was going. I was in a Tequila haze. I just nodded my head.

  “Hold on.” Rigid pulled his phone out of his pocket, pressed a couple buttons and put it to his ear.

  I looked over Rigid’s shoulder and saw my neighbor, Larry, peaking out his window. I waved and yelled, “Hey, Larry!” Larry looked at me then moved away from the window.

  “Yeah, she’s home, King. Drunk off her ass, hollering at the neighbors.” Rigid said into the phone, laughing.

  I was not drunk off my ass and all I yelled was hey to Larry. It’s called being neighborly. “I am not drunk! Why are you still on my porch?” I demanded.

  He ignored me and kept talking to Lo, “Apparently it’s taco night or some shit like that. Smells fucking phenomenal.”

  “It’s ‘Si Senor! Margarita and Taco Night’, get it right.” I mumbled under my breath. “And it better smell good, I slaved my ass over these tacos.”

  “You hear her? Yeah, definitely throwing sass, King. See you in ten.’ Rigid slid his phone back in his pocket. ‘The boys are bringing beer. How long until dinner?”

  I was speechless! I shook my head trying to get out of my tequila haze but all it did was make the room spin a little. “You can’t drink beer on Si Senor Night! Margaritas only!” I screeched outraged! Apparently all my brain processed was the beer part.

  “Don’t do girly drinks, babe. You need me to stir something?”

  It was at this point I decided I was dreaming, because the Rigid of the real world, would never be at my door inviting himself and the club to dinner and asking if he could help me cook. I decided to go with it.

  “You can stir the beans.”


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