Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 8

by P. G. Allison

  Doctor Walker exclaimed, “Is that why you said you were done? I was really surprised when you said that.”

  Susan said, “I was reaching the same conclusion as you, Robert. And, this girl has shown just how strong and capable she really is, rescuing that family, right?” She looked at each of them and went on to say, “We are not going to ever get anywhere trying to accuse a fifteen year old girl, a hero in fact, of having committed any crime. If she killed anyone, after whatever hell she was put through these past two years, it was certainly justified.”

  Robert said, “Exactly. There is no crime for us now. We certainly will never charge Missy with anything. There isn’t much point in demanding she provide details. She obviously isn’t willing to do that and we have no way of forcing her. She’s been living with fear, forced to accept circumstances and conditions we’ll never know about in order to protect her family. We’ll never know since she’s never going to tell us. And, she’s no longer afraid. We certainly can’t threaten her with anything. Nothing could possibly compare. As much as I’d like to dig up any bodies which might be up there in those mountains …”

  Doctor Walker now understood. “Closing the case is really okay, isn’t it? She was very clear about there not being anyone to go and get. It doesn’t sound like there are other victims to be concerned about … there just wasn’t that kind of vibe in anything discussed here was there?”

  “No, doctor, not at all,” said Robert. “While we sure would love to know all the answers, the important thing -- at the end of the day -- is whether or not there’s any criminal activity to be concerned about. The way Missy looked at me, both times she said there was no one to get, it’s pretty definite. She was very clear. Case closed. If she refuses to tell us anything, all we have is her walking down out of the mountains. We have no clue where in those mountains we might find anything. And, I’m pretty sure from the way Missy was acting, there won’t be anything turning up. If it does, we can always reopen the case, but for now? We’re done.”

  Susan added, “Yes, I was really sensing so many emotions and other things from this girl. She’s only fifteen, but when she looks at you with those deep green eyes like that, eyes that have seen and experienced so much during these past two years. It really shows. She is definitely not a little kid any more. I know I wasn’t working on this case until just two days ago, Robert, but the conviction which I’ve gotten from sitting here with her, listening to her talk. And also listening to her not talk. She was really amazing. It was those things, the things she said she couldn’t tell us about as well as the way she said she couldn’t talk about them, which really made shivers go up and down my back.”

  “Yes,” Robert said, turning to look at Doctor Walker, “and it was you who said she was either a mystery or a miracle. I guess I’m not sure which, but there certainly are a lot of things deep inside of that girl. I agree with Susan here: she’s amazing. The way she looked at us and quietly admitted to being shot, being mauled by a black bear. Those things were no big deal. But, about it not being safe for her family and other folks if she did not …whatever! We’ll never know. That was the really big deal for her. I really hope she can go home and somehow have a normal life now. If that’s possible.”

  “Doctor, we’re going to want the hospital to continue keeping a lid on all of this,” Susan explained. “Since she’s only fifteen, you really don’t have to give out her identity, do you? We’ll talk to that Stratton family she saved and Senator Maxwell. And, the police … I know they’ll all agree to cooperate. Can you explain the situation to the hospital staff?”

  “Yes, I can see that’s for the best,” agreed the doctor. “If word gets out about her being found, after two years, the media will turn this whole rescue story into a circus. They won’t leave the poor girl and her family alone, will they? They’ll insist on getting answers about what happened up in those mountains.”

  “Answers, and maybe they’ll want to dig up whatever bodies might be buried up there as well,” Robert pointed out. “Just look at some of the articles which were written about her when she disappeared two years ago. There was so much speculation about sexual abuse, her maybe being held as a sex slave by some predator. We know she somehow got through this without being physically molested, but we really have no idea what she actually did go through. Just imagine what the media spin will be. She’ll be described as the victim and when she refuses to talk, that will only feed into the story all the more.”

  Susan pointed out, “All that talk about it not being safe for others down here if she didn’t stay up in those mountains. Robert, you are definitely right. She was totally convinced about that. She was forced into the role of being a martyr, along with whatever other roles she had to play in order to survive. There’s no point in allowing the media to feast on any of this stuff. And, the sex slave stigma? How could she ever live that down? Let her and her family try to go forward now, without being bothered with any of that.”

  So, it was all agreed. The hospital would keep Missy’s identity a secret, saying the family was very concerned. Since she was only a minor and not a public figure, she was entitled to her privacy. The dramatic rescue story would run out after a day or so, with all the focus being on the Strattons who were rescued and the visit from their good friend, Senator Maxwell. That should be enough news to satisfy everyone.

  The senator fully understood and was happy to take the lead, and the spotlight. He scheduled another news conference for the next day, away from the hospital. He also agreed to work with Robert on how they could break the news story up north about Missy turning up, returning home after two years. Even without anyone knowing about her turning up in Virginia and her role in this rescue down here, there still would be a big news story in Massachusetts once she showed up back home.


