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Once Upon a Rainbow, Volume One

Page 25

by Mickie B. Ashling

  Savannah couldn’t help but laugh softly. “It’s been a while, remember? By the way, it’s Savannah now.” I must have looked seriously confused because she said, “My name, Tally. It’s not Sebastian anymore. It’s Savannah now.” She stood, doing a quick spin. As surprising as it was to her, I began clapping. “Bravo, sexy bitch. Bravo!”

  The two of us immediately stood, her keeping close until I steadied myself, and embraced so tightly it felt like we were cutting off one another’s breathing. Although it was initially a bit odd, I kissed Savannah right below her lips on her chin. Savannah returned the kiss with a peck on my lips. We then both began giggling uncontrollably at how silly we were being. We’d practiced kissing when we were kids, so we weren’t sure why it was slightly awkward now. It wasn’t because we were different physically, but rather because the emotions were stronger than they had ever been. We felt for one another in the way of lovers, rather than simply best friends.

  Always the aggressor as kids, I leaned forward and placed a small kiss to Savannah’s lips. I, then, let the tip of my tongue run over the middle of Savannah’s top lip. Again, Savannah snickered and leaned away coyly.

  I gently reached the back of Savannah’s head and pulled us face-to-face, our lips grazing one another’s. This time Savannah took the lead and initiated the kiss, her soft lips grazing mine. The kissing became intense, expressing the years we had waited. We could now let our true feelings for one another shine and acted like we hadn’t seen one another in years—in all actuality it had been approximately six months. It must have felt that way to Savannah as she pressed her lips a bit harder against mine. I explored the body of the woman I had loved for as long as I could remember, excitement filling me from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head. I was amazed to feel the new sensations my body had, and from Savannah’s soft groans, I thought she was too.

  It was something I’d never felt before…romantic love. My kisses went deeper to keep pace with Savannah’s. I explored her new breasts, an additional attribute that I was more than pleased with. But, at the end of the day, we would love one another despite our bodies.

  I wanted more access to my lover’s amazing body. I lifted Savannah’s soft T-shirt over her head with a sense of urgency, tossed it to the floor, then gently laid her back on the bed. Standing back for a moment, I realized I was holding my breath as I took in the beauty that lay before me. Savannah’s body was gorgeous. Her breasts called to me from the restraints of her burgundy sports bra. I took my chilled hands and ran them up the sides of Savannah’s torso. The feel of her skin was smooth and warm—save for the goose bumps covering each inch of flesh in the wake of my touch.

  The edge of the bra was easy enough for me to run my thumbs beneath, pushing it upward to expose the expertly shaped mounds of tanned flesh; each crowned with a mouthwatering salmon-colored nipple. I ran a thumb over each of the erect nipples. Savannah groaned in response, her right forearm covering her eyes momentarily before she pulled it back and focused her eyes on me. I took her left nipple into my mouth and sucked on it quickly before releasing it.

  “Tease,” Savannah spat out.

  I laughed softly, my mouth still over the nipple. My teeth raked gently over the edge of it, then popped it into my mouth again. I did it repeatedly, tantalizing Savannah until she tittered and said, “The other nipple is getting jealous, Tally.”

  Tittering, I moved to the other breast and began the teasing process all over again; this time, Savannah arched her back, offering it to me. Her moans filled my ears, causing a foreign sensation to build between my legs. They had perfected the vaginoplasty surgery so that the clitoral sensation felt was no different than any other woman. I was in awe and hoped that Savannah was experiencing something similar.

  “What is it, Savannah? Did I do something wrong?”

  She shook her head, tears building up in her eyes. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” She sat up, a combination of sadness and confusion on her face.

  “Savannah.” I used my finger to push some stray strands of hair behind her ear. “Tell me what’s going on. Please?”

  She immediately threw her arms around my neck, squeezing me so tightly that I thought I was going to lose my breath.

  “Talk to me, Savannah. We’ve known each other too long to start keeping secrets now.”

