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The Rhythm of My Heart

Page 6

by Velvet Reed

  “No, the soda is fine, thanks,” I reply.

  We both pick up our menus; however, I know exactly what I want so I close mine and place it back on the table. “Is everything all right? I mean, I hope this place is okay. We can go somewhere else if you like,” he nervously blurts out.

  I give him a reassuring smile. “Cole, I love this place. It’s a great choice; I just already know what I’m going to order.”

  The waitress returns and sets our drinks down in front of us. Cole picks up his beer and gives a nervous chuckle. “Oh, okay then, just checking,” he says, as he takes a deep gulp.

  Why is he so nervous? He wasn’t like this last night or at my house earlier.

  Taking a deep breath, he smirks. “What are you having, Grace?” he asks. I can see his shoulders have loosened and the tension dissipated.

  “I’m going for a half-rack of ribs.”

  Cole’s eyes shoot up in surprise and he gives me a ridiculously sexy grin. “A woman who isn’t afraid to eat in front of her date… I’m impressed.” He winks.

  “You’ll learn pretty fast that I love my food, Dr. Tierney. I’m not a rabbit food kind of girl. Oh, and I absolutely expect dessert.” I grin.

  Cole lets out a laugh, which sends tingles straight to my core. Oh, dear God, what he does to me already. “Then dessert you’ll have, Sweet Cheeks.”

  A young guy interrupts us and introduces himself as Ben, our waiter. He tells us he is in training and he honestly looks like he may pass out or vomit from nervousness. The poor thing is so anxious and fumbling with his notepad and pen. I reach out and place my hand on top of his and his eyes widen in surprise. “Just take your time, Ben. You’re doing great,” I tell him.

  He gives me a shy smile. “Thanks,” he mumbles.

  After Ben takes our orders and heads for the kitchen, I turn to Cole who has a mischievous look on his face. “What?” I ask.

  “Should I be jealous or worried about Ben?” he chuckles.

  “Oh, stop,” I say, laughing. “The poor thing looked like he was going to pass out.”

  Shaking his head, Cole reaches across the table, takes my hand in his, and says, “There aren’t many people who would have been as patient and kind to that kid as you just were, Grace. You have a truly beautiful heart.” He then lifts my hand and takes it to his lips leaving a soft, wet kiss. I feel my cheeks flood with heat.

  “It only takes a second to show someone kindness, Cole. He’s just a kid on his first day at probably his first job; he deserves a chance.”

  Without dropping my hand he is holding, Cole raises his beer with his free hand. “A toast… to kind hearts, to living life to its fullest, and to spectacular moments that will be remembered forever. Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” I repeat and clink my glass with Cole’s, while thinking how he just incorporated moments we have shared in that one significant little speech.

  After chatting about basically anything and scarfing down my ribs while Cole watched with great amusement, I decide it’s time to find out more about the Tierney family. “Since you’ve met my dad and brother and you know about my mom, it’s time to spill the beans about your family, Dr. Tierney.”

  Cole wipes his mouth with his napkin before he begins. “My family, Well, let’s see, my parents John and Olivia were college sweethearts. They survived my dad going through medical school, mom going through nursing school, and they’re still happily married. My dad is actually the head oncologist at the hospital and Mom stopped nursing soon after she started when they had April and me.”

  “You have a sister?” I ask in surprise.

  “I do. April and I are twins, actually”

  “You’re a twin?” I blurt again, probably sounding like a complete dumbass.

  Cole begins to laugh. “Are you going to repeat everything I say as a question?”

  I start chuckling, too. “Sorry, that was just a surprise. So what’s she like?”

  “April? She’s great. We’re pretty close; well, we are now anyway. We couldn’t stand each other during our teenage years. She’s a lawyer – family law. Obviously, she’s the only one in the family who didn’t pursue medicine. She’s brilliant at her job and she loves it,” Cole tells me with affection in his tone.

  “So, who’s older?”

  “I am by about two minutes and she absolutely hates it when I call her baby sister, so I do it often to rile her up,” he grins.

