Missy the Werecat

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Missy the Werecat Page 9

by P. G. Allison

  As for her immediate plans, she was able to tell everyone that for the next year she would be studying with a few tutors whom her parents were arranging for. She had missed two years of school and would be missing one more while she worked with these tutors. This home schooling was going to require a real effort, as it meant doing three years worth of schoolwork in order to pass all the exams and qualify for entrance to her junior year at high school. But, she was determined to do all this in one year and get back on track with her life. She received a lot of encouragement from everyone and was assured they would help in any way they could. She knew, of course, there really wasn’t much anyone else could do. It would all be up to her to do the work and demonstrate proficiency in each of her subjects. She had a full year ahead of her.

  Granddad McCrea reminded her how he’d had to play catch-up, years ago. “After spending three years in two colleges, getting only one year’s worth of credits, I went into the Army. When I came home from Vietnam, I was a sophomore my first year back in school but the next year I was a senior; I actually graduated in October rather than June. They mailed my degree in October after that one last class I took at night school during the summer to finish up. I’d already been hired full time as an engineer in June, of course. Cramming three years worth of engineering courses into just two had sure been a lot of work, especially since your uncle was born the end of the first year,” he told her, laughing. She had heard the story before, but laughed with him. She really enjoyed listening to all his old stories.

  “Yes, I know I have your great example, Granddad,” she told him. “That will keep me going, for sure!” Her Dad really looked up to his father, who had served as an artillery officer in Vietnam, and then had continued in the Army Reserve for the extra income while raising the family. He was still working part time as a retiree, while drawing pensions from two companies plus one from the Army. After staying in the Reserves for more than twenty years, he’d retired with the rank of Major. His Army retirement benefits had started once he’d turned sixty several years ago. “Can I count on you to come over and help with my math homework? You know my Dad’s always too busy, right? And, now that you’re retired and all …?” she asked him. They both broke out laughing, and it really felt so good for Missy to be back home again.

  She did ask her family to support her in other ways, in addition to arranging for her tutors. She knew she absolutely needed to be active physically. This, just like the huge appetite she had for lots of meat, was part of her dual nature. She got up each morning and ran five miles before breakfast, but that was not enough. Since she would not be enrolled in high school for another year yet, she couldn’t participate on any school athletic teams. And, she had outgrown all of the youth sports programs which were available in her local community. But, she could participate in certain things, such as continuing with karate and taking various martial arts courses, such as kickboxing and jiu-jitsu. There were even competitions. She was eventually able to schedule two hours each Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon with additional events and meets on the weekends. Plus, she worked out at the gym on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, when she would do weight training.

  But, before Missy started any of these activities, her family first wanted to announce her return to the news media. They waited a few days, while they all privately enjoyed having Missy back, and then Julia called Robert Ulrey for help. Would he be supportive for their story and announcement about Missy’s return? Some of their friends and neighbors were already asking about her and it was important to issue a news release right away. Robert agreed and together they discussed the best approach for doing that, which included some of the suggestions from Senator Maxwell’s office. The strategy they decided on was to first have Missy speaking for herself and to then have Robert come forward. He would have representatives be there from the local police as well. They’d invite the press to the McCrea home where Missy could read a statement. Since she was only fifteen, it was more than likely that any difficult, penetrating questions could either be deflected or avoided. Robert and the police would answer all the follow on questions, including whether the case was now closed or was there still any ongoing investigation.

  The next afternoon, there was a large turnout by both the newspapers and local TV stations. Robert had talked to the police in Salem and Boston and they had helped alert the media about the breaking story. Both police departments had several members present there. A member from Senator Maxwell’s staff was also there; he had been at Missy’s celebration party that last day at the hospital and he had helped with some of the arrangements for this meeting. Having the senator’s office involved had definitely added strong support and increased the turnout. A podium was set up outside Missy’s house, with several microphones. She and her family came out and greeted everyone. Since this included many of her relatives, they made quite a large group. Her Dad then started things off explaining their daughter Missy had returned home and, after a few short remarks, he introduced her so they could see her for themselves.

  Then Missy stepped forward to read her statement. She was again looking spectacular, with one of her new outfits on and with her long red hair cascading past her shoulders. She was wearing just the slightest application of lipstick and makeup. This outfit was a casual ensemble consisting of khaki pleated pants, a white top and a dark yellow and gold blazer. Her smart sandals only had one inch heels so her height was not as much a factor; she was surrounded by several adults who were much taller. The intent was to have her looking very much like the young teenager she really was, rather than someone all grown up. Her appearance was definitely doing exactly that, giving her a fresh innocent schoolgirl look.

