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Missy the Werecat

Page 28

by P. G. Allison

  Missy had Frank sit in the passenger seat and give directions to where Alice was being held. She had him spell out in detail all the plans. She also was concerned as to who else knew anything. The more he talked, the more she realized that Alice’s fate had been sealed. As she’d suspected, the two guys were definitely counting on the fact they’d be getting rid of her. Eventually. Once they’d finished with her. If Frank ended up getting any money, either from the mother or from Alice, that was just an added benefit. They’d made a clean grab and were confident they’d never get caught. So, they were in this more for the fun of having her. Any money they might get paid was secondary.

  The drive out to Boxford took almost an hour, since there was traffic. Once there, Frank directed her to a large cabin in a somewhat remote section, surrounded by woods. Evidently, these guys had not wanted any neighbors close by. Missy drove past and down the road another quarter mile, then pulled over. She told Frank to get out and walk around to the rear of the car. He looked at her and said, “You’ll never get away with killing me, you know. My guys all saw you come into my place.” But, he was worried. He’d seen how easily she’d knocked out Ramon and was still wondering how she’d managed everything she’d obviously done already.

  “Relax, Frank,” said Missy. “As much as you probably deserve killing, I actually need you to be my alibi. You’re going to swear the two of us just went for a ride, to talk about old times. About you and your buddy Tony, who you grew up with, right? I’m just a local kid from the neighborhood who knew Tony, so we merely talked. That’s our story and if you ever decide to tell it any differently, then Sal gets that video. Clear?”

  “Sure, sure. Whatever you say. But, what about the guys holding Alice? I can’t control what they will say.” Frank was feeling a little relieved, since being her alibi meant he’d be okay. Maybe. He still couldn’t see how all this was going to play out.

  “Let me worry about that, Frank. Now, since you’re going to have to wait a few hours and I don’t want any accidents in the trunk of my car, how about you maybe try taking a leak to relieve yourself over by that bush?”

  Missy opened her trunk and took out a set of handcuffs. Funny how handy it was to have these. First Billy and Donny and now Frank. When Frank had finished pissing and zipped back up, she handcuffed his hands behind his back and then placed duct tape over his mouth. Then she made him climb into the trunk of her Toyota. It was a tight fit, but she’d made room and once he was settled inside, she slammed the lid closed.

  “Don’t go anywhere, Frank. And, just keep thinking about how we’re only riding around tonight, talking about Tony. And, when I take you back later tonight to your place? You’re going to make sure Ramon doesn’t get any ideas about me, right? Keep thinking how you’re going to control that situation. Otherwise, Sal gets the video.”

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Oct 2017

  Alice was terrified. She’d been sitting there for hours, listening to the two guys who’d grabbed her. They’d pulled her into their van just as she was walking past it, after coming out of her dorm. It had all happened so fast. They’d held a towel with something in it against her face and it had made her black out. Ether, maybe. She knew they were planning to kill her. That and a lot of other horrible things as well. Things even worse than what Tony had done to her. She kept thinking of Mark and how worried he had to be. And, her Mom. She knew they’d both be devastated by her death. That only made everything she was experiencing now just that much more agony to go though.

  “Hey, Luis, where the hell is Frank? It’s been more than three hours. Call him again, okay?” Jose was getting very impatient and looked at Luis with a very exasperated expression on his face. Things had gone great up until now and he wanted to get going. Just sitting around like this wasn’t what he’d signed up for. The blond bitch they’d grabbed was totally hot. He couldn’t wait until they got the go ahead to interrogate her. He hoped her mother really didn’t know about any money and that it was something they’d be able to get her to talk about. On tape, no less. He and Luis were going to enjoy watching that tape long afterwards.

