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Winter's Dragons. Melting Ice: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Romance (Soulmates of Seasons Book 1)

Page 13

by Eva Brandt

  I wanted them so very much. I had wanted them from the moment they’d first shifted in front of me and had made me a solemn vow I had never demanded. I had wanted them when they had spoken of protecting my own homeland like they would their own.

  It was unfair that we had been unable to explore our relationship properly before circumstances out of our control had forced us into this course of action, but when had life ever been fair to me? Still, this was a gift, one I accepted despite the shape it had come in, and I had to somehow make my dragons see it too, see that this was right.

  As it turned out, I didn’t have to do anything at all. My dragons understood—because how could they not? Seconds after I made my request, something seemed to snap inside them, and just like that, they were on top of me.

  Kerryn came up from behind me and pushed me down, forcing me to lie against Raijin’s chest. It was no hardship, since I loved the feeling of his bare skin against my breasts. I still let out a small whimper when Kerryn smoothed his hands over the curve of my buttocks, as the motion jostled me onto Raijin’s shaft. He hissed and thrust inside me, one single time, his erection filling me to the brim, brushing against my inner walls and making me cry out in frustrated arousal when he once again stopped.

  Had I thought I could be patient with riding him until we both screamed? I must’ve lost my mind. “Raijin,” I practically snarled at him.

  “Shh, treasure,” Kerryn replied in Raijin’s stead. “We’ll give you what you need. We really did underestimate you, but don’t worry. We’re very happy to fix our mistake.”

  As Kerryn spoke, Emmerich’s erection appeared within my line of sight. He buried his hand in my long tresses and guided my head to the weeping tip of his dick. “Go on, Cassia,” he growled. “This is what you want, isn’t it?”

  It was. Gods, yes, it was. I wanted them to take me, to claim me, to give me everything they were, so I could give them everything I was in turn.

  When he thrust his dick into my mouth, I didn’t hesitate and sucked it in deep. My enthusiastic response made Emmerich growl and his hold on my hair tighten. His grip hurt my scalp slightly, but I didn’t mind it. If anything, I enjoyed it, enjoyed the clear proof that he was finally letting go, just like I had.

  I wasn’t new at this kind of intercourse. Granted, I’d never actually shared my body with three men at the same time, but Pandora’s orgies were legendary, and whenever I visited for her Bacchanals, I unavoidably ended up being drawn in. But it had been different with them, with those men whose names I could not remember. It hadn’t meant anything. I had experienced pleasure, and I had enjoyed it, but there had always been a barrier, something holding me back. I had still been Queen Cheimon, always aware of the weight of my throne, my past and my responsibilities.

  There was nothing like that now, no fear, no doubt, no apprehension, not for my dragons, and not for me. As Emmerich started to thrust into my mouth, Raijin began moving as well, plunging in and out of my pussy. Each and every one of his motions sent sparks of pleasure through my core, making my nipples tingle and my magic flare.

  When Kerryn parted my ass cheeks and rubbed his thumb over the small entrance hidden between them, I was both unsurprised and excited. I’d never actually taken a man there, although Pandora had tried to persuade me into it. Women have three holes, dearest sister, she’d say. We are built to have each of them penetrated. Why make do with just one male member, when you can have three?

  I had never thought there would come a day when I’d agree with Pandora so wholeheartedly on anything, but I could definitely understand what she meant now.

  All thoughts of my sister vanished like they had never been when I felt Kerryn pierce my anus with his tongue. As pleasure exploded over me, I moaned around Emmerich’s dick. He let out a low curse and started thrusting faster, his testicles slapping against my chin as he took complete ownership of my mouth. Fire licked over my cheeks and hair where he was touching me, but it didn’t burn me. He could never hurt me. Neither of them could. I was convinced of it, the certainty stronger and fiercer than the core of timeless magic that had created Chronikos.

  Maybe my dragons understood that too, because Kerryn withdrew his tongue and replaced it with his cock. Slowly, ever so slowly, he slid inside, and just like that, for the first time in years, I truly felt like a nymph.

