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The Viking Funeral ss-2

Page 10

by Stephen Cannell

  "Bullshit. You told Lauren."

  "Right. And look what it did to her."

  No turning back now. "Whatever it is you got goin',1 want in," he said. "I know you're about to score, and I know it's gonna be big."


  "Yeah. You're not doing doors for the department anymore… You're way past that. You're running some kinda high-dollar conspiracy. For you to be taking this big a risk, it has to be huge."

  Jody was still squatting before him, elbows propped on knees, hands straight out, not moving, studying him intently. Shane tried to make his thoughts neutral so Jody couldn't crawl back inside his head and read the lies.

  "I was gonna use that UHF radio I found at Shephard's to contact you," Shane continued, "to set up a meet… But you moved first. I wanted to tell you, I think I have a way to save this for you, but if I do, I want in. I want an equal share."

  "You're dreamin', Salsa."

  "Jody, the department is going to find me unfit to return to duty and they're gonna take back my pension. Twenty years on the job goes in the shitter… They're gonna gig me, I can smell it."

  "I warned ya," Jody said. "In police work, it's all about CYA."

  "Covering your ass. Yeah… So you better listen to me and cover yours. Since Shephard died, Alexa Hamilton is the temporary head of DSG. I told her I saw you on the freeway. She's goin' to Filosiani with it tomorrow. Since she's just won the MOV, he's liable to believe her."

  "Good goin', Salsa," Jody growled. "How's this supposed to help me?"

  "I call her up, tell her I figured the number code that Medwick's file is using. Tell her the numbered file she found in his secret safe is not an arithmetic sequence but a key-book code and that I found the key book. I'll set up a secret meeting with her in some deserted spot, tell her if she brings the file, I'll bring the key book, so we can break the code together. She's an ambitious bitch. She'll come because she'll want to claim the credit."

  "'Cept it's probably not a key-book code," Jody said. "Medwick was in DSG, and DSG always uses alphabet number codes."

  "She doesn't know what it is. If I say it, she'll assume I'm right," Shane answered, "and she'll know Questioned Documents will never be able to break a key-book code. She'll have to play ball with me to get the book."

  A key-book code was a simple and almost unbreakable code developed by the Germans in World War II. In order for it to work, both the sender and receiver had to have the same book. If the word you wanted to send was apple, and it was the third word on of the key book, then you would write 200-3. The person receiving the code would read the third word on in the same book, where he would find the word apple, and so on. Without the key book, the Scientific Investigations Division would never be able to break the code because it didn't correspond to the frequency of letters used in the alphabet, like most codes, but to a page in an unknown book. Shane could see this realization dawn on Jody's face.

  "Without the key book, she'll know she's got nothing," Shane continued. "That secret file was originally set up by Medwick and Mayweather. Mayweather died during the Naval Yard case, leaving Medwick. He retired and turned it over to Shephard. If the department knows you guys are alive, they'll know you killed those two captains. Your picture will be at every airport and border crossing. You'll spend the rest of your lives running."

  Jody's intense blue eyes kept drilling, compelling Shane to look away.

  "She used me, man… Fucked me over," Shane growled. "I hate her guts." Shane was aching all over. His head was throbbing even worse than before. This story had sounded foolproof when he, Alexa, and Filosiani had discussed it over coffee earlier that evening, but now, handcuffed in the dark hull of the rusting freighter, he hoped Jody would go for it.

  "Lemme think about it, Hot Sauce," Jody finally said, then rose gracefully to his feet without having to put his hands down for balance or to push himself up.

  "I can get her to meet me and bring the file before it goes to Filosiani. I know I can."

  "Would you kill her for it?" his old friend asked softly.

  "Yeah, I could kill her, you bet I could."

  "'Cause if I go for this, that's what you're gonna do."

  "Jody… It could be like old times."

  Jody stood over Shane. "I'll get back t'ya," he finally said, then turned and walked out of the cargo hold, closing the rusting hatch behind him.

  The distant foghorn moaned, a morose note, low and dark, as Shane's plunging spirit.

  Chapter 19


  SHANE HAD BEEN dozing.

