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Page 73

by Leal, Samantha

  “This is Steve, Steve – Alex.”

  The two men glared at each other. Alex had heard all about Steve and disliked him immediately. Steve felt his hackles rise as Alex laid a comforting arm around Andrea’s shoulders.

  “So this is the truth then, this is what’s really happening? Living with Geraldine, I didn’t believe that for a start. I can see it all now. So you’ve set up a cozy love nest with this drop-out huh? What on earth can he give you that I can’t? Be reasonable Andrea, you’ve not been well since your Grandmother’s death. Come back to New York with me and leave this bozo. We can start again.”

  Alex was trying to take in the words, understand what Steve was saying.

  “I don’t know what you’re playing at mate but the baby is mine. Andrea and I are planning on getting married. You’re not needed here.”

  The testosterone was rising and the two men squared up to face each other. Andrea knew that Steve was a coward and his bluster was worse than his bite, but she wasn’t so sure about Alex.

  “Listen you freak, the baby’s mine. I don’t know what crap Andrea has been telling you, but she found out she was pregnant in New York, so how could it be yours? You hadn’t even met her then. Unless...”

  He turned to look at Andrea with a queer look in his eyes.

  “Unless you met this pile of shit when you visited Iona just after your grandmother’s death – is that it eh? I see the truth of it now. There was I thinking that you were grieving for your grandma, when really you were just having it away with this idiot. Well, it just shows the fool that I have been; I didn’t realize that you were such a slut Andrea.”

  The fist sent him reeling over the path and into the road in pain.

  Steve stood up, the blood pouring from his nose, a look of shock on his face.

  “Bloody maniac! See what kind of man you are getting involved with Andrea. You women, you’re all the same. And yes, Andrea, for your information I was sleeping with Helen until she fucked off too. I suppose that makes us even. Well I’ve had enough of this; I hope you both rot here.”

  And with a final glance at Andrea, he stormed off along the path that led back to the harbor.

  Andrea and Alex stood in silence as they watched him go. Alex still looked angry; shocked at his sudden act of violence. He was a peaceful man by nature, or thought that he had been until now.

  Turning to Andrea he fought to keep his emotions at bay.

  “So you were pregnant before you came here?”

  She had hoped that he hadn’t taken in all that Steve had been saying. The conversation would be a difficult one.

  “Look Alex...”

  Andrea hesitated, thinking carefully over her words before speaking.

  “So it’s true?”

  She did not answer.

  Taking her silence for a sign of guilt he turned and walked quickly away.

  “It’s not what you think Alex...” but it was too late, he had gone. Two men had walked away from her in the space of minutes. It just wasn’t her day.

  It was no use running after him straight away. If she tried to explain it would all sound ridiculous and would achieve nothing. She needed to speak to Geraldine to figure a way out.

  The old woman had been watching the scene from the hotel window. One day her Grandson would learn the truth, but not today. She had kept it from him for all of these years. The Beginning and the End would be upon them all soon, and then it would be time.

  Andrea decided that a little white lie wouldn’t hurt. Alex would be told the truth eventually, but until that time, until he could actually see it for himself, there would be no gain in telling him everything just yet. He would never believe it; she hardly believed and she had seen it all for herself.

  She agreed with Geraldine that she would admit to being pregnant with Steve’s child whilst in New York, but that she had miscarried shortly after arriving in the UK. This baby, she insisted, was his.

  “Why on earth didn’t you tell me all of this before?”

  She shrugged “I guess I thought it wasn’t important. I wanted to leave the past behind.”

  “But the guy still thinks the child is his, I don’t like him but I think he has a right to know.”

  Andrea agreed to write and tell Steve. It would put a line under their relationship. She had nothing to fear from Steve, a paternity test would prove that he wasn’t the father, and hopefully the ancestral genes would prove that Alex was - if need be.

  Life settled into a gentle pace once more and soon Alex and Andrea were married in the little chapel of St Oran and she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl – Elizabeth. The months went by and Andrea had almost stopped thinking about the past, wrapped up in her own, cozy world.


  The day was fine and blowing and she was hanging out her washing when she saw a very troubled looking Geraldine walking up the small lane towards the house. It was quite a walk from the main village and Andrea usually met her old friend at the hotel. She called out in surprise and waved to greet her old friend.

  Geraldine was usually so calm and peaceful, but today she appeared agitated and nervous. The walk had exhausted her and she carried a newspaper under her arm. Andrea led her in to the cozy kitchen for a seat and a cup of tea, and Geraldine spread out the paper across the kitchen table.

  “It’s started.”

  She pointed a finger to an article in the newspaper.

  Andrea was immediately struck by a color photograph in the middle of the page. It was a picture of Helen. The article was headed ‘Ancient Burial Ground reveals sacred Treasures’.

  She quickly scanned the article. It appeared that a team of archaeologists funded by Helen’s art business had discovered some of the oldest relics to date, in a tomb uncovered in Greece. Carvings and pictures of grotesque statues and three headed dogs had been uncovered, and it was supposedly connected to a lost and ancient temple dedicated to the God Hades – the dark God of the Underworld. Andrea picked up the paper to peer more closely at the photograph. Helen was smiling and holding in her hand a set of 4 small carved beads.