  It should have hurt, or felt uncomfortable. We should’ve perhaps had trouble adjusting to one another. We didn’t. My body had been born to belong to sexual being, even if, for the most part, I’d forgotten it. Through my dragons, through what we had found together, I had finally remembered.

  They moved in perfect sync, ravaging every inch of me, claiming me as their own. As they set a frenzied pace, I did my best to move with them. I wasn’t completely successful, and at one point, I even stopped trying. My body became a receptacle of the pleasure my dragons were giving me, and I embraced it with every ounce of my being. The rest of the time, I was the avatar and holder of a power that had changed my identity. Ironically, as hot as they made me feel, I liked the fire better than the ice.

  Both elements were part of me, and always would be. My dragons’ magic understood that, as did mine. And because of that, I still had the perfect tool at my disposal to make them experience what I did. I might not have been able to move as quickly as them, but my power had never lain in physical strength or speed.

  I let my ice magic cool certain parts of my body, specifically the ones where I was connected to my dragons. Tingles rushed over my pussy, mouth and ass, the contrast in temperatures making renewed sensation course over me. My breasts felt fuller, my nipples hard and aching. My magic flailed, but I stubbornly held on. In the background, I heard my dragons cry out in response to my actions.


  “Oh, dear gods, treasure...”

  “Ah, love...”

  It was difficult to say what made me come. Maybe it was just that, hearing their voices and taking in their pleasure. Then again, maybe not. It was more like a buildup, like the snow gathering on The Frozen Peaks, sliding down and slowly exploding into an avalanche that consumed everything in its path.

  A part of me understood that, considering what had brought us here, the analogy might have been both very suitable and somewhat inappropriate. But that part was very small, and the rest of my being was fully focused on my dragons and the ecstasy they stirred inside me.

  When the avalanche swallowed my consciousness, I didn’t try to stop it. I embraced it, welcomed it and trusted it, more than I had ever trusted the snow and ice in my land. Convulsing in the throes of pleasure, I let go, all the while trying to reach out to my dragons, to drag them into the same abyss of lust I was falling into. They didn’t resist it either. With one last thrust, Emmerich came, filling my mouth with his scorching hot essence. Mere seconds later, Raijin and Kerryn followed, and in that single, perfect moment, their strength and magic entwined with mine.

  I lost track of where they ended and I began. Everything that had ever scared me ceased to exist. Snow and fire became one, and the blaze of my dragons’ need for me fused with the ice that was intrinsic to my being.

  I didn’t know how long it lasted. For something that stood at the basis of our reality, on occasion, time really seemed to have very little meaning. I managed to keep a hold on my consciousness, though, and I congratulated myself for it when it became obvious that my dragons were not done with me yet.

  Despite the fact that they’d just come, their dicks didn’t soften. They pulled out of my body and tumbled me back onto my bed, but showed no inclination to stop our session of love-making.

  “Tell me, Cassia,” Emmerich murmured, having climbed on top of me and pinned me down. “Are you ready for me?”

  I licked my lips, still savoring the taste of him in my mouth. “Always.”

  * * *


  When we had returned to The Frozen Peaks, with Jack Frost in tow, terrified for our female’s well-being, the last thin
g any of us had expected was to end up in bed with her. I, for one, certainly hadn’t. A part of me still couldn’t believe that we were doing this now of all times, considering the condition Cassia had been in before our arrival.

  But our female had made her desires more than clear, and Cassia’s natural allure eliminated any sort of protest I might have tried to put up. The sweet torture of her mouth alone had brought me more pleasure than I’d ever experienced, during any coupling with other females.

  I needed more. I wanted more. I felt like if I didn’t slide inside her again, the fire that had always lived inside my core would lash out against my flesh and consume me whole.

  I positioned my cock against Cassia’s entrance and, in one single thrust, slid home. Cassia moaned and buried her hands into the sheets, the material freezing under her fingertips as she struggled to process the pleasure. “Ah... Emme... Emmerich...”