  She released me, then wiped her eyes with the back of her hands. “It’s just I don’t want to disappoint you is all. I just got you back, and if I tell you what I’m feeling, I’m fearful I’ll lose you forever.”

  I shook my head rapidly back and forth. “No, no, no. Never, Bast—Savannah.”

  She lowered her chin and muttered something about not being sure I would feel that way after she told me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into me.

  I whispered softly against her temple as I stroked her hair. “I promise that there isn’t a thing in this world you could tell me that would cause me to turn my back on you.”

  With a sigh, Savannah pulled from my hold, placed her hands on each side of my face, and stared me dead in my eyes. “So, so many people think because I had gender reassignment surgery that there had to be some sexual reason for it. That just isn’t the case. And I truly hope you won’t turn away from me like you say you won’t. I had my surgery because I am a woman despite the crappy equipment I was born with. And I’m so in love with you, but sexually…” She dropped her hands from my face, keeping her gaze locked on mine. “I’m just going to be honest with you, as honest as I know how to be.”

  “Okay. I would hope so.” I forced a nervous smile, unsure what she was trying to say to me.

  “I’m not sure I like or want to have sex at all. And it isn’t you, it’s just the way I feel about it in general.” She cast her gaze downward, chewing on her lip while she shied away from me.

  “Wait, Savannah.” I pulled her into my arms, holding her as tightly as I could. “Please don’t tell me that you would think not being interested in sex would make me love you any less?” I kissed her cheek softly.

  “Yeah, I’m concerned about it, Tally. How could I not be?”

  “How can I guarantee you that it won’t affect us in any way? I mean, do I need to swear on this book of fairy tales?”

  I was trying to get her to laugh, loosen up, not worry, and it worked. She giggled and laid her head on my chest. “You promise?” she mumbled.

  I kissed the top of her head, my voice muffled. “Yes. It’s me and you always, sex or no sex.” I inhaled the sweet smell of her hair and could, for the first time in my life, imagine a future with someone. Not just someone. I could picture a life with my best friend by my side forever.

  I WAS NERVOUS the day Savannah and I were to be joined in marriage before the entire district and dignitaries from other districts who weren’t opposed to our union. I stood in front of the mirror in my dressing area and examined myself, all ready for wedded bliss. I’d decided to leave my jet-black shoulder-length hair down. I wasn’t much into frilly stuff, so instead of the typical veil, I wore a crown of rainbow daisies. My dress was simple as well: just a plain strapless gown that swept to my ankles. I was barefooted and ready to go, save for the nerves.

  The godmothers were anxious to see me before the ceremony. They tittered and talked as they made their way into the room. “Excuse us, Princess,” the teal-dressed godmother exclaimed. “We haven’t had much of a chance to see you since you woke up, so we wanted to make sure we wished you and Princess Savannah well on your most blessed day.”

  “Yes, Princess. We’ve already seen your bride. And my, isn’t she a beautiful one.” The godmother in pink spoke nervously.

  “We also wanted to let you know that our dark sister has been captured in one of the outlying districts and will be punished to the full extent of the law. I’m sorry to disrupt your glorious day with news of her, but…” the godmother in purple mumbled.

  “More importantly, you’re awake and getting married,” the godmother in yellow excl
aimed loudly. She waddled to my side and offered an awkward hug as I half hugged her back, trying not to wrinkle my dress.

  What I didn’t expect was that the five other godmothers would follow the godmother in yellow’s lead and come to my side, then hug me as tightly as they could. After each hug, I readjusted my gown. I extended a sweet smile and a nod to each of them as they moved away.

  After the godmothers had offered me well wishes, they gathered back near the doorway. The purple-dressed godmother turned back to me. “Well, Princess, we’ll be going now. A good day and long, happy marriage to you both.” At that, all the godmothers turned on their heels and exited the room. The last closed the door behind them.

  Breathing in deeply, I turned my attention back to the mirror. “You can do this, Tally. She’s your best friend and the only person you’ve ever loved. You’ll live—” My speech of encouragement was interrupted by a knock at the door. I glanced back to find my father poking his head inside.

  “Talia, you all ready to go? Your bride is waiting for you.”

