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Missy the Werecat

Page 17

by P. G. Allison

  They were discussing all the spy equipment and how it worked. Marie explained that since the cameras and microphones were only activated when they got a signal from the motion sensors, their battery life was good for several months. The laptop had been plugged into an extension cord which, like the laptop, had been cleverly hidden. It was still powered up even now but they couldn’t get past the screensaver password, which Bethany had given up trying to guess at. For internet access, there were dozens of WiFi accounts active in their building. Most were protected by security but the password key was often not that difficult to crack. There was readily available software out there which could easily do it.

  “So,” Missy asked, “once he managed to get this stuff all set up, he wouldn’t need to return for months? And, unless you noticed the equipment, it would all just keep turning on and sending him videos whenever anyone was moving in the bathroom or the bedrooms? Wow. Then, I suppose he edits those films and uploads them to those porn sites. I assume he’s getting paid somehow, right?”

  Lisa replied, “Yeah, we contacted that site we found ourselves on and they’ve pulled the films. They claim they pay for all their films and get authorization release forms from the girls in them but when we insisted those forms were forgeries they were quick to back down. They don’t want any trouble and agreed to yank down all the stuff showing us right away. I’m betting that happens for a lot of the stuff they get. Anybody challenges them? They just delete the stuff. But, they wouldn’t identify their source. That would take a court order or something.”

  “And, we don’t know what other sites he may have sold our stuff to,” said Marie. “We really are hoping we can find this guy and somehow access his computer. Only then can we maybe track down what he’s done with all the films he has which show either one of us. I’m mostly interested in doing that so we can get everything off all those internet sites. We still do modeling and if the agencies learn about any of this stuff, we’re going to be dropped and never get any decent photo shoots again.”

  Lisa asked, “Yeah, but we also want some revenge. How sure are you about this guy Jonathan Baxter being the one? I mean, he wasn’t even on our list. Is Missy really that good a psychic?” She, like Bethany, was clearly somewhat skeptical. “And, Billy Fallon? He’s just this wimpy guy in Marie’s computer lab who’s always asking to come to our parties. He knows we’re gay but since our parties are always pretty great, he’s always asking to come just so he can impress all his friends. Even though he’s on our list, I somehow can’t see him ever doing this.”

  Marie said, “Yeah, but I think he was at that big bash we had, the one just before we went home for that long Thanksgiving weekend. So, maybe … if he brought any of those friends …”

  “We’re actually pretty sure about this,” Heather answered. “And, if we can get you inside his place, we’re hoping you can find some definite proof. Missy says she can get you inside for a quick look and, if he’s not the guy, you can leave without his ever knowing. No harm, no foul, right? Even if he is the guy, you can still leave without his ever knowing. It doesn’t look like he’s staying there at the moment. He probably went home for the weekend or something. So, let’s see if we can do this.”

  “If I can just get into his computer …“ said Marie, wistfully. “Then we’ll know. From what you’ve told us, he apparently has some really great security locks on his door. So, maybe he doesn’t bother with any passwords to access his computer. I’ll bet it’s just left on all the time, downloading stuff from wherever he has any of these laptops set up to send him videos. He probably thinks he’s pretty safe. I’ll bet there are no fingerprints or anything incriminating on any of this stuff of his which you have here. But, how the hell can you get inside his place, anyway?”

  Missy assured them, “No problem! I’ll drop down from the roof and get in through his window. I doubt anyone on the fourth floor bothers to lock their windows, right? Then, I’ll buzz you guys up. Once you’re done checking his place and leave, I’ll lock up and go back out the same way. He’ll never even know we were in there.”

  “Oh, and don’t ask her what she’ll do if the windows are all locked,” said Bethany. “We’ve been having lots of fun talking about that while we were waiting for you to get here. Missy has her Plan B for that. She even has a Plan C, but Heather assures me that we definitely don’t ever want to know about her Plan C.” They all broke out laughing at that. But, it was obvious Bethany still didn’t believe they were discussing anything they could actually do. For real.

  Lisa thought for a minute and then asked, “But, wait … you said the roof was several floors higher up. Do you mean you’re going to climb up the fire escape to the roof and then climb down some rope to this guy’s window?” She figured Missy and Heather were only kidding about this. “You do realize that it’s well below freezing out there today, right? Dangling from some rope up a hundred feet in the air? What if you fall? What if someone sees you? What if …”

  “Trust me, guys, please!” Missy looked at them and smiled. “I didn’t get to the gym today, so I really need the exercise. This will be fun!”

  Heather was the only one who really believed her. The other three were finding it very difficult to believe she was serious. But, they all headed out and went over to Jonathan Baxter’s building anyway, with a quick stop at the local hardware store to buy some rope. They were joking about “giving a guy enough rope to hang himself” and were making several other ridiculous comments about their situation as they approached their destination. They were only humoring the two sisters but since they didn’t have anything else they could do, they figured they’d at least come along and look at the building. Maybe they’d see Billy Fallon.