  The security detail was no longer needed, so Officer Williams and the other policemen all left the hospital that night. No one other than Officer Williams had ever really been told who Missy was. They only knew there’d been some concern about the mystery girl which the FBI agents had somehow managed to resolve. Robert and Susan paid a visit to the Roanoke police office and made sure everyone there was willing to protect Missy’s secret. Most had only known about Doctor Walker and the FBI office requesting a security detail over at the hospital. Nothing had been confirmed at that time about exactly who Missy was; only that she’d been identified and that her family had some concerns. And, now everything was resolved.

  Other than Nurse Gladys and a few other staff members, Doctor Walker didn’t have anyone else she needed to explain things to at the hospital. Things had settled down and while there’d been a great deal of interest in the mystery girl, due to all the media reporting about the accident and rescue, followed by the hospital alert and search activity the previous night, that was now just old news. There had been that memo earlier in the day, explaining about there being a mix-up. Then, the mystery girl’s mother had arrived. Now that the security detail was gone, the Strattons had been released and Missy was no longer in the ICU, everyone’s focus shifted to all the other high priority activities the hospital had to deal with.

  Missy and her Mom spent a quiet evening together. After Missy tried on several of her new things, they sorted out just which sizes would fit her best now. She learned her bra size was 34C. And, there was a green dress they both really loved. When Missy saw the way she looked in that, she really began to cry. Her mother just had no idea what she was experiencing now, being a human once again. Seeing herself in a dress. Missy even asked Julia about help shaving her legs and under her arms. She ignored all the looks her mother gave her about that, refusing to explain anything and just pleaded for help.

  Julia was so happy to be reunited with Missy that she chose not to push her about anything. All of the things she’d heard during the interview with the FBI were still whirling around inside her head. And then, she was so moved by the way her daughter completely broke down when standing in that d
ress in front of the mirror. She went over to her and just hugged her, holding on tight until Missy was finally able to regain some control. It was the first time Missy had lost her composure and it was heartbreaking. The questions about shaving, which it was obvious Missy had never done before, just somehow reinforced the fact that her daughter really had things she probably was never going to tell her about. Yet, none of that mattered any more. Her Missy was back!


  The next day was very busy. First, of course, Missy had to eat her breakfast. Then, she wanted Julia’s help getting dressed for their meeting with Senator Maxwell and the Strattons. She even let her Mom apply a little bit of makeup and lipstick. She knew she looked pretty spectacular in her new green dress which matched her eyes, with her long red hair all combed out really nice. She was seeing the reactions from everyone else and it was a bit overwhelming. After having lived the way she’d been forced to live during these past two years -- a wild, predatory cat animal -- not knowing if she’d really ever be human again, this was almost all too much for her now.

  They all gathered in one of the hospital conference rooms and it really was very festive. Doctor Walker and Nurse Gladys were there, along with some of Missy’s other doctors and nurses as well as two members from the hospital public relations staff. Everyone understood about keeping Missy’s secret, so she could go home and release whatever story would bring her the least amount of notoriety. There would be no connection with the recent events down here. Senator Maxwell and the Stratton family would be giving the hospital lots of good publicity, which was more than enough. Leaking anything about Missy would only result in losing this goodwill from the senator and his friends. So, this was truly just a “feel good” meeting and decorations had been brought in as well as some refreshments. They even had a cake, all in honor of Missy and what she had done.

  Bill and Mary Stratton were there with Emily, who was really excited about getting to see Missy. Senator Maxwell had brought in two members of his staff. They’d flown in and were helping with various arrangements, including all the hospital publicity and his news conferences with the local media. Then, the senator still planned to join the Strattons up at their cabin for several days. Their vacations had been delayed but starting today, they intended to make the best of it. They all had a lot to be thankful for and were definitely looking forward to getting away, now more than ever.

  Robert Ulrey and Susan Donavan had both come, as they really wanted to wish Missy all the best. They didn’t often have a case that ended well, like this one had. And Missy had really impressed them. So, when Julia walked in with Missy, right away the celebration got going. She was the reason the Strattons were all alive and able to now continue on their vacation and everyone there wanted to acknowledge that. They also wanted to celebrate Missy’s recovery, which was truly remarkable. It was less than seventy-two hours since Missy had arrived on that stretcher, unconscious, barely alive. Now she was radiant, with no hint of having experienced any injuries.

  All dressed up with her long hair combed out and wearing the makeup and lipstick her Mom had applied, Missy was absolutely stunning. Her natural beauty was breathtaking and she immediately captured everyone’s attention. She was tall and the three inch heels on the shoes she now was wearing just made her height all the more apparent. She moved with a smooth grace but also exuded strength and power, somehow giving an impression of greatness in spite of her only being a teenage girl. Julia recognized the subtle changes which the past two years had made in her daughter.

