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Missy the Werecat

Page 20

by P. G. Allison

  He talked all about his buddy Frank McCarthy. How Frank needed him to launder their money and, when Tony needed anything, how Frank would arrange it. Frank knew someone in the New York organization. So, for those hits on his wife and daughter, all Tony had to do was have a folder waiting at a specified motel for some guys coming up from New York. Everything was taken care of, per Tony’s instructions. Tony’s payment afterward was made so it wouldn’t trace back to Tony.

  Then Tony talked about making a similar arrangement to have Missy grabbed. Frank called the same boss in New York. A folder was left at the same motel. Tony got a phone call when Missy could be picked up. Why Missy? Because she’d interfered, forcing him to sign over his home in Salem to his wife. And, he was now paying for everything so his wife had no financial problems. Why? So Missy wouldn’t turn him in. Have him arrested. For what? For being a pedophile. For raping his step daughter, starting when she was thirteen. Just like with his own daughter years earlier. Tony’s shocking confession was delivered in a voice showing no emotion. Dead. Matter of fact. Whatever Missy wanted to know, he would calmly babble away, freely talking about these things as though nothing mattered.

  What were his plans for Missy? Oh, she was going to be tortured. Raped and ravaged. Over several days. Then murdered. She’d never be found.

  As Tony’s voice droned on and on, both Billy and Donny kept looking over at Missy. She knew they were trying to understand how she’d managed it. Why was Tony babbling away like this? What went wrong? How had she escaped? A gradual change in their attitude was taking place. They began showing her some respect. And, they were worried. No sign of any fear yet, but they were definitely worried. They were also now experiencing severe bladder control issues due to their being restrained for such a prolonged time period.

  The scene abruptly changed and now it was the two of them, unconscious on the bed. And there was Missy, looking rather spectacular with her hair tied back and her well defined muscles rippling as she strutted back and forth, looking now a lot like in those photos from that martial arts tournament she’d won. And, with those scars on her shoulder and back, she no longer was looking sweet and innocent. Not at all. They had to be wondering about her, and indeed they were.

  The information she provided in the video, about them being the ones sent up from New York and about their grabbing her, was all very clear. She positively identified them and there was no doubt. The two folders tied everything together. Kidnapping and murder. They watched as the taped portion came to an end. Missy hit the stop button, having gone over to the recorder during the last minute the tape was playing. She turned to them and asked, “Okay, are you guys clear about my Plan A yet? I call the FBI and you both go to prison. For a long, long time. Maybe forever. I wonder how your boss in New York will want to deal with that situation.”

  She let them think that over for a bit, knowing there was only one logical conclusion. Their boss wouldn’t wait for them to strike some deal with the FBI in exchange for reduced sentencing. Some deal involving his being named. No, he’d have the two of them taken care of immediately. And, if he could arrange it, in order to make an example of their deaths? There would be quite a bit of pain involved with those deaths. And, yeah … he could arrange that. No problem.

  “Risk versus reward, right?” Missy asked. “Tony tells me his buddy Frank has this whole risk-reward thing. So, you have to be asking yourselves, what’s the risk here? Your New York boss, right? You ready to risk he’ll be just fine about the two of you? I don’t know … I’m just a sixteen year old girl, here. Tell me. Will you be able to serve your time, however many zillions of years they give you for these crimes? Or, will something really bad happen?” Missy emphasized the word really as she looked into each of their eyes. She could see they were straining to talk, but couldn’t say a word because of the tape over their mouths.

  “Now, let’s talk about Plan B. You see, as much as I would enjoy seeing you both locked up in prison, or maybe even something worse if that boss in New York can get to you, I don’t want the risk to my family which Plan A represents. No, even if the two of you aren’t able to reach out from prison to get some sort of revenge for my turning you in? Maybe that boss of yours in New York might decide to do something. To me or to my family. Maybe he’ll be worried you told me something, you know?” She studied them both, carefully, to see if they were getting all this.

  “No, I much prefer Plan B. Plan A exposes me and my family. In Plan B, you guys agree to two simple little things. And then? You can go home to New York and I can go home to my life. Almost like nothing ever happened here. You see, I want to be able to live with no worry that anything will ever happen to my family. Or to me. And, that’s one of my two simple little things. You guys are going to go home, stay home and never ever say, do or even think about anything which would cause a problem for me or my family.” Looking at the confused, yet hopeful expressions they now had, Missy knew they were listening. Trying to understand. Trying to figure things out.

  “I can see you both are considering this. That’s good. Your life can go on. Free to just keep on doing whatever it is you do, down there in New York. Everyone will be happy. And, if you should ever forget? If anything bad ever happens to me or my family? Well, then you’ll have picked Plan A after all. Because, several copies of this little video you’ve just watched, along with these folders, will suddenly be sent to the FBI.” From the way they were now studying her, she knew they were seeing it. This was their way out and it was only because she was so concerned about her family’s safety. She might actually go through with an offer like this. Yes, they were beginning to see the whole thing. And, she was right. If they were arrested, their boss would most likely go after her. She had no way to prevent that. It would all come out that she was the government’s key witness. And, that would be enough. She would indeed be a target. Suddenly, they were a lot less worried and a lot more relaxed.

