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Tied to Him

Page 7

by Tia Siren

  “Well, I have a prick of a dad, as you already know. My mother died in childbirth while she was having me,” she said. “Now I’m at college and have no idea what I want to do when I actually leave. I do know, though, that I’m not going into investment banking. It causes too many problems.”

  I could listen to her talk forever…

  “I have an older brother. I love him to death. He’s my best friend for sure. He’s worked in a hospital for forever but just decided to move on and open up a family practice. He wanted me to work for him for the summer, but as you have guessed, I’m a free spirit, and I like to control my own life and do things my way.”

  I listened to Elizabeth for quite a while and found her to be many things; she was smart, very cocky by nature, and commanding and demanding. All of those dominant things she would soon learn could be broken…by me. I found her funny, and the strangest thing was, she should have been scared to death by the thought of a weekend trip away, but after some initial nerves, she seemed to become relaxed and at one with the situation.

  She looked at me with want.

  “Tell me more. Tell me something you’ve never told anyone else,” I demanded.

  “Well, I like to fuck. I just adore sex, and that’s something else you have probably realized?” she said as her eyes lit up. “And masturbation. I love to masturbate. I even masturbated the other day. It was with a—nah, it doesn’t matter. I’ll save that for another time,” she said.

  “Don’t forget the Sir, princess. Keep that in mind and we’ll be all right.”

  She nodded, her eyes growing a little wide. “Yes, Sir. Now your turn, Sir. Tell me something about you. I know it’s probably a question you have been asked a million times, but what do you see as your secret to your success?”

  “Well, Elizabeth, I could give you a very short answer or a very long answer, but both would lead you to the same place. It’s something I have used in relationships apart from business,” I said with a smile.

  “Come on, tell me. What is it?” she asked as she tugged at my bathrobe with a gorgeous smile. “The super short version, and the longer one you can tell me another time.”

  “Seven words are all I need to use to sum up the secret to my success,” I said.

  “So, tell me, Sir.” Her voice was almost sultry.

  “I did my homework and paid attention,” I said with a huge grin.

  “I’ll remember that,” Elizabeth said before biting her lip. Little seductress.

  “One final thing, Elizabeth…”

  “Anything,” she replied, her answer lighting a fire in my stomach.

  “Be compliant and tell me your naughty fantasies?” I smiled wickedly, not able to help myself. I didn’t want her to break just yet. The fight was half the fun. Asking for compliance would help her think she still had some semblance of control, which she didn’t.

  She laughed softly. “You have no chance of finding them out!” She touched my shoulder and winked at me, the pretty girl a little too full of herself.

  I let her have her fun. Little did she know, I’d find out everything I wanted to know the second I wanted the info. She was in my web now, and she wasn’t getting out unscathed.

  Chapter 9


  I sat and stared at the fire. The logs spit and crackled and the flames did their merry little dance. The warmth was soothing, and the atmosphere the fire created was kind of romantic.

  I looked at Charles as he sat warming his feet by the fire. I found him, so far, to be an incredible person; he was hot and horny as hell, but he was old enough to be my father. I thought of my normal life before this trip and of my relationships. I was the queen of one-night stands and had guys begging for me to take them, but I picked and chose who I wanted. I wasn’t an easy lay by any means, but I liked sex, and when I wanted it, I had it.

  I looked back at Charles. Everything about this weekend was so wrong, but it was different in a good way. Regardless, there was no way I was going to tell him my fantasy.

  “I’ll be back in a moment,” Charles said before he stood and walked up the stairs.

  “Okay. You know where I’ll be, Sir,” I replied.

  I continued watching and listening to the fire. I was totally relaxed and found myself in a good place. I heard a noise from behind me and turned my head. Charles was coming down the stairs with a blanket and his silver case.

  As he approached, he threw the blanket to me. “Make yourself comfortable in front of the fire,” he ordered.

  I grabbed the blanket and spread it in front of the log fire.

