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Rescuing Rapunzel (The Princess Chronicles Book 3)

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by Tarrah Montgomery

  Praise for Finding Sleeping Beauty

  A cute and fun read that takes a classic fairy tale and turns it upside down and inside out. I love how the main character, Danielle, has to leave her life in a fairy-tale land and escape to . . . Idaho. Yes, Idaho! This hilarious twist makes for a clever story filled with new friendships, a sweet love story, and hard choices. —Ninja Reader

  Teen and tween girls will love this rendition of Sleeping Beauty. Witty, fun, and creative! I love how the author weaves together the stories of various fairy tale characters—keeps the reader guessing at who is who. And wow! What a beautiful cover. —Kelly Nelson

  This book was a lot of fun to read. It kept me interested and wondering what spin was going to happen. It was very clean and great for older teenage girls. I love the different fairy tales . . . and how she connected them all together. —Amazon customer

  With plenty of fairy-tale references and twists, readers will enjoy trying to figure out which character is from which well-known story. I’d recommend this book to . . . anyone who wants a fun, romantic, slightly cowboy-flavored twist on a fairy tale. This is a clean read and the second book in The Princess Chronicles. —J. Brown

  This was such a fun read! Montgomery did a great job bringing fairy-tale characters into the modern world and creating likable characters who are true to both worlds but who grow throughout the book. . . . a refreshingly clean love story that I can feel confident sharing with my teenage daughter. I’m excited to read the next book in The Princess Chronicles! —David R. White

  I had the hardest time putting this book down! Wonderful read . . . I really loved how the author weaved other well-known children's stories into this book. I felt part of the story as I read. I recommend this book. —Theresa B.

  Praise for I’m Not Cinderella

  This book was so good I stayed up and finished it at 2:00 AM. I loved the funny references to the many Cinderella-type fairy tales found in many cultures and languages. I also liked the twists in the plot and the deviations from the traditional fairy tale. It was refreshing and unique. I’m looking forward to more titles from this author! —jf

  This was a totally cute, fun, clean romance. I loved it and can’t wait for another book by the author! —Kindle Customer

  This is an awesome book for every girl. It will be the one book you won’t be able to put down. It’s classic and contemporary all in the same paragraph. Ingenious! —Amazon Customer

  This book is such a fun read. I couldn’t put it down once I started reading. It was such a unique twist on Cinderella. I was sad when it ended. I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for an enchanting story full of fun and surprises. —Amazon customer

  A fun and creative twist on the Cinderella story. I recommend this novel for anyone looking to escape in a good, clean romance. —CC

  Absolutely loved [I’m Not Cinderella]. I couldn’t put it down the moment I started reading. It is filled with adventure, mystery, and romance, and it is not your typical Cinderella story. —Krista

  This was an absolutely wonderful Cinderella story! A great book from start to finish! What young lady doesn’t dream of being Cinderella or finding her own Prince Charming? Once I started reading I couldn’t stop until I finished. I look forward to reading many more books from this gifted writer, who can make dreams come true. —Gina Miller

  I loved [I’m Not Cinderella]. Such a cute twist to the Cinderella story. After I finished it, my ten-year-old daughter read it and loved it too. Now my mom has it and is loving it as well. We all can’t wait until the next book in the series comes out. —Meg Neff

  Cover design by Tracy Anderson (

  Text copyright © 2016 by Tarrah Montgomery

  Cover design copyright © 2016 by Walnut Springs Press

  Interior design copyright © 2016 by Walnut Springs Press

  All rights reserved. This book, or parts thereof, may not be transmitted, stored in a database, or reproduced in any form without prior written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  Printed in the United States of America.

  eISBN-13: 978-1-59992-152-5

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, and dialogue are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real, and any resemblance to real people and events is not intentional.

  The Princess Chronicles

  I’m Not Cinderella

  Finding Sleeping Beauty

  Rescuing Rapunzel

  Beauty and the Teenage Beast (2017)

  To my sweet daughters, Trista and Janey,

  and to my sister, Torie (Punz)—the real-life Rapunzel.


  A while back, I heard a great speech from someone who said that three daily things were necessary for him to be happy. It made me wonder what three things make me the happiest.

  First, as the speaker said, the most important thing is to have something to look up to. I want to thank my Heavenly Father for his guidance and ever-present love. He knows our talents, and I’m grateful he’s given me the chance to exercise mine. He has also blessed me with opportunities to share this gift.

  Another thing we need every day is something to look forward to. This acknowledgment is to my family, including my father, who is watching me from up above, and to my mother, who is living a great life loving her grandchildren. To my husband, Ryan, and my five amazing kids, you are the six people in my life that I hope will always be proud of me. I want to thank my amazing, supportive husband. I could never do what I love without him.

  The last thing is to have something to chase. It all starts with a dream. Many years ago, I was told that out of one hundred people who wanted to write a book, only one would actually do so. Out of one hundred people who wrote a book, only one would get published. Wherever your dream takes you, follow it with all your heart. Don’t ever give up! Keep trying and keep chasing that dream.

