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Claimed for Their Use

Page 2

by Ivy Barrett

  They were in the walled courtyard of a massive hacienda. Beyond the walls stretched miles and miles of desolate, sunbaked desert. Oh, shit. This couldn’t be good. Only drug lords and reclusive movie stars had fortified compounds in the middle of the desert. Somehow she didn’t think a movie star had ordered their kidnapping. But what would a Mexican drug lord want with American females? Ransom? Sex? This seemed like a lot of trouble, and foolish risk, for a booty call.

  Her gaze shifted back to the landscape surrounding them and Jessica tensed. Even if they managed to escape their captors, where would they go? Hopelessness welled inside her threatening what was left of her composure.

  Several of the strippers dissolved into tears and Erin clung to Jessica like a spider monkey. Jessica had to remain strong. She had to stay calm and rational if she ever hoped to… What? Lead a rebellion that would get them all killed?

  Massive arched doors at the front of the hacienda opened and a dark-haired man strode out. With the regal bearing of a monarch, he walked along the curved stone path that led to the courtyard. All the guards snapped to attention. Clearly, this man was their boss.

  Jessica watched him closely. If it weren’t for the obvious wealth surrounding them, he would have appeared ordinary. He was of average height and weight, and his features were on the blunt side of regular. Only his dark eyes hinted at power and ruthlessness.

  He spoke in rapid Spanish to one of the kidnappers. Jessica looked at Tracy. Unfortunately, the bitch was the only one among the captives who spoke Spanish, and she’d made it obvious that she intended to hide the fact as long as she could and use whatever she learned to her own advantage.

  “I think he’s the leader,” Erin whispered, peeking out from behind her long red hair.

  “Me too.”

  The apparent boss moved toward the captives. He slowly circled them, boldly assessing them as if they were property—stolen property. When he reached the front of the group again, he motioned to Erin and said something to the especially mean-looking guard on his right.

  Of course he goes for the pretty virgin. Men are so damn predictable.

  Acting on instinct, Jessica pushed Erin behind her and tried to make herself as big as possible. She squared her shoulders and rolled to the balls of her feet, arms slightly out from her sides. Four years of kickboxing was no match for a gun, but Jessica refused to stand there and do nothing.

  The guard tried to move her aside. Jessica dug in her heels, ready for a fight. “No! You can’t have her.” She might not be able to stop the inevitable abuse, but she would postpone it as long as possible.

  No longer amused by her antics, the guard shoved her so hard she nearly lost her balance. Jessica pivoted at the last minute and blocked his path again. She raised her arms, hands fisted in front of her face as if she were going to spar with him. The other guards laughed and shouted what sounded like encouragements. Her guard glared and motioned her aside. When she held her ground, he raised his arm, ready to backhand her across the face.

  The roar of an engine snapped everyone’s attention to the sky. A large spaceship loomed about thirty feet above the ground and a deep male voice blared, “Touch any of the females and you’re dead. They belong to Ventori Defenders.” When the guard didn’t lower his arm, the order repeated in Spanish.

  The guard looked at his boss for guidance, but the drug lord was running for a nearby car. Two of the guards accompanied the drug lord, but the rest had been left behind, indicating their true worth to their ruthless boss. Served them right.

  “Fucking coward,” Tracy snapped, and for once Jessica agreed with her assessment.

  The mean-looking guard barked orders to those left behind, positioning them around the females. The guards aimed their weapons at the spaceship, but the effort seemed almost foolish, like threatening a tank with a handful of pebbles.

  Jessica had seen images of the Ventori ships, but this was the first one she’d witnessed in person. The Skarilian ships had been strange cylindrical crafts, sleek and windowless. The Ventori vessels were triangular, more or less, the decks larger at the bottom than at the top, creating an exaggerated stair step effect.

  The Ventori spoke again in rapid Spanish and round ports at the front of the ship slid open, the weapons inside beginning to glow. Could they fire those guns at the guards without killing the females standing directly behind them? Jessica tensed. They’d cared enough to come after them. Surely they wouldn’t be so careless now.