  “Let me explain a few things to you, Elizabeth,” he said as he placed his case on the couch.

  “What’s this?” I asked him.

  He brushed a hand over the silver case. “When I’m done with you, you’ll have my mark.”

  “When I’m done with you, you’re going to be the one left with the scar.” I couldn’t stop pushing him. It felt too good to do it. “Can I look?”

  “Please do.” He moved back and gave me a stern look. “Forget to call me Sir again, and I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I whispered as I got up and walked toward the case. My pussy tightened as I glanced down and saw the range of toys he had accumulated. There was a wide assortment for his enjoyment. He had restriction devices and implements to tease and stretch. There were whips, collars, and more. It was stuff that would take a sexual session to a deeper level and a much higher feeling of pleasure.

  As I looked at the toys, my heart started to race. I had to stand my ground though and pretend that I wasn’t interested.

  “Wow, some of them look quite nasty. I’m not sure if I would enjoy those on me, Sir,” I said. Fuck, I would love these on me.

  “I’ll take it steady and see how you respond. I’ll only use the bad ones if you are naughty and need to be punished at any time,” he said.

  I licked my lips and looked at the toys. Fuck, I wanted to be naughty. I wanted him to punish me and spanked my ass hard. Somehow, I wanted all of it. I couldn’t understand why.

  “Take off your bathrobe and get on your knees. Get on all fours,” Charles demanded as he slipped off his bathrobe.

  I slipped off my robe and did as he ordered. I got onto my hands and knees in front of the fire. The flames cast dancing shadows over my body, and as Charles looked on, I could see he was deciding which toy to use first. I watched as he reached into his case and pulled out a dog collar and chain. He moved toward me and fastened it around my neck before laying the chain down over my back. The chain felt cold against my skin.

  Charles looked back into his case and took out a trusty old cat-o-nine tales sort of whip and playfully slapped his hand with it. He knelt in front of me, his cock only inches from my face. I could see it twitching as he started to become aroused.

  “Play with my cock,” he ordered as he grabbed the chain leash and wrapped it around his hand.

  “Whatever you wish, Sir,” I replied as I reached for his cock.

  I took it and stroked it downward as if I were milking an animal. I could feel it stretch as it started to become erect. I pulled firmly and looked at the head of his cock as it wept for me. I went to tease it with the tip of my tongue, needing to taste him.

  Charles yanked on the chain, and the collar bit into the flesh of my neck and made me gag for breath. “I said play, not suck,” he said.

  “Sorry, Sir,” I replied as I continued to stroke him.

  His veins were filling with blood as his cock got harder from my touch. My hand slowly stroked him up and down as he throbbed within my grip. I released his cock and grabbed his balls. They were hanging close to his body, and they were full. I massaged them and ran my finger between his legs toward his firm ass.

  Again, Charles yanked on the chain. “No ass play,” he ordered.

  I returned my focus to his cock. I stroked him faster and could feel his manhood become fully erect, his cock saluted in front of me. I wondered
how it would feel when it became lodged deep inside my tight slit.

  “Suck it now. No hands, just your mouth,” Charles demanded.

  He knelt closer to me, and I opened my mouth. My tongue teased the slit on the head of his cock. The collar gently became tighter as Charles subconsciously pulled on the chain while his body tensed from the touch of my tongue.

  I took the head of his cock into my mouth and wrapped my lips tightly around it. I rocked my head back and forth and stimulated the sensitive head as I felt myself becoming wet.

  Charles moved, and suddenly there was pain in the cheek of my ass. He had brought the whip down onto my skin.

  “Ouch,” I squealed as the pain shot through my body and into my ever-warming pussy.

  “Suck it all,” he said as he whipped me again.

  The grip of my mouth tightened around his cock as the pain fled through my body. He groaned as I sucked his shaft deep into my mouth. I slid it in all the way, and Charles raised the leash and held it high. I struggled for breath as the collar rested against my throat. The heat from his cock filled my mouth as I hung in that position for a split second before he lowered the chain, relieving the pressure from my throat.