  “Helen has finally discovered what she has been looking for all of these years. For everything good there is an evil counterpart. Whilst the runes we protect carry a positive energy, there are others that are negative. The stones in Helen’s hand look harmless enough, but in the right hands they can topple nations. This date was foretold; that the powers of Hades would be unleashed upon the world. I’m sure you have heard of the 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse?”

  Andrea screwed her eyes up as she looked more closely at the paper.

  “Surely you’re not saying that those stones can bring about the end of the world?”

  She looked incredulously at the old woman.

  “The runes that our families have been protecting are very powerful. They are used to channel the positive energies of the universe and are more powerful than we have yet to see. The Universe is a balance of good and bad, yin and yang. Somehow they work in harmony, but if the power falls into the wrong hands then the balance of the Universe could be at risk.”

  “But why should Helen want that power; what on earth would she use it for?”

  “Helen, like the rest of us, is a mere pawn of the Gods. Day follows night, but what if the sun failed to shine on this great world of ours? Games are being played out among the Gods, Andrea. Up to now there has been relative peace, but have you not noticed the increase in bad news over the past few years, the wars and the famine and the pain? The positive forces around us are stretched to their limit maintaining a status quo, and something will soon have to give.”

  Andrea sat down on one of the wooden dining room chairs. Everything seemed to be so normal, so ordinary here, and yet she knew; she had seen, but it was still hard to believe.

  “But surely you don’t believe that all of our fates are in the hands of an ancient god?”

  “God or Gods, Creator or whatever people put their faith in, there is more to this world and th
e universe than we can ever comprehend. Why there is always a constant struggle between good and evil, I do not know. But the time is coming, I can feel it close, something is in the air: The Beginning and the End.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Andrea’s mind was reeling.

  “Much of the truth has been lost over thousands and thousands of years, but the words on the Great Scrolls that are said to have been written in fire by the Gods themselves at the very start of the creation of the Universe, have been passed down over the centuries. No doubt some of the words will have been changed, in both translation and the telling, but the meaning has always been clear. It is said that at the Beginning of the End there will be a great battle between the Gods; a battle that will not only be the end of time, but also the start of things to come. The battle will decide what shall happen at the End, the fate of the Universe some say.”

  “So what’s the point of all this, our future, what does it all mean?”

  Geraldine put her arm around the shoulder of her young friend and her eyes twinkled.

  “There is more. The scrolls tell of two children; a brother and a sister born across Time to save Time – our Universe and all that we are and ever will be.”

  Andrea wrinkled her nose “You mean Elizabeth?”

  Geraldine smiled.

  “Elizabeth and a younger brother perhaps, only time will tell. Helena thought it was she; her and Alexhander, that were the brother and sister foreseen in the scrolls. But Alexhander and Helena were not true kin. Helena liked to think that she was the chosen one and when she found out that she was not, well that was when things started to go wrong. She looked for power in another place and that is when she turned to the dark side; to evil and destructive forces. Of course she was jealous of you and the idea that you would bear the children of the scrolls, and as such would try anything to stop you. The runes have kept us safe until now. Helen has the sacred stones of Hades and will be gathering her power; it will not be long now.”

  “Are we safe; and what about Alex, should I tell him?”

  Andrea looked anxiously across to the sleeping form of Elizabeth, blissfully unaware in her Moses basket.

  “I will know what to do when the time comes. You have nothing to worry about; for the moment at least. There is no use alarming Alex, he would not believe you anyway. The time will come for you to tell him.”

  Andrea did not feel safe; the mere thought of Helen gave her goose bumps, but she said no more; enough had been said for one day. Geraldine looked tired and she feared she had worn her old friend out with all of her questioning.


  Summer started to fade and towards the end of September, as the Autumn Equinox approached, there came a change in the weather. The once clear skies were now filled with dark and angry looking clouds and the wind whipped up from the west, blowing in from across the ocean and bringing a chill to the air.

  Geraldine woke up with a start. Her heart was beating fast and she knew the day had finally come; the day of her destiny and she had been waiting. Her old and freckled hands shook as she dressed and she tried to compose herself. She had known this day would arrive; had prepared for it in her head, and yet now it was here she was full of doubts and hesitation.

  ‘I know how Jesus must have felt in the Garden of Gethsemane’ she mused, glancing at her reflection in the mirror.

  She had the temptation to go back in time; to go back to her ancestor and breathe life into the younger Geraldine, whom she knew lay dead on a spot not far from here yet hundreds of years in the past, and cause the still heart to beat once more. Perhaps she could fight back if she were younger; had the energy?

  But she knew that it could not be so, it was not the way of things, her fate had been sealed and her path would end here, today.

  It was only a matter of Time.

  Sitting at her usual table at the hotel, she drank her usual coffee. Andrea would be dropping by later that morning and she hoped she wouldn’t be too late. There were many things she had left to say.

  The door to the lounge opened and a cool chill entered into the room. Geraldine sat unmoving while a figure approached. She did not need to turn around to see who it was; the feeling of evil in the air told her everything that she needed to know.


