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Buttons and Shame

Page 27

by Penelope Sky

  She breathed deeply underneath me, her body trying to fight me during her panic. “Don’t—”

  I pressed my tip to her entrance, sliding my head inside. I was greeted by her tightness, and I moaned automatically when I realized how much her pussy would squeeze my dick. “It’s time to punish you.”

  “No.” She bucked her hips back, but that didn’t stop me.

  “I’m gonna fuck you, London. And I’m gonna fuck you hard.”

  She bucked against me again and began to scream even though Finley wouldn’t do a damn thing. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m sorry, and I’ll never do it again. Just please don’t. Please…” Her body lay on top of the bedding, her pussy still mine to take.

  “If I begged you to stop, would you have stopped?”

  She was silent since we both knew the answer.

  “Cry all you want. I’ll just enjoy it even more.” I slid my cock farther inside, aroused by the moisture that met me.

  “No! Please.” She panted underneath me, desperation in her voice. “Don’t do this. Don’t do this to me. You’re better than this.”

  I laughed even though she wasn’t trying to be funny. “I’m definitely not better than this. I stole you, so I’m not above using you.”

  “Hit me. Break me. Kill me. Just please don’t do this…”

  Inexplicably, those words sank into me—right to the bone. She preferred death over sex, and that pulled at my misplaced compassion. The head of my cock was still inside her, feeling the wet moisture. “Why are you wet then, Lovely?” I didn’t pull my dick out because it felt too incredible inside her. So soft. So warm.

  She breathed heavily underneath me, her face pressed into my sheets.

  “I asked you a question.” I tightened my grip on her wrists and squeezed her neck.

  She twisted her head, trying to free herself from the hold. “I’m attracted to you…”

  My fingers immediately relaxed around her throat, those words soothing on my ear. Her confession was so honest and so embarrassing. I was taking her against her will, and she still got wet for me. It truly was humiliating—for her.

  “But I don’t want this. Maybe my body does, but I don’t. So have some compassion, and let me go.”

  My hand still clamped her wrists together, and I struggled to release her. Knowing she wanted my cock made me want to keep going. My attraction to her doubled within seconds. Now I wanted her sensually, her legs wrapped around my waist as we moved together in mutual passion.

  Not like this.

  I found the strength to release her and pull the tip of my cock out. The second my wet cock felt the air of my bedroom, he twitched in frustration. I didn’t pull on a pair of boxers because I wasn’t ashamed of my nakedness.

  London breathed a sigh of relief when I let her go, but she still hid her face. Her ass was still in the air and her panties around her ankles.

  I forced myself to look away because it just made me harder. “I suggest you get dressed and leave before I change my mind.”

  She snapped out of it and pulled her clothes back on. She refused to meet my gaze before she darted out of the room, forgetting to close the door behind her.

  I sat at the edge of the bed and tried to make sense of what just happened. I had every right to fuck her. After all, she had just tried to kill me in my sleep—a coward’s attempt. I owned her. She was my four-million-dollar collateral that I took from Joseph. If I wanted to fuck her, I could. If I wanted to snap her neck, I could.

  I could do whatever I damn well pleased.

  But something held me back. She begged me not to rape her, and somehow, I caved. I still wanted her, but I managed to step away. When she told me she was attracted to me, that gave me some form of satisfaction. Her body wanted me even if her mind loathed me.

  That would have to be enough—for now.

  I didn’t see her the following day because she stayed in her bedroom the entire time. She was probably trying to avoid me after the ordeal in the middle of the night. I couldn’t blame her. My cock was an inch inside of her, and all her body could do in response was get wet.

  I was remembering the feel of her tight pussy around my head when Ariel walked in.

  “The helicopter is arranged for this evening. He’s bringing a few men along.”

  “That’s fine.” I never expected him to come alone. Very rarely did I go anywhere without protection.

  “Also, Joseph Ingram is on the line.”