  “How does it taste?” Charles asked in his sexy tone.

  “It tastes so good, Sir. Better than I would have expected,” I said.

  “Now use your hands as well,” he ordered.

  I frantically grabbed his cock. I wanted to fuck him with my hand, but instead I took his cock deep into my mouth. My hand stroked his cock back and forth as I sucked on his sensitive head. Charles lashed me on my backside as I slid my mouth down the length of his shaft. The head of his cock was at the back of my throat as I grabbed and caressed his large balls.

  “Stop.” He tugged the leash. I removed his cock from my mouth and waited. Charles moved behind me and caressed my ass before running his hands up and down my spine. My body melted easily at his touch, and he tugged on the leash so that my body jolted to a rigid position again.

  I watched as Charles passed the leash under my body and between my legs. He gently pulled, and I felt the coldness of the chain as the links parted the lips of my pussy.

  “Oh, my. Never, never have I—”

  Charles brought the whip down harshly on my ass.


  My body tense as he again pulled the chain and my pussy lips parted, my clitoris flicked by each chain links as they passed by my wetness. I gritted my teeth as Charles pulled on the leash, the chain tight against my pussy as he reached with his hand and rubbed the chain against my clit. My body sagged, and he slide his finger into me, my pussy filled with fire from his touch.

  Next, he passed the chain back over my body, and he removed his hands from my skin. I glanced over my shoulder and saw him. He had wrapped the chain around the base of his cock and fastened it. I had no idea what would happen with that, but I could see his cock had grown in size and had filled with more blood.

  Charles returned his finger to my pussy. He parted my lips and slid it inside, thrusting it deep into me. I bowed my head, and my blond hair fell to the floor. My breath became deeper as my pussy felt like it was full of flames. My clitoris tingled and my stomach tensed.

  He slid a second finger into my wet pussy.

  I rocked my hips to push my pussy harder onto Charles’s hand and felt the whip as it careened over the flesh of my back. My body tensed. Charles groaned as the leash tugged on his cock.

  My mind flashed back to the ocean, where Charles had fingered me and made me come twice. My pussy had throbbed and released my juices onto his fingers twice in succession, and I wondered if that was his plan now.

  I lowered myself onto my forearms as Charles groaned. He removed his fingers and knelt closer to me. The head of his cock rubbed along my slit. It parted my lips as he rubbed it over my clit. My whole body shook with need.

  Charles slowly slid his cock inside me, and I gasped. He stopped as he adjusted the chain. He pushed his hips forward and stretched me open wide, his dick much bigger than anything I was used to.

  “How does that feel?” Charles asked as he held my hips and forced his cock forward.

  “So fucking good, Sir,” I breathed out in a moan, feeling like a naughty slut.

  Charles started to thrust his hips back and forth slowly, my pussy rubbed and teased by the chain with each stroke. He groaned with pleasure as his hips rocked backward and the chain tightened its grip around the base of his cock. It made the collar tighter as it pulled at my throat at the same time.

  We had a sharing of pain and pleasure at the same time. Charles thrust forward, and my pussy was set on fire from the stimulation from the chain. Then when he rocked his hips back, the leash tightened its grip on his cock and my pussy.

  I felt like we were good cop bad cop, but in an explicit, sexual scenario. It felt too fucking good to do anything but dive into the depravity of it.

  We groaned in unison as our bodies filled with fire, yet I knew Charles was still in control. It was his body that pulled the leash tighter around my throat as he thrust his hips back and forth into my pussy.

  The sound of our bodies slapping together as we fucked turned me on. My ass slapped against his thighs with each thrust of his huge cock. It was erotic as my pussy stretched to the limit each time his cock filled me and the chain spread my lips.