  A pulse burst from one of the ship’s massive guns, drilling into the dirt less than a foot away from the mean-looking guard. He yelped and jumped backward, but remained in a hostile position. Another Spanish warning was issued from the ship and the guard shouted something to his comrades. Two guards near the back of the circle ignored his order. They threw down their weapons and ran off, one heading right, the other left.

  The head guard fired his rifle at the spaceship and the remaining guards followed his lead. Precise pulses of energy from the ship dropped each guard where he stood.

  Had the Ventori just killed all the guards, or were they unconscious? Much to Jessica’s shame, she didn’t care which fate had befallen them.

  Several of the captives gathered around Jessica, while a larger group surrounded Isabelle. Jessica quickly identified the commonalities between the two groups and shook her head. Humans would always be tribal. They couldn’t seem to help themselves. The skin workers, including obnoxious Tracy, had chosen Isabelle as their leader. The four non-sex workers had looked to Jessica for guidance.

  Before Jessica could analyze the development too closely, the Ventori ship set down outside of the courtyard wall. She moved toward the narrow archway beside the automated gate. Her ‘tribe’ followed along behind her, while Isabelle’s team stayed where they were. A hatch in the ship opened and a stairway slowly angled toward the ground.

  Jessica knew what the Ventori looked like. The recruitment center had been run by them. But those Ventori were attempting to appear civilized, nonthreatening. This male was primed and equipped for battle.

  His large black boots appeared first, then solid, muscular legs. His hips were narrow, which made the distinct flare of his torso all the more dramatic. With washboard abs and mile-wide shoulders, he was strength personified. Of course, he was covered from neck to knees in sculpted body armor, so all the brawn could be clever crafting rather than actual muscle mass. Yet power emanated from each movement he made, further proof that the armor was shaped by the man, not the other way around.

  He stepped onto the ground and Jessica could finally see his face. His glossy black hair formed small peaks all over his head. On anyone less… savage, the style would have looked absurd, even childish. Strong and angular, his features were clearly nonhuman, yet the symmetry and power of his high cheekbones and square jawline made him appear exotic rather than strange. Ventori eyes reminded her of black marble, shot through with vivid color. The colored lines varied greatly, but the main color of the iris was always black. The most common combination was black and red, but Jessica had seen blue and black, green and black, even one with shimmering silver. Their pupils were slits rather than round, like some reptile and feline species. This man’s eyes were red and black, intense and assessing.

  “Commander Rook Fortar of the Ventori Protectorate.” He pressed his fist to the center of his chest, then sharply extended his arm.

  Jessica didn’t know the proper response to his gesture, so she just said, “Jessica St. Claud of Earth. Thank you so much for your assistance.”

  “Was anyone harmed by those creatures?” he sneered, but his gaze remained warm and penetrating as it swept her from head to feet and back.

  His obvious interest made her progressively more uncomfortable. She belonged to another Ventori pod. It was wrong for her to notice how handsome he was, how powerful and intense. “We’re pretty shook up,” she admitted, “but there aren’t any physical injuries.”

  His head dipped once, acknowledging her
statement. “I’m relieved to hear it. I only have room for six on the shuttle, so we should prioritize. A larger ship is on its way. Everyone will be evacuated long before the brigands regain consciousness, but only six can depart immediately.”

  “The five of us are ready to leave,” Erin said with sudden strength.

  Jessica looked at her and smiled, glad to see spirit returning to her eyes. “I’ll see if one more from the other group wants to come with us.”

  “Anyone but Tracy,” Nikki insisted. “We’ve all had enough of her attitude.”

  Jessica nodded and turned to go.

  “The other ship is only eight of your minutes away,” the commander told her. “They won’t have long to wait.”

  She acknowledged the comment with another nod then hustled back through the archway. Her pulse was pounding harder now than when she faced off with the guard. It had to be leftover adrenaline. Why else would she feel so… giddy?

  “Are they hideous?” Tracy asked with a shudder.