  Somebody was touching him under the chin, pulling his face up. His eyes opened and he was looking at Jody. The Mexican with the gray eyes loomed in the background; the Coleman lantern hissed and sputtered.

  "Make the call."

  "Thanks, Jody."

  "Shut up and listen. You lure her out; you take the file; then you light the bitch up."

  The Mexican stared.

  "Hot Rod, here, and Inky Dink wanted to pull your drapes. I still might let 'em, so you're on strict probation." Jody glanced at his watch. "It's just after three A. M. You call her at home around four and get her moving. I want this to go down before sunup. Gimme the cuff key, Rod," Jody ordered.

  The big Mexican stood still, his gray eyes burning with contempt.

  "I said gimme the fucking key, Rodriquez," Jody repeated. "You gonna make me take it from you?"

  That confirmed it. The gray-eyed Mexican was Hector Rodriquez.

  Reluctantly, Rodriquez reached into his pocket and pulled out the key.

  Jody snatched it from his hand, reached behind Shane, and uncuffed him. "Get up," he commanded.

  Shane's legs were weak under him as he rose. Jody spun him around and quickly recuffed him.

  They led him out of the rusting cargo hold, clanging up a set of metal stairs, onto the deck of the old freighter. As he came out of the hatch, Shane saw a million stars twinkling in a windswept sky. He filled his lungs with fresh ocean air. They led him off the dank freighter, down a makeshift wooden gangplank, and over to the same gray, windowless van that had pulled into the noise-abatement area. Shane was shoved into the back, down onto the floor. Rodriquez got behind the wheel, and Jody, carrying the black UHF radio, slid into the passenger seat

  facing back, never taking his eyes off Shane.

  "You got my gun?" Shane asked, noticing his ankle holster had been removed.

  "Right here," Jody answered, holding it up. "Why?"

  "If I'm gonna take her out, I wanna use it. I qualified Marksman with that piece."

  Jody smiled but said nothing. Rodriquez put the van in gear. Shane heard the tires crunch on the gravel as they pulled away from the rusting freighter. Then they jounced along on the rutted, paved roads down by the San Pedro docks until they got on surface streeets.

  They drove for almost forty minutes while Jody made him rehearse his call to Alexa, going over it several times, adjusting a word or thought here and there until he was finally satisfied.

  Shane could not see out of the windows, but he knew from the speed that they were now traveling on one of the L. A. freeways. Occasionally, he could see a lit sign streak by overhead, but from his position on the floor he couldn't read them. He had no idea which way they were going. Rodriquez's cold gray eyes never left him for long, constantly frowning back from the oblong rearview mirror.

  Shane wondered where the rest of the members of the unit were. Victory was in Mexico, getting his wound attended to, but where were the others?

  Finally they came to a stop, and Rodriquez turned off the engine.

  "Okay, Salsa, we get out of the van. Hot Rod, here, is gonna lead the way. You follow. I'm in the rear. We go single file… Head down… No talking."

  "Right," Shane answered.

  Jody got out of the van and pulled open the sliding back door. As Shane exited, he sneaked a look. They were at some low-end motel in a shabby, half-built, one-story neighborhood. Fields of weeds and low cactus pl
ants completed the rest of the landscape. It seemed to Shane that they were in the far West Valley, perhaps Sunland or maybe even as far out as Valencia.

  "I said head down!" Jody said harshly, and slapped him hard with the palm of his hand in the exact spot where Shane had been blackjacked earlier. He winced but managed not to cry out.

  They followed Rodriquez into a small motel room through a chipped red door.

  The room was threadbare and decorated like Pee Wee's Playhouse: ratty orange drapes fought with faded olive-green club chairs and a yellow bedspread; the vinyl furniture had hosted a hundred forgotten cigarettes. Jody closed and latched the door, then spun Shane around and uncuffed him, stepping back to put a few feet between them. "Okay, call her. Use that phone. I'm gonna be listening from the bathroom extension."


  "And, Hot Sauce… Here's the 411.1 love ya, but that horse don't happen t'be runnin'. You get cute, I'll kill you right here and let Rod piss on your corpse. You should also know I sent Inky Dink over to Santa Monica. He's parked across the street from her apartment. So if this is a setup, he'll spot a tail, and then it's lights out for everybody."

