Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 7

by P. G. Allison

  Julia then sat down with Robert in the FBI’s conference room. She was introduced to Susan Donavan and they discussed Missy’s situation at great length. She learned all the details about the rescue Missy had performed and watched the news clips which had been recorded. She was totally amazed to see the car, the fire, the steep cliff, and even watched how Missy was brought up on a stretcher. It seemed unbelievable that Missy was responsible for getting that family out of their car before the explosion. Especially amazing was how she’d saved the little girl from any injury, in spite of being knocked out herself. And, why was she even there? How did it happen that she came along, out of nowhere? The more they discussed everything about the incredible rescue plus what little they knew about Missy’s whereabouts during the past two years, the more it was obvious that only by talking to her would they ever be able to understand any of these things. Only then might they determine if there was someone still out there they needed to be worried about.

  Julia agreed that later in the evening, after Missy had received her MRI, they could try to all sit down with her to see what she would have to say.

  Chapter Twelve

  Early evening Aug 28

  Julia went back to Missy’s room and joined her for dinner. She explained about the FBI being there and that, in order to assure everyone that Missy was really safe now, it was necessary for them all to talk about things. Maybe after the MRI procedure? Missy said she understood, but inside she was very nervous. She really still had no idea just what she could tell everyone. She was able to see how people were all thinking she had to have been kidnapped. How else could she explain being forced to leave, forced to stay away for over two years? She didn’t want to tell any lies but she also knew she couldn’t explain what had really happened.

  Julia also explained how the Stratton family she’d rescued along with Senator Maxwell all wanted to express their thanks. Missy did want to see the little girl and was fine with seeing them all the next morning. Missy told her mother she would be okay to this meeting but that she wouldn’t feel comfortable sitting in bed in a hospital gown, even if wearing a robe, for an interview with the senator being there. She looked at the suitcase which Julia had brought into her room when she’d first arrived. Could her mother get her any clothes? And, could the meeting be in another room, perhaps?

  Julia understood this and agreed to help, but quickly determined Missy had grown so much that none of her own clothes would fit. Missy was now much too big. Julia was only five-six and nowhere near as broad in the shoulders or wide in the hips. As Julia studied her daughter, she was taken aback by just how much she really had filled out and grown up. Since Missy was going soon for her MRI, Julia said she’d use that time to run out to a nearby store and get her a few things.

  When she then tried to discuss sizes, Missy looked at her directly and said, “There are some things I’m not going to be able to talk about, Mom. Maybe later. Can you maybe just guess what I am and bring what you think might be right for me?” She simply had no idea what to share with her mother about the past two years. Two years during which she’d not been wearing any clothes! During which she knew she’d changed a great deal, getting taller and heavier and developing these nice boobs she now had! She was still trying to adjust to those and to how differently she was now experiencing certain sensations and feelings. Her sensitive nipples were especially disconcerting!

  Julia then said, “Well, okay, but I will need to bring back two or three sizes to see what fits best. Do you know your bra size, Missy?”

  “No, Mom, I don’t.” And, Missy just stared at her. She’d just been thinking about those sensitive nipples and now was totally at a loss. There was no way she could discuss any of this with her Mom.

  “Oh,” said Julia, and as she looked into her daughter’s eyes she realized she was seeing someone much, much older than the little girl who had disappeared from soccer camp. Missy had an unfathomable expression which was suddenly way too mature and grown up. It made Julia realize she still had no idea just what Missy had gone through, what experiences she wasn’t able to talk about. “Okay. Stand up for me. I’ll guess at things the best I can, Missy”.

  “Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate that.” With great relief, Missy got up and let her mother make some comparisons. Julia managed this by going into her suitcase and using her own clothing items which she held up against Missy in order to estimate what sizes might be appropriate for her.

  Julia grabbed her purse and was about to leave when Missy said, “Oh, and Mom? I think I’m getting my period soon. Can you bring me back some pads for that?” Missy knew it was now twenty five days since her first Shift back to human form and it hadn’t happened yet, so it should be any time now. Her first period! She wanted to be ready but this was just one more subject which she didn’t want to discuss with anyone else.


  When Missy came back to her room, after her MRI procedure, she knew it would soon be time to finally explain things … her Mom and the FBI agents were going to want some answers. She felt about as ready as she’d ever be. She hoped they’d all be satisfied with what she planned to tell them. She knew there was a lot she simply couldn’t explain. So, when her mother returned from shopping a little while later, they all got together down in the conference room which was being used by the FBI agents. Prior to going down there, Missy put on a nice bathrobe her Mom had just purchased for her.

  Doctor Walker was invited, but had not arrived yet since she was taking a quick look at Missy’s latest MRI. Julia introduced Robert and Susan, explaining how the FBI had worked very closely with the family. Missy studied each of them, feeling much more secure now that she was able to pull her robe around herself. She wanted to appear more grown up and being in the robe helped with that, somehow. Even so, she was still nervous.

  Robert said, “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Missy! Your family never gave up hope that you’d return and neither did we at the Bureau. When we heard the wonderful news that you were here at this hospital … even though at first it wasn’t clear how badly injured you might be … well, all I can say is we were very pleased and excited.”

