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The Rhythm of My Heart

Page 12

by Velvet Reed

  He places my deliciously unappealing breakfast before me and I roll my eyes. “Not at all, babe. I’ll return the favor one day and be your naughty nurse.” I wink at him.

  “Now that I can’t wait to see. Will you wear the sexy little outfit, as well?” he asks, grabbing his breakfast and taking the stool beside me.

  “Like you said, you’ll just have to wait and see, Dr. Tierney,” I sassily reply.

  We eat in comfortable silence for a few minutes, and although I’ve had a ridiculous amount of sleep already, I can feel the fatigue setting in again.

  “You finished?”

  I look down at my plate and I’ve only managed to finish one piece of toast, but I really can’t stomach another bite. “Yeah, I don’t want to force it.”

  Cole picks up my plate, cleans up the mess, and then surprises me by coming over, scooping me into his arms, and heading for the living room. Locking my arms around him and nuzzling his neck, I revel in the feeling of security and contentment that fills me. “I could have walked, you know.”

  Carefully, he places me on the couch as if I’m some frail, old woman. “I know but I’m here to take of you, and I like having you in my arms.”

  “Well then, put a movie on, get your butt over here, and let me stay in those arms of yours all day.”

  His gorgeous smile brightens the room as he saunters over to the entertainment cabinet, selects a DVD, and puts it on. I can’t help but gawk at his sexy ass that is bent over and snuggly framed in his shorts. I can feel the slow burn of arousal start to build, but given yesterday’s events and my current state of unwell, I tamp it down for another time. He turns just in time to catch me staring; his eyebrows shoot up, and his lips curve in amusement. My cheeks flame with heat when he teasingly says, “Did you have a good look, Sweet Cheeks?”

  Don’t be embarrassed, Gracie, that ass is all yours.

  I straighten my shoulders and unrepentantly, I reply, “Actually, I did, wise guy. Now, get that ass over here.”

  He stretches out in the corner of the couch and pulls me to his chest, wrapping me in his arms. “You can be a demanding little thing when you want, can’t you?”


  Getting comfortable as the opening credits of The Holiday start, I realize just how lucky I am to have found a man who is willing to put my needs before anything else. I was sick, so he rearranged his schedule to be with me; after only a few months together, it’s becoming glaringly obvious that I just may have hit the jackpot when it comes to Cole.

  Without one grumble or complaint, our day goes exactly as he said it would. He fed me, let me sleep on his lap, and he watched more chick flicks than any normal man could stand. But that’s just it; Cole isn’t any normal man… Cole Tierney is exceptional.

  Chapter 21


  Today’s the Fourth of July. Normally, my parents have a big bash but this year I wanted to do something different. I wanted to celebrate the Fourth with Grace and bring our families and friends together for the first time, and I wanted to do it at my house.

  It’s been three months since Grace came into my life; as each day passes, I fall for her more and more. I’ve had other relationships, my last resulting in a huge reality check and yes, a broken heart, but none of those woman especially my ex, even compare to Gracie.

  Gracie is the exact opposite. She’s not interested in how much money I have or my family has. She’s not interested in where my status can take her; I sure as hell know she would never leave me for someone else who she thinks can further her career, and elevate her standing in society to greater heights than I could. No, Grace is nothing like her. I will do everything I can to show Gracie what we have is real and meaningful.

  Having discussed my idea for the Fourth with my mom, she was quite happy to change the venue and get the chance to meet Gracie’s family. Between Gracie, Mom, April, and me, all the preparations are taken care of.

  Not only have we invited family, we have both invited a few friends from work. Gracie has invited Ashley, the ladies who work with Ashley, and the two guys from the garage; while I’ve invited a few colleagues Sam and I get along with, including a male nurse named Hamish, who is new to town and doesn’t know anyone. It should turn out to be a great holiday with the grill going, drinks on ice, swimming, and great company. I’m hoping this will be the first of many holidays Gracie and I host together.