  “And how old are you exactly?”

  “I’m twenty-eight, and you?” he enquires.

  I suck air in through my teeth and feign a mocking look. “I’m twenty-five… wow, so I’m on a date with an old man.”

  “Hey! Watch it, Sweet Cheeks, you could find yourself in all sorts of trouble with comments like that.” He chides me.

  I giggle like a schoolgirl and give him a wink. “Well, actually Charlie is twenty-eight as well; so I’m sure I can deal with it. So I take it you’re close to your parents?”

  He smiles. “Yeah, they’re really great. They’ve always been supportive of whatever April and I wanted to do. We have our rough patches like any other family, but for the most part, we’re tight. Then Sam is always added into the mix, of course.”

  “Sam?” I question, “How does Sam fit in to your family dynamic? I thought you were best friends?”

  “Oh, we are, but he’s also the brother I never had. My parents adopted him when we were twelve. He was my neighbor before that. His parents were killed in a small plane crash and he didn’t have any other family. We’ve been stuck with him ever since,” he finishes with a chuckle.

  “Wow, how devastating for him, but amazing at the same time that he still had people familiar for him to hold on to,” I say, saddened someone else had experienced the death of a parent so young, only in Sam’s case he lost both.

  “What about school? Where did you go?” I continue with my questioning.

  “Private high school. Boston University and then Harvard for Med school.”

  “Impressive. Those schools are a long way from your home here in California though.”

  “It’s where my dad went,” Cole offers by way of explanation and with a shrug as if it’s no big deal. “What about you?”

  “Ummm.” I bite my lip and hesitate. I don’t like to tell people what college I went to or how I graduated because when they look at my life choices, they judge my family, and me. I’m not ashamed of the choices I made. My family always has and always will be my number one priority. I know my dad and Charlie disagree with me, but they also know I couldn’t live any other way.

  “Grace, if you didn’t go to college it doesn’t matter,” Cole says, misinterpreting my silence. I should just tell him. I can’t imagine him judging me but you never know.

  “I went to Berkley,” I quickly tell him.

  “Berkley? That’s a great school. What did you major in?”

  “Finance,” I reply, while lowering my gaze to the table waiting for him to speak.

  “Grace, look at me,” Cole requests in a soothing, gentle voice that has me raising my face and meeting his eyes. “Why did you hesitate? Why is sharing where you went to college something you seem to be uncomfortable with?”

  I take a shallow breath and run my tongue along my lower lip, as Cole’s gaze follows the movement. “It’s just that people are always so critical of the fact I went to Berkley on a full scholarship, got amazing job offers, but turned them down to help run the family business a few days a week.”

  I take another breath and continue. “People find it hard to believe I would give up what they perceive as a bright, promising, successful future for the love of my family. I’m not ashamed of my decisions; I just hate that people think they have the right to an opinion on my life. Helping my dad grow his business, caring for Rubes, and being a silent partner in Ashley’s florist shop and doing the books, means more to me than working at any high flying financial firm.”

  Cole reaches across the table and takes my hand entwining our fin
gers together. “I admire that Grace. I really do. To be that passionate about your choices and to stand by them, that takes strength. And you’re right; no one has the right to tell you how to live your life.”

  I shake my head and furrow my brow slightly. “I didn’t even have to think twice. I got a job at a huge firm; I was all set to start but then Nicole left Charlie and Rubes… My family needed me; Ruby needed me. I called the company, apologized and thanked them for the opportunity; they weren’t impressed believe me. Nevertheless, I started at the garage and taking care of Rubes the next day. Actually... There was never a choice to be made.”

  “You’re amazing, you know that,” Cole says, as his thumb strokes over the back of hand.

  “No, I’m not. I just love and value my family. No high powered job, no social status, and no obscene amount of money will ever be more important than their happiness,” I say with complete conviction.

  Cole is just staring at me, his expression unreadable. Suddenly, I realize I have just spewed all that out in a family restaurant and quite possibly have Cole ready to run for the hills. Taking a deep breath, I look at him. “I’m sorry for ranting like that.”