  She gave everyone a huge smile and then said “Hi and thank you all for coming today.” Looking at her prepared statement, she continued, “My family wanted everyone to know that I have returned, safe and sound, and the long ordeal of my being gone has ended. They also wanted me to say that all the support they have received during my absence has been greatly appreciated.” Missy looked up and was able to continue speaking in a clear voice, only glancing down occasionally at the words she was reading. She made eye contact with each person in the audience as she told them, “I was forced to leave soccer camp two years ago due to some very unique circumstances and this has been a shocking experience.”

  She paused for just a moment, and then continued, “I know the story about my disappearance was in the news and that both an intensive search and a huge investigation were done, all in my behalf. This was a very difficult time for my family and I am so happy to finally be reunited with them once again.” At this, she turned to smile at them all gathered around behind her and received many smiles in return. She looked back out at the crowd in front, glanced down at her statement, and added, “I was not able to communicate with anyone or free to leave until now. There are many things concerning my case which I still am not able to discuss. But, I am back now and look forward to returning to a normal life, catching up with all my school work and making up for lost time.” She paused there for just a moment, looking out at her audience. Missy then glanced down once more at her statement after which she closed by saying, “Again, my family is ever so grateful for all the assistance and cooperation they have received from everyone. This was a terrible situation. But, it is over and I am home. Thank you all for coming.”

  Immediately, a dozen hands were raised and several voices called out asking questions. Most of these were some variation of “Missy, where were you?” or “Did someone kidnap you?” or “How did you escape?” or “Did the police rescue you?” Her Dad stepped forward and held up both arms, saying, “Please, everyone. My daughter is not able to discuss many details and aspects of her case. The circumstances were very unique but the authorities have been extremely helpful. We have a representative here from the FBI who will talk to you. This is Robert Ulrey, the lead investigator in charge of Missy’s case who has been helping us since the very beginning.” With that, h
e turned to Robert who stepped up so Missy was now standing between the two of them. All three were at the podium in a united front which made for an excellent photo opportunity. Everyone in the audience with a camera took full advantage of this and many photos along with film footage were immediately taken, capturing the moment for broadcast on the news that night as well as for stories which would appear in newspapers and on the internet.

  Robert then pointed to specific individuals who had their hands raised and fielded their questions one by one. No, his office was not at liberty to reveal exactly where Missy had been during the past two years. As a general answer, she had been up in the mountains. No, they were not ready to disclose any information about kidnappers or possible suspects. There had not been any arrests or confrontations. And, no, there was no one currently being held in custody or pending any charges. Also, what was important to note, there were not any suspects now at large. No, there weren’t any other victims. Yes, Missy was safe now. No, the details and circumstances concerning her ordeal would not be shared. Full disclosure was, in this instance, not considered to be in the public’s best interest. On and on it went with occasional comments from the police. Robert really handled the whole interview very well, with Missy and her entire family only needing to be seen there, all together now. As a final comment, Robert asked that the family be allowed some privacy and reminded everyone that Missy was, after all, only fifteen.

  The press conference now over, the crowd slowly dispersed and those remaining were only looking to offer the family their congratulations and good wishes, rather than seeking any further information. Several friends and neighbors came up to express their joy and happiness about Missy’s return. They complimented her on her statement, which she’d been able to give without appearing too nervous. She, in turn, was very gracious and expressed her thanks to everyone. Her “fifteen minutes of fame” now over, she hoped her public appearance would be enough to satisfy all the inquiring minds, and that she could now stay below the radar and keep a low profile. She was very aware that a lot of folks were still really curious, wanting to learn “what really happened to Missy” but she hoped all the attention would gradually go away. Having the FBI officially close the case while explaining the details were being withheld from the public for reasons which could not be shared really took the focus away from her. Let everyone go chase the government for answers.

  She was very appreciative of what Robert Ulrey had just done for her and her family. His being there, answering all the questions in such an official manner while deflecting anything which might cause her any embarrassment was really huge. Everyone in her family fully understood how important his role had been and how well he had performed. His assistance and cooperation really helped and she could not thank him enough. He acknowledged her thanks and only asked that she put in a nice word for him with her good friend, Senator Maxwell. They both laughed at this, and Missy assured him that she would certainly do that.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sep 2015 -- Nov 2015

  Days went by, then weeks, then months. Missy worked very hard with her tutors and applied herself to her studies. At first, the task she had set for herself seemed overwhelming. How could she possibly accomplish three years of schoolwork in just one? But, she refused to get discouraged and continued working hard in each of her subjects. Some, like English and History, she really enjoyed and had no problem with. Other courses, like Math and Science, she found a bit of a struggle but she liked problem solving and was interested in these subjects, so making an effort was not that difficult. She especially wanted to take Biology but had to wait a bit, as that would come later. She first needed to complete her eighth and ninth grade courses.