  My fingertips were resting on my lips, but I immediately pulled them away when I heard her announcement. My hand formed a fist. “What did he say?”

  “Nothing. Just said he wanted to speak to you.”

  “He has a lot of nerve…”

  “You did tell him not to save her. But you never said he couldn’t contact you.”

  I was too angry to smile. “You’re right…as usual.”

  “I’m surprised he still wants her back. She’s insufferable, if you ask me.”

  “I’m surprised you would say that.” I continued the conversation but considered what I would say to Joseph when I got on the line.


  “You remind me of each other. Both spitfires.”

  Ariel rolled her eyes in an affectionate way. “He’s on line one.” She walked out, this time closing the door behind her.

  I stared at the satellite phone sitting on my desk, the one I used for work that was synced to Ariel’s line. I watched it for several heartbeats before I finally took the call. “Hello, Joseph.” I planned to say as little as possible, forcing him to speak with just my silence. But he better cut to the chase because I had shit to do. It gave me some sick satisfaction that his sister was attracted to me despite the fact that she was my prisoner. I already felt like I had gotten my revenge with that alone.

  “Hello, Mr. Donoghue.”

  Good start.

  “I know you have London, and I haven’t made any attempts to get her back.”

  Because you’re a pussy.

  “But I hope you’ll reconsider letting her go.”

  “Why would I do that?” I stared at my watch, seeing the minute hand circle round and round.

  “She’s just an innocent girl.”

  “She’s not a girl,” I said with a laugh. “She’s all woman.”

  Joseph fell silent at the implication of my words, the vein in his forehead probably throbbing.

  “And it’s not gonna happen. I’ve decided what to do with her. She’ll be leaving in a few days. Where she’ll go…not for me to know.”

  “What do you mean?” Instead of keeping his cool, Joseph’s panic escaped in his tone.

  “A friend of mine is coming to dinner tonight. He has a preference for slaves. I’m going to introduce her to him and tell him what her price is.”

  “Who?” Joseph demanded.

  One sick son of a bitch. I was cold and cruel, but this man was something else entirely. He made me look tame. “Bones.”

  Joseph knew exactly who he was. Bones was known for his taste in women. He liked to use them, to break their legs and then chase them around his mansion. He was undoubtedly cruel, killing them once he grew bored. Then he would buy another slave…and the cycle continued. “Have mercy, Crewe…”

  “He’ll pay me the four million dollars you didn’t. And then we’ll be even.”

  “Come on, I’ll do anything you want. Please don’t do that to her. She’s a good person…” His voice broke like he was on the verge of tears.

  I had no sympathy for him. “Shouldn’t have crossed me. I’ve told you that before.”

  “There has to be a compromise.”

  “Not when I know how much this bothers you. You know she’ll be tortured every single day of her life until Bones finally kills her. That can sit on your conscience every second until you finally see her grave and know her suffering is over.”

  “I’ll do whatever you want—”

  “Good bye, Joseph.” I hung up and tossed the phone aside, fini
shed with Joseph Ingram forever. I would get my perfect revenge, and every person who heard the story would fear me. When I walked into a room, everyone would bow.

  Because I was the scotch king.



  Crewe walked into my bedroom without knocking, his brown eyes gleaming with sinister intent. “I’m having a guest for dinner. I want your hair and makeup to be done. Ariel can do it for you if you need help.”

  There were so many things wrong with that sentence. “First of all, I can do it myself. Second of all, I don’t want to. And thirdly, who the hell is coming to dinner all the way out here?”

  “A friend of mine. I want you to meet him.”


  Crewe walked toward me as I sat on the couch. He looked formidable in his suit. “Because I’m going to sell you to him.”


  “Part of my plan. I’ll offer you for four million dollars. He’ll think about it for a while before he agrees.”