  My name was a little too long for her to utter easily in her state, but that just made the fact that she’d spoken it even more satisfying. Would I ever get tired of hearing her voice saying the things I most wanted to hear? What was I thinking? Of course I wouldn’t, the same way I would never get tired of being inside her.

  As I started to thrust, Cassia’s flesh welcomed me, her inner walls clenching around me so tightly that leaving the hold of her body even for a second became a challenge. Her sweaty hair curled around her cheekbones in waves of silver and her eyes glowed with magic and desire. She was so beautiful it hurt, and it hurt even more that I hadn’t been able to protect her.

  We should have never left her. I had known that even when we’d been in The Realm of Eternal Bounties, but it had never been more obvious than now. She belonged with us, and not just because she needed to be protected.

  I had no doubt that she was more powerful than the three of us combined, but not everything was about power, and even the strongest people sometimes needed help. It was a strange realization to have for someone like me, when all my life, I had done my utmost to not have to depend on anyone. Maybe under different circumstances, I would’ve actually chastised myself a little longer for my past arrogance and stupidity, but it really was difficult to think about such things when a very beautiful woman was demanding my complete attention.

  Our bodies were a little too close together for me to be able to comfortably reach down to toy with her clit like I would have liked, but I didn’t need to. Kerryn crawled up to us, bending over her chest to suck one of her nipples in his mouth. As he flicked his tongue over the pebbled bud, Cassia let out an inarticulate cry, and Raijin took advantage of the situation to and thrust his cock into her mouth. His magic danced over her body and her silken flesh tightened around me as she responded to the stimulation. I made a mental note to explore the potential of my own fire magic in future couplings, when we had more time at our disposal, and when we all felt up to it.

  For the moment, I deemed such an addition unnecessary. The fire of the passion between us was definitely not gone—it never would be—but it had melted into a dimmer, comforting blaze. I deliberately slowed down my motions, enjoying the feel of her body squeezing my shaft, the sound of her muffled cries, the scent of her sweat. There was something decadent about the fact that I could take my time to do this, to explore her in every way, to brand myself into her flesh as thoroughly as possible. I let my own hands travel over every part of her I could reach, and feeling her soft skin under my fingertips compensated for the fact that I couldn’t touch her hair. Spreading her legs wider, I caressed the back of her thighs, and was rewarded when she jerked in surprise and released another moan.

  I pressed another kiss to her knee, encouraging her to embrace the pleasure we offered. “That’s it, treasure. Just let go. Let yourself feel.”

  “Let yourself belong to us,” Raijin murmured, his hand tightly wrapped around her silver hair.

  “You don’t have to carry all of your burdens alone,” Kerryn added, echoing my earlier thoughts. “That’s what we’re here for.”

  Together, Raijin, Kerryn and I mapped Cassia’s beautiful body, seeking all of her erogenous zones, taking advantage of the gift we had been given. She had been so demanding earlier, but at our hands, she allowed herself to be vulnerable too. When she came again, I could have sworn I caught sight of the glimmer of frozen tears at the corner of her eyes. The impossible beauty of it, coupled with the feel of her orgasm, pushed me over the edge once again, into a softer, almost gentle climax. To make things even better, Raijin pulled out of her mouth and I got the chance to see both him and Kerryn pleasure themselves and erupt all over her body, painting her perfect form with white streaks of semen.

  I never would’ve thought that I would enjoy something like this, sharing my female with not just one dragon, but two, and watching them claim her in such a visceral way, but I did. And as I took in the sight of Kerryn kissing Cassia once again, I remembered how close we had come to losing this, to never knowing what it would be like to connect with her. Never again, I vowed. If anyone made the mistake of trying to separate us, they would find out that firedrakes had a lot of painful methods of showing their enemies the error of their ways. They would be praying for evisceration by the time I was done with them.