  I want to thank my wonderful beta readers, who are also my friends, who took the time to read over my manuscript and kindly tell me what needed to be fixed. Jana King, Stacy Kupiec, Amy Meyer, Jill Warner, and Laura Walker, I truly appreciate your feedback and expertise. Also, a special shout-out to Heidi Murphy for your edit. You were a joy to work with, and I am thankful for all your time and dedication.

  Last , but not least, can we get a drumroll for Linda, my editor at Walnut Springs? There’s a reason she’s so busy at her job—it’s because she knows how to do everything and she’s amazing at it. As always, thank you for your time and patience in polishing my book.

  Thank you to everyone who has loved me and supported me in chasing my dream of writing books. Thank you for buying my books and for your positive reviews. As a child, I wanted to grow up and publish books . . . and now here I am. Thanks to all of you, and I also have to give credit to a lot of sleepless nights writing. Reward rarely comes without hard work.


  Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom lived two princess cousins, Rapunzel and Snow White. When six-year-old Rapunzel was kidnapped from the castle one night, Snow White’s happiness vanished along with her cousin and best friend. Everyone feared Snow would be next.

  }Snow White}

  Of course this story is about Rapunzel, but it is also about me, Snow White, the one who never gave up hope of finding her. Since that first morning, when I woke up to a castle in chaos from Rapunzel’s disappearance, I never doubted for an instant that she would be found. Even after the search turned into weeks and
then months, I never gave up hope. They eventually called off the search, and I grew up without my best friend.

  I missed Rapunzel terribly, but I still believed she was alive. At six years old, girls usually worried about how to fix their doll’s hair for the next pretend tea party. Instead, I worried about the fate of the entire kingdom if my cousin never returned or if the same people came to kidnap me.

  You’d think after so many years I’d worry about what seemed to be the inevitable outcome of my cousin’s abduction, but I wouldn’t allow myself to admit such a possibility. So, I desperately clung onto the little bit of light I had left.

  When Rapunzel was kidnapped, I became the remaining heir to the throne, expected to take the necessary steps to accomplish my duties as a princess. Rapunzel’s father was king of Fenmore Falls, but he was very old. His only child, Rapunzel, was supposed to take his place when he died.

  Since Rapunzel was gone, my father, the king’s younger brother, technically was next in line but he suffered an injury to his leg from long ago, and the infection had spread over the years and now affected his lungs. He ran out of breath often and stayed in his bed until late in the afternoon.

  This is where our story begins—ten years after Rapunzel’s disappearance—when I go on a rescue mission to find her.

  Chapter 1

  Snow White

  by the Brothers Grimm

  Once upon a time in the middle of winter, when the flakes of snow were falling like feathers from the sky, a queen sat at a window sewing, and the frame of the window was made of black ebony. And whilst she was sewing and looking out of the window at the snow, she pricked her finger with the needle, and three drops of blood fell upon the snow. And the red looked pretty upon the white snow, and she thought to herself, would that I had a child as white as snow, as red as blood, and as black as the wood of the window-frame.

  The Uncharmed Life of a Princess

  }Snow White}

  I raced my horse across the grassy fields, toward the hills some three miles out. As usual, my guards barely managed to keep up. I tipped my head back to feel the sun on my face and let my shoulder-length black hair flutter in the wind. I closed my eyes and enjoyed a glimmer of peace. My afternoon ride would soon end, but for one moment, everything was calm and perfect.

  Being a princess wasn’t easy. With all the primping in the morning, the boring etiquette classes, and the lack of private time, a person could go crazy. My counselors and servants carefully scheduled each hour of my day. The only time I had to myself was when I outran my guards during my afternoon ride, and the last few minutes before I went to bed, when my lady’s maids finally left me alone.

  One night I lay in my bed staring up at the vaulted ceiling. Memories of my best friend, my cousin Rapunzel, haunted me. I knew that as soon as I closed my eyes to sleep, the nightmares about her kidnapping would begin. In my mind she would scream frantically for help, and I would wake up in a cold sweat.

  As I lay thinking, there came a quiet scratch on my bedroom door. Not sure I’d really heard it, I waited. After a few seconds, another scratch sounded, followed by three soft taps.

  I jumped from the bed and pulled my wrapper around my shoulders, then tiptoed to the door and carefully eased it open. I cringed when the hinges gave a little squeak, but then all was quiet so I ventured out into the hallway. I turned the first corner and bumped into someone’s hard chest.

  Strong arms wrapped around me. “You closed that door kind of loudly,” said a familiar voice. “Did you want us to get caught?”

  “Of course not.” I leaned back to peer into my boyfriend Aleck’s dark eyes, beautiful as always. Jitters zinged through me, partly because of him, but also because we shouldn’t be meeting like this, especially at night.

  “You should have someone oil that door for you tomorrow,” Aleck said, his smile stirring flutters in my tummy.

  “Yes . . . okay,” I replied. “I haven’t seen you for a couple of days. Were you traveling with your father?”

  “Not this time. We’ve been busy training the new recruits for the royal guard. The king called a meeting with my father and me to make sure everything was running smoothly,” Aleck said a bit smugly. He took great pride in being useful to the kingdom.