  “Well, I don’t agree.” Crewe wasn’t the best man on the planet, but at least he didn’t rape me when I asked him not to. I would much rather stay with him, even if he was evil, because that was better than going anywhere else. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  “You’re my property,” he said quietly. “You don’t get a say in this. Do your hair and makeup or I’ll make it happen.”

  This conversation was so overwhelming that I didn’t even think of the last time we spoke. When his thick cock was inside me, and I confessed that I thought he was good-looking and attractive. I was humiliated those words had come out of my mouth, but this conversation was far worse. “No.”

  He stepped closer to me then grabbed me by the throat. “Do as I say. Or I will fuck you.” After a terrifying glare, he released me. “When I return in thirty minutes, you better have done as I’ve asked. Or my cock is going in your ass.” He slammed the door on the way out, making me jump out of my skin.

  I did as he asked because I didn’t know what else to do.

  If I defied him, he would make good on his threat.

  But if I didn’t defy him, I’d have to meet a man who would potentially buy me.

  Either way, I lost.

  Crewe came back thirty minutes later, wearing jeans and a dark green t-shirt. His thick arms were on display, lean and toned with corded veins protruding from the skin. He had just shaved, so his chin was free of hair.

  He looked at me with approval. “I’m a little disappointed. I was hoping you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  I ignored the implication.

  “Take off that dress.”

  “You didn’t tell me what you wanted me to wear.” I stood at the foot of the bed with heels on my feet. I found the outfit in the closet, along with the other clothes Crewe had bought for me.

  “Because I don’t want you to wear anything.”

  The blood drained from my face.

  “Strip down to your panties. Now.”

  I’d already stripped for him once. I couldn’t do it again, especially in front of a stranger who wanted to buy me for immoral reasons. “No.”

  “No, what?” His hand shot out to my neck.

  I threw my elbow down so his fingers wouldn’t squeeze me anymore. “I’m not taking off my clothes for anyone. If you don’t like it, you’ll just have to—”

  He grabbed the fabric of my dress and ripped it with his bare hands. A long tear stretched down past my waist, my bra visible now that the material was falling apart. He yanked on it again until it was in two pieces. “You can leave the heels on. Lose the bra.”

  “Fuck you.” I’d never been so degraded in my life, stripped and objectified because I was a woman and not a man. I spit in his face and tried to kick him in the nuts.

  He blocked the hit then slapped me across the face. “Spit on me again, and see what happens.” His hand unclasped the back of my bra in one fluid motion. It fell down my arms and onto the floor.

  How did my life turn into this? “You’re better than this, Crewe.”

  “No, I’m not,” he said coldly. “When someone fucks with me, I teach them a lesson. Now you can try to avoid this as much as possible, but you won’t succeed. I have all the control. You have nothing.”

  It was the first time I wanted to break down in tears. It was the first time I wanted to weep. All hope left my body when I realized I truly was just a piece of property, cattle to be sold to the highest bidder.

  “We’re going to have dinner now. You don’t have to eat. You don’t have to talk. Just sit there.” He grabbed me by the elbow and guided me into the grand dining hall. My tits were out in the open, and only my panties covered my virtue. I passed Finley in the hallway, but he had enough respect for me to not stare.

  Crewe pushed me into a chair then scooted me in.

  I immediately covered my chest, my lungs tightening with impending tears. “Don’t do this to me. Crewe, please…”

  “Lower your arms.” He grabbed both of my wrists and pinned them down. “Every time you cover them during dinner, I’ll backhand you.” He leaned over the back of the chair until his mouth was pressed to my ear. “Accept your fate. That’s all you can do at this point.” He walked out of the room just as Finley announced his dinner guest.

  “Sir, Bones is here.”

  What kind of name is Bones? The name alone made me shake. Whatever it implied was something I couldn’t handle. Without even seeing his face, I knew I would be terrified of that man.

  Crewe and Bones shared a few words about the weather then Bones discussed his life in Rome. They headed to the dining room, their voices growing louder. I sat there in just my underwear, tears burning behind my eyelids. Some man was going to stare at me all through dinner—like I wasn’t human.