  Luis said, “I already called twice. There’s no answer at his office and his cell just goes to voice mail.” He knew his buddy Jose was getting pretty antsy. He also knew he didn’t want to mess with Frank. If Frank wanted the girl left alone until he got there, then they’d leave her alone. And, Frank had been very clear about their not talking to anyone else in his organization. This whole deal had been engineered so Frank didn’t have anyone else he needed to worry about. Minimal risk. As Frank liked to say, everything’s a risk but then there’s the risk-reward part. This girl Alice they’d grabbed? She was the reward part this time. They could wait. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  He looked over at her, sitting there on the bed, just waiting. Trembling. She knew what was going to happen. That actually made it better. More exciting. He said, “Hey, Alice? You think Jose can keep it in his pants much longer? I’ll bet that’s why Frank’s on his way. He wants to watch in person, rather than just seeing the tape. Anticipation is everything, right?”

  They were in a large one room cabin, with two beds set up against one wall and a sliding glass door out to a deck on the opposite wall. Room dividers normally kept the beds hidden away but had been removed. A kitchen and pantry were along one side, along with a dining table and four chairs. The bathroom and utility room were along the opposite side along with a large flat screen TV mounted on the wall. There were no couches or love seats. Just a couple of large recliners around a low center table made out of marble. The view out back off the deck was clear for a hundred yards of open space and then the tree line began, with deep woods beyond.

  The front door was next to one of the beds, but there was a divider so when someone came in, they wouldn’t actually see anyone in the beds. He and Jose had used this place before. Lots of privacy. And, they’d wired the outside with plenty of security lights and alarms, so no one would be surprising them.

  Jose liked the way Alice had reacted to what Luis had just said and decided he’d go over and check on her again. Frank had said “unharmed” but that didn’t mean he couldn’t examine the girl. Maybe even touch her some more. Touching wasn’t harming, was it?

  Suddenly the outside floodlights all came on and alarms began sounding. What the hell? Before either Jose or Luis could do anything, there was a loud crash as the sliding glass door was smashed in with glass flying everywhere. By a mountain lion. The animal didn’t stop but came straight at Luis and leaped on top of him, with claws raking and jaws snapping. Missy had Changed and then had waited outside for two and half hours, during which she’d been able to watch from the woods. She hadn’t wanted to wait any longer, once she saw one of the guys go over to where Alice was sitting.

  Jose was paralyzed with shock at first. He watched as the big cat attacked Luis, who went down under the onslaught and didn’t move. The animal had snapped his neck with its jaws; then … it looked up at him. With an ear piercing scream, the animal came straight at him. He tried to run but there was nowhere to go and nowhere to hide. His revolver was on the kitchen table and he headed in that direction but he never made it. The cat jumped onto his back and its jaws grabbed his neck. Then it was over.

  Missy looked at the two men, checking they were both dead. Then she looked over at Alice who was screaming. Poor Alice. But, this couldn’t be helped. She stepped carefully and slowly and walked over to the bed. Alice stopped screaming and stared at her, helpless. She was bound to the headboard and couldn’t run. All she could do was stare at Missy and wait. Missy turned around and went over to the center of the room, hoping Alice would relax just a little. Then she Changed.

  Alice was watching this wild animal and, after seeing it kill the two men, she had no idea why it suddenly stopped and walked away from her. Then, she saw a shimmer of light and felt the burst of energy. Suddenly, instead of the mountain lion, there was her friend Missy. Naked. The cat was gone and s
he’d appeared instead. How was that possible?

  Missy spoke to her and said, “Well, Alice, you finally are learning all my secrets. I hope I can trust you to please keep them to yourself, okay?” She walked over and hugged Alice, then looked at how her bindings were attached to the bed. Before Alice could find any words at all, Missy freed her. Then she stepped back two steps and smiled. “Alice, I hope you can forgive me. I truly never expected anything like this would happen. Please believe me. My FBI buddies have been watching, just in case. I don’t know how these guys managed getting you, but obviously they did. This has to have been such an ordeal for you.” Missy was waiting for Alice to say something. Anything. “Alice, please. Please forgive me, okay?”