  He shakes his head. “Never, ever be sorry for expressing yourself or defending what you love, Grace. Do you have any idea how rare it is to meet someone so completely honest, so real? Someone who puts others before themselves and who isn’t consumed by material gain. I’ll say it again and please, please believe me. You. Are. Amazing.”

  I know I’m blushing yet again, but how can I not? His acceptance of me and my life, It’s a very heady feeling. I’ve never had anyone not question me. Even my dad, Charlie, and Ash all expressed opinions on what I did. His words just wrapped around my heart like a warm blanket, making me feel secure and free from scrutiny from him. It does make me wonder though about the type of people he associates with if he thinks that my being honest and real is rare. Sam certainly doesn’t come across as fake and I highly doubt his parents and sister are that way. What is he referring to, I wonder?

  Having been in the restaurant for quite a while and after some heavy discussion, I feel it’s time to go. I see Ben walking by and wave him over. “Your dessert will be ready in just a minute,” he tells us.

  “Actually Ben, can we get it boxed up to go please. Oh, can you also organize the bill?” I ask.

  “Yeah sure,” he says, and hurries away.

  “You’re ready to go?” Cole asks, his voice conveying the disappointment that’s etched across his features.

  “I’m thinking that cake and coffee on my big, comfy couch is far more appealing than this booth right now.” I beam, trying to give him a dazzling smile of reassurance that I don’t want our date to be over just yet.

  The disappointment marring his face quickly dissipates and transforms into a huge smile as he takes out his wallet to pay. “Your couch is definitely calling our names.”

  I quickly open my own purse and grab a twenty-dollar bill. When Ben returns with our takeout box filled with chocolate mud cake and the bill folder, Cole places the money for our lunch inside and hands it back to him. I know he has given Ben a good tip, but I want Ben to know he did a good job on his first day. As we stand to leave and Cole moves to my side, I quickly grab Ben’s hand and place the twenty in his palm. “Happy first day, Ben; you did great,” I tell him with a bright smile. He looks down at his hand and his mouth drops; you would think he’s never seen money before the way he reacts.

  Looking up at me with awe and appreciation in his eyes, he mumbles, “Thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome,” I reply, as Cole and I make our way to the exit.

  Taking my hand in his and linking our fingers together, Cole lifts them to his lips for a quick kiss. “See… you’re amazing. You just made that kid’s day.”

  Chapter 10


  We made it back to Grace’s house and inside just as the heavens opened up and sent a torrential downpour on us. When we walked out of the steak house, the clear blue sky was now dark and filled with angry storm clouds.

  “Wow. That came out of nowhere,” Grace remarks, as she takes off her shoes, and then puts her bag and keys on the hall table.

  “Looks like it’s set in, too,” I reply as a loud crack of thunder explodes around us.

  Grace jumps and squeaks out a startled yelp. “Jesus, that scared the crap out of me,” she says, with a nervous giggle.

  “Never fear, Cole is here to protect you,” I mock.

  “Oh, my God, you did not just say that. That was literally the corniest line ever,” Grace declares as she bursts into laughter. “Okay tough guy, let me start the coffee. You can bring that to the kitchen,” she says, motioning to the takeaway box in my hands while heading for what I assume is the kitchen.

  I follow her and place the box on the counter as she sets up the coffee machine and gets two mugs and plates out of the cupboards. Her movements are fluid and graceful as she moves about the kitchen opening drawers and retrieving forks and a cake server.

  “Here, let me,” I tell her, as I make my way around the island toward her.

  “Thanks,” she simply replies.

  Our bodies brush against each other and that spark of electric energy crackles between us. Looking into each other’s eyes, I feel the pull and don’t hesitate in reaching for her. I grab her hip with one hand while I cup her cheek with an encouraging smile and I slowly take her lips with mine. The kiss starts out soft but as my tongue traces along the soft lines of her mouth, her lips part and I’m granted access to the heavenly depths of her mouth. A soft moan fills my ears and Grace wraps her arms around my torso pulling me closer.