  Bones walked inside, his face fair and his hair blond. He was large around the midsection, and the air around him was full of tense creepiness. When his eyes fell on me, I immediately covered my face, disgusted by his gaze.

  Crewe’s hand moved to my shoulder. “What did we talk about, Lovely?”

  I refused to lower my hands, to allow this sick man to see me. He had a thick mustache and evil eyes. He eye-fucked me while he looked at me, having no shame in seeing me as a prisoner. He was more terrifying than I expected him to be.

  Crewe slapped me like he’d promised. The back of his hand smacked across my cheek. He put a great deal of force into it, making my cheek redden on impact.

  I lowered my hands.

  “She needs a bit of training,” Crewe said. “That’s all.”

  “She’s fascinating.” Bones walked to me then leaned over, staring down at my body like he had every right to examine me. Then he extended a hand and cupped my tit.

  I smacked his hand. “Don’t you fucking touch me.”

  He pulled back his fist and slammed it into my face, making me cry out in pain. He pulled back to do it again.

  Crewe steadied his hand. “One is enough, Bones. Why don’t you take a seat, and we’ll drink some of my finest scotch?” Crewe placed his body between us, protecting me with his size.

  I shouldn’t have felt grateful, but somehow, I was.

  Bones moved to the other side of the table.

  Crewe sat beside me and asked Bones about his weaponry business. Apparently, Bones manufactured illegal weapons and sold them to the highest bidders from all around the world. I wasn’t sure what Crewe and Bones had in common, but it was obviously something.

  Finley served dinner, but I didn’t dare eat a bite. I felt sick to my stomach. The pain from my eye was excruciating. I knew I would wake up with a black eye tomorrow.

  Bones and Crewe continued to talk about business, focusing on Crewe’s experience in selling intelligence. They mentioned someone named Crow and his participation in selling weapons to their allies.

  I was bored of the conversation but still terrified.

  “So,” Bones said as he spoke with his mouth full. “Did you bring her along just to tease me

  “No,” Crewe said. “This fine lady is for sale, actually.”

  “Is she now?” He stared at my tits again, still eating. “How much? I’d love to give her a go.”

  I wanted to hurl all over the table.

  “Four million,” Crewe said. “The price is non-negotiable.”

  “Four million? Are you out of your mind?” Food flew from his mouth as he spoke, looking oddly like a pig.

  “She’s worth every penny,” Crewe said with conviction. “She’s got the feistiness you crave. Just last night, she snuck into my bedroom and tried to bash my skull in with a rock.”

  Bones gave a hearty laugh, deep from within his throat. “She’s got spunk… I like that.” His blue eyes moved to me again, seeing right through my skin to my untainted soul. He wanted to take all of me, all the things I cherished.

  “She’s got one hell of a mouth on her too,” Crewe continued. “It’s one smartass comment after another.”

  “Even better,” Bones said. “But that price is pretty high, I’m sure you can agree.”

  “Like you can’t afford it.” Crewe gave a charming smile, using his natural charisma even on men.

  “Well, of course,” Bones said. “But I spend my money wisely. I can get a nice whore for a fraction of the cost.”

  “I’m not a whore,” I hissed. I was tired of being discussed like I wasn’t even there. They joked about my spitfire personality, but they didn’t understand I was just trying to survive. What would they do if they were in a situation like mine? Give up?

  Crewe patted me on the shoulder. “She’s right. She’s not. And that’s why she’s better. She was in medical school when I took her, so this will be her first rodeo. She’ll need to be trained. She’ll need to be broken. But that’s where all the fun is, if you ask me.”

  Bones took another bite of his food and nodded. “You’re right about that.”

  I twisted my shoulder, moving away from Crewe’s touch.

  Crewe let me get my way and returned his hand to his lap. “I’ll give you a few days to think about it. But after the third day, I’ll open up the bidding to others.”


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