  Alice managed to finally say, “It’s you? Missy? You’re a mountain lion? Or … something?” She looked around and then stared back at her friend; finally, she ran forward and grabbed her. “Oh, Missy, you saved me! Of course, I forgive you, there’s nothing to forgive, you silly girl! But, how …?” She didn’t know how to continue.

  Laughing, Missy answered, “Or something. Yes. I’m a werecat, Alice. That’s why I disappeared four years ago. And, it took me two years before I was able to Change back. Other than my family, you’re the only one who knows. I still haven’t even told Patrick but I’ll probably have to finally do that soon.”

  Alice looked around once more. Two dead bodies on the floor. Missy had really killed those guys. As a cat. This was a lot to process. She backed up and sat on the bed. Then she looked at Missy again and said, “You know you’re naked, right? Totally bare ass? You do this much?” Suddenly, she broke out laughing.

  Missy draped her long hair over her breasts and said, “It’s my Lady Godiva look. Like it?” Then she too began laughing. After a few moments, however, she got serious again. “Look, Alice, we’re going to cover this up. I have no intention for anyone to find out about me. I am not going to end up some lab specimen buried in the U.S. Government’s secret whatever-place, you know?”

  Alice stood up and said, “Of course not. I get that. What do we do here?”

  Missy explained how fire should be good. There’d be no DNA left behind and all that would be determined about the two guys would be an attack by some wild animal. She’d even left plenty of her cat footprints outside and back in those woods where she’d waited. That would not be anything which would lead back to her. Especially since she was going to have an alibi. She explained briefly about Frank who was in her trunk.

  “Alice, let’s torch this place and then I’ll drive you home. Once I drop you off, you have to find a way to keep your Mom quiet. And, Mark too. I’ll be taking Frank back to his nightclub and none of this will have ever happened. Frank’s not going to tell anyone, believe me. And, nothing will connect you or me with these two dead guys. Or the fire. Let’s get going.


  A half hour later, Missy was back standing beside her car. Fully dressed once again. She’d explained to Alice about not saying a word since she wanted to just drive her home and didn’t want Frank, in the trunk, to have any clue about any of this. They both got in and she started the car up and drove away. Back at the cabin, the fire was going nicely. They’d found some lighter fluid and had worked to make it look like something had spilled in the kitchen, caught fire, and had spread from there. Hopefully, it would just look like an accident and the wild animal would be blamed for everything.

  Once she dropped Alice off and drove back to East Boston, she pulled over and let Frank climb out of her trunk. He was pretty upset but before she pulled the tape off his mouth and released his handcuffs, she explained how the whole thing with Alice being kidnapped had never happened. No one else knew, right?

  When she then ripped the tape off his mouth, Frank swore a few times. Then he asked, “What about Luis and Jose? They might talk. I told you I can’t control them.”

  Missy said, “And I told you I’d take care of that. Those guys are dead. Okay? Their cabin has hopefully burned to the ground about now. So, no kidnapping. And, if anyone asks about me, you’re my alibi, right? We still clear?” She removed the handcuffs and handed him back his phone. She could still feel her cat inside, in spite of having Changed back.

  Frank stared at her. Then he slowly shook his head, thinking about his two guys. Who was this girl? Then, as he realized she’d asked him a question, he quickly began nodding his head. “Oh, yeah! We’re clear. You and I, just driving around Boston, having a great time talking about poor Tony. Right. Got it. Oh … and, I’ll make sure Ramon doesn’t get any ideas.” Then he looked at her closely, noticing all the yellow speckles in her wild green eyes. “Who the hell are you, anyway? If I’m your alibi, I need to know your name.”