  Jessica couldn’t decide if she was serious or not. “They don’t look human, but I don’t consider them hideous.” Far from it. She’d found the commander compelling, and—she didn’t want to admit it but—surprisingly sexy. She shifted her gaze to Isabelle as she explained, “They only have room for six, but another ship is a few minutes away.”

  “Would anyone like to go with Jessica?” Isabelle asked to the group at large. “They have room for one more.”

  “Not if the other ship is almost here,” the calendar stripper said.

  No one else volunteered either, so Jessica waved goodbye with a clear conscience and retraced her steps. The commander was still standing outside the shuttle when Jessica returned. He looked aggressive and intimidating, but for some reason she couldn’t explain she wasn’t afraid. She met his gaze directly as mutual fascination arced between them. This was the sort of male she’d agreed to serve, to please and pleasure for the next year, maybe more. A heated shiver dropped down her spine and made her nipples tingle.

  “How did this happen?” he asked in a low, urgent tone.

  The question jarred her out of the sensual haze. Was he blaming the crime on the victims? Typical. “They stormed into the transport hub brandishing guns. I have no idea how they knew we’d be there, but it was obvious they knew exactly what to expect.” His only response was a thoughtful nod, so she asked, “How did you find us so quickly?”

  “That was mostly luck.” He motioned her toward the stairs. “I have other questions but they can wait until we’re back aboard my ship.”

  She moved forward, placing her foot on the first stair. Then his words brought her up short. She was about to board a shuttle and be flown to an alien spaceship. The Layhee pod would come get her or make arrangements for her to come to them. This is what she’d agreed to, what she’d accepted with a casual shrug in CCP headquarters. She was about to become the carnal companion of two dominant males, two aggressive soldiers who had been deprived of female comfort for months, maybe years. Suddenly the situation was entirely too real and she was far less certain of her decision.

  She wasn’t afraid of sex. She’d always had a strong libido, and life as a touring musician had exposed her to situations most would find shocking. What paralyzed her now was the utter vulnerability to which she’d agreed. Her defenders could do anything they wanted with her and no one would stop them. She’d be on a spaceship full of sex-hungry males. If she displeased her defenders, all they’d have to do was withdraw their protection for a day or two.

  A large, warm hand lightly touched her shoulder. Her blouse was sleeveless, so his fingers connected with bare skin. She gasped, but didn’t jerk away. Heat and hunger curled through her body, making her core ache.

  “Are you all right?” The commander stood so close she could feel his breath in her hair.

  His scent, an evocative mix of dark spice and clean fresh air, wrapped around her, sinking deeper into her body with each ragged breath she took. She felt dazed, yet restless in a way she’d never experienced before. “I’m just a little overwhelmed. I’ve never been that terrified before.”

  His fingers gently squeezed and tingles rippled across her skin. “You’re safe now. The nightmare is over.” He slowly lowered his arm, releasing her from the strange sensations.

  She nodded and continued up the stairs, fervently hoping he was right. Unfortunately, it seemed much more likely that her nightmare was just beginning.

  Chapter Two

  Rook Fortar rolled his shoulders and shifted restlessly on the pilot’s seat. His cock had hardened the instant his fingers made contact with Jessica’s skin, and his orvatta, the dark gray markings on his shoulders, arms, and back burned. The need to fuck her, claim and control her, drove him still. She was pretty, for a human. They were all small and frail. Jessica’s skin was white, which meant her nipples and pussy lips would be pink. Pink. It was all so strange, so alien. So why couldn’t he get this human’s image out of his mind?

  Curly brown hair framed her oval face, and a light tan warmed her silky skin. Her eyes shimmered with green fire, like precious hydrentian stones only found on Ventor’s second moon. The shape of her mouth was so inviting, he could forgive the color of her lips. And her body. A fresh rush of lust swept through him as he thought of her full breasts and generously rounded hips. He wanted her naked and spread out beneath him, crying out her pleasure as he thrust deeply into her strange pink cunt.

  “What is wrong with you?” Gat Stomptin asked in hushed Ventori. He’d been Rook’s first officer for many years, so they knew each other too well to play games. “You’ve been squirming like a child ever since you returned to the shuttle.”