  And, also, there were the not so subtle changes. She stepped back and watched how everyone there was now so obviously affected by Missy. By this Missy, entering the room in full command of herself, alert and aware. Fearless. With depths which could not be penetrated. This Missy was not at all a victim, in any way, and that gave Julia a moment’s pause. She really no longer knew her daughter and found herself in awe, just as those around her seemed to be.

  Everyone kept taking turns in congratulating Missy, who in turn was very gracious. She thanked each of them but made little of what she had done, as though anyone would have done this. Robert was reminded of the comments he’d heard over and over from her teachers and coaches. In particular, how they had described Missy as being such a leader to others: They get included in her accomplishments and achievements, “basking in the glow” of shared victories. She was doing it now. Even the senator was being swept up by her charm and … yes … there was definitely some glowing. Incredible.

  Emily suddenly stole the show by rushing into Missy’s arms and being swept up, with squeals of happiness interrupting everyone else’s attempts at conversation. Missy was genuinely touched and hugged her tightly, taking the time to really focus on the little girl. Her concern about the ordeal which Emily had been through was touching and everyone responded to that. Missy kept asking if Emily was okay now and if everything was good. Then, she held Emily at arm’s length and looked right into her eyes as she told her, “Please call me if you ever, ever have anything you want to talk about or if I can help in any way, Emily. Promise me!” This made Emily just melt, as she promised she would definitely call Missy and everyone around was able to see there was a real connection there. Emily and Missy were now bonded, almost like sisters.

  Cake and ice cream was enjoyed and the party gradually wound down as each person said their goodbye to Missy, wishing her luck and all the best. The senator pulled Julia aside to offer his assistance with any public statement she and her husband would want to make about Missy’s return. He then turned to Missy to thank her for saving the lives of his close friends, assuring her of just how important that was to him. If he could provide her any help in the future, she was to be sure and let him know. He went on to explain, “Missy, I have instructed everyone on my staff that any time you should call my office, about anything … anything at all … they are to give you immediate access to me, wherever I am. If I can somehow repay you for the heroic actions you performed, I will be really happy to do that. Especially because this heroism is being kept a secret, due to the circumstances surrounding your safe return home, two years after being forced to disappear from that soccer camp.”

  Missy and Julia were deeply moved by everyone’s assurances and good wishes, and especially by Senator Maxwell’s sincere offer to help. They thanked everyone and said their goodbyes and finally managed to leave the hospital. Julia had booked a hotel room for that night, with flights home the next day. She wanted to take Missy shopping and so that’s what they did for the rest of the day. By the time they settled into their suite, with room service sending up dinner … a huge steak for Missy and a salad with a glass of wine for Julia … they had managed to buy Missy enough clothes and accessories to fill two large suitcases. They were both extremely happy and kept laughing about how much fun the whole experience had been, with Missy trying on dozens of outfits at the various department stores, which she then paraded around in as though she were a model on the runway in Paris. For both of them, this day was truly one of the happiest days of their lives.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Aug 30 & later

  Their flights home after checking out the next morning went well and they arrived at Logan airport mid afternoon, after a short layover in Atlanta. When they entered the terminal, heading for the baggage claim area, Missy’s Dad was of course waiting there with Heather and John and Patrick. Once again, the emotions escalated and the hugging seemed to go on forever. Then they finally collected all the bags, piled into the family car and went home. Missy actually broke down and could not control her sobs of happiness when she entered her home. There were balloons and banners everywhere and she thought her heart would burst with all the love she was feeling. Much later, when she went up to her room and found that it was exactly as she had left it, two years earlier, she again was overcome with emotion. Her family had truly never given up searching for her and hoping for her safe return.

  The next day, the rest of Missy’s family all
came over. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and distant relatives she’d never even met before. It was a huge party, another McCrea family event like so many in the past, only this time it was all about her. She was able to enjoy the big reunion without getting overwhelmed too much, but it was indeed difficult. The way everyone was so thrilled about her safe return was so special and, the fact that she had dreamed of this for so many months, living in her cat form without really knowing if it would ever be possible, made it all that much more significant and meaningful. Her heart was truly bursting. Her tears would not stop flowing and it seemed this was contagious, as so many of her family all seemed to be having the same problem.

  Julia had explained things to her husband, who had then called everyone in the family ahead of time. They all understood it was too soon for Missy to share anything at all about her experiences during the past two years. And, it was especially too soon to ask her for any details about why she had been forced to disappear and live up in the mountains and not call anyone for help. Only the closest family members were even told about Missy actually turning up in Virginia. Her parents wanted to find the right story they could give the public which would minimize the difficulty Missy was going to have. She, in turn, was really grateful everyone was being so understanding about her situation. She did have a few awkward moments when someone would ask her something specific or when she’d overhear various comments being made, which was more often the case. With her enhanced hearing, she was able to listen in on many of their conversations and knew they were all very curious about “Missy’s secrets”. But, she managed getting through it all and she really did appreciate all the love and good wishes.


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