  Missy looked at him and nodded her head. She’d known from the beginning there would be plenty of witnesses and all she could do was stick to this bullshit story she’d come up with. Her FBI buddies would be skeptical, of course. She figured they already had this nightclub under surveillance and would know when she’d arrived and also when she’d left with Frank. But, she had turned off her cell phone and Frank’s cell phone, taking out the batteries, so there’d be no GPS record of where they’d gone after that. She hoped it was enough. Since no one would know about the kidnapping and there wasn’t anything connecting her to the cabin in Boxford, all anyone could do was guess as to what really had gone down.

  “My name is Missy McCrea. I know you’ll be checking me out. Just make sure I never have any further reason to check you out.” She looked at him and let even more of her cat come into her eyes. “I won’t be using you for my alibi if there’s a next time.” She got back in her car and drove away.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Nov 2017

  Missy was pretty happy with how well things had been going lately. This year, they’d finally won the high school girls soccer state championship. The euphoria and camaraderie she shared with her teammates was so wonderful and fulfilling. Achieving something like this was so satisfying after all the hard work the team had put in, striving for it year after year. She was really thrilled she’d been a part of it. Participating on a team, contributing to its success, was just so special. She knew opportunities like this were fleeting. This was her senior year. Life would surely change in many ways next year. So, for now? She was happy.

  Things with Alice were also special. They’d had many long talks since the kidnapping last month. First and most important was that Alice really was okay and had not been traumatized by what she’d experienced. Or, by what she’d witnessed. She had managed getting through all that and her emotional state was now stronger than ever. Surviving the evil things which others had done to her had helped her fully understand who she herself really was. Being a victim had not meant she was diminished in any way. She now valued her own self worth very highly. Having loved ones who constantly showed how much they valued her was really helping. And, she wanted to give back in return. Especially to Missy.

  Missy was so happy that Alice was in her life. She could share things now, without hiding anything, and it was such a relief. Since she’d always kept Alice’s secrets, she’d not shared anything with her family about Tony. So, in spite of her family knowing all about her being a werecat, there still had been many things she’d had to carry alone. Now, being completely open with Alice was making a huge difference. Explaining things to Alice had helped her understand many of those things so much better than before. Life was good.

  Thanksgiving had been wonderful so far, with everyone home for the long holiday weekend. Mike had come over after the big Thanksgiving Day feast her family had enjoyed. They’d all sat around talking for an hour and now she’d brought him up to her room. She selected one of her playlists on her iTouch and her music started playing through the speakers in her room. Mike was looking around while she did this and when he saw the two mountain lion photos she’d hung on her wall, he went over and studied them. “You know? I think I see why you have these. This animal is really beautifu
l. In this one, it’s showing how fierce it can be, with those fangs ready to tear into something but in this other one, it has such an intelligent expression on its face. Look at those eyes. How did the photographer manage getting such great shots? These weren’t taken in any zoo, were they?”

  Missy laughed. “No, they were not. And, my Mom took those. I had them blown up and framed special. I’m really glad you like them, Mike.” She sat down on her bed and arranged some pillows to sit back against. Mike pulled the chair away from her desk and seated himself backwards, with the back of the chair pulled up against his chest, so he could look at her. She said, “My eyes can sometimes look like that, according to what I’ve been told.” Smiling, she relaxed her controls just a bit and allowed herself to get sexually aroused. She knew that was one way to bring her cat into her eyes and make those gold sparkles appear. Breathing in, she could scent how turned on Mike was, just being up in her room. Looking at her on a bed. She smiled.

  Mike stared at her and said, “It’s true! I think I can see the resemblance right now … damn! Are you doing that on purpose, Missy?” He had seen her eyes glow like that on occasion, and usually when she was feeling amorous. He was sensing her mood right now was indeed very romantic and he wished he was over there on the bed with her, holding her, instead of sitting here. He didn’t want to break the mood by moving, so he continued with discussing her lovely eyes. “You are being naughty over there, aren’t you? Making those eyes at me? With me helpless, unable to ravish you since your entire family is all around. Bet you feel pretty safe over there, huh?” He laughed and she laughed back at him.


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