  He reached out and caressed my cheek with one finger. “Sorry I haven’t been able to see you.”

  His father, captain of the king’s personal guard, always kept Aleck busy, either on scouting missions or overseeing the protection of the castle.

  “It’s all right. I just missed you,” I said.

  “Not as much as I missed you.”

  My heart melted at Aleck’s sweet words.

  He reached out and twisted a small lock of my hair. “Did you cut your hair again? I thought I told you to grow it out.” He wound the strand around his finger and gave it a sharp tug.

  “I like it short,” I replied.

  He lowered his eyebrows. “You look better with long hair.”

  I tried to ignore the sadness that filled me at his displeasure. My hair length had always been a distressing topic with Aleck. He wanted me to look like the other girls of the kingdom, with their long hair pulled up or braided.

  “Sorry, Aleck. I know you like long hair, but it takes too much time to brush out the tangles in the morning. Besides, shoulder length isn’t that short.”

  His smile returned, lightening his features in the dim hallway. With his dark hair hanging down just above his beautiful eyes, and the way he held me close, I couldn’t help but melt all over again.

  He placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. I closed my eyes to the magic of the moment. He often kissed me on the head like that, but the sweetness never wore off. He tried to kiss me on the lips a couple times, but I told him I wasn’t ready. It bothered me that we were getting serious so fast—and behind my parents’ backs. That didn’t stop Aleck from pushing for more, though.

  We snuck around because my parents would not approve of our courtship. Many kings used marriage as a bargaining chip to form and strengthen alliances. Aleck’s father was only captain of the king’s guard, plus romance wasn't considered important in a royal match. Still, I could never marry a man I didn't love and who didn't intrigue me. And Aleck was definitely intriguing, if not downright dangerous.

  “May I kiss you tonight?” he asked, interrupting my musings.

  “Not yet,” I whispered.

  He frowned. “Come on Snow, this is getting ridiculous.”

  “I’m not ready,” I insisted.

  “When will you ever be ready?”

  “I don’t know.” I looked down from his scowl and tried to push away.

  He pulled me closer and said softly, “I’m sorry.” He tickled my side and I giggled.

  “Shh,” he whispered, still tickling me. “Someone will hear.”

  “Stop,” I said through my laughter.

  Aleck poked me in the side once more and frowned. “Have you been eating too many pastries, young lady?”

  “What?” I put my hand where he was touching and didn’t feel any extra cushioning.

  “You’ve put on a few pounds, Snow.”

  Instantly my happiness vanished. “No, I haven’t.” I didn’t remember eating more than usual. In fact, I often went to bed hungry, so I wouldn’t gain weight.

  “Just stay away from dessert from now on,” Aleck said.

  I straightened my posture a little to disguise any bulges around my waist. “I should go back to my bedchamber now.” I sighed, wanting to be alone to wallow in my despair.

  “Don’t get offended,” he said. “I’m only trying to help.”

  “I know.” I sighed again, feeling belittled and shut down. But it was all supposed to be in my aid, wasn’t it? Why don’t I feel better about it?

  What happened to people respecting royalty? Since Aleck and I were involved now, maybe he thought he could say anything he wanted to me. Perhaps that was how it was supposed to be with people who loved each other. I decided to tu
rn the tables and see how he handled it. I’d start out with something small.

  “Dearest Aleck,” I said. “I do so wish you wouldn’t wear that waistcoat. It has a stain just there.” I pointed to a small, lip-shaped stain on his collar.

  “Nonsense. It’s my favorite coat. I’ll just have one of the servants take a rag to the stain. It’ll be fine. Anyway, you don’t have to be so rude, my chubby bunny.”

  That rankled. He could complain about my weight, but I couldn’t say anything to him?

  Next test. “I’m having a costume ball tomorrow night. I wish you to go as a fish and I will go as a fisherwoman. It will be so much fun. I’ll keep reeling you in, and you’ll keep swimming away.”

  Aleck’s laugh sounded dangerously close to mockery. “I wouldn’t be caught dead in a silly fish suit, even if you made me king. What kind of a doltish idea is that? I’ll go as something manly. Perhaps I shall go as the sun and you may be my little star.” He touched my arm. “Besides, we have meetings all day tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll be able to go to your little party. In fact, I’m certain I’ll have important guarding duties to perform. And you’ve been looking so peaked. Perhaps you need more beauty sleep. I think you had better do away with this ball idea altogether.”

  Second test failed. When he didn't want to do something with me, he always said he had to go to a meeting. Oh, Aleck.

  “I’ll get away if I can.” He leaned in and kissed me on the forehead again. “Goodbye, Snow.”

  He peeked around the corner and slipped away without another look at me.

  I returned to my bedchamber and closed the door, then slumped to the floor.

  When a soft tap sounded on the door, my heart fluttered. Maybe Aleck came back to apologize for critizing me. I opened the door a tiny crack.

  “Princess?” said an older maid as she peered at me through the crack.

  I opened the door a little more. “Yes?”

  She curtsied. “I apologize for disturbing you. May I speak with you?”


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