  As our tongues explore each other, my hand travels the line of her body from her hip up her side to cup her breast. Now, I moan in pleasure. When Grace pulls back slightly, I take the opportunity to move my kisses to her neck taking a slow journey from her jaw line to the hollow beneath her ear. Grace moans again as a shiver racks her body, and I now know this spot is one, which causes intense responses and one I’ll survey frequently.

  “Are you cold?” I mumble into her skin, as I continue to trail soft sensual kisses along her throat.

  With a shaky breath, she replies, “A little.” I start moving back up to her kiss-stung lips and take them again. Her fingernails dig into my back with a small bite of pain, and again, I grind out a groan from deep in the back of my throat.

  I break the kiss and lean my forehead against hers. “I’ve been waiting to do that all day,” I confess.

  She cheekily smiles and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. “Next time don’t wait so long,” she suggests.

  “Oh, I guarantee I won’t. You’ve just given me permission to kiss you any time I want, and baby, I plan on doing it frequently,” I assert.

  Beaming in delight, she smirks. “Well, I’ll definitely be looking forward to it.” She turns to the coffee machine and then back to me. “Do you mind if I go change while the coffee is finishing?”

  “Not at all, go right ahead.” I let go of her, and as she heads out of the kitchen, I watch her luscious ass and gorgeous legs. When she turns to look over her shoulder, she tries to conceal a knowing smirk as she continues on her way with a little extra sway in her hips. Busted, big time.

  With salacious thoughts of Grace undressing in another room running through my mind, I try to concentrate on other things by serving up the cake. I then take in this new section of the house. Again, it exudes comfort and a homey feeling. The kitchen is all pale wood with stainless steel appliances; obviously, it had been renovated at some point. The dining area to the right has a white six-place table and a centerpiece of yellow and white tulips in an old blue jug. Above a buffet that matches the table is a painting of a field of yellow tulips all standing to attention as the sun beats down on them.

  “It’s really coming down out there,” Grace comments, breaking me from my perusal of her home. I turn around and take in tight fitting black yoga pants a
nd a pink sweatshirt. Damn, she has amazing legs, legs I would kill to have wrapped around me. Am I drooling? Fuck, I might be drooling.

  “So how do you take your coffee?” she enquires, as I wipe my mouth just to ensure I don’t look a perverted ass.

  “Black with one sugar.”

  Her eyes shoot to mine. “Black?” she asks in surprise.

  With a lift of my brow, I grin. “ER doctor, remember?”

  “Right. Okay,” she laughs. “You grab the cake and we’ll go to the living room.”

  I can’t help but stare at her ass and legs again as I follow. I know I’ll have to adjust my jeans to get more comfortable before I sit down. I settle on the big soft beige couch as she folds those toned legs under her ass and picks up her fork taking the first bite of the cake. Her appreciative moan does nothing to help the lack of space in my jeans as I again try to adjust myself. “God, that’s good,” she says, on a breathy sigh. Fuck, does she know what she’s doing to me right now?

  We eat cake and sip our coffees in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Grace sighs. “This is the perfect weather for curling up and watching a movie. I love the rain.”

  I can’t think of anything I would like more than having Grace curled up beside me. “That sounds like a plan,” I reply.

  “Really?” she asks.

  “Sure, why not? Not much else we can do for the rest of the day with this rain.” Although, I could certainly think of other things I’d like to do with Grace on this big ass couch.

  When I take the last bite of my cake and put my plate on the coffee table, I notice Grace looking at my mouth. “You, uh, you have a little something right there,” she says, softly pointing to the side of my mouth.

  I quickly try to wipe what I know is chocolate away. “Gone?”

  “Not quite.” She giggles and leans forward using her thumb slowly to wipe the offending frosting away. As her hand moves from my face toward hers, my cock jumps to life as she places the finger covered in chocolate in her mouth and tantalizingly, slowly licks it clean. Goddamn.


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