  “Revenge,” said Missy, looking very sad and tired. “Look how that bastard Tony has caused me all this trouble. Just for my not letting him continue to rape my friend. I probably should have handled him with Plan C, and maybe none of this would ever have happened. Roseanne would still be alive. I’m feeling really guilty about that.” She stood up and walked around for a bit, letting them understand by the severe glances she was giving them, that she was not at all happy about them being the ones who’d killed Roseanne. “Have I explained about Plan C, yet? No?”

  Missy stopped pacing and faced them squarely. “Plan C is that I kill you both. Here and now. And walk away, free and clear. No one knows I was your target, except for Tony. He never told Frank and until you got here, you didn’t know. I doubt you bothered calling your boss after seeing Tony’s folder, did you?” She could tell immediately they hadn’t thought of that, but Billy looked like he sure wished he had. Oh, well!

  “Maybe you don’t think I’m capable of Plan C. That I wouldn’t really kill the two of you? Me being just a sixteen year old girl, right? Well, I can understand how you might think that. Even after seeing how Tony appears in that video.” She walked over to study the TV, even though it was now off. She knew they’d been affected by watching Tony. His terror was obvious. Their thoughts were definitely all about what she might be capable of. They’d stopped all the lustful, lascivious looks quite awhile back and their eyes no longer lingered on her boobs. Now they just wanted to find a way out.

  Turning around, she said, “But, if you’re not worried about Plan C then you just don’t get how important the safety of my family is and what desperate measures I’ll go to. I’ll do anything to make sure they’re completely safe from the likes of you and your organization in New York.” She had really emphasized anything. Now she paused, letting them think about that. “Back to my Plan B, guys. That’s the one you’ll want. I’m sure you’ll both agree. Anything I say right now is just fine so long as you guys get to go free, right?” She could see they really wanted Plan B. Almost as badly as they wanted to g
o take a leak and relieve their aching bladders.

  “Only, here’s the thing,” Missy continued. “My Plan B video tape? It’s not quite finished yet. No, no. I want zero risk that either of you will ever think of coming after me or my family. Or, that your boss ever will either. So, I need more on this video. Yes, I need you both saying you admit to everything, just as I’ve explained it all. That will help. But, the clincher? You’re also going to name your boss. The one who sent you up here. I want him named right on this tape. My insurance tape. My safety tape. My family’s safety tape.” She could see they both now thought she was crazy.

  “So, who’s ready for me to remove the tape over your mouth so you can point the finger at your boss? Come on, guys! No one’s ever going to see this tape, right? What’s the problem?” Neither Billy nor Donny was looking very cooperative, but she went over and ripped the tape off both of them. Now they could finally talk. She’d had her say and had explained everything well enough.

  Donny yelled, “Enough about the A-B-C’s already! Let me up, you bitch! I gotta go pee!”

  Billy said, “Shut up, Donny!” He turned to Missy and snarled, “Look, we can’t give up our boss. No way. Not gonna happen. We want Plan B and you’ve already got plenty on us, so you don’t need any more. And, you’re so right about Plan A being a problem for you. Our boss will make you wish Tony had been successful. And Plan C? I don’t think so. So, just let us go.”

  Missy looked at the two of them, and slowly shook her head. “Well, Billy, you’ve listened to everything I’ve explained and still you’re not convinced. I was afraid of that. So, let’s not waste any more time. Donny’s going to wet the bed any minute.”

  She walked over to where she’d put the ice bucket. “Let’s see what’s in the freezer.” She opened the mini-fridge and pulled out the ice tray. After dumping more ice cubes into the bucket she went back to where she’d been sitting earlier. From a box on the floor, she picked up a pair of shears. Stainless steel bone cutting shears. “Look what Tony was going to use on me, guys! He really thought of everything, didn’t he?”

  She came over to the bed, carrying the shears in one hand and the ice bucket in the other. She put the bucket on the bed, reached out and grabbed Billy’s right hand, which she positioned over the bucket. Before he could say or do anything, she brought up the shears and cut off his little finger. Plop! It dropped into the bucket. She quickly placed the strip of duct tape she’d removed earlier back across his mouth, muffling his scream. Then she looked at Donny. “I’m ready for some cooperation from you guys and unless I hear who your boss is, I’m going to keep cutting things off. My Plan C is going to be slow and painful. For you guys. And, Donny? You’re next.”

  They both were completely shocked, as this was so unexpected. Not waiting for them to over think it, she let a predatory yellow glow appear in her eyes, showing through from her cat form. “I think they can sew Billy’s finger back on, if he maybe gets to the hospital in time. That’s why it’s on ice. I hear they can even sew your penis back on. Shall we test that theory? Oh, right. Somebody already did that. I read about it on the internet. Good to know.”

  Donny was done. He’d seen enough. He also couldn’t hold it any longer and the sudden strong scent of his urine made that very obvious. “Okay, okay. His name is Salvatore D’Amato. I’m dead if he ever finds out I gave him up, so I’m gonna trust that freaking video will never be seen again, right? Not until I’m dead already, so Sal can’t ever get me.” His fear about his boss was very clear, but Missy’s little demonstration had convinced him. He was “all in” for her Plan B, now.