  It was 11:00am when Andrea entered the lounge to see Geraldine sitting alone. Usually her friend was looking out of the window, ready to greet her and the young child, but not today. Geraldine did not even look up when the door opened into the lounge.

  As Andrea approached she could tell something was wrong. The old woman was hunched over the table with her eyes closed, and parking the buggy, Andrea rushed to her side.

  “Geraldine, whatever has happened, should I fetch a doctor?”

  The old woman was still and yet managed to raise her eyes slowly towards her young friend before closing them again. Andrea could see the pain behind the old grey eyes and immediately wrapped her arms around the old woman's shoulders.

  "What on earth has happened Geraldine, what's wrong?"

  Sitting down opposite her, she took the old and wrinkly hands in her own, they were cold and unresponsive.

  She shouted louder, wondering if she had been heard.


  Opening her eyes she looked intently at Andrea as if trying to focus on something that was too far away in the distance.

  Her mouth trembled as she tried to speak, but remained silent.

  Andrea could feel the tears start to well up in her eyes at the sight of her usual spritely friend.

  "Oh Geraldine, let me fetch the doctor?"

  The old woman's grip tightened as Andrea tried to stand.


  The voice was frail and almost inaudible.

  Andrea remained, her eyes fixed on Geraldine's face.

  "It's too late, now listen…"

  The words were broken and sluggish. Her mouth was slack and she had difficulty in speaking. Geraldine had suffered a stroke.

  "Try not to talk Geraldine; look let me get you a doctor."

  The weak hands squeezed her own as tight as they were able and Andrea remained.

  "Listen; there is something I need to tell you…"

  The old woman leaned closer and lowered her head.

  "Helen was here. You are in danger and must return."

  "Helen?" Andrea could feel the panic start to rise in her chest.

  "She is gaining power and must be stopped, the only way..."

  Geraldine stopped mid sentence and closed her eyes, unable to continue. Her mind was active but her body was slowly breaking down.

  Andrea stood to leave. She could not bear to see her old friend suffer, and she felt helpless.


  Geraldine summoned her remaining strength to call back her friend.

  "You must listen, I haven't much time. Helen is powerful. So powerful that I did not realize she had come for me until it was too late. This morning I sensed her presence and knew the time was near. She has defeated me and will look to end your life and that of the child's. You must return to the past. Take Alex and the child, but go soon. This is the Beginning and the End."

  The words were spoken in a quiet whisper and Andrea strained to hear the slurred speech.

  "Helen took one of the Runes from me - I knew she would and had to safeguard the other two. She has returned to the past to try and save her brother, Alexhander. You must take the two remaining stones and return with Alex immediately. They are hidden safely in my room, look in the old Gideon's bible - the only place she would not look. You must take Alex first and then return for the child. She will be safe. You will know what to do when the time comes."

  Helen had been there that morning and no doubt had been the cause of Geraldine's sudden attack. Andrea felt the bile rise in her throat at the thought of the beautiful yet evil face. If only she had been here earlier, would she have tried to kill them all?

  "It is the Beginning and the End, A

  The grip on her hands slackened as the old careworn hands slipped out of her own and flopped lifelessly onto the table. Geraldine was dead.

  At first she didn't know what to do and sat helplessly with large tears rolling down her cheeks. Geraldine had been her one ally and only sanity during the last year, and she suddenly felt weak and lost without her old friend.

  She touched the soft grey head as it slumped gently onto the silent breast. They were the only customers in the cafe and the one waiting staff was busy in the kitchen preparing for the lunch orders. She wondered what to do.

  A cry from the corner brought her back to her senses. She had almost forgotten about Elizabeth in the buggy. Rushing over to pick up the child, Andrea hugged her tightly. Life and death, birth and rebirth, the continuing cycle; that was something Geraldine always told her.

  Andrea walked back over to the body of the old woman and kissed her gently on the forehead.

  "Have a safe journey Geraldine, wherever you might be going."

  It seemed callous to leave her alone, but Geraldine had warned her to leave immediately. She would have to find the runes and then somehow explain all of this to Alex.

  The door to Geraldine's hotel room was unlocked. Someone had already been in there before her. Stepping quickly inside, she looked first on the bedside cabinet before opening the small drawer underneath. There was an embroidered handkerchief and a packet of mints. Andrea smiled as she picked up the folded handkerchief and brought it to her face. The faint aroma of rosemary and lavender still lingered in the white cotton weave; it was the scent of Geraldine, the smell of the past.

  Soon she was outside and pushing the buggy towards the Abbey. Glancing back towards the hotel she could still see the tiny figure of Geraldine slumped in the window, and pitied the poor waitress who would eventually find her. It would be a great shock.

  But now she would need to find Alex and tell him the whole story and she didn't have a clue where to start.

  The day was still dull and all was quiet outside the Abbey. Andrea always felt a sense of deep calm in the shadow of the old stones and even today was no exception. There was something unearthly, some ancient wisdom in this sacred ground, now filled with the secrets and whispers of the dead.


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