  With another deep breath, I nodded and made my way to my father’s side. As we walked down the long hall toward the portico where the ceremony would take place, with onlookers for miles below, I was on the lookout for my bride.

  Reaching the adjoining hallway that led to the balcony area, I spotted her on the arm of her father. She looked gorgeous in her flowing white gown, the gauzy veil covering her face. My face hurt from the huge smile I had on my face. I couldn’t have been more nervous or happy at that moment. The two of them met us, and our fathers handed us off so we could walk the remainder of the way hand in hand.

  Holding her hand tightly, I felt shivers move up and down my spine. She was gorgeous. I knew I was the luckiest woman in the world, and the rest of the world was about to know it as well.

  As we reached the large doors leading to the altar area, Savannah leaned over and whispered in my ear, “I love you so much.”

  I, in turn, leaned into her. “I love you right back.”

  Squeezing one another’s hands, we walked through the doors into the rest of our lives together.

  About the Author

  Ashley lives in Texas with her two chihuahua children. Daily, she bugs her daughter who just went off to college, thankful for FaceTime. When not writing, she is spending time with her best friend—her mother—watching TV/films or reading whatever she can get her hands on.



  Twitter: @AFae711


  Other books by this author

  “Seaside Escape” – short within Into the Mystic, Volume Two

  Dear Santa… (coming November 2017)

  In Search of Angels (coming April 2018)

  Little Match Girl

  Dianne Hartsock


  Another big thank-you to Jason Bradley and the wonderful editing staff at NineStar Press for helping bring Little Match Girl to life and to NineStar Press for giving my story a home.

  Chapter One

  THE DOOR CHIMED, but Christian finished wiping down the coffee machine. He wouldn’t appear too eager.

  “Hey, Christian, isn’t that your fairy?” Jordan mocked in a stage whisper from where he was adding wood to the fire. Asshole.

  Christian leaned a hip on the counter, his gaze intent on the guy sliding into the corner booth. He came to the sandwich shop almost every night right before closing time to order a coffee, rain or shine. Or like tonight, when it was beginning to snow. None of the other waiters would deal with him. Not that Christian blamed them. Dani never tipped more than fifty cents, if that much.

  That didn’t bother him. The man was beautiful, wispy blond hair cut in a pixie style around his sweet face. Big gray eyes full of shadows. Christian gave him a minute to count out his change on the glossy tabletop like he did each night and then made his way toward him around the scattered tables and sofas. The fireplace warmed the cozy seating area, empty now since most of the students from the nearby college had gone home for winter break. Wind howled at the windows, but they were snug enough inside.

  “Hi, Dani. How’s it going?” he asked like he always did.

  “I’m good,” came Dani’s standard reply in a lilting voice that made Christian’s pulse jump. Dani peered up at him, his expression somehow softer tonight, his spectacular eyes less fierce. He bit a plump lip, betraying his nerves, and Christian stifled a groan. He’d dreamed of those lips swallowing his dick only the night before.

  As if guessing his thoughts, Dani lowered his gaze, pretty color flooding his cheeks. Christ, he was gorgeous, his features neither masculine nor feminine. If Christian didn’t know for a fact he was a man, he would have thought Dani a girl tonight, despite his rough clothing. There was something decidedly sweet about him, a definite change when he showed his gentler side. Christian wondered what it would be like to have Dani in his bed in this mood. The thought of him, soft and yielding, in direct contrast to a hard cock, had Christian stiffening inconveniently. He took a seat opposite Dani in the booth to hide his interest.

  “Hi,” he said again when Dani gave him a tentative glance. “Coffee and sandwich, as usual?”

  Hunger flashed over Dani’s face, but he dropped his gaze and moved the coins on the table around with a fine-boned finger. “Only coffee, please.” His voice cracked, and he covered his eyes with a shaking hand. “I’m sorry. I barely have enough money for that. Nothing for a tip.”