  She looked at Billy, who had his hand wrapped in a portion of the sheet he’d managed to pull loose. There now was a resigned expression on his face, so she pulled away the tape. “What about you? Can I set up the recorder now?”


  Fifteen minutes later, she had her video, complete with comments from the two of them each naming Salvatore D’Amato as the one who’d sent them up there, first to kill Roseanne and then for this mission, which ended up being to kidnap her. The evidence contained on this video was now very complete. They assured her they’d never breathe a word to anyone about any of this. They couldn’t survive Sal ever finding out.

  She told them, “See? Wasn’t that a simple little thing? I told you my Plan B only required two simple little things. That’s one of them.” They stared at her, bug eyed, and Billy asked, “What else? I wanna get to the hospital!” They were still restrained by the handcuffs and chains keeping them on the bed. Frustration darkened their expressions as they looked around wildly. Enough was enough, right?

  Missy said, “My other thing? You’re going to take care of Tony for me. Then, you’ll tell your boss there wasn’t any folder. So, no hit this time. Tony’s buddy Frank will know Tony somehow messed up, because his body will show up in a day or two. But, since Frank doesn’t know who the target was, he can’t complain very much to Salvatore, can he? Even if he does, your story is still solid. There’s nothing which connects you to Tony, right?”

  While at first they seemed confused, Billy quickly sorted through all this and figured it out. “Yes, that works. We’ll be sure nothing connects us to Tony.” He stared at Missy and shook his head. “You really are one cold little bitch, aren’t you? Too bad Tony messed up. Where is he, anyway? You already killed him, right?” He no longer doubted she was very capable of having done that. When she’d started cutting off fingers, they’d both been thoroughly convinced her Plan C threat was very real.

  “Oh, no, he’s still alive. I saved him for the two of you. His death has to look like an accident. You two are good at that, right? He’s wrapped up in that blanket, out in the trunk of his car. That’s his Honda parked out there.” She walked over to the window and pulled the curtain open. “Donny’s going to drive me back to my car in that, while you’re getting your finger sewn back on. Then you’ll both have to figure out how to take care of Tony. Just make sure his accident doesn’t look like his wife or step daughter are involved. They’ll probably inherit his businesses and I don’t want anything to interfere with that. You don’t want to mess this up or it’s back to Plan A. Got it?”


  They did. Twenty minutes later, Missy was back at her car. She had Donny pop open the Honda’s trunk and wait while she checked on Tony. She unraveled the blanket so she could look at his face one last time. His expression showed resignation and despair. He knew there was no hope since she’d already informed him earlier of exactly what she had planned for him. These guys wouldn’t listen to anything he might say and they needed to silence him, in order to save themselves.

  Missy was feeling her “loss of innocence” very deeply. But, just as she’d had to accept becoming a wild predatory animal in order to survive, killing prey for those two years in the mountains, she now fully accepted what she was doing with Tony. She knew there was no other choice. Her only regret was not having understood things more clearly earlier. Earlier, when she’d wanted to protect Alice and her mother. Yes, she’d succeeded with that, forcing Tony to move out and sign those agreements. She knew what Tony’s exposure would have cost Alice and she still strongly believed in what she’d done. But staying silent and not exposing him? It had cost Roseanne her life. She knew she’d always feel somewhat guilty about that.

  After slamming the trunk closed and nodding to Donny, she watched the Honda drive off. She continued to watch long afterwards, standing there next to her car, all alone in the parking lot. Thinking. Then her tummy rumbled, bringing her back to face reality. She’d Shifted twice since yesterday’s lunch and still hadn’t eaten a thing. She was so starved! She drove to the State Forest and Changed. Then she feasted on a deer which she easily was able to locate and chase down. Afterwards, she crawled into a small cave she’d located weeks earlier and went to sleep. She was far more comfortable with just being a cat for a while.


  When she woke up hours later, she feasted on what
remained of that deer and then ran free, experiencing great joy in her cat form. She wasn’t in any big rush to return to her far more complicated life as a girl. Later that Saturday afternoon, just about twenty four hours after being grabbed, she finally drove up to her house. Inside, her Mom told her she was just in time for dinner. “Oh, thanks, Mom! I’m really hungry. You’re the best!”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Apr 2017

  “Hey, Alice. Can you do something for me?” Missy asked. They were at one of Tony’s restaurants and Missy had just finished going through the computer in his office, just like she’d done at all his other places, both at work and at home. This was her last stop. Alice didn’t know why Missy had insisted on doing this but Missy had been such a great help with things, she couldn’t say no.

  Missy had now accessed all of Tony’s files and online accounts using his passwords and had uploaded copies of everything she’d wanted to her storage site on the internet. She didn’t bother deleting things since, without his passwords, no one else would be seeing any of this stuff. She did delete one file, however, where he’d listed some additional passwords along with the special code needed for accessing his safety deposit box. This code would be required in addition to the key he’d given her. She was the only one having all these now.


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