  Susan added, “We’re also just that much more excited you’ve recovered so quickly. That explosion had to have been pretty bad for you. We understand you were knocked unconscious for a couple of days. We were really impressed by how you helped that family get out of their car. That was such a brave thing to do, Missy!”

  “Oh,” said Missy. “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you folks, too. My Mom has explained how you wanted to talk to me … you know … about stuff.” She was very careful to pick and choose her words. She continued to look back and forth at the two of them. This was only small talk and she knew it. She didn’t want to open up about anything yet, so she ignored the nice words of praise from Susan.

  Julia suggested, “Let’s wait another minute for the doctor. I think she’s coming now.” She knew how nervous her daughter was and wanted to give her just a little more time to fully compose herself.

  Doctor Walker came in and her expression was a happy one. “Well,” she said, “the MRI shows very little injury now, which is very good news. I can’t understand it, Missy, and can only say this is a small miracle. Maybe even a big miracle!” Everyone laughed.

  Missy said, “I really do feel pretty good now, doctor! I hope I haven’t been a lot of trouble for everyone. You’ve all been very nice to me … well, after that first time … when you gave me that shot which made me go back to sleep, even though I tried to tell you I wanted to get up …” She sort of ran out of anything more to say, so paused right there and looked at everyone again.

  Robert took that opening to ask, “Where did you go that night, Missy? Everyone was really so worried … we thought someone had maybe grabbed you. When they told us you were okay and were only getting something to eat in the kitchen, that was a big relief. But, that wasn’t until much later, right? The hospital spent a few hours searching everywhere …”
  “I know, I know, I’m sorry!” Missy said. “I snuck out of my room and went up to the roof. That stuff Doctor Walker gave me was making me feel very woozy and I just had to get some fresh air. I had to get away from all those tubes and wires and machines and things. I may have napped up there for a while … my head did still hurt … then I was so, so hungry! I do need to eat a lot … you know … to keep my strength up and everything.” She let all these words spill out in a rush, hoping to gloss over the details for that night.

  “Hmmm, that’s very interesting,” said Susan. “I understand you really are a big eater, Missy. The nurses here have been telling us what a big appetite you have. Have you always been like that?” She looked over at Julia, to see if she might have any comment but Julia was staring at her daughter and didn’t notice.

  Missy then looked at each one of them. Slowly and carefully she said, “Okay. I know you really all want to ask me about my being gone. About why I’m now down here in Virginia, right?” She knew the adults really wanted to discuss her being missing for the past two years and not what a big appetite she might have or even what a great rescue job that had been up on the parkway two days ago.

  Robert said, “Well, Missy, when you disappeared from soccer camp we never believed that you just ran away. And, then when we found your pajamas out in the woods …?” He left that hanging there as a question, waiting to see her reaction and what she might offer as an explanation. He wanted to go very slowly and carefully, as there were so many possible ways this interview might evolve and he wasn’t sure yet just how willing Missy really was to talk about all this.

  Missy said, “I was forced to Change. And, I had no choice … I had to go up into the mountains. That’s where I’ve been all this time. In the mountains. But, there are things I can’t explain.” This was all the truth, of course, but Missy knew they couldn’t understand what she really meant when she told them she was “forced to Change”.

  Julia then asked, “Can you tell us about that, Missy? Was there someone making you do that, forcing you to do things?” She knew this was the question which everyone wanted to ask about and she herself had certainly been tortured enough these past months with all the terrible worries, all the nightmares. Who had grabbed her daughter and what had they done!

  “Mom, I can’t really talk about a lot of this. All I can say is it wouldn’t have been safe for you and Dad and everyone else … if I hadn’t gone up into those mountains, I just knew bad things would happen. I couldn’t let those things happen. I’m so sorry!”

  Tears were beginning to come down from Missy’s eyes. She had really emphasized the word safe. And, the way she’d said bad things would happen made Julia realize that her daughter had really believed that. She’d believed that in a way which had left her no choice. It was somehow worse than merely being physically forced to go away. Her mother gave her some tissues. Missy wiped her face and then blew her nose.

  Susan said, “All right, Missy. But, it’s safe now, right? You can tell us now, right?” She was beginning to understand why a locked room may not have been necessary. Missy had clearly been threatened. She’d been terrified her family would be attacked and made to suffer the consequences if she didn’t go along with whatever she was being forced to do.

  “Well, there are so many things I can’t explain,” Missy replied. “This was a very difficult experience for me and I don’t think anyone else can really understand. It’s also that a lot of stuff has happened to me that I don’t want to tell anyone about …”

  Robert asked, “We don’t want to embarrass you, Missy, but we do need to be sure you’re safe now. And, that others are safe. You can see that, right?”

  “Yes, I guess so.”

  “Can you tell us about those scars you have, Missy?” asked Susan. “That’s a bullet wound on your leg, isn’t it?” She thought maybe getting Missy to talk about something specific which had happened might get her to open up more.

  “Yes.” And, that was all Missy intended to say. The silence after she said that one word just hung there, but she didn’t let that bother her. She patiently sat back and just looked at everyone.