  “Humans always make me antsy.” It was true, but it wasn’t the reason for his restlessness. Gat shot him his best you’re-full-of-shit look and Rook heaved a frustrated sigh. “I touched her and she triggered the strangest reaction. I feel compelled to touch her, to bury my cock deep inside her.”

  Gat pulled his hands out of the navigation grid and pivoted his seat toward Rook. “Who are you talking about?”

  “Jessica, the female who was fighting with the guard when we arrived.”

  Gat chuckled. “You’ve always been drawn to feisty females.” His green and black gaze swept over the passengers, easily spotting Jessica. “She was defending the young one, which is another characteristic you like. Her shape is certainly pleasing, and her—”

  “They are contracted to other defenders,” Rook cut in, reminding himself more than his first officer. “I must put her from my mind.”

  “I’m not sure it’s your mind you need to get under control.” Gat glanced meaningfully at the conspicuous bulge in the front of Rook’s armor. Though nearly impenetrable, the material was flexible enough to follow each contour of the wearer’s body. At times like this the feature was damn inconvenient.

  “I need to notify Loax Drey of our actions. He will not be pleased by this development.” Loax was one of their frequent customers. He’d requested information on a Mexican criminal known as Asesino de Tormenta and their search for the drug lord had inadvertently led Rook to the human females. All they’d been trying to do was determine whether or not Storm Killer was in residence when the truck filled with females drove up. They’d seen reports of the kidnapping in Texas the previous day and a few quick calculations indicated that they’d likely found the missing carnal companions.

  “There was no help for it,” Gat said firmly.

  “Even so, Loax Drey is not known for his understanding.”

  Gat shrugged in his ever-unflappable manner. “Waive your fee. That should make him more reasonable.”

  Rook and his brother, Dare, were ‘procurers.’ They located and supplied anything needed by members of the Ventori Protectorate. From a favorite edible treat to oanterite, the crystalline mineral that powered Ventori ships, no request was too insignificant or too daunting for the Fortar brothers. Their reputation and discretion allowed them to charge exorb
itant fees, but their customers didn’t seem to mind. Which made the current situation even more frustrating.

  Unsure of Loax’s reaction, Rook activated the opaque privacy shield between the cockpit and passenger compartment of the shuttle. The humans didn’t need to see Loax or hear their conversation. Rook requested a commlink with the other commander and waited for him to respond.

  Loax’s image came on screen, but he wasn’t alone. His brother Rentar and a human female were within range of the camera as well. Damn. Rook had imagined a quick, generalized reporting of events, not a detailed conversation. Rather than bothering with a greeting, Loax just looked at him expectantly.

  “Sorry this took so long. There were complications.” Rook glanced at the female, likely their carnal companion. Then he acknowledged Rentar with a subtle lift of his chin. Finally, he focused on Loax. The pod leader had contacted Rook, so technically he was the customer. “If you were hoping for the element of surprise, we sort of fucked that up for you.”

  Loax’s gaze narrowed, but all he said was, “Go on.”

  “We were attempting to verify that Asesino de Tormenta was in residence when we discovered something we weren’t able to ignore.”


  Rook ran one hand through his spiky hair, then rushed through his explanation. “They had a truck loaded with females, and not just any females, carnal companions they’d snatched from one of our transport hubs. I don’t even want to think about what they intended to do with our females, but we couldn’t just fly off and leave them there.”

  “Did you rescue them?” Rentar asked.

  “Of course.” Rook found the question insulting.

  “Was Tormenta there or not?” Loax demanded.

  “He was.” Rook shifted his weight, just wanting the conversation finished. “But Storm Killer ran, like the coward he is, leaving most of his men behind to deal with us. We managed to hit the bastard’s car with a tracker dart, but that’s only helpful until he switches vehicles.” Rook entered several commands into the control band implanted in his forearm. “I got the impression you wanted to deal with this yourself, so that’s the tracker signal. As of right now, he’s still in the car with two of his guards.”


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