  "I'm down, man. Stop threatening me." Shane was trying to manage both fear and anger.

  After a second, Jody nodded and handed Shane a typed address. "That's where she needs to go."

  Jody moved to the extension, unscrewed the receiver, emptied the speaker element into his palm, replaced the handset in the cradle, then nodded.

  Shane picked up the phone and dialed Alexa's number. Jody waited near the second phone until Shane signaled that it was ringing, then Jody picked up the extension and pulled the cord out to a spot in the dressing area where he could watch Shane.

  On the third ring, Alexa answered the phone.

  "Hello." Her voice sounded clogged with sleep, but Shane knew she'd been waiting for his call.

  "Alexa, it's Shane."

  "It's the middle of the damn night," she complained groggily.

  "Yeah… Yeah. Look, something just developed. I think I'm onto something here."

  "Huh? What? Jesus, what time is it?" A pause for theatrics, then: "It's four-fifteen in the fucking morning!"

  "I think I found 'em, Alexa. Better still, I think I maybe found the code they're using. It's a key book. If I'm right, we got a Class A collar here. These guys are cop killers. It'll be our bust."

  "Key book?" She was sounding more awake now. "A key book can't be cracked by the computer." Pensive and cautious-reading her lines like Meryl Streep.


  "Okay… Okay… Where are you? Don't do anything till I get there."

  "We gotta make a deal first."

  "I don't make deals, Scully."

  "You do if you want a piece of this. You jobbed me on the Naval Yard case and you gave me up to Shephard when I saw Jody. This time, we do it one hundred percent my way."

  "You've turned into a complete dick, ya know that?" she snorted. Then there was a pause, and she added, "Okay… What's your deal, big shot?"

  "You do this exactly the way I say. No arguments, no revisions. Right now we both have a bargaining chip, so you bring the file you got from Shephard's office; I'll bring the book."

  "That file's evidence! I don't even have a copy yet."

  "We need it to make sure I really found their crib. If my book decodes your document, then we know I'm right."

  "Where are you?"

  Shane looked at the typed sheet Jody had given him.

  "I'll meet you at 1623 Glen Oaks. Near the old deserted airfield in San Fernando out by the wash."

  After a long silence, she asked: "Where's Jody's unit now?"

  "They're on a field op. It sounds like an all-nighter. I'm listening on the radio we found in Shephard's house-monitoring them. If you hurry, we'll be out before they get back."

  "Okay, stay put. I'll be there in twenty-five," she said, then hung up.

  "Let's go," Jody said. "It's only ten minutes from here. Tremaine will tail her from her place."

  Shane figured that meant Inky Dink was Tremaine.

  When they got back into the van, Rodriquez slid behind the wheel again. Jody sat in the passenger seat, Shane on the floor in the back as before. This time they left the cuffs off.

  "Get rollin'," Jody instructed. Rodriquez put the van in gear and pulled away from the motel.

  They drove for three miles to the old abandoned airfield. It was on a hundred acres, but had only a twenty-five-hundred-foot runway and was right next to the Van Nuys wash. The underdeveloped site had become too valuable for a "propeller only" landing strip, so it had recently been sold to a big developer. A sign on the rusting wire fence proclaimed it as the future site of the Dominico Gardens Condominium Project.

  They parked near a culvert. Jody began fiddling with the radio, finally tuning in a rap station. Synthetic drums and black anger filled the van.

  "When'd you start listening to this shit?" Shane asked. "You used t'like jazz."

  "Funny, but now I puke when I hear jazz. I need some 'tude with my tunes."

  "Can I have my gun?"

  Jody looked at him for a long time.

  "Hey, Jody, you want me to cap this bitch or not? If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna need a piece, or am I supposed to just kill her with a rock?"

  Jody just smiled. "Calm down, Salsa… Here." He reached into his belt and handed Shane's nine-millimeter Mini-Cougar back to him. Shane nodded as he pulled out the clip and checked it. The Remington Lights glittered in the pale moonlight. He slammed the clip back, then stuck the automatic into his belt.

  "Okay, we're in the bushes," Jody said. "And, Shane… Much as I hate to say this: You take her, or I'm taking you."