  “I don’t care about that,” Christian said, leaning forward. Only then did he notice how pale Dani appeared, face pinched with cold. Surely his jacket was too thin for December? “Did you eat today?” he asked with concern and stared when Dani shrugged, noncommittal. Appalled, remembering that Dani hadn’t come in yesterday, Christian unconsciously raised his voice. “Did you eat yesterday?”

  Dani made a violent movement as if to stand. “I’ll go—”

  “Sit down, please. I’ll get your coffee,” Christian assured him, heart squeezed by the guy’s distress.

  He rose to his feet and crossed the room. Rounding the counter, he called into the tiny kitchen where his coworker was washing dishes while he pulled a mug from the cupboard over his head. “Jordan, I’m taking my break. Can you bring me a sandwich and the leftover soup?”

  Jordan looked up from the sink and sauntered over to him, drying his hands on a dishtowel. He glanced at their only customer and frowned. “What? You’re going to feed the little queer now?”

  Anger burned through Christian, and he stepped up to Jordan, lifting his chin when Jordan stared him in surprise. “Just what’s your problem with Dani?”

  The redhead blinked, and then a slight sneer curled his lips. “Sorry, man. I know you’re gay and all, but at least you’re a guy. I don’t know what that is.” Jordan flashed Dani a scowl.

  Christian balled his hand into a fist. “He’s a fucking human being, asshole. That’s all you need to know. Now, get my dinner.”

  He turned back to making the coffee, relieved when Jordan huffed but returned to the kitchen. Jordan was a big guy and could probably snap him in two, but Christian was so over the homophobic crap he dealt with in this small town. He needed to seriously consider moving back to Portland.

  Coffee made, he added steamed milk and chocolate. Dani usually had his coffee black, but he definitely needed the calories. He peered across the room and smiled. Dani was undeniably lovely in the glow from the fireplace. What was his story? Christian couldn’t remember seeing him around town, though he’d lived there almost two years, attending the local college.

  He joined Dani at the table, delighted when his eyes widened as Christian pushed the mug in front of him, mounded high with whip cream.

  “Just drink it,” he warned when Dani opened his mouth as if to protest. The color deepened in Dani’s face, but he obediently picked up a spoon. Christian watched, mesmerized, as he brought a d
ollop of cream to his mouth, the spoon passing those exquisite lips. Dani’s eyelids instantly fluttered, bliss suffusing his face, starting an ache in the pit of Christian’s gut. He imagined Dani would look like that lost in orgasm. Something he keenly wanted to see.

  Jordan approached the table, and Christian tore his gaze from Dani, frowning when Jordan put the plate he carried down with a thump.

  “Hurry and eat,” he groused. “I want to start closing the kitchen.”

  “Whatever.” Christian waved him off. Jordan had no grounds to complain, having eaten his dinner an hour ago. The turkey and cheese sandwich was grilled to a golden brown, the tomato and roasted red pepper soup hot and savory. Jordan could be a dick sometimes, but he was a marvelous cook.

  Dani stared at the plate of food then glanced away with effort. Damn, the guy must be starving. Christopher picked up half the sandwich and pushed the plate toward him. “Here. Eat up.”

  Dani appeared distressed. “I don’t have the money…”

  Christian waved that off. “Don’t worry about it. You can pay me back later.”

  Dani seemed startled, and then a sad, lost expression crossed his face, but he nodded. “Okay,” he said hoarsely and started on the sandwich. He ate slowly as if to make it last. The soup followed, and Christian tortured himself watching the slim neck work as Dani swallowed each mouthful. He bet that creamy white skin would taste like sugar under his tongue.

  Finished, Dani shyly pulled his coffee mug to him, nervously chewing his lips. Christian wanted to lean across the table and kiss those sweet confections. A pot banged in the kitchen, reminding him of the time.

  “We’ll be closing soon,” he told Dani kindly. “Why don’t you take your coffee and sit by the fire while we put things to rights?”

  Dani nodded, and Christian studied him as he crossed the room to the dwindling fire. His clothes seemed worn and hung loosely off his thin frame. Poor as a church mouse, Christian guessed. Where did he get the money for coffee every night? One of the many questions he meant to get an answer to.


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