  Susan finally broke the silence by asking, “Can you explain how that happened?”

  “Nope.” Again, the silence was almost palpable. Missy looked at her mother, and took strength from the compassion she could see shining in Julia’s eyes.

  “What about on your shoulder? You have what looks like claw marks there. Did some wild animal do that?” Susan again looked for some way to get Missy to open up. She hoped asking about an animal attack would be better than trying to push Missy for information about how she’d been shot.

  “Yep. That was a bear. A black bear. I was … I …” Missy paused. She really was not able to explain that and had no idea how she could continue. This was a story she knew she could never tell.

  “Oh, Missy!” exclaimed Julia, breaking down at last. “You poor girl! What happened to you?” Now tears were coming from her eyes and she grabbed the tissues.

  “Did you get any medical care for those injuries, Missy?” asked Doctor Walker. “There don’t seem to be any stitches, but it appears they did heal up okay.” She had understood what the two FBI agents were trying to do and thought maybe a different line of questioning might give Missy an easier way to open up and talk to them.

  “No. No stitches. But, I healed up quickly. Just like now. But, these are just things I can’t explain. Please don’t ask me to talk about them. I just can’t. I told you there was a lot of stuff that happened to me. I told you there was a lot that I couldn’t talk about. Please. Why do you have to know this stuff, anyway?” Missy was starting to feel frustrated, knowing she wasn’t able to tell anyone what she’d been through.

  Robert then said, “Missy, we really need to protect you. If there’s someone out there doing things, we need to get that person. You understand that, right?”

  “Yes. Yes, I do,” said Missy. Now she took a deep breath and looked at Robert. Then at Susan. Then, back again at Robert. She said, very slowly and with careful deliberation, “And, I can tell you this. There isn’t anyone that you need to go get. It’s safe now.” She finally had something she knew she could talk about. She could say there was no one they needed to get. She could say it was safe now. It was over. Maybe they’d just leave her alone if she could make them believe that.

  At this revelation, Robert and Susan looked at one another. Various possibilities for just what it might mean were going through their minds. In a very quiet voice, Susan asked, “How did you get down here, Missy? Why Virginia? When did you leave New Hampshire?”

  Missy didn’t really want to talk about other subjects. She wanted to further emphasize the fact that it was now safe. That there was no one they needed to go and get. So, giving them the short version, she explained, “After almost a year in the White Mountains, I came south. It was after the black bear mauled my shoulder. And after I was shot in the leg. It was time to leave that area.” Again, she just paused, not wanting to add any more details.

  “Did you come down in a car, Missy?” asked Robert. He was hoping to get some lead they could follow; anything that might lead to whoever had been keeping Missy in those mountains. He also kept hoping she’d begin to open up. He could see she was holding back on explaining things and he was looking for some way to keep the conversation going.

  “No. No car. I walked.”

  “All the way here, from New Hampshire? You walked?” Robert wanted to pry information out of her but she was simply not giving him anything. And this just seemed incredible.

  “Yes. It took a few months but I’ve been in the mountains around here for most of the last year. I saw some signs … these are called the Blue Ridge Mountains, right?” Missy asked. She avoiding giving them any details and hoped she could continue doing that, avoiding things but being honest and truthful at the same time.

  “And, you couldn’t escape until just recently?” asked Susan.

p; Missy explained, “It still wasn’t safe. I couldn’t leave the mountains. I just couldn’t. I didn’t want anything bad to happen.”

  “But, what about now?” asked Susan. She and Robert exchanged glances. The discussion had gone full circle and they both knew it. They were back talking about why it was now safe, after all this time.

  Missy knew what they were asking. She looked at them both and said, “There are things I can’t tell you about. Please don’t keep asking me. All I can say is that it’s safe now. And there is no one that you need to get. No one.” She really emphasized these last two words.

  After a very long pause, Robert suddenly said, “I think we’re done here. Missy, thank you for talking to us. We really appreciate this.”

  Missy looked at her mother and gave a big sigh of relief, obviously happy the interview was over. “Can I go back to my room now? I’m feeling a bit tired. Thanks for being a friend to my family and helping look for me and everything. Mom told me about that.”

  Julia stood up and said, “Yes, this has been a lot for Missy. And, tomorrow’s going to be a full day. We are meeting with that Stratton family Missy saved and with Senator Maxwell. And, maybe the hospital will release Missy, right? Doctor Walker?”

  Doctor Walker could only acknowledge that indeed things looked very good and there really wasn’t any reason not to release her after one more night of observation, assuming Missy was still feeling well the next day. Missy and her Mom then left the conference room and returned to Missy’s room. They were talking about trying on the new clothes which Julia had purchased.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Evening Aug 28 & Aug 29

  Once Missy and her Mom had left the conference room, Robert turned to Susan and Doctor Walker and said, “What do you think? She was so positive about how safe it is now and kept telling us there’s no one to go after. And, it was obvious she wasn’t going to say anything else. I believed her. And, she knows we can’t find anything without her telling us where to look. Could this fifteen year old girl have really killed whoever was holding her? Or, could something else have happened, but now they’re all dead … whoever he or she or they might be?’


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