  Walking into the kitchen, I drink in the sight of my gorgeous girl flitting around in tiny blue shorts and white tank top, her bikini top strings tied behind her neck, and her wavy hair pulled up into a high ponytail. She’s busily preparing salads and snacks, and seems to be quite flustered. I smile to myself knowing that she’s slightly nervous about today, just like I am; God knows our families meeting for the first time is a big deal.

  “What the hell are you doing just standing there? Stop gawking at me and get to work Cole! There’s so much to do,” Gracie blurts out in annoyance, snapping me out of my ogling.

  Okay, so maybe she’s slightly more stressed than I am, but she looks so goddamn beautiful running around my kitchen. I saunter up to her as she stands at the sink washing the salad vegetables and wrap my hands around her waist pulling her into me. “Cole, please… We really don’t have time for this right now. Our families will be here soon and the backyard needs to be set up, the drinks put in the coolers, the decorations put out, I still have so much to do in the kitchen and…”

  I cut off her rambling by quickly spinning her around and crushing my mouth to hers. The kiss is so hard and fierce that she lets out a high-pitched moan of surprise. I move my hands to cup her face and continue controlling the kiss, plunging my tongue into the depths of her mouth, until she finally relents and surrenders herself to the moment. Wrapping her wet hands from the salad washing around my neck, she hikes up her right leg and curls it around my body pulling me closer until our hips fit perfectly together. “Oh, Jesus, Gracie,” I pant as we both gasp for breath, and then devour one another’s mouths again.

  We’re so lost in our passionate embrace that we jump apart when we hear, “Oh, for the love of God, Cole! A mother really shouldn’t have to witness her child fornicating on the kitchen counter. Anyway, I’ve always told you… No snacks before dinner.” My mom chuckles with a smile on her face.

  “Really, Mom?” April shakes her head as she walks in the open French doors leading off the back deck, her arms filled with covered platters.

  “What?” Mom asks innocently, as she moves to the fridge and starts putting things in. “He looked like he was about to devour poor Grace; I’m surprised she’s still breathing.”

  By this time, Gracie has untangled her body from mine; when I look at her face, she’s bright red, clearly mortified at being caught by my parents and sister.

  “Oh, now, don’t be embarrassed, Grace. Even after all these years, John still can’t keep his hands to himself. And oh, my, what those hands can do…” she fans herself dramatically.

  “MOM!” April and I screech at the same time, horrified by the images that have just inserted themselves into our brains. Gracie’s loud, vivacious laughter fills the room, all traces of her embarrassment erased.

  “Thanks for coming over early guys. I really appreciate it. Especially, since someone keeps distracting me,” Grace says, still chuckling as my mom pulls her into her arms for a hug.

  “It’s our pleasure, Grace. Everything is prepared on our end, so we’re at your service. John and Cole can set up out back and we’ll be ready in no time, so relax and enjoy yourself,” Mom reassures.

  April takes her turn hugging Gracie and whispers something in her ear that has my girl smirking and breaking out in laughter again.

  “All right, April, let me say hi so Cole and I can escape before you women start conspiring and gossiping,” Dad interrupts. He then leans into Gracie and gives her a hug and kiss on the cheek. “It’s good to see you again, Grace; I want to apologize to you for the whole incident at the hou
se with Miranda…”

  “It’s fine, John, really. It’s great to see you again, too,” Gracie replies with her beautiful smile; just like that, I know all is right with the ones I care for the most.

  The sound of the doorbell cuts through the greetings. “That’s probably Dad and Charlie.” Gracie begins wiping her hands on a dishtowel as she starts to head for the door.

  I stop her. “I’ll get it, babe, you keep going in here.”

  Opening the front door, I’m greeted with the beautiful smile of my favorite little lady. “Hi, Ruby,” I sign, and sweep her up into my arms. She quickly puts her precious little arms around my neck, squeezes, and then pulls back to drop a sweet little kiss on my cheek. I guess flowers and jewellery win over any woman, no matter what her age.

  “Bryan. Charlie,” I greet, extending the hand not holding Ruby. “Welcome, come on in.”

  “Happy Fourth, Doc, thanks for having us,” Bryan says.