  It was now going for five and was quite dark out, which Missy said would help her avoid being seen. Marie said, “Missy, I don’t know about that. Your coat is white and that’s going to show up against this dark building.” The building had a lot of soot which had accumulated over more than a hundred years.

  “My blue jeans are dark and so is my New England Patriots sweatshirt,” Missy announced. “I’m taking off the coat, which would only be in my way. Trust me. Just wait in the foyer and I’ll buzz you in.” Then, off she went carrying the rope, in spite of only Heather actually believing her. None of the others believed anything Missy was saying was at all possible. They were convinced this was merely more joking around.

  Missy walked around to the fire escape while the others entered the building. She quickly made her way up to the roof and worked her way around to the corner above Baxter’s apartment. She secured one end of the rope to the parapet, removed her jacket, hat and gloves and then swung herself over the edge. Yes it was cold, but for Missy’s enhanced metabolism that was not a problem; she hardly noticed. She easily lowered herself down the rope, hand under hand, feet walking along the side of the building. This required tremendous strength in her hands and fingers but, again, not a problem for her.

  Outside the first window to Baxter’s apartment, she could see it was tightly secured and might be difficult. This was due to the storm windows being closed all the way. Working her way sideways over to the next window, she saw she was in luck. Since there was already a two inch opening in the storm window, she was able to easily slide it fully open. There was a screen inside, but she was able to jiggle that open and slide it all the way up. These old buildings with their ancient storm windows were making her job easy. No need for Plan B.

  The inside window was not locked, just as she’d guessed, so she was able to open this fully as well. Stepping through, she was in. She found herself in the bedroom and walked, in the dark, over to the entrance to the living room. She turned on the lights and, after a quick look around, she pressed the button to unlock the door at the lobby where the girls were waiting for her. It had only been a few minutes and the total shock and surprise for three of those girls made Heather break out laughing.

  When Missy greeted Lisa and Marie at the door to Baxte
r’s apartment, they were still trying to get over their amazement. They were really doing this! By some miracle, Missy had managed actually getting them in there. They stared at the open door with its two sturdy locks and shook their heads. They noticed Missy was not wearing any coat. Still wondering if this was all some trick, they went in. Heather followed behind and gave Missy a warm smile.

  Bethany had remained down in the foyer and would call on her cell phone if anyone who might be Baxter showed up. They didn’t know what he looked like so they were anticipating several alerts. Hopefully, they’d all be false alerts. Heather had insisted on this, saying it was still Missy’s plan to not get caught. For each alert, the girls would get out and wait down the hall. Missy would lock up and go out the window. If it wasn’t Baxter, she’d come back inside and open his door for them to return.

  So, now that Missy had them in there, they all looked around the place. That did not take long. The two large computer monitors sitting side by side in the middle of the second bedroom were very obvious. And, the computer was on and running. Marie moved the mouse and the screensavers cleared without requiring any password. She squealed in delight, “Gotcha, you bastard! Now, let’s see what you’ve been up to.”

  Ten minutes later, she turned around and told the others, “This is our guy, all right. Missy, I don’t know how you figured it out and I’m not really buying any of that psychic mumbo-jumbo crap. But, who cares? You’re just a miracle worker, that’s all I know. Look here, Lisa. He has special folders, just for us. And, he has another forty folders, one for each of his other victims. Here’s one for Bethany and another for Heather.” Turning to look at Heather, she said, “You were right, or maybe just lucky. Those don’t seem to have anything much as yet. But, he’s been filming some of these other girls for quite a while now. Unbelievable. What a slime ball!”

  Marie continued clicking on various folders, while Lisa looked over her shoulder. Suddenly, Marie exclaimed “Ahhhh, but, he’s such an organized slime ball! That’s going to be his downfall! Lisa, look here. He even has a folder for all his passwords. It has several spreadsheet files each containing various login ID’s and passwords. And see here? His personal accounts, his college student accounts, his banks … oh, look! All his porn sites! And, here’s his email accounts … you name it. It’s all here.” She kept pointing at the screen and getting more and more excited.

  Lisa asked, “What about accessing his computer, can we do that?” She looked at Heather and Missy and explained, “Marie was telling me how she can set things up so she can access a computer from anywhere, if she just knows the guy’s passwords and codes. Then, once she’s in? She can upload her own spy program. After that, she can keep getting back in without his knowing it and he can’t block her. Plus, she can do everything just like she’s sitting right here. With his passwords, she owns him.”

  Marie said, “Yes, his identity is forever mine. Look … here’s all of his personal info. Full name, social security number, date of birth, addresses, all so nicely organized. We can keep stealing his identity and messing with him for the rest of his miserable life. I’m soon going to clean out all his bank accounts, get him kicked out of school and fired from any real jobs he ever gets. All in good time. But, first, let’s see where else he’s sold our videos and who else he’s maybe just given them to. He’s so super organized, I’m betting we’ll have no problem figuring all that out just from his emails.”

  Heather went down to check with Bethany and let her know the good news. Marie had looked at everything he’d recorded on them both and so far, nothing much. Nothing he’d have uploaded anywhere. Bethany was greatly relieved. And, no one had come in down there yet, so there hadn’t been any need to raise an alert. She was slowly becoming a true believer. Not only was her roommate’s sister famous for kicking butt in that tournament but Missy was truly a miracle worker.