  Of Soulmates and Old Friends


  We made love for hours. Even after Cassia recovered from whatever had caused her to reach out to us the first time, she still welcomed us within her body, within her heart. By the time we felt sated and content, night had fallen, the cold rays of the moon filtering through the white curtains of Cassia’s windows.

  We curled together in a pile, still naked and having no desire to change that anytime soon. Since there was three of us males, and we all wanted to have contact with our female, it took a little effort, but we made it work.

  I ended up with her head in my lap while Raijin and Emmerich sandwiched her between their bodies. The position had a lot of promise, and my libido would’ve probably responded to it, had I not acknowledged that our beautiful female was exhausted.

  I stroked her hair, and she smiled sleepily up at me. “What are you thinking so hard about, Kerryn?”

  “Mostly, how lucky we are to have found you,” I replied.

  To Cassia’s left, Emmerich nodded, gently caressing her side as he spoke. “It still seems unbelievable how quickly things have changed. A few days ago, Kerryn and I would’ve happily gored one another, and now here we are.”

  “And it’s not like you liked me that much better,” Raijin commented. “But some things don’t need to be questioned. They just are.”

  “You’re not curious how you came to be here then?” Cassia asked. “How you ended up in my realm to begin with?”

  Emmerich frowned slightly. “I suppose it would be useful to know, just in case whatever brought us here turns out to be a threat in the future. But beyond that... As long as we’re here, with you, it doesn’t matter to me.”

  The latter sentence, while true, barely registered in my mind. Cassia’s question had not been random. “It had something to do with the enchantment that was on you, right? The spell that hurt you.”

  My magic might have been very different from Raijin’s more mystical one, but that didn’t mean I hadn’t sensed the spell. I would’ve had to be blind to miss it.

  Cassia sighed, and all signs of her previous carefree joy melted. She wriggled out from her spot between my fellow dragons and slid out of bed, gracefully making her way to an ornate wardrobe sculpted with icy patterns. With a wave of her wrist, she opened it and produced a robe from inside.

  I hated the fact that she felt the need to cover her beautiful, shapely form, but I decided to stay silent. She probably didn’t need to wear clothes at all, since she couldn’t feel the cold. If she had chosen this course of action, it was for a reason.

  “You said you’d managed to find Jack, right?” she asked once she was finally dressed.

  Well, technically we hadn’t said that. She had p
retty much just assumed. That didn’t make it any less true. “Yes, of course, treasure,” I replied. “We found him at the satyr brothel, exactly where Lerna said he would be.”

  Cassia hummed thoughtfully, and despite the fact that her current clothing was very different from the regal garb we’d seen her wear in the past, I found her just as queenly as she’d been during our first meeting. “He didn’t resist capture?” she inquired.

  It was a bit of a strange question, since during our conversation with Lerna, Cassia had seemed a little more inclined to give Jack Frost the benefit of the doubt and believe he had a reason for his actions. Her opinion had clearly changed in our absence.

  If my fellow dragons were as confused as I was, they did not show it. “Well no, not exactly,” Raijin replied. “He was unconscious when we found him. We had a minor incident with the owners of the brothel. It was nothing we couldn’t handle, although I’m afraid that we were not able to be as discreet in our departure as we would have liked. In any case, by the time we had crossed the Topaz, Jack had already recovered. I assume the magic of the realm must’ve helped him.”

  I half-expected Cassia to be upset over our inability to keep our mission under wraps, but she barely seemed to take note of that part of Raijin’s report. “Indeed,” she said simply.

  It was one simple word, made out of just two syllables, and it held as much weight as the tons of snow that had fallen off the mountain.

  “Cassia, what’s wrong?” I asked, concerned. “What is this all about?”

  Cassia pressed her lips together in a blizzard-cold expression of displeasure. “Shortly after you left, I decided to check several of my garrisons, since considering our circumstances, I was no longer so confident in our regular safety measures,” she explained. “As I was returning from one such meeting, I noticed the spell that had brought you here had reactivated. Granted, it was nowhere near as powerful as the fire magic that protected you while you were in the Topaz, but I still deemed it worth investigating.


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