  “I’m glad we could all celebrate together.” I close the door and lock it after they move past me; everyone will come around the back once the festivities start.

  “So Gracie’s right.” Charlie states as they follow me through the house.

  I glance over my shoulder. “Gracie’s right about what?”

  “That you have my princess wrapped around your little finger.” Charlie snickers.

  “Oh,” I laugh. “Yeah, well, it seems the Rivers women kind of like me.”

  “I’ll say,” he chuckles.

  “Oh, there’s my girl,” Gracie exclaims, while she signs and heads for Ruby and me. “Don’t you look pretty?”

  Ruby immediately reaches for her auntie. The affection and adoration between them is unmistakable. Gracie peppers Ruby’s little face with an abundance of tiny kisses, causing her to erupt into a fit of giggles.

  “Hey, Sweet Pea,” Bryan greets his daughter, wrapping both her and Ruby in a group hug.

  “Hi, Daddy.” She beams.

  “You were right about Cole and Rubes, Sis. I might have to take your man out if she starts showing him any preference.” Charlie winks at me as he leans in and pecks Gracie’s cheek.

  “Yeah, right. When was the last time you took someone out, Charlie? And anyway, you’d have to get through me first and we both know you’d lose that fight,” Gracie challenges, while handing Ruby back to me.

  Grace lunges toward Charlie and somehow manages to grab him in a playful headlock. They fumble around for a few seconds, while my family and I watch with laughter in our eyes at their playful banter, until Bryan interrupts. “Break it up, you two; I don’t want Cole’s family thinking that I raised a couple of wild animals.”

  As they pull apart, I decide to make the introductions. “Mom, Dad, April… this is Bryan Rivers, Gracie’s father, and her brother, Charlie. Bryan, Charlie… these are my parents, John and Olivia, and my sister, April.”

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Bryan says, while stepping forward with his hand outstretched, but Mom being Mom has none of that and pulls him in for one of her famous hugs.

  “The pleasure is ours, Bryan. You have an amazing daughter.”

  “Well, thank you,” Bryan replies, and accepts another hug from April, as Mom welcomes Charlie, as well.

  As Bryan turns to my dad, an unexpected look comes across his face; it’s one of recognition, gratitude, and pain all mixed together. An awkward silence descends in the kitchen as the rest of us watch with wary anticipation.

  “Daddy?” Gracie questions, and places a hand on her father’s trembling arm.

  “John Tierney,” Bryan says, his voice holding a slight quiver. “I should have put two and two together from Cole’s last name, but it just didn’t register.”

  My dad shakes his head and grins. “I can’t believe I didn’t put it together with Grace’s last name and that shock of auburn-red hair she has. It’s been a long time, Bryan.”

  “You two know each other?” Grace asks, just as curious about the strange interaction as the rest of us.

  Bryan’s shaking his head in disbelief and Dad has a small smile on his face as he turns to Gracie. “Yes, we know each other Grace. We met a long time ago through a very special woman; a woman who inspired me to continue my career in oncology, and to help find new treatments for cancer patients.”

  Gracie’s hand flies to her mouth as she gasps and tears glisten in her eyes. “You were my mom’s doctor?”

  Dad looks to Bryan, then Charlie, and finally back to Gracie. “Yes, Grace. I was your mom’s oncologist,” he admits.

  Everyone has been stunned into complete silence. Bryan walks to Dad and pulls him into a man-hug, patting each other on the back. “I don’t think I ever thanked you enough for everything you did for Maggie. I know it was fifteen years ago but… thank you, John.”

  “There’s no need to thank me, Bryan. Knowing Maggie was thanks enough,” Dad replies.

  Dumbfounded by this development, I glance around at everyone else. Mom and April have tears in their eyes, while they flow freely down Gracie’s cheeks. Charlie moves to his sister and wraps an arm around her shoulder as they stand staring at our fathers.

  “Well, what are the chances of this happening?” Bryan questions.

  Gracie turns and looks at me, her big brown eyes shimmering with an abundance of emotions.