  Eventually, she would learn Spanish and find she enjoyed that. But, there were other things she would really have to work hard at. She did not like anything which required pure memorization, preferring things she could apply logic and reasoning to in order to get the correct answers. She was doing lots and lots of reading for all her various classes and the only way she avoided going completely stir crazy while doing that was by also spending several hours each afternoon performing some rigorous physical activity. Either working out at the gym or expending lots of energy during her various martial arts classes. She quickly moved up to brown belt in karate and knew she wanted to get her black belt over the next year or so. Her Sensei was very encouraging and provided her with an excellent training program, allowing her to advance at an accelerated pace.

  Everyone who she would spar with, whether in karate or kickboxing or jiu-jitsu, would quickly complain that she was way beyond their level. She was just so fast. Her speed and agility, combined with her strength and fitness, always had them at a great disadvantage. She was also tough and resilient so she didn’t seem to get bothered very much, even when she received blows which others might find debilitating. Of course, she was only trying to maintain her conditioning and had learned how to manage this with her dual nature without revealing just how enhanced her abilities and skills really were. She only entered competitive events in order to continue advancing in rank, without looking to win a lot of trophies. Even so, she kept winning the first place trophy every time she would participate at any tournament and she soon had the reputation as the competitor whom no one could beat.

  She also reconnected with each member of her family. She learned about all of the various things which had happened during her absence, in addition to how big an effort had been made in searching for her. Her sister Heather had graduated from high school and was now starting her second year studying engineering at a university in Boston. Both their Dad and Granddad McCrea had engineering degrees, so this was not any big surprise. She was living in Boston but early next year she’d begin her first co-op job, which meant she would be back living at home again for six months. Her university was noted for its Cooperative Education Program where students would alternate school and work sessions. It took one year longer to get a bachelor’s degree but graduates then had accumulated about two years of practical experience working in whatever field their degree was in, which really helped their early careers when starting out.

  Her brother John was now a senior at high school and she really enjoyed hearing about all the crazy things he and his buddies were involved in. He was the one who always made her laugh and the stories about his many escapades and how he managed to escape punishment were hilarious. He always got caught but then somehow came out blameless for all the mischief, in spite of really being quite guilty of having instigated everything. She knew who to go to if she ever needed any good excuses. His creativity was truly amazing. And, he did very well in all his subjects in school. Unlike Heather, he wanted to be a business major rather than becoming an engineer. He soon began visiting various colleges with their parents while he tried to decide where he wanted to apply. He also was very active at school, being treasurer on the student council that year as well as participating in several other extra-curricular activities. These would all look good on his college applications. Since he hadn’t been much of an athlete, he thought these would be necessary and make up for that.

  No one, other than Missy, had demonstrated anything special on the playing field. While Heather and John had both been on little league and youth soccer teams and had also participated on various school teams when they were younger, they did not continue in any sports programs once they got into high school. Even Patrick, who was in the seventh grade that year, was clearly not going to be any star athlete. Nor did he have any enhanced senses or other special abilities. While he was doing just great in school and was obviously just as bright and gifted as Heather and John, he had not inherited werecat abilities the way she had. And, Missy had been really watching Patrick very closely, as she’d wondered if he might. As he entered puberty, would he experience the Change and Shift? Missy believed her dual nature had to be genetic, which was partly why she was anxious to study Biology.

  When she’d been in seventh grade, just a
few months before that fateful day at soccer camp when she had her first Change, she’d done a science project all about Mendel’s pea plant experiments. She had put together some simple charts showing how one in four pea plants would have purebred dominant traits, two in four would have hybrid traits and one in four would have purebred recessive traits. Thus, three out of four pea plants might be tall while one out of four might be short. Her charts used that to explain how two parents who both had brown eyes might have a blue eyed child. Brown was dominant and blue was recessive. While this was a rather simple explanation of genetics and heredity, she’d often thought about all this during the two years she’d lived in her cat form. She’d kept thinking what had happened to her must somehow have been caused by genes she’d inherited. Even before that first Change, she’d known she was different, with special abilities, and that others were not able to do all the things which she could do.

  So now, she’d been watching Patrick. And, she was pretty much convinced that he, like Heather and John, was normal and had not inherited whatever it was that made her the way she was and what she was. A werecat. Someday soon she wanted to reveal this to her family, explaining how she had this dual nature. She knew she’d have to actually show them, since otherwise it wasn’t likely anyone would ever believe her. But, her siblings needed to understand that if they someday had any children, there was a possibility one or more of their children could also be like her. It was only fair. No one else should ever have to experience the pain and terror, being completely ignorant of what was happening to them, which Missy had endured.

  While other family members were probably not as much at risk, Missy still looked very closely at each of her cousins who hadn’t yet reached puberty. So far, no one was showing any special abilities the way she had. It was knowing she really had been unique before that first Shift which, in hindsight, was helping her understand many things about herself now. Her Change had been forced on her at puberty, but being a werecat had not started then. She had always been a dual natured werecat. Then, she’d grown and matured, experienced the Change and all her powers and abilities had increased accordingly.


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