  I moaned in ecstasy and wriggled my hips, and winced in pain as Charles lashed me with his whip. He wanted me to feel the power of his fucking, but he did not want me to fully interact. It was his control that allowed me to feel as much as he wanted, and my body would respond to his control. The whip crashed against my shoulders, and felt the sting of each strand as it left my body. With each stroke of the whip, his cock re-entered my pussy. I had no sense of pain or pleasure; they had become combined, and I realized now that with that pain, you could receive much pleasure.

  My mind wandered to my fantasy. Is this really how I imagined it? Goodness me, a dark sexual beast controlling my every emotion. I had always been in control and tried to take control of Charles, but he had always been one step in front and had cut me off before I could make any progress.

  Charles thrust his hips faster and faster; my pussy stretched completely. My juices flowed freely, splashing over his shaft and dripping down his balls. A fire built up against my clit, edging me toward another crescendo.

  My body ached. I wanted to use my hands and just touch Charles, to feel him, and yet I had no control. Unforgivingly, he rammed his cock deeper into me, and I heard the chain as it rubbed.

  I felt the bulge of Charles’s hot cock, his heat spreading and combining with the heat from my pussy. It was perfect as my muscles gripped him tightly and he pummeled my channel. My body grew numb from the millions of tiny shockwaves that were released from my core. They fled to my stock and flowed all over my body.

  My legs and arms started to shake. My explosion was about to take over my body. I sensed Charles was also close. He had tightened his grip on my waist, and he thrust his cock harder and faster, and I could feel his body tighten. I was so horny as his hot breath hit my skin when he hunched over me.

  Charles let out a groan, and his body let go of his seed. I felt his cum shooting from his cock and fill my wanting pussy. Then my body also let go. I trembled and quivered, and my pussy exploded with a burst of fire. A warmth washed over my body as it accepted and was pleasured by Charles, the man of my imagined fantasy now come to life.

  Chapter 10


  I had woken up early and decided to sit on the patio and watch the sun rise while I downed a nice cup of Jamaican coffee. I saw the first rays of the sun as they peaked over the horizon and cast their glow over the tops of the waves; tiny reflections danced as the waves bobbed in the distance.

  I thought back to the previous night and how Elizabeth had embraced her role. She had tried to take control, but I had sensed this and knocked her down a peg or two. It was a beautiful thing to see her come
to realize who was in charge and that it wasn’t her.

  She would become addicted soon. They all did. I would have her eating out of my hand, and she wouldn’t just be begging for one last fuck; she would be on her knees begging for it. I called Jonathan regarding the work matter, and he informed me that they had been delayed and wouldn’t be able to arrive back as scheduled.

  “So, how was the meeting?” I asked.

  “You know what these fucking lawyers are like. They watch the TV and try to come across with the same attitude,” he said. “This shit isn’t scripted, so when they come in with the bravado and all that bullshit, they get confused.”

  “Tell me about it. It was a good thing it was you and me who wrote the fucking script and that we keep re-writing the script. so we know what’s coming next.”

  Jonathan filled me in, and then he asked, “So, how was Elizabeth?”

  “She was perfect. She did everything I said and more. She’s much more mature than she looks, and I think that’s some of the appeal. She did try to come across as a tough cookie, but she crumbled once I started with her,” I replied with a huge grin on my face.

  “Glad to hear it. At least that fucker Kent got something right for once,” Jonathan said with a laugh.

  “At least it gets the weekend off to a good start, that’s for sure. Hmm, now I know which direction I can take her,” I said.

  “Well, I better get going. They will be waiting in the office for me, and I don’t want to miss a thing,” Jonathan said. Then he hung up the phone.

  I heard a noise behind me and turned my head. Elizabeth walked down the stairs. I stood and left the patio and met her in the lounge.

  “Come with me,” I said as I led her into the kitchen. “What do you want for breakfast?”

  “What do you have, Sir?” She glowed in the morning sun.

  I opened the fridge and stood to the side. “We have…absolutely everything,” I said with a chuckle as I waved my hand over the contents of the fridge.

  “You decide. Surprise me!” She sat at the dining table and plopped her head in her hands.


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