  What are the chances of my dad reconnecting with a patient’s husband fifteen years after she died? What are the chances of it being the patient who so obviously had a huge impact on him? What are the chances of his son being involved with that patient’s daughter?

  As I gaze into Gracie’s beautiful eyes, everything is suddenly very clear. This wasn’t by chance. There’s a reason Gracie and I met; there’s a reason why I felt an instant connection to her and there’s a reason that our families are connected. Fate? Abso-friggin-lutely!

  “Well, this turn of events has just made this holiday even more special,” Mom says, breaking though everyone’s thoughts. “Let’s get this party underway, shall we? Men out back; women inside. Chop, chop people, we have some celebrating to do.”

  Chatter fills the kitchen again as everyone starts to organize themselves. Ruby’s little hand comes up to my chin and she turns my face toward her, gracing me with her beautiful, little smile.

  “Let me see this precious, little flower,” Mom says, as she stands in front of us.

  Ruby’s smile grows and she signs, “Hi,” to my mom. “She’s saying, hi,” I interpret. Well, at least, I can interpret that word.

  Mom does her best to mimic the sign and says, “Hi, precious girl.” Then, she cups Ruby’s cheek. She turns to me with serious eyes. “She was sent to you, Cole. For whatever reason, Grace was sent to you and to this family. I remember her. I remember Grace’s mom. Your father talked about her a lot and I remember, actually, being jealous of another woman for the first time in our relationship. When I told him how I felt, he assured me that I had nothing to worry about and he wanted me to meet her.”

  Mom looks away and shakes her head, takes a deep breath and looks back. “She was an amazing and beautiful woman, Cole. She worried about the other patients during her chemo treatments. She would get Bryan to make sure they had things to make them comfortable or sit with them if they had no one. She’d even make him bring all the nurses and doctors coffee and muffins. Just like your father, she inspired me, Cole; that’s when I truly started the charity work. I just never realized that she had two small children at home.”

  “I’ve seen her picture. Grace has it on display at her house.”

  “She was beautiful, that’s for sure, but her presence, the way she conducted herself, made her more beautiful than her looks. Grace is the same, Cole, don’t let her go.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I chuckle.

  “I love you, my handsome boy.” She reaches up and kisses my cheek.

  “I love you, too, Mom.”

  “Now, go get the yard set up. You’re the host, you know; you have big shoes to fill.”r />
  “I doubt my feet would fit in your tiny shoes, Mom, but I’ll see what I can do.” She gives me a wink and heads back to the girls. As Gracie and April joke around, Gracie’s gaze lands on me once more and her beautiful smile lights up my heart and sends its rhythm into overdrive. There’s no way on earth I’m letting her go… Ever.

  Chapter 22


  Our Fourth of July celebrations are in full swing. Everyone is here, the introductions made, drinks in hand, food being eaten, and the pool being put to use. Cole’s house is absolutely perfect for entertaining with the French doors opening up the house to the deck making one huge covered area. The outdoor patio furniture that’s as comfortable and inviting as any living room furniture provides a perfect place to relax and chat, and that’s exactly where the girls from Flaunting My Flowers have taken up residency with some nurses from the hospital.

  Dad and John have hardly moved from one another’s side, talking non-stop and catching up, I guess. I had previously wondered if John had treated my mom all those years ago and to find out that he actually did is crazy. I wasn’t too sure about my feelings toward him after meeting him at the family dinner, but now, after he apologized, which he really didn’t need to do, and this revelation, I really can only be very grateful that he helped my mom. I can’t help but feel that our two families where supposed to connect again.

  Charlie seems to be enjoying himself too, drinking and talking to the guys from the garage. He looks so happy and carefree today. He glances away from the guys to the pool where Ashley, April, and Allison from the hospital are laughing and playing with Ruby, while she splashes them happily. I follow his gaze to Allison; as she signs to Ruby, his lips curve up into a small grin and he continues to stare. Hmmm, well, that’s interesting. As if sensing my eyes on him, he turns to me across the yard and his eyes widen as a red tinge covers his cheeks. Busted! I raise my eyebrows and smile, but he shakes his head and turns back to the guys.


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