  Jody nodded at Rodriquez; they got out of the van and walked across the road. Shane watched them until he lost them in the dark.

  Twenty minutes later Shane saw Alexa's headlights pull up behind him.

  Chapter 20


  ALEXA ARRIVED IN her Crown Victoria, pulling around and parking in front of the van. Shane stood by the open driver's door, glancing off, trying to see, without luck, where Jody and Rodriquez were hiding. The rising sun was just beginning to light the edge of the horizon. Shephard's radio was on the seat near him, turned down low. Jody and Rodriquez had handsets and were planning to broadcast a phony surveillance.

  "Whose wheels are those?" Alexa asked, nodding at the van as she got out of the Crown Vic.

  "Rental. Didn't want to use my car-Jody knows it," Shane answered.

  Alexa approached him with the manila file in her hand. She was dressed in jeans with a blue LAPD windbreaker and had skinned her black hair back and fastened it with a clip. She wore no makeup, and he could see tension pulling at the corners of her mouth.

  Suddenly, Jody's voice came over the radio, startling both of them: "Snake, this is Gopher… Hold your position. I'm comin' to you."

  "Dick-brain is still in there with his dealer. They're probably gonna inhale the retail," Rod's voice answered. "If these assholes are chalked up, it could get screwy."

  "Roger," Jody said. "We're holding the back door. Let 'em come out. We'll do the takedown on the street. Out."

  Shane smiled at her. "Sounds like they're gonna be occupied for a while." She nodded. Jody and Rodriquez were doing the scam broadcast for Alexa's benefit, but she already knew it was bullshit. Shane and Alexa didn't dare break cover for fear that there was a mike hidden in the van-the ultimate game of cheating the cheaters.

  The file in her hand was the original. The copy had been scanned into the computer and was in a safe at the Questioned Documents Division. Filosiani had wanted them to use the original in Shephard's ballpoint pen, so Jody wouldn't become suspicious.

  "That it?" Shane asked, pointing to the folder and reciting his first line, not knowing whether Jody could even hear him, but taking no chances.

  "Yeah. Where is this place you found- how far from here?" she responded.

  "It's right
on the other side of the fence; the blue and white hangar by the gas pumps. The whole place is deserted. I'm not gonna lug this thing," he said, and switched off the radio.

  Then he led her a hundred yards up the road to the padlocked gate.

  "There," he said, pointing through the fence at the hangar. "The big blue and white one. I've been through it. They got sleeping bags, Coleman lanterns, ice coolers… Place looks like an ad for Field and Stream."

  "That's private property. Did you even bother to get a search warrant?"

  "No, where'm I gonna get a warrant in the middle of the night?"

  "You need a warrant, dummy. We can't go on private property without one. Anything you find there will be inadmissible."

  "Fuck court. This isn't about court; it's about me an' Jody. That fucker lied to me. I'm gonna bring him down." Shane was almost screaming at her, hoping the argument would be overheard.

  "That was it all along, wasn't it?" she said. "You don't care about prosecuting these guys; you just want revenge. You're a bleeding sore, Scully… No wonder you're going through a Pattern of Conduct Review. Gimme the book," she demanded.

  "I left it in there."

  "Why on earth did you do that?" she challenged.

  "Because if they got back before you arrived and the book was gone, they'd know somebody tossed the place. Jesus, how many of these have you been on?"

  "Okay… It can still work," she said. "We won't touch anything or leave our prints around. We'll check out the book together. If it translates, we'll back out, call for a warrant and SWAT. Nobody has to know we went in there illegally first. That way we can still use the evidence." Lines written by the Day-Glo Dago.

  Shane and Alexa had now arrived at the chain-link gate. After Shane picked the lock, they moved onto the deserted airfield, past a windsock long ago eaten by the toxic L. A. air. It hung at the end of a rusting pole, like the shredded skin of a dead animal. They had agreed earlier to say nothing unscripted, to avoid surreptitious communication for fear they might be under high-powered directional mikes and a telephoto lens. Shane thought this choice of an open location might have been designed by Jody to give Shane and Alexa a chance to reveal themselves to some long-range listening device.


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