  Meanwhile, Lisa and Marie kept looking at various files on Baxter’s computer and Missy prowled through the rest of his apartment. She could see he was mostly a loner, with an undergraduate degree in business. He was now a graduate student, working on his MBA. All the text books were related to business with a few related to computers. And, he loved his porn. Magazines, photo albums and videos. He had a large collection of DVD’s and even some old VCR tapes. From the titles, these were all clearly hardcore. It was doubtful he ever entertained anyone else at his place. She definitely couldn’t scent anyone female, which was not a surprise.

  Once Marie had everything she needed to log back into his computer from her own computer, they got ready to leave. After checking around to be sure they weren’t leaving any trace that they’d been there, Lisa and Marie went out and down to join Heather and Marie. Missy locked up the door, just as Baxter had left it, turned off the lights and went back out through the bedroom window. She closed the inside window, then pulled down the screen and finally closed the storm window leaving the same two inch opening at the bottom. He’d never know anyone had been there. Then, hand over hand, she pulled herself back up the rope with her feet again walking on the side of the building. At the top, she hoisted herself onto the roof, coiled up her rope, put on her coat and went down the fire escape. She joined the other girls out front and they all returned to Heather’s place.

  The girls couldn’t stop talking about what Missy had done. Even more impressive was how quickly she’d managed doing it. Both getting in and then getting back out. They wished they’d filmed her doing it. Climbing in and out of the window, dangling from the rope, going up and down the side of the building, all in freezing cold with no coat on … were these things even humanly possible? Hey? Was there any chance she’d go back and do it all again? Just for them? Lots of laughter.

  Missy was impressed by what Marie had explained about remote access and asked her to demonstrate what she could do. Marie showed her how easy it was, getting into Baxter’s computer by logging in from Heather’s computer, using all the info they’d collected. She explained how she’d turned on file sharing, which made all this possible. Now, they could do this from anywhere, with any computer. And, once logged in, Marie showed her how they could copy all the stuff they wanted and even upload anything they wanted. Like the spy program she had which would allow her to continue having access, even if he turned the file sharing off. Seemed more than fitting, right? A spy program as retributive justice for all the spying he’d been doing.

  Of course, Lisa was already talking about the virus they’d eventually infect him with, once they’d done as much damage to his personal accounts as they possibly could. They’d empty out his bank accounts, max out his credit cards and do whatever other mischief and mayhem they could manage. Ruin his life.

  Plus, all of his other victims would soon be getting emails informing them about all the porn sites where he’d uploaded his videos of them. These emails would be from him, of course. Lisa thought there’d be enough complaints from these other victims combined with all the evidence these victims could provide so she and Marie could simply stay completely in the background. No reason to get involved.

  Then, they’d destroy all his files with Lisa’s nasty virus. Once he managed to recover? They’d steal his identity and ruin him all over again. Who knows? Maybe they’d even get Missy to come back and break into his place once more so they could wreck even more havoc. He would not be selling any videos ever again, that was for sure.


  Missy stayed over one more night with Bethany and Heather. It was after midnight by the time Lisa and Marie finally left. They’d all thoroughly enjoyed this adventure. While it had started out looking like a real disaster, thanks to Missy, they’d managed to avoid that. Instead, it ended up being a big disaster about to happen for Jonathan Baxter. When she returned home Sunday morning and her Mom asked if she’d had a good time with Heather, she told her “You bet, Mom. Absolutely! We had the best time!”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Mar 2017

  Tony was finally ready. His revenge
was going to be all the more satisfying because he’d taken such special steps to prepare everything. That bitch Missy had messed everything up with her interference and her threats. Friends in high places, so he had no choice, huh? Well, she’d find out. She’d signed her own death warrant. She’d disappeared for those two years, which was what made his plan so great. She’d disappear once again, only this time she’d never be found. Not ever.

  And the two guys he’d arranged to grab her? They wouldn’t know what happened to her either. Once they had her doped up, out cold in the trunk of their car, they’d leave that car overnight in the parking garage. Then, poof! She’d disappear and they’d never know where she went or who’d paid them for grabbing her. He was the one with friends. And, his friends always came through with the favors he asked for. He took care of laundering all their money and when he needed an occasional favor? No problem. They set everything up and didn’t even ask who he was having their “guys on loan” take care of as long as it wasn’t anyone associated with the organization.

  Tony had grown up in Revere with his good buddy Frank McCarthy. And, Frank was now running things for the criminal organization in East Boston. He’d worked his way up in the organization and when he’d needed someone to launder the organization’s money, Tony was the one who knew how to do that. First one, then two, then three restaurants. Then, way more which no one even knew about. All in Tony’s name but it was the organization’s money from drugs, prostitution, gambling and loan shark activities which had been flushed through and returned to their various legitimate businesses as “clean” money. Tony never got involved with any of the illegal stuff but had no problem asking Frank for help whenever he needed something. Frank knew how to get “loaners” from the New York organization.


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